Wu Ling stamped her foot unwillingly, and then put away the weapon in her hand resentfully.

After winking at Wu De, he walked towards the eldest lady, and when passing by Lian Yi and Mo Rouqing, who were huddled aside, he did not forget to stare fiercely, "What are you looking at, I will clean you up after Dad cleans up that little bitch! "

She has already decided that today she must wipe out all those people who dislike her, "Father, you must kill Wu Qingya, a bitch, to avenge me, my mother, and my brother's fingers!"

Hearing Wu Ling's words, Wu Xingming's hatred became more and more obvious.

Yes, why did he forget, and Wude's finger was also broken by her, let's settle the old and new scores together today!

"Ling'er, don't worry, leave it to Dad."

It has to be said that compared to many people who only consider exchanging their daughter's fate for their own future, Wu Xingming is also a good father in a sense.

It's a pity that no matter how good someone else's father is, what does it have to do with me?Wu Qingya sneered in her heart.

Wu Xingming condensed a strong fighting spirit all over his body, but Wu Qingya sneered with a mighty breath, "Yo~ Youdao is really a father-daughter relationship! Then let me take a good look at today's What an amazing ability to dance."

"Even with bare hands, this old man can teach you a lesson, you brat."

"Stop talking nonsense!" As soon as the words fell, Wu Qingya pulled out Yitian out of thin air. She didn't intend to show the ghost staff in front of people, so even using the Yitian sword was enough to deal with it.

They were clearly in the hall, and there was obviously no wind, but the strong fighting and sword energy of the two caused gusts of wind. At this time, the hall of Xiangfu was in a mess.

"Ah! My treasure, it was given by the emperor." The lady lying on the side actually still cared about her broken porcelain treasures.

Wu Qingya's mouth curled into a naughty smile, every move seemed to deliberately smash the porcelain in the room to pieces.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned by her martial arts, especially Wu Xingming, who was at the level of Wuzun, she was able to easily resolve every move she made, what does this prove!

Could it be that he is about the same ability as himself?This thought made Wu Xingming hiss for a while, how could this be possible at her young age, he had tested her ability before.

Or, did she encounter any chance when she went out this time?

The two hit each other in mid-air, fell down and returned to mid-air, Wu Xingming squinted his eyes and thought about something.

He didn't believe that this stinky girl could reach the level of a sage, so let him use the ability of a sage to let her see what it means to be a real strong.

Accompanied by a loud roar, Wu Xingming's feet lit up with light, which is a figure that only appears at the level of the venerable.

Wu Qingya was taken aback for a moment, the information she got before said that Wu Xingming was at the beginning level of Wu Zun, but she never expected that he is now at the middle level.

His eyes were dark, it seemed that he had hidden his strength before, otherwise he would have no ability to improve so much in such a short period of time based on normality.

I thought to myself, fortunately, I went to the underworld this time, otherwise, if she was one-on-one, she would definitely die in this battle, but even if she has broken through the ranks of Shuzun and Jianzun, she is only at the beginning level, competing with the middle level Undoubtedly seriously injured.

But so what, she is still not afraid of him, because she just has that awesome ability to despise him, and her beasts will kill people without paying for their lives.

Seeing Wu Qingya's 'pale pale' expression, everyone thought she was frightened, and in an instant, complacency filled everyone's faces.

snort!Only now do you know that you are afraid?late!See if my father blows you up until you can't even find your bones, Wu Ling is the happiest person at this moment.

Wu Qingya just stared blankly at Wu Xingming's vindictiveness, without any reaction at all. In the eyes of everyone, she was so frightened that she didn't make any resistance movements.

Of course, everyone knew that even if she took some action, it would not help.

Wu Qingya didn't react suddenly until Wu Xingming beat out her grudge.

With a bang, Lianyi and Mo Rouqing covered their eyes with their palms, as if they couldn't bear to look at the bloody scene.

Immediately afterwards there was the same 'bang' sound, but Wu Xingming's cry of pain reached everyone's ears, and then he was blown out and hit the table.

How...how is this possible!

The eyes of the crowd were bigger than the eyes of a bull.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him.

With a disdainful smile, Wu Qingya inserted the Yitian sword into the scabbard with a handsome movement. She herself stood there without any damage, but Wu Xingming was knocked to the ground.

"Wu Qingya, you bitch, what kind of sorcery did you use!" Wu Ling looked at everything in disbelief, and suddenly such a thought flashed in her mind.

witchcraft?Wu Qingya hooked the left corner of her mouth.

A certain dragon in the soul space was upset when he heard this, [Mother ruined her!This woman dared to underestimate my power of the underworld. 】

Just now, a white light covered Wu Qingya's body just collided with Wu Xingming's fighting spirit, so Qingya was fine, but Wu Xingming was thrown out by the rebound.

Wu Qingya didn't look at Wu Ling, but she saw her finger pointing at her out of the corner of her eye, and if she didn't make a mistake, since she walked into the hall until now, this unruly woman has scolded her four times bitch.

Damn it! !

Wu Qingya didn't have any expression on her face, but the movements of her hands were so fast that people couldn't react at all.

Until a few severed fingers flew in the air and fell to the ground accompanied by blood drops.

Even when everyone found that Wu Ling's finger had been cut off alive, the person whose finger was cut off didn't even cry out in pain.

Is it too fast?So the pain has not had time to convey to her nerves.

"Ah! My hand, my hand~"

That bloody hand was displayed in everyone's eyes, obviously only pointing at Wu Qingya with one index finger, but the four neat fingers were cut off, reaching to the root of the finger.

Wu Xingming didn't say a word, he had seen Wu Qingya's cruelty countless times, if he didn't kill her today, there would be endless troubles.

One turned over and flew out of the hall, "Wu Qingya, if you have the ability, come outside and compete with the old man."

Tch~ Wu Qingya has an indifferent face, it doesn't matter where you fight, don't you think you won't lose if you change to a wider place?

"Come on, come on, am I still afraid that you will fail?"

Wu Qingya was walking behind so that she didn't see the sinister look on Wu Xingming's face. That cold gaze stared straight ahead and strode away. Wu Qingya, no matter how good you are, I believe that today must be yours Death!

*Qianmo thank you Lord Shouchun for the monthly ticket, you are too kind, Lord Qianmo said o(n_n)o *

-Preview of the next episode: Surprised by the ancient dragon-

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