Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 310 The Continuation of the Saint and the Birth of the King Beast

When Wu Qingya reappeared in front of the crowd, all of them had the same facial expressions: big eyeballs, bulging eyelids, blinked countless times and continued to widen, mouths opened wide and jaws fell all over the floor.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with you..." Look, Dongdong, who has always been eloquent, was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

What expressions do these people have, as for?

How could it not be so?Wasn't she also surprised before?It's just that they are not exaggerating.

Wu Qingya stroked her hair, then glanced helplessly at the people beside her, why didn't she tell her in advance at least to prepare her mentally, look at this group of people, they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden cry, "Oh my God, miss, how did you do it? Wow, it's so beautiful, I want it too, I want it too." Xiaoxue ran to Wu Qingya and circled around her , eyes full of envy.

The corner of Wu Qingya's mouth trembled, Xiaoxue, you are indeed a wonder, what is there to envy.

Only Jin Meng's expression gradually changed from surprise to shock, "Saint!"


All eyes were on Jin Meng this time, what did he just say?

"When I was young, I saw the previous saint by my father's side. She was like this before she was alive." The afterimage that Wu Qingya and Jin Meng saw at the bottom of Guigu Mountain was the impact of the last moment of the disappearance of the saint's life. So at that time her hair color was normal black, but since Jin Meng said yes, it must be, but there is one person who knows better than everyone else.

Wu Qingya cast her eyes on the person beside her, but he didn't tell herself just now.It's just that when I saw his no longer young face, I couldn't bear to blame him. I didn't expect his face to grow old after what happened just now. His white-haired old face now really fits his age.

The only obstacle and entanglement that made Wu Qingya call him daddy disappeared, but why couldn't she be happy in her heart?

"Father Ling Han, is what Jin Meng said true?"

It wasn't until Wu Qingya's claim that everyone came to their senses and hurriedly said hello to Sheng Linghan's greetings. In fact, they had already heard Nalan Tianyou's general idea before Wu Qingya came out, so they didn't want to say hello to him. There are too many surprises in appearance and identity.

Of course, maybe it was because of Wu Qingya's change and the sudden news just now was too shocking, so everything else didn't seem so weird.

Sheng Linghan smiled and nodded, looking at Wu Qingya, he was full of satisfaction and pride, "This is something that Dad never thought of beforehand, but now it seems that you are the successor of the next generation of saintess, God has chosen Your full head of purple hair is the representative of the status of a saint, from ancient times to the present, no matter what kind of race you are, only a saint can have a head full of noble purple hair."

noble?Wu Qingya rolled her eyes inwardly, as if she had dyed her hair.

After listening to Sheng Linghan's words, everyone understood, looked at Jin Meng again, and remembered that Jin Meng's father was a liger and tiger king beast, and at the same time, he was also the patron saint beast of the previous generation of saints.

So, now that the saint has been selected again, where will the saint's guardian beast be?Will it still be Jin Meng?Or is it someone else?

In fact, it should have been associated long ago that Jin Meng was ordered to be the guardian animal of the Heavenly Soul, waiting for someone who could open it. Since Wu Qingya is destined to be able to open the Heavenly Soul, why can't she be a saint?Of course, this is not an absolute thing, it's just everyone's counter-reasoning speculation.

Although Jin Meng has reached the pinnacle of super divine beasts, he is still not a king beast. This makes everyone wonder, is it true that the rumor that saints have their own natal guardian beasts?

Suddenly, Dongdong's eyes lit up, and his whole body jumped up, "King Beast, don't we also have a King Beast?"

After his reminder, what happened on the top of the snow mountain, including Nalan Tianyou, came back to everyone's eyes again. Didn't the bloody body at that time exude the aura of a king and beast?Although only for a moment.

Bloody, where are you!

Can you survive the catastrophe of evolving a king beast alone?If it is destined that the natal guardian beast of the saint must be the king beast, you must stand up for me, and you must evolve into the king beast that commands the beasts in the world!

Everything has its destiny, what Wu Qingya and the others don't know is that Bloody is now struggling hard and painfully in a certain cave in order to avoid Wu Qingya.

It's a pity that the result of its struggle is that it is on the verge of death, because right now he is dying.

I'm sorry Xiao Ya'er, I thought I could completely digest the spiritual power brought by the snow lotus, I thought I could become a king beast, I thought I could restore my ugly face, but I was wrong, maybe My lack of ability may also be because I have no destiny with the King Beast. In short, this opportunity that was both a catastrophe and a butterfly from a cocoon turned into a catastrophe after all.

Just when Bloody was disheartened and decided to give up on fending for himself, the little fox's body rose up for no reason as if summoned by some object, and then spun in mid-air at a very fast speed, making Bloody head spin. Dazed almost did not spit out.

I don't know how long it took to spin, but the inexplicable force finally disappeared suddenly again, and he fell back to the original place with a bang, and passed out, but his body was changing, his wound Healing, his body is getting bigger.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long to wake up, as if it was just a beautiful and comfortable sleep, full of energy and energy.Bloody stood up in surprise, looking at his intact body that had grown several times in size.

Is this still a fox?The answer is yes, but is it still that kind of petite fox?the answer is negative.

It wasn't until later that I realized that the inexplicable power that came at the absolute time came from Wu Qingya and Sheng Linghan's spiritual power alternately when Wu Qingya transformed, and that mysterious power finally disappeared again because the two just retracted their palms.

When he discovered that his body, his abilities, and everything had undergone earth-shaking changes, it was the time when Wu Qingya knew that she was the continuation of the saint.

He is a fox, a tall fiery red fox, and at the same time a king beast that dominates the entire beast!

Xiao Ya'er waited for me, I'm finally back, back to you!

At this time, Bloody didn't know that earth-shaking changes had taken place outside, and he didn't know that his rebirth was due to Wu Qingya, and he didn't know that the king beast was the next generation of saint Wu Qingya's life-long guardian beast. If so, he would be so happy that he would feign death!

-Preview for the next episode: Functions of the Heavenly Soul-

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