"Helian Wuyou, look at how much your aunt loves you, she doesn't want you to be hurt, how can I let your little life die like this, what a cruel person can do it. "

The Demon Lord lowered his head so that no one could see the darkness and hatred in his eyes.

Even so, what he said was still enough to make one's hair stand on end, Wu Qingya once again clenched her fists tightly, her nails sinking deeply into the flesh of her palm, fortunately Xia Li couldn't see this scene, otherwise how would she bear it.

"You scum, what kind of man are you to take a child as a hostage?" Wu Qingya really wanted to see what was going on with the child in her arms at the moment, why did he not cry or make a fuss during such a big commotion just now?But the mother-in-law pills in her body didn't have any unusual reactions, and Wuyou should be fine, but why did she always feel that something was wrong...

The Demon Lord walked towards Wu Qingya and the others step by step, and deliberately stopped where they could see the child in his arms, his hand was still moving back and forth on the child's face, "You must be wondering why you are so The big movement, the child doesn't cry or make trouble?"

"What did you do to the child!"

"Quack, quack, why do you always only care about what happened to the child, and not think about what I'm going to do with him? Oh, of course, maybe you already understand that I'm just here to lure you all here, but what will happen to you What will happen to the people in this Eastern Continent? What will happen to the entire Fengyun Continent! Shashasha~ Haven’t you considered these things?”

Wuqing Yage Wushuang and the others glanced at each other quickly, their hearts tightened, could it be...

As if to confirm their thoughts, the Demon Lord waved his hand, but there was no movement.

Wu Qingya narrowed her eyes, "Don't play tricks there." After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Long Yi. The reason why she was able to find this place was because of Long Yi. So Long Yi was in collusion with the Demon King .

At this moment, Ge Wushuang held his mind and concentrated on listening to whether there was any movement in the distance. He seemed to have guessed something.

"Stupidity? Hahaha~ Wu Qingya, Wu Qingya, do I really only have that little ability in your eyes? Is it mystification? You will know soon." He put his eyes on Ge Wushuang, It seems that this man who has never talked much can always be keenly aware of something in the first place. Could it be that his skill has grown again?

Not long after, not only Ge Wushuang, but also Dongdong, Jin Meng, Wu Qingya and Xiaoxue's complexions became ugly in turn, and their expressions became more cautious.

They could already hear the orderly pace from far to near 'walking' towards the direction of the smoke-free city. The large number of people can't be estimated by the naked eye just from the sound of footsteps.

The devil knows that the army behind him will arrive here soon, hum!He had endured it for so long, and it was finally time to put an end to everything, but today was just a small beginning.

【Mother, what should I do?The wood spirit beads are still in the hands of the demon king, if the five spirit beads cannot be gathered together, the sky soul will not be able to play its role at all. 】

However, even if Wu Qingya has gathered all five spirit beads, she still hasn't figured out how to use them, which is also a problem.

When a dense mass of darkness appeared outside Wuyan City, it must be said that Wu Qingya and the others were really shocked by the sight in front of them. Not only them, but also Long Yi who was standing at the end, Hu Waner and Hu Waner who were hiding in the castle watching from a distance. The same is true for the seriously injured Great Elder.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Mo Jun, it seemed that this so-called 'friend' hadn't fully confessed to himself.But so what?They just reached an agreement for a certain benefit, so why bother with the rest.

Standing at the front of this huge team turned out to be a group of children, and each child had two identical people, and a monster stood beside each child. There were thousands of children and these monsters alone.

Wu Qingya was startled, could it be that these children...

"Yes, these are the missing children, but I was worried that they would be lonely, so I fabricated an identical partner for each of them."

Seeing these "twins" who looked exactly the same, Long Yi's displeasure immediately appeared on his face, but disappeared after a while.

Looking at the blank expressions of those children, their eyes were out of focus, Wu Qingya and the others felt indescribably complicated. It seemed that these people had not only become captives of the Demon Lord, but had even been turned into puppets by him. No emotion, no thoughts, no consciousness, no memories, nothing. What is the difference between such a child and the living dead?

But apart from these children, there are more terrifying people behind them. Presumably those people are really capable of fighting. It is estimated that there are nearly one hundred thousand of them. There are adults and monsters behind them. The eyes of adults and adult monsters are Red, while the eyes of the children standing in front and the young monsters beside them are green.

The only thing they have in common is that they are both dull and soulless!

"Quack quack, sashasa~ Don't underestimate my demon army. These souls are on the verge of death and life. I call them 'dead souls'."

Dead soul, as the name suggests, means that people exist, but the soul is dead, and all you can see are bodies that are possessed and controlled by demonic energy.

"Today, I want you to witness with your own eyes how I let these children with pure souls, monsters with evil souls, and human beings with dirty souls use them as sharp weapons in my hands to destroy the entire continent."

"Monarch, you are despicable, despicable!"

"Despicable? Hahaha~ My queen, I told you that you would regret it. Don't you like to be my enemy? Let me see how you, an orphan of the immortal clan with impure blood, can save the common people!"

After saying this, the Demon Lord turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared, Ge Wushuang looked at the place where the smoke disappeared, "If you have the ability to fight me face to face, the Demon Lord is not a shrinking turtle. "

"Ge Wushuang, don't be complacent. There will be a day when the two of us face off. But for now, you should worry about other things first. Your Lanling will be the first place to be trampled, and you will bear the burden on your shoulders." Chu Junge Litian, when your people are in dire straits, you are still here kissing me with women, hahaha~"

Suddenly, sharp-eyed saw an object falling rapidly in the air, and Ge Wushuang flew up to catch the falling object. '

"Yaya, hurry up, it's Wuyou!"

Wu Qingya took the swaddle and eagerly poked it towards the child's nose. The moment she felt that he was still breathing, she felt her whole body relax.

Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise, she couldn't even imagine how she would explain to Xia Li in the future.

At this moment, Helian Wuyou in his arms suddenly opened his eyes, and cried out "Wow...", then his little face flushed red and then instantly turned green.

Wu Qingya hugged him but felt her heart twitch tightly, and with the child's eager panting, Wu Qingya felt more and more uncomfortable all over her body.

However, before she could take any measures, a mouthful of black blood spat out from the child's mouth...

"Ah! No, how could it be like this, why would it be like this, You'er, You'er, open your eyes quickly, open your eyes!"

In such an instant, earth-shaking changes occurred. The good boy survived the danger, but left without warning!

"Damn it! Demon Monarch, ah! You must die!"

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