Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 202 Seabed Array

"The person just now was Xiao Ya'er, right? I read it right, right?" Bloody's surprised and nervous voice was intertwined, but it was only because the scene just now was too fast, and several people were blocked by the pouring sea water It's hard to see clearly, but the figure is too similar.

"No, I want to go down and have a look!" Ge Wushuang was about to fly up while speaking, but was grabbed by Gu Long, Wu Ying and Wu Xing, "Gu Long?" also…

"His Royal Highness, it's not Gu Long who wants to stop you from looking for the dancing girl, but this matter is too risky. Besides, we all just think that the fleeting figure looks like a dancing girl, but it doesn't have to be."

Ge Wushuang was slightly taken aback, but immediately refuted his words, "I still say that, whether it is or not, I have to figure it out. If it is really Yaya, then I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life."

"But Your Highness..." Wuying was entangled invisibly, His Highness was burdened with a lot of things, how would they explain to the emperor in case something happened to them.

"His Royal Highness, let me go!"

"Wu Shuang, you stay here, I'll go down and have a look." Bloody's thoughts are the same as Ge Wushuang's, but he can also understand Gu Long's Wuying Wutang's approach. After all, Ge Wushuang has too many burdens on him, but he is different .

"No, I'll go! Bloody, you stay here, you don't have to worry about Bai Xue by my side, and if there is any situation with Xiao Hei staying by your side, I will contact Xiao Hei in time to let him know."

Gu Long can fly all over the world and be like the sea. He can understand that he wants to go to the sea instead of Ge Wushuang, but Bloody and the others are absolutely impossible. They are beasts on land. Lasting for too long, all things have their own laws of survival, which cannot be changed by human power, so even they are no exception.

Xiao Hei nodded cautiously to his advice, seeing that everyone had no objection, Ge Wushuang stopped talking and swam quickly towards the sea.

He believes that everyone's hearts must be extremely complicated at the moment, they both hope that the figure is Wu Qingya and hope it is not, and he is not like this, besides, he knows better than anyone that Wu Qingya is afraid of water, and even more afraid of blood, so, God, please bless, if it is her, don't let her encounter blood.

However, what Ling Ge Wushuang never expected was that the blood that he and Wu Qingya had been repelling turned out to be the thing that really awakened Wu Qingya's heart and memory, and it was from then on that she finally truly overcome her inner obstacles.


In the process of diving into the deep sea, Ge Wushuang looked at all directions and listened to all directions, carefully searching for the figure, but unfortunately there was no trace left.

Swimming under the deep sea, he didn't know where he was swimming, but what puzzled him was that he was always going vertically downward, and logically speaking, he would not deviate from the track, so why couldn't he find it?


Ge Wushuang's eyes quickly searched for possible places around, unless there is a hidden mechanism nearby that can lead to a certain place, or there is a different cave in the bottom of the sea, otherwise how could it disappear for no reason under the calm sea? ?

After sorting out his thoughts clearly, Dang Ge Wushuang observed the surrounding illusion vigilantly and found the clue.The sea water in his range is still. It is inevitable to say that the deep sea is different from the fluctuations on the sea surface, but this kind of quiet and water-like calm is like being on the ground rather than in the water.

Could it be?A bold idea suddenly jumped into my mind.

"Bai Xue, do you think there's anything wrong here?" Ge Wushuang frowned and looked around, just as he finished speaking, he saw Bai Xue in the soul space standing beside him.

"There are air fluctuations here, and the water doesn't look like real water, but rather..."



The same idea popped out of the two mouths, and the new clue made Ge Wushuang feel much clearer, but he didn't know how to break this formation?

"This kind of formation doesn't look too difficult. It should be of the beast type, but I don't know what type it belongs to." If she knows its type, Bai Xue believes that she has the ability to break it.

Each formation has its own origin, just like the fox formation that Ge Wushuang once encountered in the Magical Valley belongs to the demon system, and all the formations include the fairy system, demon system, and beast in addition to the demon system. Department, Human Department, Elf Department...

At the same time, each series also includes five sub-categories of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Once split up and made wrong, it may be self-defeating, so this is why Baixue dare not try it rashly.

While the two were trying their best, they suddenly heard the sound of violent fighting nearby, but it was a pity that they could only hear the sound but not the person.

Bai Xue and Ge Wushuang looked at each other, the sound and breath were clearly nearby, but why they couldn't see the fighting scene, this could only explain one problem: that is, they really guessed right, this place was raped by the beasts belonging to this place. Formation, so the sound of fighting comes from the formation, so they who are outside the formation can't see the situation inside.

They reached an agreement in their minds, and when they were about to give it a go, a snake and a turtle jumped out of the 'wave' on the side, wrestling and entangled together.

"You old bastard, if you want to get mad at me, you can do something to a girl." Sea God Turtle was obviously very worried about the fact that the water snake beat Wu Qingya to the bottom of the sea.

There was no embarrassment on Hai Snake's face at all, but it was taken for granted, "Who made her so overwhelmed?"

"I knew you, an old bastard, would not abide by the agreement. You said that you can only fight on the surface of the water and not go down the water. This is good. Although she passed out, it is typical for you to break the agreement."

The sea snake's expression was unnatural for a moment. It knew that the Sea God Turtle was really angry, and it knew in its heart that it hadn't kept its promise, but it wouldn't admit it when it was killed.

How could that work? After admitting it, how could that girl let it go? She absolutely had to submit herself to the sea god turtle, an old man, no, absolutely no!

The words of the sea snake and the sea turtle fell into the ears of Bai Xue and Ge Wushuang verbatim. Ge Wushuang was overjoyed but didn't show it easily. Seniors, where is the girl who fell down just now? Seniors, please let me know."

Such two living people were standing next to them, no matter how fiercely they were fighting, it was impossible not to see them, but they forcibly and automatically ignored the two of them.It wasn't until Ge Wushuang spoke that the two beasts withdrew their grudges and both looked at him carefully. When they saw the same peerless faces of the two, they were slightly taken aback, but after all, they were beasts who had seen the world. , and did not reveal much surprise.

"Are you here to find that girl?" It was Sea God Turtle who spoke first. This man looked extraordinary, and most importantly, he gave people a very comfortable feeling at first sight.

For some reason, it inexplicably compared the man in black with this man.If that girl stood with this man, it would definitely match better than that cold man.

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