Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 173 Inner Dialogue Between Men

"You... when..." Helian Liancheng felt that not only was his heart blocked, but he couldn't even ask the question completely in his throat.

He suddenly understood why Ya'er agreed to go to Lanling with him to celebrate Ge Litian's wedding, suddenly understood why Ya'er was so abnormal that day, and suddenly he understood why Ge Litian On the day of the big wedding ceremony, Ya'er left suddenly, and at the same time, such things would happen at the ceremony, all of that was not a coincidence.

Bloody was also stunned when he stepped into the room, why did Mr. Wushuang return to the appearance of Prince Chengge Litian? Could it be... Bloody looked at him in shock, did he want to announce his identity to the public?

After thinking about it, it's not right, this is clearly not the breath of Mr. Wushuang, so it can only prove that the person in front of him is Bai Xue, and he searched the room without leaving a trace.

"Long time no see, Prince Liancheng!" As soon as the words finished, another person came out from behind Wu Qingya's curtain.

"Master Wushuang?" Helian Liancheng's faint anger was revealed. This person is actually hiding in Ya'er's house. What's the situation?

Wait, after looking at Bloody's helpless expression, Helian Liancheng narrowed his eyes, as if Bloody knew everything.

"Who can tell me what the hell is going on?"

Ge Wushuang smiled slightly, and nodded to Bai Xue who had turned into Ge Litian, only to see that Bai Xue had disappeared with a 'shua'.

Helian Liancheng was even more puzzled now, a shocking thought flashed into his mind, and then he cast his incredulous eyes on Ge Wushuang.

"His Royal Highness Liancheng did not misread or guessed wrongly. Ge Litian is me, and the person who has always played the role of Ge Litian is my soul contract beast."

For a simple explanation, Helian Liancheng already understood, so Ge ​​Wushuang is telling himself that he has known Ya'er a long time ago, right?Because Wu Qingya was once named Wuxin because of Wushuang.

"Did you know her earlier than me?" Helian Liancheng looked a little decadent, and walked slowly to the bedside to look at Wu Qingya, who was pale. Lying lifelessly on the bed was nothing like the Wu Qingya he knew.

"I think so!"

"When she agreed to go to Lanling with me to attend your wedding, she probably didn't know that you were Ge Litian?"


"Then you obviously like her, why did you marry another woman?" Helian Liancheng's eyes were red when he said this, even a little hysterical.

"I didn't marry another woman. I swore that I would not marry her in this life, and there would be no one else but her."

Helian Liancheng took a step back, not sure whether he was hurt by Ge Wushuang's seriousness or shocked by what he said, yes~ what right do I have to question others, if Ge Litian can do it in this life, it's not for her not to marry and not to marry There will be others, but myself, who is also the future prince, cannot.

Look at Wu Qingya, so~ is this why you choose him instead of me?But isn't he also the crown prince?He also has that burden and responsibility.

"You are the future king of Lanling, why can you promise her like this?" Helian Liancheng didn't know what kind of mentality he was in. In short, he was damn jealous, why did he dare to promise her like this, the future king would also have When he can't help himself, doesn't he need to fill the harem to balance the forces of all parties in the court?

He doesn't believe it!He selfishly hoped that what Ge Litian was telling was a lie.

Ge Wushuang understood his doubts, and was not angry with his angry and unwilling eyes of questioning, but said very seriously, "I have no right to give up my father's country, because I am the only heir."

The corner of Helian Liancheng's mouth curled up, and a look of disdainful ridicule appeared on his face. How high-sounding the words are, but still can't let go of power?He knew that what he just said was a disguise, and he must tear off his mask of disguise in front of Ya'er.

"However, if she is willing to govern my country with me, then I will share weal and woe with her, and there will only be her in my harem."

Helian Liancheng sneered slightly, "Haha~ Gelitian, Gelitian, it seems that you don't know her well, she doesn't like life in the palace at all, don't you know?"

Heh~ How could he not know, although she never said it clearly, but he understood her, "If she is not willing, if she still likes to roam freely between the world and the earth, I can give up the whole country for her, I will choose A suitable heir will govern Lanling. As for the future Lanling’s surname, I don’t think it matters. As long as it is still my land in Lanling, as long as he can bring me a smooth life for the people of Lanling, I think this is my Lanling. The original intention of mausoleum royal family, I believe my ancestors and my father can understand me."

"You..." Helian Liancheng opened his mouth wide and looked at him in disbelief. Is he crazy?Where did he come up with these thoughts and remarks?Doesn't he know that this is treason? "What if they don't understand or forgive you?"

Ge Wushuang looked at him and said word by word, "Then I will still choose this way, but after I die, I will admit my mistake in front of my ancestors and accept their scolding."

Bloody also looked at him with his mouth wide open. Unlike Helian Liancheng, his face was full of surprises and his eyes were full of satisfaction.With such a person by Xiao Ya'er's side, he sincerely wanted to bless her.

What everyone didn't see was that the woman lying on the bed twitched her eyelashes slightly. She was still asleep, but she was dreaming at the moment. She dreamed that Ge Wushuang told her, "If you are willing to rule my country with me, Then I will share weal and woe with you, and there will only be you in my harem."

"If you still like to roam freely between the heavens and the earth, I can give up the whole country for you. The place with you is my home."

The tears in the left eye slipped down along with the scene in the dream...

No one spoke in the house for a long time, and the boudoir was so quiet that even a drop of an embroidery needle could be heard very clearly.

After a long time, Helian Liancheng took a deep look at the person on the bed, then at Ge Wushuang, and then at Bloody...

Suddenly he understood a lot. If he let go reluctantly before, now he let go willingly.

He admired the man in front of him, and thought to himself that if it was him, he would never be able to say such a thing. If Wu Qingya was willing to be with him, he would definitely pamper her in his heart and hold her in the palm of his hand, but he couldn't do it alone. He couldn't give up that supreme position for her, he asked himself that he didn't have the courage.

Looking at Bloody again, although this man is a divine beast and her contracted beast, as a man, he can feel his buried deep feelings for Wu Qingya Namo, and his feelings are also selfless and worthy of respect, even Bloody is even more selfless than himself, what right does he have to own her.

"I understand, I wish you all the best! Maybe it's true, as she once said, she is not the right person for me. Leave the matter of Wu Xingming to me!" After speaking, she turned and strode away without looking at anyone again.

"Don't worry, unless you announce your identity to the world, I will never reveal a word." Helian Liancheng's voice came from outside the house, he said the secret of Ge Litian and Ge Wushuang.

Tonight is destined to be an eventful night~

Tonight is a sad night, because someone can't sleep again~

Tonight was also a beautiful night, at least many things surfaced and there was a showdown, and Ge Wushuang cleverly 'solved' his rival in love.

-Preview for the next episode: Marriage Proposal and Ring-

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