Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 219 come on baby

The orc who came out attracted everyone's attention. It had black hair all over its head and face. It had a typical animal-faced human body, and it was also a typical lower-class people of the Northern Continent.

The orc with a bear face and a height of more than two meters is gradually walking towards the ring. Although his every step is not yet earth-shattering, it is already shocking.

When the bear-faced orcs stepped onto the fighting arena, the real contrast of strength and weakness was revealed at this time. Although Wu Qingya was above average among human women, when a tall and powerful orc stood opposite him, it was even more so. What was frightening was his powerful muscles, so strong that even a man with good physical fitness would not have much confidence in winning against it, let alone a slender woman?

The orc lowered his head and looked at the 'little man' in front of him with disdain. Is this the little lady who proposed to challenge the third prince?This human being is too ridiculous, right?Has human beings reached such a point of arrogance?Although the level of the orcs is not as good as other races, does she think that only the division of levels can protect her?

With just a momentary display of aura, bursts of boos and discussions erupted from the crowd of onlookers, and one could guess what they were talking about without listening carefully.

In their eyes, it seems that this hand-to-hand combat has already become qualitative in their eyes.

They seem to be saying: have you started?It has ended!

They seem to have foreseen the bloody and horrible appearance of this human being being trampled into meatloaf by those big feet or beaten into meat paste by big fists.

"You are the one who wants to challenge our prince?" Even if you don't look at its expression, you can hear how dismissive it is for the person in front of it just from its tone.

"Nonsense, what's the problem?" Wu Qingya asked fearlessly.

At this time, in the eyes of other orcs, this girl should be either a fool or a lunatic, right?What is the problem?The problem is getting bigger!

"Hahaha~ It turns out that human beings who claim to be nobler than us actually have such an idiotic and mentally retarded side. Let's see how I teach this ignorant human being a lesson today, and let you see what a real strong person is."

"Ho~ho~ho~" There were bursts of loud voices from the audience seats, which seemed to be cheering for Neville.

This fight is different from any previous one. It used to be a fight between orcs and orcs, but this time it is a fight between humans and orcs. Whenever there is a confrontation between nations, no matter whether they have ever been What holidays or resentment, it seems that only such moments can prove that they are of the same race and are unanimous.

"Young master, here~" Ge Wushuang shook his index finger to tell them not to talk too much and not to worry, just watch her perform quietly, that is her battlefield.

Ge Wushuang squinted his eyes and glanced at the location of the royal family in the Northern Continent as if unintentionally. It's not like he didn't see that the third prince wanted to put Yaya to death. He would naturally ask him to settle the debt, but definitely not now.Firstly, he believes that he also understands Wu Qingya, secondly, even if he really loses, so what?She has him, and they.His women just do what they want to do, all those who don't like him just come forward to teach them a lesson, and let him deal with the rest.

Looking at Bloody again, the expression on his face is also extremely calm. Since they are all so calm, what else can others say?Hand-to-hand combat without grudges?Can she really do it?Although the rest of the people were still worried, they still looked at the stage quietly like Ge Wushuang. The confident appearance made the orcs question their previous thoughts again. If the woman on the stage is really vulnerable If so, would her accomplices be so indifferent?

"Stronger?" Wu Qingya obviously disagreed with the bear-faced orc's words, but she still looked scared in the next second, "I'm so scared when you say that~"

"Haha, it's good to know that you're afraid. But it's too late, and the war book has been written endlessly!"

"Then come on! How can there be so much nonsense!"

As soon as the words fell, the petite body was already bouncing up. Without using a trace of fighting spirit, he kicked the bear-faced orc's strong butt fiercely. in front of you.

Although he is tall and burly, his body is still relatively flexible, so Wu Qingya can clearly know that this orc is not only strong in appearance, but actually has good combat experience.

Even though it stood firm, the audience laughed loudly. Don't blame the same kind of orcs for not giving it face, but everyone did not expect such a situation to happen. The action is so hilarious.

As a result, the bear-faced orc felt ashamed, and fierce eyes shot out of his eyes, damn it, she really pissed me off, and I will make her pay a heavy price for it.

Although I couldn't understand what she meant by saying this, the provocative action was so obvious that even a fool could see it.

"Ah~" roared angrily, and continuously swung his fists towards Wu Qingya.

He used all his fists to sweep his legs with great force. He originally thought that Wu Qingya would at least fight back, but he didn't expect that petite and agile figure to avoid attacking all the time.

The audience in the audience became more and more excited as they watched, because they didn't expect this woman to be able to avoid Xiong Mian's attacks so many times, although she seemed to be struggling more and more to dodge.

Yin Yi and the others in the audience sweated more and more as they watched, Miss, you beat me up, why are you just hiding.Ge Wushuang smiled slightly, this girl was observing the enemy's situation.

After a few rounds, the bear-faced orc became angry, "You don't want to fight, what's the point of hiding?"

"Who is hiding here and there may be!" While speaking, Wu Qingya bent down to avoid Xiongmian's thunderclaw attack, and quickly rolled aside from his thick calf, taking advantage of Xiongmian's turn to pursue him He jumped up and stepped on the bear's bent back.

Wu Qingya grabbed the most exuberant black hair on the top of Xiong Mian's head, and it screamed in pain, trying to straighten up and shake Fei Wu Qingya, but her knees pinned her back hard.

The gloomy eyes changed, and it could be seen that it bent its knees and knelt down directly on the ground, trying to roll Wu Qingya directly from above to her body.

There was an inexplicable cheer from the audience, and the pink lips of Wu Qingya's cherry lips rose slightly, as if she had already expected its next move, she let go of her hands and jumped away from the side when it was about to succeed, The right hand quickly grabbed one of Xiongmian's legs, and pulled it out on the spot like pulling a carrot, and then an amazing scene appeared...

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