"Miss, let's have a good sleep tonight, Xiaoxue can't bear such a light sleep every day!" For a sleeper, traveling day and night and not being able to sleep well is a very headache. What's abominable is that the young lady refuses to let her change back into the snow fox and return to the soul space, what a cruel and inhumane thing it must be!

Feeling Xiaoxue's resentment, the corner of Wu Qingya's mouth twitched, is this called inhumane?No matter what, it's time to have a good night's rest, so as not to be accused of being a hateful master, then she can't find a place to redress her grievances!

"Jin Meng, go and find out as quickly as possible how far it is from our nearest city."

A moment later, a golden light flashed back, "Miss, it's not far ahead."

"Yes, yes!" Xiaoxue was the happiest to hear the news.

It's a pity that no one thought that this stopover would bring them a big trouble, and instead of getting a good night's sleep, they delayed their journey for a few days.

As soon as I entered Mocheng, I found that there was a constant flow of people here. After inquiring, I found out that there was a market in this place today.

Xiaoxue seemed to be very curious about everything, looking at this and touching that, Wu Qingya had no choice but to hold her hand and walk to a quiet place with few people.

"Ai ai ai, miss, wait for me to see that first, that..." Xiaoxue pointed at a kneader's booth and called eagerly, but Wu Qingya turned a deaf ear to it.

"I said Miss, you are really...boring, don't you just not be curious about those interesting things?" In fact, she originally wanted to say that Wu Qingya is not like a woman, but she quickly turned around when she was about to speak, she is not alive yet Enough!

"What's so curious about it, something to amuse little girls."

Xiaoxue's eyes widened suddenly and she walked around in front of Wu Qingya and stared at her in disbelief for a long time. Although she knew that her young lady was different, she couldn't be so weird, right?little girl?Isn't she only about ten years old, how can she speak so old-fashioned! "Aren't you a girl too?"

"I'm not like you."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed Xiaoxue and continued to walk forward. Siqing followed. This Xiaoxue became more and more courageous, and even dared to confront the princess. Of course, it might be serious, but it's almost That's what it means.

"What's different?"

"Different preferences, different ideas, and different IQs!"


Siqing, who was drinking water, couldn't help taking a sip of water, Miss, can you omit the last sentence in a low-key way?There is such a blow to people!

IQ?Xiaoxue was taken aback for a moment, blinked her eyes a few times, wondering what she was thinking, and was unable to ask questions for a while.

The corners of Wu Qingya's mouth curled up slightly, this girl obviously didn't realize what she meant by her words for a moment, or else she would have started shouting.

"Okay, let's go! Since you like that thing, I'll ask Siqing to buy it for you." Wu Qingya smiled slightly. What she doesn't like doesn't mean that others don't like it. Xiaoxue's innocence and romance are fine. Well, she doesn't need to ask others for her own preferences.

"Really?!" Xiaoxue's eyes suddenly brightened.

Siqing shook her head with a smile on her face, this Xiaoxue is really a child, "Siqing will go now."

Just as Wu Qingya and Xiaoxue continued to move forward slowly and waited for Siqing, screams and mournful cries came from the alley ahead.

"Father, save me, save me, if you let me go, I don't want to go!" A pretty girl with tears stained her face struggled unwillingly.

"I beg you please let my daughter go!"

An old man behind him grabbed the girl by the corner of her skirt, but was kicked away by two evil servants at the side, "Stinky old man, our young master thinks that she is a blessing she has cultivated in several lifetimes, don't you kowtow and worship her?" It’s okay to thank you, but you still dare not, are you eating the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard?”

This kick was obviously not light, the old man crawled on the ground and couldn't get up for a while, probably hurt his waist.

"Father, don't kick my dad! How are you doing, dad?" The girl struggled hard to help her dad up, but was held tightly by the evil servant.

"As long as you go back with us obediently and be my young master's tenth concubine with peace of mind, your father will be fine, and our young master will keep him safe for the rest of his life. If you still refuse to obey, then you won't be able to guarantee it." How long will he live with this old life." One of the evil servants said alluringly, threateningly and intimidatingly.

The girl froze for a moment, although she was still unwilling, she no longer struggled frantically, and only a line of silent tears fell down again.

Feeling her center of gravity shifting down, the evil servant let go of her hand, and saw her kneeling heavily on the uneven gravel road, "Father, my daughter is not filial, from now on I can no longer be filial to your old man, you must be more filial Take care!" After speaking, he knocked his head heavily on the ground three times.

"Daughter, I can't, I can't!" There is no way to survive at that bully young master's house, tenth wife, the nine women before her were brutally murdered, and none of them survived for a year.

"Father, my daughter has made up her mind, take care of yourself!" This is resignation...

After saying this, the girl stood up and turned around cruelly, trying to hold back her tears but still shed them, forcing her voice to sound calm, "Let's go, remember what you said!"

"That's right. If you had realized this earlier, your father wouldn't have had to suffer that much just now. Please come to ten aunts!" Being called ten aunts should be regarded as a half master anyway, but that There was no respect in the expression and tone of the evil servant's face, which showed that the ten aunts were really not that easy to be.

The old and the young are indeed pitiful, but Wu Qingya has no intention of stopping.There are too many poor people and things in this world. Does she have to fight for everything she encounters?Of course, she is not opposed to chivalry, but please forgive her for not having this habit.Don't blame her for being indifferent, it's because there are too many things that bit Lu Dongbin and didn't know good people, no matter in the previous life or in this life, she didn't want to and didn't bother to get involved.

If it were Dongdong, Jin Meng, Yin Yi, Siqing and even Xiao Hei who were following her today, no one would question her intention to ignore them.

However, it's a pity that the person who is following her today is Xiaoxue who is clueless and curious about everything.

"Miss, are those two people robbing civilian girls? Do we not care?"

The two questions successfully stopped Wu Qingya's walking steps and several pairs of eyes in the alley.

Wu Qingya rolled her eyes, oh my god~ you can't see your lady, I'm safe? !

He turned his head angrily and said, "Troubleshooter!"

Feeling Wu Qingya's displeasure but luckily she didn't show any sign of anger, Xiaoxue stuck out her tongue and shrugged her shoulders, then hid behind her, what else can I do after I've already spoken...

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