Super Yanei

Chapter 1005

Geng Dianpeng kept digesting Zhang Zijian's news!He is also weighing the benefits of this matter for him.Zhang Zijian, the county magistrate, has just arrived, so he wants to use his own strength to cooperate!This is the most stable one. If half of the success is due to yourself, and you can bind your own interests through this matter, then you will naturally form a partner.It is easier to mislead others, the first and second leaders of the county government have joined forces!Let those on the sidelines make a quick judgment.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, Zhang Zijian is such a good guy who kills three birds with one stone!Speak lightly from his mouth!In fact, it was his people who carried out the plan. Didn't this offend those tobacco dealers with backgrounds?And Zhang Zijian is a foreign official!After earning political achievements, he patted his ass and left. He really worked, and offended people were magistrates who wanted to be promoted even if they wanted to lose their heads.After offending someone, how will you mess around in the future!

Well, this one thought of things that Zhang Zijian didn't even think of.A business invitation will drive local officials to Liangshan!Thinking and muddy things have to be weighed and weighed, but if you don't work, it depends on Zhang Zijian, the current county magistrate!Although there is also a secretary Li Pinghe, he is also a foreign official.People are waiting to transfer to the city?

Zhang Zijian hadn't noticed his strength yet, but one or two movements showed the conspiracy of a veteran, no, it was a conspiracy!Knowing it was a trap, but still jumping into it!It doesn’t work if you don’t dance, it’s even uglier to die like that!

"Mayor Zhang, maybe you just came here, and there are still many things that you haven't figured out. Our county also has some special circumstances! I was thinking, or, when you have a good grasp of the entire county situation, you should weigh the investment opportunities suitable for our county. project.

Zhang Zijian shook his hand and said, "That's the situation! Although I want to change immediately! But it's not realistic. I have also worked in the investment promotion department, and I know what delays things! From conception, to operation, and even approval of projects .It will take some time, and the project can be determined after repeated inspections. After land acquisition, resettling the people, building factories and recruiting workers, it will take a few years. This set will not work!"

But when Zhang Zijian said that he worked in the investment promotion department, it was a bit harsh.Geng Dianpeng thought in his heart: It's as if I have never presided over the business promotion work, no worse than you!

Still according to Zhang Zijian's words, he nodded, somewhat agreeing with what Zhang Zijian said!I also heard Zhang Zijian say: "Once the factory recruits workers, it will affect the employment rate in the surrounding areas. Farmers will not only take advantage of the planting, but even go to the factory to work, and even drive the chain of small factories. Several chain reactions will stimulate the economic system of the county. It's not much, but it's a good sign!

Zhang Zijian's words were indeed recognized by Geng Dianpeng. At least when the factory was built, everything from labor to building materials was a stimulus to economic growth.If it is underwritten by the construction company, then the construction company pays taxes.Also quite substantial.

But Geng Dianpeng is also struggling!This is not easy to handle!If Zhang Zijian wants to talk about other projects, it’s okay to talk about attracting capital, but it’s hard to talk about tobacco. These days are a society of fighting for relationships!Zhang Zijian can't just talk about it and offend others!At least something substantial.

If you are the secretary of the county party committee, you can consider it, work hard for you, and you can be promoted!But Zhang Zijian is the second in command after all, and he doesn't have the official hat in his hand.It will take time to get the number of votes from the Standing Committee and reverse Li Pinghe!Could it be that Li Pinghe is a vegetarian?Waiting for you to push back?

Anything is possible. Perhaps Zhang Zijian really gained a foothold in Xintian County, so that he could have that kind of persuasive prestige, and only then could he realize the collective external affairs, and the internal factors were not yet stable.I just want to make a big one, and throw the risk to local officials to do this kind of dirty work that offends people.Who wants to do it?In short, Geng Dianpeng didn't want to help Zhang Zijian worry about it.

Zhang Zijian originally wanted to give a credit to bring the relationship between the deputy closer, but found that the other party was more resistant!I don't force it. After all, everyone has their own ambitions. Besides, it's not the time to tear up their faces. It doesn't matter who is the opponent. It seems that Zhang Zijian's interests are not appreciated by others. What kind of situation is this, I can't figure it out for a while. .

After discussing with Geng Dianpeng, send him away!After thinking for a while, after listening to Gao Fei who came in to deliver the materials, he realized that the magistrate didn't want to offend people.It seems that Geng Dianpeng took Zhang Zijian's good intentions as Zhang Zijian's intention to use these places as weapons.

Zhang Zijian shook his head helplessly. In fact, he really didn't mean that, but after thinking about it carefully!It really kills three birds with one stone and even several birds with one stone.But if you really want to do it, Zhang Zijian will stand opposite the magistrate of this county if you don't make it right!It's not that people don't want to confront those with backgrounds, at least they have to give a benefit after the confrontation!If you don't see the benefits, you will see the consequences!Even if you are in a small business, you don't want to lose money in business, do you?

Zhang Zijian is in a bit of trouble. Geng Dianpeng cannot avoid this matter. He has no one in his hands. At least he is the only one who really wants to follow him now. If no one executes a big project, Zhang Zijian can actually operate it. There are troublemakers behind the scenes, and if they fail to make a project that benefits the people, it will be ruined!

They don't care how much benefits the common people get?For thousands of years, the people in this place have never seen a place that is really affordable. Since they labeled it as a poor county, this time it has benefited a lot.The road is better than before let's go!Although it is narrower, it is better to be able to run a sports car than to be bumpy in the past!The county seat is not changing either!The building is quite tall!These are real benefits.

The benefits that don't offend others are the comfort and peace of mind.But Zhang Zijian's benefits are very risky, and the common people benefit, how much benefits can officials like them get?Drop the whole one!Get it upside down!So, to resist, to fight!Otherwise, the benefits will be taken away, and they have to find a way to reduce the impact of offending people.

After understanding this, Zhang Zijian was still in trouble!How to resolve local forces, you still need to use your brains!There are only a few leaders in the local forces!In the four sets of teams, there are iconic people, it depends on how much benefit Zhang Zijian puts out to impress the other party.

Wu Jinde and He didn't come over, so he wasn't in a hurry when he arrived, he made a plan first, and he didn't execute it right away!Even if the news spreads, Zhang Zijian is not afraid, and when the time comes, he will find a way to let Xu Yuansheng create momentum and find a free time to test it out.The more you don't believe in evil, the more ruthless you need to be, but for this premise, you need to understand who are your enemies.

In the morning three days later, Zhang Zijian was driving his private car!Take Wang Jia to the city!Today's the weekend.It was rare for Zhang Zijian to have such a good day off.The mobile phone is on, and there is a secretary on duty!Unless it was an emergency, Zhang Zijian's rest would not be disturbed.

Wang Jia owned a yard on the edge of the county seat, and the residents of this house had gone to the provincial capital to do business.Always wanted to sell.But it's not easy to buy a house these days! 3 yuan is not much!Rich people live in high-rise buildings, and those without money basically want to build new houses by themselves.

Besides, the 3 yuan yard does not have a real estate certificate, only a homestead certificate. For Zhang Zijian, this amount of money is very cheap. Why rent it!You can buy it directly.Hanging it under Wang Jia's name, the county will be remodeled in the future.Not to mention, it is possible to develop it within ten years. Maybe this house can be replaced by two units?There is still a lot of room for appreciation in the future.

Tiled the floor, tidied up the kitchen, hung the ceiling.It will take about a week to finish the aluminum-plastic doors and windows.

These are not in a hurry!Take Wang Jia to the city.Look at furniture and appliances.Although it can't compare with his own set of furniture and appliances, in Wang Jia's eyes, it is very extravagant.

Of course, don’t rush to buy these, go shopping first, and know what to expect!Wait until you finish decorating the house before buying!Coming to the city is to relax.

Although Wang Jia's family conditions are not very good!But after all, I have seen the world, and I am still a college student!These days it can be regarded as a high degree diploma!But it is the heart.To be pure, if I really want to meet a master liar, even with her lack of social experience, she can be sold to a stupid bastard as a wife in a ravine!It's not like this happened!

High education does not necessarily mean high social experience!In their thinking, society is not that complicated, and those who have this kind of thinking are those who are heartless!I always think that there are more good people in the world!

I have really experienced hardships, bumped into walls everywhere in society, and when I want to lose face, I will think about everything!Otherwise, Li Ying would not have thought of a move to seduce Zhang Zijian.Not to mention the shy Wang Jia, who didn't take the initiative, but didn't reject Zhang Zijian's invasion either.

If you have a little hope in joining, you will not take this path. Any effort needs to be reported.Actresses who don't want to be famous are scumbags.Want to get on the bed of the producer or director?Even a screenwriter will try his best to seduce.

There are too many people who want to be in the top position. Can you get a good position without paying a price?Apart from being good at acting, there is only flesh left.

Wang Jia's investment was successful, at least Zhang Zijian's approval!Although I don't know exactly what Zhang Zijian does, but he spends a lot of money, and the car is newly bought, except for high-end cars in provincial capitals and cities.How many good cars are there in Xintian County?A slap counts!It's not a good thing to be too rich in Xintian County.

But for women!Happiness is only when a man is capable, and he has long wanted to get a gold chain!It's a pity, just think about it, does a chain cost at least 3000?Even if Li Ying does not eat or drink, she has to work for three years to buy one.

Sometimes I also imagine that when I get married in the future, I will bring it. At least three sets of jewelry are required for the dowry here. Although silver jewelry is the main one, there are still some gold jewelry for those from a better family.

Without further ado, Zhang Zijian asked Wang Jiashun to choose randomly along the counter, whichever one he liked, and if one didn't work out, he just bought two!

The waiter thought the young couple was going to get married?After all, they are young in age!These days, 24k gold and the like are not very practiced, and the grade has been improved, either gold with diamonds or gems!Either pure white gold, or set with diamonds.

The price is not cheap, but it is nothing to Zhang Zijian!My own woman likes it, even if you spend a little more money, it doesn't matter, as soon as school starts, you will be successful.Xu Jiaqi and her group of sisters have already chartered a flight to go shopping in Paris. He Wang Jia chose a jewelry, which is really a small money among small money.

Seeing the platinum jewellery, Wang Jia hesitated, watching Zhang Zijian ask for his opinion, unable to make up his mind.Zhang Zijian said generously: "Choose whichever one you like! It's okay!"

With Zhang Zijian's words, I happily choose and wear it!In addition, the waiter was full of kind words, almost fooling Wang Jia to find Bei, and finally chose three pieces of jewelry to buy, which were not very expensive, only more than 2 yuan.

I bought seven or eight pieces of clothes!All the personal items that can be bought, basically, the trunk of the car is slowly stuffed.Eat, go to a park, watch a movie.Open a better room and end this romantic weekend.

In the morning Wang Jia was still sleepy, so Zhang Zijian pulled her up.I'm ready to leave, and I won't delay going to work if I don't leave.In fact, Zhang Zijian had to go there earlier and had other things to arrange. After the arrangements were over, he still had to go to the countryside to investigate.

The fact that Zhang Zijian was planning to attract investment for a flue-cured tobacco processing factory was only a gossip from the county government!this matter.Not many people know about it, what they heard from Gao Fei is basically spread in the county government compound!

Gossip!Many things are out of the question, but there are no waves without wind!This matter has definitely been suggested. If Zhang Zijian wants to speed up his rise to power, he needs to take action!Looking at how Lianhua Township dealt with Liu Hengwei.It is not difficult to think that this is also something in Zhang Zijian's plan. He needs an agent, so Xu Yuansheng, who was the first to rely on Zhang Zijian, has to support the superior!Otherwise, there will be no motivation and no role model!In case Zhang Zijian got the investment, he settled in Lianhua Township.This set up the flagpole, and it would be beneficial to follow Zhang Zijian.

No one is stupid these days, they can all see it!Besides, Zhang Zijian's methods were all on the bright side, and Liu Hengwei frantically looked for connections and acquaintances.Just wanted to keep his seat.In fact, it also depends on Li Pinghe's thoughts. There is a reason for not doing anything now.But if he really reached an agreement with Zhang Zijian, Liu Hengwei would have already won it!Just rely on what his nephew did in Lianhua Township.It is said that a homicide case has come to trial.

There are no cigarette merchants in the local area, but there are also offices stationed in the city and the province. In fact, they have two functions, one is to collect cigarettes at the point, and the other is to build local relationships.It's okay to have a meal with the township leaders and give gifts to the county leaders.It's such a simple job.

I heard that the new magistrate in the county wants to set up a flue-cured tobacco processing factory.Don't think about it, it's definitely medium-sized or above.It's not shameful enough to start a small workshop.The news needs to be confirmed!Not just one small office confirms the situation.How many more?Frequently ask the leaders to eat, sing karaoke or find a public relations lady, hold a dance party and ask the leaders to dance four steps and six steps!

The source of the news came from Deputy County Magistrate Geng.Moreover, he also held a small meeting with two close deputy county magistrates to study the ultimate motive of Zhang Zijian, the county magistrate.

You can't treat Zhang Zijian like a child now, especially when he brought up the matter of attracting investment to take the postgraduate entrance examination to a processing factory. Every honest mind can come up with such an idea!

Temporary analysis.It is Zhang Zijian who wants to see the local forces fight against those tobacco merchants with backgrounds, he is a good fisherman!To put it bluntly, a cigarette merchant is a businessman, background!It is the officials who use money as an umbrella, and even some local officials.

I didn't think of a solution, and when the news came out, in fact, Geng Dianpeng also deliberately let the news leak out!I also want to see what kind of methods those people will use to fight against Zhang Zijian.

Each has its own ideas and methods, which cannot be underestimated.Not to mention Secretary Li who kept silent and kept an eye on the situation in the county.

Zhao Biyong is the chairman of Biyong Machinery Factory in Xintian County!The original factory belongs to the machinery factory under the County Planning Commission.After the bankruptcy, after a series of reforms, it became a collective industry. Zhao Biyong was still the director of the factory office when he returned.Moreover, the people back then were more flexible and had a very wide network of contacts.

In addition, there is a distant cousin who is the vice president of the bank in the city.Raise funds from the former employees, get some money, have some capital, and get a loan from the bank. With the start-up capital, after more than ten years, he has allowed him to play a very large scale, and now his assets are tens of millions!If it weren't for the fact that there are still two leaders in the county, his company would have secured the first place.

But fortunately, he has a wide network of contacts and is the vice chairman of the county CPPCC.Regulating the relationship between government and business.

He was entrusted by others to have a relationship with Zhang Zijian, but he was not entrusted by others. He also wanted to get close to Zhang Zijian.

After all, it is an enterprise, and it cannot be separated from the government's support and preferential policies. He, Zhao Biyong, was able to start his business so quickly because he received a lot of benefits from the government, especially in terms of policies. Many of them are loopholes, and he tacitly made things happen. solution.Leaders want political achievements, he has them here, and leaders want to make some money is even easier to say!

These days, money is a good thing.I've seen Zhang Zijian's car, and I heard that Zhang Zijian bought a house, and it's still being renovated?Is Zhang Zijian short of money?Not bad for money, but also showing off in a relatively high-profile way.

This kind of person is not short of money!Either you like big money, several million each, people don't care to look at you!Officials who like money these days are good officials!Mr. Huang, who was in the provincial capital, was introduced by Lao Li from the county office in the provincial capital, and they had been in a relationship for seven or eight years. This time, the small movements in the county disturbed him, and he also paid attention to the latest rumors in the county.

This Mr. Huang is also his noble person. He has cooperated twice. Although the cooperation project is not about making money, but the interpersonal relationship is in place and has a certain foundation. When making money is a trivial matter, the key is the network!Without personal connections, how can you receive a strong project.Good projects are the fat of other people's mouths, it doesn't matter, ordinary people can take it?Besides, he needs to deal with many construction companies or mining factories when he is engaged in machinery and equipment, all of which require contacts and money.

Mr. Huang's account is easy to talk about, it's nothing more than to inquire about the accuracy of the news.If it is true, then you have to prepare with both hands.One is to cancel the county magistrate's plan, and the other is to make a compromise.Get involved in the project.

People just want to get some political achievements when they take office. You can't dampen the enthusiasm of a county magistrate.Otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.And the county magistrate is still very young, probably gilded.If it hit the enthusiasm of the county magistrate, wouldn't that embarrass the people behind him?

Thanks xxxxxxjj and Dengshushan!

Two book friends, after the update of the mosquito coils, give full support! Student xxxxxxjj even threw out five monthly tickets!Let the mosquito coils move for a while.Dengshushan students are also selling all kinds of tickets!Very moved!At the same time, I hope that more students will smash their votes!All kinds of tickets!

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