Fortunately, Wu Liming shook his head lightly. In fact, his body had already dried up. Wu Xingming used sorcery and drugs to maintain the existence of this body for so many years.

As for those wounds that have long since healed, the pain?He was already numb, so why did he feel the pain?It's just that it's true that I'm extremely uncomfortable with this body that can move except for the neck.

Wu Qingya reached out and wiped the tears on her face fiercely, "Father, don't worry, as long as your soul returns, I will definitely find a way to make your body recover."

When Wu Qingya said this, she felt a little lack of confidence, because his disability was too serious, and there was no way to tell the truth.

In fact, it's not that she hasn't questioned her choice. Wouldn't it be too cruel to bring him back to his body?But just because his soul will disappear if he doesn't come back, she can only make the most beneficial choice.

"Okay, let's all go back!"

"Take Wu Xingming back temporarily, Ya'er, since uncle is back now, you should rest well, and you can find me if you need anything." Helian Liancheng nodded slightly at the few people and was about to leave.

Wu Qingya was about to thank her, but she keenly sensed that something was wrong with Wu Liming.

Although he couldn't make any sound, his face was twitching, and even his whole body was twitching. The muscles on his face kept shaking, and then his neck, shoulders, and even the incompleteness under the cover of his clothes could be guessed. The body is also shaking constantly, as if something is surging inside and wants to find a breakthrough to rush out.

"Father, what happened to you, dad? What happened to you? Wu Xingming, what did you do to my dad?"

Wu Qingya shouted hysterically, her eyes were full of panic.

"Yaya, calm down, calm down."

"How do you tell me to calm down! Wu Xingming, you say it, you say it!" Wu Qingya shook off Ge Wushuang's hand and strode to Wu Xingming's side, grabbing his shoulders and shaking, but the more On the contrary, Shake felt that his eyes were getting dizzy.

Wu Xingming was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect such an abnormality to happen suddenly, seeing Wu Qingya's almost crazy expression and Wu Liming's painful convulsions, Wu Xingming laughed happily, and his laughter echoed in the The empty night sky has not dissipated for a long time.

Immediately he figured it out, "God helped me! I never expected that the Gu worms I planted in his body to feed him would come alive with the return of his soul, let alone the day of his return." It's the day of his death, hahaha~ Wu Liming, Wu Liming, I didn't expect you to die in the hands of your own precious daughter, your adopted daughter, hahaha~"

"What did you say!" Helian Liancheng pulled Wu Xingming into his hands, gritted his teeth as if wishing he could kill him right now.

Wu Qingya's gaze was distracted, and she took a few steps back in big strides, but fortunately she was supported by Ge Wushuang.

She pressed Wu Liming with trembling hands, what to do, what to do, is there any way to prevent father from being in such pain, is there any way to save him, my God!Who will tell her what to do.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the incident happened in an instant, and there was no time for anyone to respond.

"Ah!" Accompanied by different exclamations, Ge Wushuang took the lead in pulling Wu Qingya into his arms and flew away from the source of the explosion.

In an instant, the world turned pale, and everyone looked at the fragmented pieces of meat and clothes all over the floor like mummies.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Wu Qingya's voice almost changed...

"Ah~~~~~" Immediately afterwards, the scream that could not be stopped, a voice full of rage, pain, and misery came from Wu Qingya's throat, no matter how Ge Wushuang Bloody Dongdong and others tried to appease her, she couldn't stop it down.

"Hahaha~ It exploded? It exploded to the point that there were no bones left, hahaha~ It's so satisfying!" Wu Xingming laughed heartily again, which was in stark contrast to Wu Qingya's painful voice.

Ge Wushuang's eyes changed, and he hugged Wu Qingya with one hand and condensed his fighting spirit with the other hand.

'Boom', 'Boom', 'Boom'... Different battle qi colors and different battle qi ranks burst out from different hands, but they all went towards one person, Wu Xingming.

Ge Wushuang, Helian, Liancheng, bloody Dongdong, Jinmeng, and Xiaohei looked at the charred corpse with a gloomy face. He dared to laugh. I'll make you laugh...

However, the culprit is dead, why no one can be happy.

Wu Qingya broke free from Ge Wushuang's hand, and crazily rushed towards the pieces of shattered flesh and bones, shouting "Dad, Dad", knelt on the ground with trembling hands and kept shaking the pieces of the ground. 'Pick it up.

"Yaya, calm down! Uncle has already left, can't you see ghosts? He must be looking at you right now, and he will be very sad to see you like this. Don't do this."

While comforting her loudly, Ge Wushuang hugged her vigorously, intending to stop her movements. Every movement of hers beat everyone's hearts fiercely, and every movement of her made people feel distressed.

Ge Wushuang's words undoubtedly played a role, Wu Qingya suddenly stopped struggling, but looked around eagerly looking for something.

"Mother, quickly activate the power of the underworld." Dongdong has clearly seen Wu Liming's soul, but he is worried that he has started to fade away.

"Father~" Wu Qingya stood up with a 'bass', and called out to the empty place. No one thought she was crazy, because they all knew that she must have seen Wu Liming's dead soul at this time.

"Stupid child, this is a kind of relief for father. Don't be sad, but without the company of father and mother, you must live well." Wu Liming felt a huge force calling him, he knew He was about to go where he was supposed to go.

"I like the child Wushuang very much. By the way, Shizi Ming, please tell everyone for me. Thank you everyone. I have entrusted Ya'er to you. Please tell Wushuang to protect Ya'er."

Wu Liming walked into Wu Qingya's side, and 'touched' her head again, "Son, I'm going to find your mother, don't be sad, remember what Dad said."

"Father~~ No!" A mouthful of blood spewed out from her mouth, and with Wu Liming's departure, Wu Qingya saw that the pieces of meat in her hand suddenly collapsed.

"Ah!" With a roar, Dongdong suddenly remembered something, and said "Oops!" Before he could say it, everyone looked at Wu Qingya's change in horror.

A black breath emanated from the top of her head, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" Then a powerful evil breath emanated from her body.

"It's over, demonic energy!" Dongdong screamed, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Ge Wushuang didn't even want to knock her out all at once, no matter it was due to lack of energy or other reasons, Wu Qingya was just like this. He passed out and fell into Ge Wushuang's arms.

There is no need to ask more questions, let alone Dongdong's explanation. Except for Helian Liancheng and his two guards, everyone else understands what Dongdong just meant, and knows the seriousness it brings.

Helian Liancheng's heart was flustered, he never imagined how today's events would turn into such a situation, and what happened to Ya'er? "Ya'er, she..."

"I don't have time to explain to you. Remember not to reveal anything about today." Ge Wushuang glanced at the guards around him, and then disappeared with Wu Qingya and Bloody in his arms.

"You didn't see or hear anything about what happened today. If I knew that there was a half rumor..." How could Helian Liancheng not understand what Ge Wushuang meant? If the two guards were not his confidantes, he would never have adopted Intimidate but kill.

"Your Highness, please rest assured! Your subordinates have not seen or heard anything!"

Helian Liancheng squinted his eyes and looked towards the distance where there was no figure, Ya'er, you must be safe.

-Preview for the next episode: Struggle with Demonic Qi-

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