Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 211 Entering Her Pain Together Chapter 1 Accompanying Her

When Ming Rui and Xiao Hei came back, although they had a big wooden basin in their hands, Ming Rui also had other bruises on his face and body.

"How is this going?"

"The seventh prince bets with other princes that whoever wins the fight can make a request, so..." Xiao Hei replied sullenly, and he was also very depressed because he was hiding beside him but couldn't help.

"Master Wushuang and Xiao Hei don't need to worry about it, this kind of thing happens often." Ming Rui shrugged indifferently, anyway, he was used to such things.

"By the way, you don't know that we have a rule here. There are often fighting arenas set up between orcs. It can be a formal official fight or an informal private fight. The fighting method cannot use spiritual power and fighting energy. Hand-to-hand combat relies on physical strength and skill, and the loser must agree to a request from the winner."

"So, you won this?" Ge Wushuang pointed at the wooden basin.

Xiao Hei nodded, "Because he said that only in this way is it not easy to be suspected."

"If I say I need a tub for bathing, they will only give me a small tub even if they really give it to me. If you want to have such a big tub, you can only win it by force." Although Ming Rui's face was beaten blue One piece is purple and the other is purple, but looking at his smug face, one can guess that the other party must have been seriously injured.

Bloody thought to himself why such an outstanding child, the ruler of the orcs in the Northern Continent, didn't find out?Or is there another secret?

The same is true for Ge Wushuang, who has something in his heart but his expression remains the same.

Ge Wushuang tried the temperature of the water, and the lukewarm water was just right, neither too cold nor too hot for her.

He picked Wu Qingya up and put her into the water gently, and then untied her acupoints. If it wasn't for sealing her acupoints, she would have woken up a long time ago. Before everything was ready, they could only use this method to 'sleep' Live 'her.

Wu Qingya's consciousness is slowly awakening, and the body sitting in the wooden barrel is also gradually sliding down. When her head is about to submerge in the water, two buckets of water are poured from the hands of Ge Wushuang and Bloody respectively. Go in and fill the barrel just right.

Immediately afterwards, Ge Wushuang sealed the opening above the big basin with spiritual energy, which would not affect the circulation of the air, but once Wu Qingya stood up, she would be bounced off. This was done to ensure that her whole body would not be immersed in the water and struggling .

This is not over yet, Ge Wushuang is gesticulating with his eyes closed and muttering words in his mouth at the same time. He wants to set up an illusion for her, an illusion of being in a vast pool, so that she can feel like she is there.Although it would be very painful for her, but for her, they had no choice.Just hope that such a method can not be used wrong.

Looking at each other with complex expressions, Bloody and Ge Wushuang flew to the roof. In order to give her a quiet illusion without any disturbance, Song Wushuang and Bloody could only hide.The Shadowless Yin Yi and Ming Rui stayed in the yard outside. Although Ming Rui's place was rarely visited by people, it was better to be cautious just in case.

When Wu Qingya came to her senses and realized that she was in the water, she suddenly woke up completely.

Ge Wushuang and Bloody kept looking down with painful eyes, and saw that she was struggling constantly, and gradually, her eyes changed from clear to full of fear...

Ge Wushuang and Bloody tightly clenched their fists, but their clenched minds were equally tense and painful, because they didn't know what she was going through at this moment, but the pain was powerless.But one thing is at least gratifying, that is, setting up this illusion undoubtedly brought her back to the memory she feared, and she only hoped that this memory could wake her up.

"Ah! Mom~ Don't hit my mother!" The whipping of the drunk man echoed in her ears.

Ge Wushuang nodded at Bloody, and with a wave of his hand, a stream of bloody red flowed down from the top of the roof, penetrating from the top of the water, and then layers of silky red began to bloom in the originally clear water, and then chicken blood and water source Mixed into one, although it is not thick blood, but the traces of deep red and bloody smell are enough to stimulate Wu Qingya's brain thinking.

"I'm going to kill you!" Wu Qingya waved her arms wildly, as if she was using some sharp weapon to assassinate someone.

"You are not my father, you are a murderer, a murderer! I will kill you, kill you!"

Others say that their own pain can only be borne by themselves, and no one will understand how painful your pain is.

However, Ge Wushuang and Bloody want to say: Seeing Wu Qingya's every move, every painful expression affects their hearts, although they don't know what the father and mother she is talking about, but they are as smart as they seem to be able to guess , the so-called mother is the mother, and the father is the father.

Seeing her father kill her mother with her own eyes, it should be by a pool, which made her very afraid of water, and even more afraid of the blood filled in the water.

"Wushuang, can you transfer the illusion to us? I think..." Bloody swallowed in pain. He felt that his throat was burning like a pain, so the words he spoke were hoarse.

After a moment of contemplation, Ge Wushuang finally nodded. If this is the case, it will require a lot of his own spiritual and soul power, but he can hold it.He didn't care about the request for soul power. His hesitation was just because he was considering whether to enter Yaya's memory world without her permission. He knew that Bloody's request just now was also for this reason.

A colored ray of light pierced through his hands, one hand supported the bloody shoulder, and the other hand shot the ray of light onto Wu Qingya below.

For a moment, the expressions of the two were extremely surprised.

It was a place they had never seen before. The buildings, surrounding objects, and people's clothes were all new to them. Obviously, this place did not belong to any place in Fengyun Continent.

Is this her other world?

Wu Qingya's memories were repeated over and over again, from the time when the almost naked woman was whipped by a drunk, from when she secretly hid in the flowers and watched her run out, to her little pink stumbling She ran to the edge of the pool, fell into the pool after being whipped by the man severely, then the woman struggled frantically to protect her, and then died at the bottom of the pool... not long after, she killed herself with a dagger. He, and stabbed him countless times.

Just repeating the same dream memory over and over again, I can't get out of this nightmare...

"Oops, what should I do?"

"Wait a little longer!" Ge Wushuang's eyes were fixed on her, and every look was not allowed to be missed.Although her memories never jumped out of here, she found that the expression on her face eased each time.

Finally, after going through countless repetitions, when the dagger was stabbed into the man's belly...

Wu Qingya's eyes opened 'swish', but before Ge Wushuang and Bloody could be surprised, she closed them again quickly.

But this time, following her mental memory in the illusion, Bloody and Song Wushuang saw her run away quickly, and then met a woman, her master, and then saw her training, hardships, tasks, compensation, assassination...

Until he crashed and died on the way back from a training session.

With a 'shua~', this time, her eyes finally opened, completely opened!

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