If it is as the nine-tailed fire bird demon said, she will open the way for them to reach the deepest end of the valley.

So for the remaining part of the road, let alone encounter a few monsters and beasts, not even a fly.

"Yaya, or can you leave first and wait for us?" For some reason, Ge Wushuang suddenly felt his heart beating very fast, and he suddenly changed his mind and wanted her to turn back first.

"Ge Wushuang, haven't we already agreed a few days ago? Why do you always go back on your promises?"

"I'm not going to contradict what I said, but the terrain here is weird and monsters are rampant. I'm afraid it will hurt your life."

"Joke! If a few little monsters can make me run away in fear, then how can I hang out in Fengyun Continent in the future!"

The corner of Ling Mingyan's mouth twitched, is this girl afraid of losing face?

"In short, you don't need to say anything, you have to answer it yourself, anyway, I must find the blood spirit fruit."

"Yaya, you..."

"Hahaha~ It turns out that you are here for the blood spirit fruit. I tell you that the blood spirit fruit is mine, and no one can get it. No one can get out alive today."

Before Ge Wushuang and Wu Qingya could compete for a victory, a cold and rough male voice interrupted their dispute.

Several people looked at each other, with mixed expressions of joy and surprise. The joy was that the blood spirit fruit was here, and the surprise was that they finally came to the bottom of the valley and were about to usher in a fierce fight?

'唰唰唰' Two lights and shadows appeared, and the two women stood in front of the crowd, their faces filled with hatred and disdain at the same time.

It goes without saying that these two must be the fox demon and the nine-tailed fire bird demon.

I saw the two demons walking to a nearby pool of black water. The black stream meanders from the top of the valley and gathers here to form this pool of black water.

"Welcome big brother!"

As soon as the two spoke, the black water pool began to shake, as if something was about to emerge from it.

I saw the shadow emerging from the black water pool opened its mouth wide and sucked all the black water into its stomach, and then a humanoid 'person' stood in front of everyone.

Wu Qingya's scalp is numb, shit!What the hell is this.

It is said to be human-like only because it looks like a human body. In fact, it does not have a human body, but black sewage condensed together.

Wu Qingya frowned, why did she always feel that this breath and feeling seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it.

"Little sister, are you talking about these people?" The gloomy and rough voice sounded again, for some reason, when it 'saw' Wu Qingya, it obviously had no eyes, but felt his hostility suddenly burst out.

Everyone keenly protected Wu Qingya in the middle, is it really just because they hurt those two witches?But the person who really hurt them was not Qingya, what was wrong.

Ge Wushuang held Wu Qingya's hand, as if telling her, 'Don't be afraid, everything is mine! '

The matter has come to this, then face it, if you want to survive, you must defeat them, but why does he always feel that the aura of this monster is familiar?

Ge Wushuang lowered his eyes, it doesn't make sense!

"Quack, quack, sasasa~" until the voice sounded. . .

Such familiar and terrifying laughter squeezed out from its throat, Wu Qingya and Ge Wushuang looked at each other in shock, it was it!

Only Mingyan and Jiang Yu didn't understand why they hadn't experienced that.

"Impossible!" It was Dongdong who dispelled the thoughts of several people first, because that thing had already crushed its soul and handed it over to the underworld. It was absolutely impossible to be the dark evil spirit.

"Who are you? Is it a demon or a demon?" Dongdong pointed at it and asked arrogantly.

Although it has no face and no eyes, everyone knows that it is staring at Dongdong, because it said, "You are the reincarnation beast who took my Nether General."

Are ghosts and evil spirits its subordinates?So it is. . .

Several people opened their eyes wide, this black water shadow turned out to be the Demon Lord?But isn't the Demon Lord already out of his wits?

"Hmph! If it weren't for you and the others, I would still be able to stay quietly in the Scarlet Blood Sword and practice at this moment, why would I need to come here and make such a appearance." The devil's resentment burst out, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I always knew that there was an evil spirit living in the Scarlet Blood Sword, but I never expected that it would be a wisp of the devil's soul living in it to cultivate.

"Hahaha~ But God help me, I didn't expect this place to be a gathering place for several demon clans who were left behind after being knocked down, and I didn't expect that there would be a blood spirit fruit here that can grow bones to shape a body, hahaha!"

It turned out that he actually wanted to use the spiritual power of the blood spirit fruit to reshape his body. Several people were shocked, how could it be done.

Thousands of years ago, if it wasn't for the evil king, who instigated the ignorant and greedy human beings to provoke a war, how could there be such a heavy loss.

Now if he is allowed to reshape his body again, I don't know how many innocent people will be harmed, let alone what kind of misery it will bring.

"Want to reshape your body? Hmph! Go ahead and make your spring and autumn dream come true!" Wu Qingya raised her vindictiveness and hit him, hitting a dark group of demon kings in the middle.

Unexpectedly, the shape that was punched into a hollow condensed together again, "Hahaha~ It's up to you? If you hand over the Tianhun and Fengwu Crystal Soul to me obediently, I will consider leaving you as a whole corpse."

Wu Qingya's eyes darkened, it temporarily lived in the Scarlet Blood Sword during the fierce battle with the dark evil spirit, so it was not surprising that it knew that it had the Phoenix Wu Crystal Soul, but it did not expect that it even knew that it had the Heavenly Soul, yes Because at that time, did you already know about passing through Ghost Valley?Or is it just blackmailing itself?

Ge Wushuang grabs Wu Qingya, if it knows that Yaya has a heavenly soul, it will definitely be bad for Yaya.

Whole body?Is it so sure that it can really compete against so many people with its naked body?

Wu Qingya took a look at Ling Mingyan, Ling Mingyan nodded lightly and then jumped away with Jiang Yu.

Not good, they are going to find the blood spirit fruit, the Demon Lord roared, "Stop them!"

Fox Demon and Fire Bird chased after them.

"Hmph! Leave it to us!" Wuqing Yage Wushuang and all the beasts joined hands to surround it.

A lot of grudges hit it, but it was scattered and then condensed.

"Hahaha! It seems that there are advantages to not having a physical body. You can't beat me to death, hahaha~"

Wu Qingya narrowed her eyes, what is the mystery?His eyes suddenly looked at the pool that had dried up, it came out of it, could it be said. . .

Seeing Wu Qingya's expression, Ge Wushuang immediately came to his senses. This black water pool must have something to do with the blood spirit fruit.

Suddenly, he saw a thick tree root protruding from the pool, "Wushuang, pull out that tree root and see where it connects."

Realizing that they had spotted the clue, the Demon Lord was startled, "Heh!" With a roar, puffs of black smoke hit Wu Qingya.

Wu Qingya's whole body was immediately surrounded by black smoke, as if she was tied up by a rope, unable to move, the more she struggled, the more unbearable the pain became.

"Quick, go help Wushuang!" Wu Qingya ordered to the beasts who ran to her side to help her.

Immediately afterwards, only Xiao Hei and a big black bear were left watching Wu Qingya vigilantly, but it was a pity that it could only watch Wu Qingya helplessly in the black smoke, helpless.

-Preview of the next episode: Demonic energy pouring out, the queen? -

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