"Huh? Telescope!" When Ning Yu took out the curious self-made object, Wu Qingya subconsciously exhaled, attracting the attention of several people.

Didn't you say that this was created by Ning Yu himself?Why does it seem that she knows this thing.

A flash of surprise flashed in Ning Yu's eyes, and he hurriedly wrote, "Did the princess give this thing a name?" Telescope, the name is really appropriate, and it fully fits its function.He hadn't thought of a name for this thing all this time, but he didn't expect that today he would be lucky enough to be named by the princess.

The corner of Wu Qingya's mouth twitched unnaturally. I didn't name it. The modern thing is called a telescope, but the one made by Ning Yu still looks a bit rough, so I don't know how it works?

"Can I take a look?" She cleverly avoided Ning Yu's question, because she was really embarrassed to steal other people's invented words.But seeing Ning Yu's appearance, this fellow has most likely decided that this is the name he gave it.

Taking the 'telescope' from Ning Yu's ground, Wu Qingya walked to the entrance of the hall and looked out. Yes, she could see what happened in the distance, but it was not clear enough, and it had a shortcoming, it could only fix a range point. It is impossible to adjust the focal length, but as an ancient person, it is quite remarkable to be able to invent such a thing by yourself.

"Where did you get the convex lens?" Logically speaking, she didn't find glass products in this world, but where did its convex lens come from?

Convex lens?Ning Yu didn't understand.

Wu Qingya thought for a while and said, do you mind if I take it apart?

Ning Yu shook his head to express that he didn't mind, and made a gesture of invitation. Although he didn't understand why she took it apart, he believed that she naturally had her reasons. He even had some joyful expectations in his heart, as if this What surprises the princess will bring her.

After taking it apart, Wu Qingya held the glass product and asked, "Where did you get this thing?"

Ning Yu immediately understood, with appreciation in his eyes, the princess actually knew that this was an important object that could be seen far away.

"Princess, please wait a moment!" After writing these words, he galloped out quickly, and came back after a short while, opening a box, which was full of these things.

Then Wu Qingya figured it out, it turned out that he had figured out all these things by himself.

Wu Qingya explained some words to him, and then saw that he followed Wu Qingya's instructions full of surprises, and his eyes were full of spirits.

"Yaya, what are you?" This time, Ge Wushuang and the others really could only stand aside and watch. After all, they didn't have the corresponding knowledge in their minds, but Ge Wushuang could. It seems that Wu Qingya is planning to help Ning Yu improve this so-called telescope.

"His binoculars aren't clear enough, and they can't rotate, so there's something wrong with anxiety..." Seeing everyone's befuddled looks, Wu Qingya rubbed her nose, eh~ how did she forget that they couldn't understand!

This kind of physics course was done as early as when she was in elementary school, so it was a breeze for her, but limited by the objects and tools, she couldn't be as delicate and perfect as the modern ones.

"In short, I want to help him improve the telescope to make it more useful."


Ning Keran went back to her room to rest after getting Wu Qingya's approval due to her poor health.

Afterwards, such a scene appeared in the hall...

Wu Qingya sat on the ground without any image and fiddled with the bits and pieces on the ground, Ning Yu clapped her hands and ran in and out, while Siqing and Ge Wushuang stood curiously behind Wu Qingya and watched her fiddle with it with.

Only Xiaoxue was not interested. After standing aside and watching for a while, she felt bored, so she curled up on the chair and went to sleep as if no one else was there. Dongdong mocked her again in the soul space, [Xiaoxue, you are really A wonderful thing. 】

Xiaoxue didn't care about his blow, 【I'm a weirdo and I'm proud, it's none of your business! 】

Jin Meng turned around and shrugged his shoulders to betray his snickering, Xiaoxue's language skills are getting stronger and stronger!It seems that even an idiot will become a wise and poisonous tongue after a long time with the lady.

"Use a convex mirror with a larger diameter and long focal length as the objective lens, and a convex mirror with a smaller diameter and short focal length as the eyepiece, and adjust the distance between the two lenses..." Seeing Ning Yu's blank face, Wu Qingya took a picture of herself "It's this, that, that, that... and then this..." Wu Qingya changed to simple and simple language and added a personal demonstration, and soon Ning Yu understood, after all, he had figured out the principle of making this thing a long time ago. It's clear, so with Wu Qingya's demonstration and improved explanation, he can get on the road faster.

"Okay, you're done!" Wu Qingya proudly jumped up from the ground and stood up, patting the ashes on her buttocks, causing Ge Wushuang to roll her eyes, but she just grinned indifferently.

Embarrassment flashed across Ning Yu's face, the princess really sat on the floor in front of so many people, not to mention, she slapped that place in front of so many people...

Wu Qingya doesn't care what he thinks, if she always waits to consider the traditional feudal thinking of these ancients, wouldn't she be bound everywhere?She doesn't want it!

"Hey, let's see what's different this time."

Ning Yu was pleasantly surprised while holding the binoculars, as if she was carrying a supreme treasure, carefully and cautiously.

Looking out from the gate, sure enough, it is really not only clear, but also can rotate the position, which is what the princess said to adjust the focus.

In a blink of an eye, she looked at the princess excitedly, with admiration on her face.

Wu Qingya frowned, Xiao Mian, is this worship? !There are so many things you can admire!

Siqing took the binoculars and studied, "Hey, miss, don't say this thing is really amazing."

Wu Qingya smiled slightly, and handed both Ning Yu's previous production and her latest production to Ge Wushuang, "Wu Shuang, take a look!"

Ge Wushuang took over the two binoculars. He was obviously much calmer than the other two, but it didn't mean that his heart was also calm. Yaya, you always give me infinite surprises.Every time I see you like this, my heart sinks!

However, I like to fall for you, because you are the only one in the world worthy of me.

It was obviously the joy of an invention, but inexplicably triggered the two of them to send autumn spinach secretly.

Siqing shook his head helplessly and said to Ning Yu, "Can Mr. Yu make one for me to play with?" Want one of these.

Ning Yu smiled slightly to express her understanding, pointed outside and left with Siqing.

Siqing walked to the gate, suddenly remembered a person, turned around and saw Xiaoxue sleeping soundly with her mouth open, tsk tsk~ this girl...

Turn around and stride forward to the chair, grab her and leave, "Why are you sleeping with such a big mouth open! Let's go!"

"Oh, you are going to die, why are you working so hard!" Xiaoxue cursed from outside, and Wu Qingya laughed from behind.

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