Exploding and reorganizing, Wu Qingya is really tired of these ghost things. The few of them can't concentrate on attacking all the time. After all, there are dangers around, and they always have to fight separately, but the result of fighting separately is that as long as they can't Blow it to pieces and it's bound to regenerate 'resurrection'.

Wu Qingya felt dizzy and staggered and almost fell from the city gate. Dongdong and Nalan Tianyou grabbed him with concern in their eyes.

It's okay, Wu Qingya shook her head.

It took her too much spiritual power and soul power to activate and then seal the Heavenly Soul, and she was always strong when she was shocked by Sheng Linghan's call at that time.

The consequences of being bitten by those things below are unimaginable. After all, no matter how powerful they are, they are not immune to the toxins on those ghost things.

Anyone who wants to cure or prevent epidemics needs to be treated with the right medicine, but the key difficulty is that it is impossible to collect samples from those undead, and even if they are collected in the current situation, it will not help.

The number of dead and undead is a little less, but so what?Compared with the mere few of them standing back to back today, it is still too much and too much effort...

Nalan Tianyou, who was closest to Wu Qingya's left side, was watching Wu Qingya's situation while launching an attack. Everyone knew that everyone's attacks were getting weaker and weaker, and there was really no way to continue like this.

The Demon Lord slowly opened his eyes, as if he had taken a nap, and looked down lazily, alas, the progress is really too slow, his patience has been worn out, and he has no interest in watching it anymore.

An order was sent out, and soon some of the extremely ferocious puppet undead were crazily tearing and climbing towards Wu Qingya's direction. Their eyes emitted a cold and scarlet light. Worse, that group was going to concentrate on attacking Wu Qingya. Elegant.

At this moment, their battle qi speed couldn't catch up at all, and their aura was much weaker. If they concentrated their firepower on attacking the undead under Wu Qingya's feet, others would be injured, so what should they do?

The undead were knocked down one by one, and the undead quickly climbed up one by one, the speed was crazy...

Grabbing Wu Qingya's feet suddenly, she wanted to lift her breath but it was too late, a black paw dripping with green liquid grabbed at her thigh, her fighting spirit could no longer be condensed, and her whole body was crushed tightly again. Dragging.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, just when Wu Qingya closed her eyes and prepared to endure the coming pain, with a sound of '呲' and a muffled groan, Wu Qingya opened her eyes with a swish, "God bless!"

At this moment, the rest of the people were finally able to gather the same vindictive energy and fight towards them.The most threatening crisis was temporarily lifted, but they immediately devoted themselves to dealing with the remaining dangers around them, and there was no room for any delay.

Wu Qingya's eyes were moist, why is he so stupid, how could he block this blow for her...

Suddenly thought of what eyes changed suddenly, and the words of being bitten said, "Nalan Tianyou, hold your breath and don't move."

Immediately afterwards, he stuffed a pill into his mouth and quickly touched a few acupuncture points on his body.

"Ya'er?" Nalan Tianyou didn't understand why she was so nervous, he was just scratched.

"Be patient, I'm going to cut off your right arm now, Dongdong Jinmeng, I need your help." After speaking, Wu Qingya pulled Nalan Tianyou to retreat among them, and the rest of them surrounded the two of them. In the middle, the pressure on the few people fighting on the periphery will be even greater.

"If the venom seeps into your blood, you will become the same as those things, but you will suffer more, because you have flesh and blood and consciousness but are not under your control." No matter whether Nalan Tianyou agrees or not, Wu Qingya is cold The face was chopped off with a sword, and a decisive decision must be made at this time.

Although he couldn't bear to see Nalan Tianyou's pain, he still watched all this and quickly sprinkled medicinal powder on his severed limb to bind it up.

Beads of sweat slid down Nalan Tianyou's face like a stream of water, and some fell down her chin to Wu Qingya's hands, and then continued to her heart.

"Sit here and don't move, adjust your breath first, don't worry about the outside!" After finishing speaking, Wu Qingya turned around and stood up, and they lost another general.Xu was worried that he would hold on, so he added, "This is an order!"

Is it really over?There are more and more casualties on my side, where the hell are you, Ge Wushuang?There should be a limit to anger, right?Are you tm d such a person who has no regard for the overall situation?

Also, where are you, Scarlet?

But then I thought again, what if Ge Wushuang and Bloody came?There are still so many enemies, even after defeating these undead army?And the Demon Lord, at that time, would they still be able to fight against the powerful Demon Lord who was unscathed and full of energy?

At this moment, Dongdong pointed to the distance in surprise.

"Mother, look!"

At the same time, a long-lost voice sounded in the soul space, 【Xiao Ya'er, I'm sorry I'm late!Sorry everyone for making you suffer. 】

Ahead, a mighty and earth-shattering sound came, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and a large group of things rushed towards them, shaking the mountains and rivers and flying dust.

Bloody, it's Bloody he's here.

But what are the others?So fierce!

"It's the Beast Army!"

Immediately afterwards, arrows with flaming lights were shot out, and only then did everyone see clearly that there were some orcs with human bodies and animal faces riding on the frontmost monsters and beasts.

"There are also orcs from the Northern Continent, the Seventh Prince Mulla Mingrui!"

When those rockets with explosive powder hit the undead, the undead was immediately blown to pieces and could no longer be reborn, even if the reborn one would be shot by the next arrow immediately and completely destroyed...

"Monarch Beast!" At this time, the Mojun's mood can't be compared with an anger. Bloody turned into a Monarch Beast. Is the nemesis of the undead.

The beasts rush forward following the command of the king beast, and they want to tear apart and destroy all the remaining undead crazily.

Watching the undead and the beasts fight together, the number of undead is getting smaller and smaller, until there is no one left...

Wu Qingya and the others stood there blankly watching what happened not far away, all of this was like a dream, it all happened too suddenly and changed too suddenly.

There was an urge to cry in her heart, Bloody, why did you come here? If you came earlier, many people would not have died.

Siqing, Yin Yi, Zixuan, Jiu Mo... and He Liancheng, they won't die!

There was a fiery red fox the size of an adult lion galloping towards Wu Qingya, and it flew so beautifully as if it had grown wings.

When he stood and turned into a human form, he turned to face all the remaining army of beasts, and all the beasts knelt down.

The domineering king beast is exposed, and all beasts worship!

-Preview for the next episode:-

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