Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 246 Bloody Departure

"How could this happen, how could this happen!" Xuehu tightly clenched her fists and bit her lower lip, the original pink lip color had turned slightly black due to the blocked blood flow.

Wu Qingya patted her hand lightly, "Don't worry, nothing will happen with them!"

But even though the words are so comforting, in fact, her own slightly frowning brow reveals her pretending to be strong appearance, she is no less worried than Xuehu, but the difference between her and Xuehu is that she can't show any cowardice and In a panic, she must support the situation all the time, and even more so, keep calm and calm in the face of danger!

I don't know how long it has been. Everyone only knows that the sun was still on the top of the mountain when they climbed the mountain before, but it was already sunset, and the already cold snow mountain top was even colder because of the lack of sunlight.

As soon as Nalan Tianyou raised his hand, he took out a fur coat from the soul space and put it on Wu Qingya. Wu Qingya nodded slightly and said thank you, then turned her gaze to those people in the barrier.

She keenly noticed that their expressions had gradually calmed down, and there were no longer large drops of sweat rolling down their faces, and even the bloody expressions eased a lot.

Just when the moods of the few people outside the circle slowly calmed down, thinking that Bloody had successfully digested and absorbed the essence energy from the snow lotus, they heard a 'bang', and Ge Wushuang, Bai Xue, Dongdong and Jin Meng were killed. A huge force bounced away, how could they support such a strong vibration force after they had consumed a lot of spiritual energy for helping Bloody.

"Are you all right!" Wuqing Yanalan Tianyou and the others hurried over to check their situation.

"It's okay, look at Bloody." Although they were bounced away by this force, even if they were a little tired and weak, they still wouldn't be injured because of it, but Bloody was what each of them cared about most at this moment.

"Scarlet, how are you, Bloody!" Wu Qingya eagerly called out to Bloody who was lying motionless on the ground.

No matter how Wu Qingya called out to everyone and how anxious they were, he still didn't respond.

When Xuehu's eyes touched Bloody's feet, his expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed, "What's wrong with his feet?"

After her exclamation, everyone realized that there was something wrong with Bloody's body.

His feet are slowly changing, followed by his legs, hands, body...

In a very short time, the blood color that looked like an adult man disappeared, and a fiery red fox lay stunned on the ground.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one here has experienced such a situation, let alone understand what is going on, but at least from its steady breathing, it can be seen that he is safe, at least for the time being is safe.

"Bloody..." [Scarlet, can you hear me? …] Wu Qingya continued to call him, with her voice or through the soul space.

Just when everyone was at a loss, an amazing scene happened again. The fiery red fox on the ground was slowly getting bigger, bigger and bigger...

Bloody kept his eyes closed, but the sound of his screams made everyone sweat. The pain, like being torn apart by flesh and blood, violently tore Bloody's body and mind, every inch of skin and blood vessels!

Crazy and powerful dou qi radiated from his body unconsciously and hit the snow-capped mountains one after another, where they were quickly melted into black holes one by one.

"Quickly, step back first, and protect everyone in the barrier!" Ge Wushuang grabbed Wu Qingya with quick eyes, but pulled the hand bone that was injured just now, and at the same time, he did not forget to call the others to quickly step back and gather everyone next to each other.

Everyone used all their strength to set up a barrier to isolate their place from the outside world, so as not to be hit by the bloody and chaotic grudge.

"Wu Shuang, are you injured?" Wu Qingya glanced anxiously at Ge Wushuang, but only asked in a voice that the two of them could hear.

Ge Wushuang gently shook her head to tell her to keep quiet. Bloody's situation was unknown at this time, and everyone was worried about him nervously. There was no need to mobilize everyone because of his slight injury. .”

His eyes continued to focus on Bloody's body, and finally, he stopped changing when he became about the size of an adult lion.

As the changes stopped, Bloody also gradually calmed down, but the body was panting and trembling non-stop, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

Just when several people approached him curiously to find out, the eyes that had been closed tightly opened suddenly, which shocked everyone.

Huh~ Take a deep breath!Everyone's expressions were finally relaxed.

Wu Qingya was about to speak, but saw a snow-white figure running past her side, Wu Qingya was slightly taken aback, and her footsteps also froze.

"Don't come over!" Bloody raised his front paws, but he didn't know that with such a subconscious action, he would send out a grudge against the snow fox running towards him.

Wu Qingya quickly pulled Xuehu back to avoid the blow.


Everyone looked at him in amazement, their eyes full of doubts.

However, Bloody himself stared blankly at his attacking front paws, why he couldn't control his fighting spirit well, and felt that fighting spirit might follow his hands and feet at any time, isn't this...a thing? very dangerous thing?

Just as this thought arose from the bottom of my heart, I saw Wu Qingya let go of the frightened Xuehu and walked towards him. Bloody just raised his hand to stop her from coming, but immediately thought of the scene just now, and hurriedly withdrew his front paws, "Ya, Xiao Ya'er, don't come here!"

"What's wrong with you, Bloody?" Wu Qingya stared at him closely, but still walked towards him step by step, with a serious expression, something wrong with bloody, very wrong!

Bloody only felt a burning pain on the right side of his cheek, and he could feel that the place was different from the past, so he didn't dare to look directly at everyone.

Wu Qingya quickly noticed this little move of his, "What's wrong with your right cheek?" As she spoke, she strode towards Bloody and was about to pull his body.

Bloody suddenly panicked, took a big step back and continued to keep a distance from Wu Qingya, but still turned his left cheek to the crowd, "Don't come over!" His voice trembled a little, as if he was trying his best to restrain his emotions.

Yes, Bloody knew that if he couldn't control his emotions, he might hurt Xiao Ya'er and the others.

But how could Wu Qingya care about these things at this time, she had to find out what was going on, what happened to his face, why did he keep hiding?And why did he get angry at his own people just now when he was excited.

Seeing Wu Qingya's approaching footsteps, Bloody's heart went crazy, "I told you not to come here!"

Suddenly, the hand was raised uncontrollably, and a fighting energy was condensed in Bloody's hands, but the fighting energy trembled and swayed and refused to come out, which showed that Bloody's heart was restless at the moment and was trying to control it.

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