Super Yanei

Chapter 1016 Small Layout

Xu Jinjing is also considered to be an old partner with Zhang Zijian!Knowing that this kid doesn't move, every move is a big move, this time the money is less, no matter how many rules are rules.Of course, he had to be forced to pay attention.

Yao Xing, deputy director of the Poverty Alleviation Office, is an old friend now!You can ask him for advice on this matter. In fact, with this little money, it is easy to get a special fund from the Poverty Alleviation Office and the Ministry of Finance!

First of all, the region Zhang Zijian belongs to is indeed often affected by natural disasters. Floods are easy to say, but the problem of drought has been difficult to solve.The report prepared by Zhang Zijian in advance was also very detailed, and he invited professionals from the State Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources to assist.Form a professional drilling team.Because it is located in a mountainous area, it is difficult to say what the geology is like. To find water, you have to use professional experts. The equipment is easy to talk about. There is also a machinery processing factory in the county. If not, there are many enterprises in the county. Can you raise funds?

The key is to rely on the strong support of the National Poverty Alleviation Office to provide a special fund.Zhang Zijian didn't know how much the money was actually given, and Zhang Zijian didn't know how much he would be able to use.

But for Xintian County, which has become a habit of embezzlement, it is unknown how much can be left for the well drilling team?The province will not intercept the money, let alone the city.It goes directly to Xintian County.In the past, it was under the trusteeship of the county's finances and supervised by the higher authorities.

It is estimated that the city's supervision will also reach out to the key points.It depends on how the account is made. If the county wants to make troubles, then the city will get the idea, otherwise there will be no communication between the upper and lower levels, and the money will be eaten alone. Isn't this courting death?

In less than a day, Xu Jinjing told Zhang Zijian not to invite him to dinner.The project is approved!Looking back, it is estimated that the problem is not big.There are several face-saving ones here.

This is the best news!Just wait two days.When the result came out, my mission was completed!In addition to eating, drinking and having fun in the capital, the other thing is to arrange Wang Jia to work in the capital office of Xintian County.

Zhang Zijian can't come forward, there is a way to avoid suspicion.And for this matter, Zhang Zijian also agreed with Wang Jia, saying that she knew who she knew and didn't know the situation in the county, and that she graduated from the Normal University in the provincial capital.Come to the capital to find connections.It happened that a cousin of the family worked in the central bank.

The capital is a hodgepodge city, especially the complex and unexpected relationships, so as long as there are capable people.Some small and medium-level institutions will hire them with high salaries, even if they don't work to make a name for themselves.

For things like this, using the central bank's Wang Kairui is purely a waste of resources. Even if he didn't waste his time, he wouldn't introduce Wang Jia to a county-level organization, at least a city-level organization.Even the provincial level is a matter of one sentence.

It was his secretary who went out, and the secretaries were divided into three, six, and nine ranks. He happened to be the second secretary, and he often had contact with county-level units like Xintian County.

The bureau must be comprehensive, and when others treat guests to dinner, Yang Maocen, the director of Xintian County's Office in the Capital, is called to accompany the guests.I know a boss in the capital, who happened to meet the second secretary of the central bank Wang Kairui during dinner.Seeing that he was bringing a girl, he didn't care. After some invitations, they sat down together.That's what happened by accident.After some introduction, Yang Maocen got to know this capable second secretary.

There is enthusiasm.If I really think about it, there is also a handover, but whether people are willing to pay attention to him is another matter.

As soon as he started talking, the tricks began. I have to say that this second secretary is also very good at it?He said to the girl, "It seems that Director Yang is from your county?"

Originally, Yang Maocen wasn't a girl at all, but when he heard that he and he were fellow villagers, his enthusiasm became even stronger.

I asked what the girl's name was, from that township.I heard that I was really a fellow, but I didn't expect to think that I was in a relationship with the people from the central bank?After inquiring, I found out that they are cousins ​​from the mother clan, which is far away!

However, the second secretary said that this cousin who is far away is looking for a job in the capital, and there is no place to arrange it for a while.While speaking, he glanced at Yang Maocen intentionally or unintentionally.

This look belongs to the point!I hope that Yang Maocen will answer, and at the same time, seeing that Yang Maocen's reaction is a little slow.I didn't care, and of course I gave the other party some time to think about it.

Yang Maocen was indeed weighing Wang Jia's value.External personnel do not need the approval of the county, he can make decisions by himself, just like running a restaurant under the office, the recruitment of waiters is an internal matter of the office itself, in fact, it recruits people from related households like Wang Jia.The wages paid are also in the accounts of the enterprises below.

But Yang Maocen is a county-level unit after all, and he doesn't have many opportunities to contact the central bank, and he has no actual interest relationship.The most is to send people to collect the policy documents of the central bank.

So he chose to be silent, and the simplest meaning of silence is to refuse.If you don't help you pick up this quarrel, you can't help it.It's fate for everyone to sit together and have a drink. Besides, you are the second secretary. Although the unit is large and the official is small, if it is useful, it is possible to give you a formal job title!

At this time, another person appeared at the door by coincidence, holding a wine glass and a bottle of wine in his hand. Seeing this second secretary, he laughed and said, "I saw it was you just now. Come here for dinner too." , just right, I haven’t had a drink for a long time! Take this opportunity to drink one.”

The second secretary was also very polite, so he took the initiative to ask him to sit down and help the introducer, but Yang Maocen from Xintian County was not introduced.

After some introductions, I realized that this was the second secretary of a certain leader of the Poverty Alleviation Office.Yep, the secretaries got together, and they have a network of secretaries.

Basically, what they talked and chatted was that the two of them were intimate.Most of them are personal matters, but there is nothing about work.But Yang Maocen is in a hurry!I really want to meet this comrade secretary.As a key poverty alleviation county in the country, it can also be regarded as a counterpart department!I have been to the Poverty Alleviation Office, and basically the people I meet are small people, and this kind of secretary is not something he can meet.

Regardless of their small rank, they may have a lot of power. Even the city leaders will carefully accompany them when they meet.He wanted to make friends, but the second secretary of the central bank kept talking to him and couldn't intervene.Just now I regretted not answering his words, and took that Miss Wang under my command.At this time, he really took the initiative to talk to her, and of course he kept his eyes on the other two second secretaries. As long as there was room for a pause, he would introduce himself first.First impressions are the best.With this impression, in the future when the Five Poverty Alleviation Office.You can also look for him with a sign. As for whether you will meet him at that time, or whether you can invite him out, that is another matter, but at least with this meeting, there will be more opportunities in the future.

After finally waiting for a chance to interrupt, he held a glass of wine and was about to toast, saying: "I am Yang Maocen from Xintian County's Office in the Capital. I am very happy..." There were a lot of polite words.I also do it first and respect it, so he is more casual.

It is fate to be able to sit at the same table, and of course it is because of drinking, so I ignore Director Yang.When I saw the girl at that time, I asked her where she came from, and the second secretary of the central bank said that she was a relative.He said he was from Xintian County, and he glanced at Director Yang intentionally or unintentionally.It made Director Yang very embarrassed. At this time, when he mentioned work, it seemed that they had nothing to do with the central bank, and they didn't give face.

The second secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Office said with a smile: "It's not impossible to go back to work in Xintian County! Oh! By the way, the county magistrate, let me think about it. Call, Zhang Zijian is here. That's right. We're discussing his application report! I'll tell him to arrange it later."

Looking at the aura of others, it directly rises to the county magistrate level.Much better than you, the county office director.

Where is Yang Mao Cen Leng, recalling the message just now.What county magistrate, what application report, and it has risen to the level of research, doesn't it mean that the chief's foundation has been alarmed.

Why didn't I know about such a big thing, no one gave me any news!And when did the county magistrate come, and he didn't know anything about it, could it be that the people in the county office didn't notify him on purpose?

In this situation, I can only go back and think about it myself. If the people in the county office didn't notify him, it means that his position is in jeopardy!This kind of signal is often that the superior is dissatisfied with his work and is going to replace him!Going back to Xintian County is not as good as eating delicious food and drinking spicy food in the capital. After returning, I can't even get a good position.

If you don't know this, you are really dereliction of duty!It shows that he is incompetent as the director. What does the Capital Office do? If the news from the highest level is not obtained immediately, it is dereliction of duty. The official document has come down, and there is no letter here.Let the county not be mentally prepared, is it strange that this kind of person doesn't change?

Fortunately, Wang Jia also asked curiously, and helped Yang Maocen: "What application! Is it related to poverty alleviation?"

"Of course it's related! Don't you have no access to water? It's different from the previous poverty alleviation funds. This time it's..." I won't talk about it here, but he smiled and said, isn't this what I'm talking about here? place.This anxious Director Yang is scratching his cheeks!

Now, Yang Maocen will be currying favor with Wang Jia, how can he not take care of his fellow villagers!Besides, the county magistrate can't get a position all at once.No matter what, I have to find a place to spend it. Well, the capital of Xintian County is doing well.It is the best choice for gold plating.

In fact, what he said is to give the legendary county magistrate a step up. If the second secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Office seeks the county magistrate, the county magistrate will have to implement the specific arrangements. If you can't see this with long eyes, you will ignore them. Just relying on the county magistrate's ability to submit the application report and even attract the big bosses to study, this is his ability!

If you do it from the capital of Xintian and submit it according to the procedures, not to mention the year of the monkey, the secretary will be hard to pass!At that time, I have to go to the secretary and the manager. The first step is to open up the relationship and let the bosses see the application report in advance. The second thing is to see if the content of the report can impress the attention of the chief!The first point is very difficult.Is the kid difficult after all?

Feeling that he still had a chance, he pretended to be close and tried to find a way to get a spot for Wang Jia. In fact, this was not to grab the business of the Second Secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Office, but to really please.Let’s not talk about how difficult it is to get an official post, but what Yang Maocengan said shows that he still has some skills in Xintian County, otherwise he wouldn’t keep so many people giving promises. You must know that there are basically no people who can sit here. High but with some energy.

Yang Maocen dared to say this, and there is also a basis for it. First of all, the county magistrate will support him, and he has someone to come in and have a relationship with someone from the central bank.Although this kind of person relies on connections, he is nothing in the capital, but he is a capable person in Xintian!

A drink solved a very difficult matter. Of course, Yang Maocen also wanted to know what Xintian County's application report was?The second secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Office then said directly: "I've had too much wine, let's put some water!"

An obvious hint.Yang Maocen also got up quickly and said, "It just so happens that I also have some interests, let's go together."

After getting the exact news.After Yang Maocen came back, she couldn't sit still. First of all, she had to make sure if she was in the capital now, and why she didn't come here in the capital.The second is to contact the county magistrate in time.

When the drinking place was over, Yang Maocen hurried back. Of course, he also asked Wang Jia to report to Xintian Capital in time, leave his contact information and address, and hurried back.

Zhang Zijian never showed up at the capital office of Xintian County, the main reason being that it was uncomfortable to live there.It's not as comfortable as at home, where I want to spend more time with Chen Jing.

Two days later, Zhang Zijian's cell phone rang!The person on the phone introduced himself as the director of the Capital Office of Xintian County, and at the same time, he would like to invite the county magistrate to come and guide him.That's it for the invitation call!

The county magistrate does not live in the capital, that is his power.Even if he stayed in a five-star hotel, as long as he was reimbursed by the county, he had no problem. In a place where he really needed help, he asked the county magistrate for help.It needs Zhang Zijian's consent, and it also has something to do with taking this opportunity to show yourself. You already know what you did, and you paid a price for it.Wang Jia is a source of trouble.

The secretary of the county party committee has already reported in detail!The secretary of the county party committee doesn't care about the issue of quotas.But the key news did surprise Li Pinghe a little. What he was thinking was not that Zhang Zijian was capable, but that he moved to the battlefield and opened up a new battlefield.

Can't guess the exact purpose.But as usual, Zhang Zijian really wanted to do something practical.In his first reaction, Zhang Zijian wanted to create momentum and win people's hearts.In fact, not long after Zhang himself left, some news came out. The specific source was from Jinling Town, and the authenticity of the news has not yet been confirmed.

After hearing some news, Li Pinghe felt that Zhang Zijian was setting off smoke bombs again.But after all, Li Pinghe had to deal with it carefully after hearing the news from the Capital Office!

Of course, I also told Yang Maocen that as long as Zhang Zijian's side is fine, he's also fine, a girl from the county.He asked the organization department to pay attention to it. If the other party has time, find an opportunity to come to the county party school for further training. In fact, this training is for the cultivation of county and town cadres, and they don't necessarily have to be party members to enter.This is an opportunity for advancement.

The party is not so easy to join, at least there must be a huge contribution.If this girl is useless, investigate it, or kick her away, it will be considered as the end of her political career.This kind of thing is often done.

Zhang Zijian came to Xintian Capital Office, and the place was very cornered and a little bit off.And the main place is not big, just a small three-story building.The first floor is a commercial restaurant, and there is no one there.At that time, I saw Wang Jia and a man waiting at the door. Needless to say, that man was Yang Maocen from the Capital Office!

Wang Jia was a little dumbfounded, because Yang Maocen was a little puzzled by the photosensitivity?Could it be that the two know each other?Of course, Xin Tian is small, and the world is even smaller, so he can understand if he occasionally meets acquaintances.

But even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't believe it. Zhang Zijian deliberately arranged what happened to Wang Jia. As for making so many detours?Also find, the secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the central bank to do these things?That shows that Zhang Zijian's energy is so powerful!People with this kind of energy will go to Xintian County?As long as Zhang Zijian can submit the application report, this is considered capable, and going to Xintian County is a form of distribution.

He didn't know Zhang Zijian at all, and he didn't even have a chance to do temporary homework. He went to the county to inquire about Zhang Zijian temporarily, and the people below told him directly when he arrived.Isn't this going out to avoid Secretary Li?

The fight between leaders has nothing to do with him, the director of the capital office.He is a member of Secretary Li, and he knows where he should be, and he came into contact with Zhang Zijian because of work.

If Wang Jia wants to stay, the county magistrate has to speak. This is an endorsement. The province does not follow the procedure, leaving a loophole to be attacked. The county magistrate agrees and the secretary agrees with two concepts. At least the capital office is in the name of the government. In other words, Zhang Zijian is his immediate boss.

If the immediate superior disagrees, if he forcibly takes in Wang Jia, the quota will be given away!He is also unlucky!At least not in line with organizational procedures.

Be polite when you meet for the first time!Of course, what impressed Zhang Zijian the most was his youth.

Zhang Zijian and Wang Jia shook hands lightly as if they were acting, it was a greeting!

After sitting down in the office, Zhang Zijian was drinking tea and smoking a cigarette.Meet with the staff of the Capital Office one by one!Yang Maocen's two deputies also had smiles on their faces, facing Zhang Zijian.

There is nothing to investigate.Just look at the environment, get to know and chat with the leadership team of the Capital Office.Give some encouragement.

"I don't know that the county magistrate Zhang is coming to the capital, and we are not ready here, but if the county magistrate Zhang doesn't think it's shabby, he can live in it at any time." Yang Maocen's words made his deputies stunned. The words are clearly targeted!At this time, targeting the county magistrate, even if he is being suppressed by Secretary Li, he is still the leader.

Zhang Zijian waved his hands and said, "Don't cause trouble to the comrades. If I live here, my family will not be happy. After going back home, it's hard to justify not staying at home!"

By saying this, he explained the reason why he didn't come to the capital to do it. He is a native of the capital.And it's still gold plated.This time, if people from the capital were used for official business, they would have used it long ago, which means that people think that the energy of your gang is not as good as his own.Even for running errands, I don't want to use you, not my own.It is inconvenient to use.

A lot of meaning has been conveyed, so these people have a lot of ideas.

Although there was a lot of paranoia in what the two sides said, it did not prevent Wang Jia from entering the capital office.And also the assistant to the director.

This is a very contented position, which is not something ordinary people can sit on.

Now Wang Jia doesn't need her to actually work.Just help get in touch with something.Of course, it would be even better if there are many talents.

Of course, the position of assistant is also somewhat targeted. In many cases, female assistants need to sacrifice, and when they have social occasions, they will accompany the director to go out and drink with the leader.This kind of assistant is common.

It's true that Yang Maocen didn't have a tacit understanding of Wang Jia's background. Of course, she can't be allowed to participate in this kind of work. If she doesn't do it well, she will offend others!Especially seeing that the second secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Office seemed to be a little nice to her and kept staring at her. Coupled with the distant relative of the central bank, this girl couldn't just arrange specific jobs casually.

As for arranging to do that kind of work, I don't even think about it. If I don't do it well, it's not a matter of stepping down, but going to jail.Let's be a babysitter and help others look after her!

Zhang Zijian sat in the Capital Office for about twenty minutes and left without eating.In fact, he could see that Wang Jia was not in this state, and he was afraid that she would fail in acting!At this time, I don't care about Wang Jia and keep a distance, so that people can see.

Yang Maocen reported Wang Jia's position, and Zhang Zijian nodded, agreeing.Just wait for the county organization department to deal with it internally, and there is no need to go back for assessment, after all, it is a special matter.Wait for the opportunity to visit the county organization department.

Wang Jia never knew Zhang Zijian's specific position in the county. She didn't ask, and Zhang Zijian didn't say anything. Who would have thought that Zhang Zijian was the county magistrate?Who would have thought of such a young officer?But now I really see how powerful this county magistrate is, and he is still from the capital?

Zhang Zijian's past is really blank, it's just that the comfortable life makes him too comfortable!Some happy and sad now.What is sad is what kind of solution will be in the future, or to inquire about Zhang Zijian's past, and he is carelessly focusing on the happiness in front of him.You have to plan for the future.

When Zhang Zijian left the capital, he deliberately stayed with Wang Jia for one night. Wang Jia wanted to ask him many things that night, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth.In fact, Zhang Zijian somewhat understood the girl's worries.

From the very beginning, I just wanted to use my body to be superior. It was a very simple idea. After it was realized, I might want to make some more demands.After a period of understanding, I found that Wang Jia is just a simple girl, and what she wants first is not necessarily power and money. Although she is somewhat yearning for a comfortable life, she is still a girl who is rich and secure in essence.

Without complicated thoughts, this is Zhang Zijian's favorite.Although I paid some favors in the capital, the matter was still done!Passing on this kind of risk has nothing to do with Zhang Zijian. Even if someone who knows Wang Jia knows that he has an affair with Zhang Zijian, even if he wants to find fault with Zhang Zijian, he will probably be eliminated by Yang Maocen and his superiors in time. .

Xintian County has already erupted in a message. Simply put, it is the document that Zhang Zijian sent to Wang Kui.

Rumors are not terrible, only when the rumors are confirmed is terrible. Some people even pay attention to this matter, and they are concerned about the leaders of the townships. They discuss with each other in the small circle, verify each other, and what to do next.

Of course, the news also made some cigarette merchants in a hurry. They are also people with energy, and the final confirmation is also confirmed by them.The General Administration of Tobacco has formulated strict taxation and tax rebate ratios.Handed over to the IRS.

In this way, the small-scale cigarette merchants feel that there is no hope, and they can change careers at that time!Larger cigarette merchants see hope.At worst, there is a whole processing plant.With this processing plant, the tobacco factory dares to accept tobacco, otherwise the value-added tax invoice will not be issued!Tobacco factories dare not collect, after all, the tobacco tax is very heavy.Input tax is required to offset.

Small cigarette merchants cannot handle such a large scale, so they have to change careers.For a while, several tobacco-growing towns and towns in Xintian County became sweet pastries, and the inspection team came in wave after wave, eating, drinking, receiving, and giving away special products when they left.

They all hope to build factories on their own sites.The work efficiency is much faster than before. Land acquisition and sales are all done in secret. Who doesn't want to buy land at a cheaper price.In order to keep the processing factory, the price of 1000 yuan per mu has appeared in barren mountains and wild mountains!

Who would have thought that within half a month, one or two tobacco processing factories would appear in many towns.Even the piece of land that Wu Jinde asked for before was used up!It was even half the price that Wu Jinde paid for the land at the beginning.

It is Liu Hengwei who is in charge of this. After taking power in Lianhua Township again, he is so awesome that he has a hand in everything.

As for the division of districts proposed by Zhang Zijian, what kind of tobacco collection team, go to hell!It's not like that when the government intervenes!This matter has been transformed into an industrial chain of tobacco manufacturers' processing plants, tobacco growers and tobacco factories.

As for taxation, it is still in accordance with national policies. As for the interests and compensation of growers, haven't you seen that money is used everywhere in the county?This compensation will wait until the county has a certain strength.

It seems that after Zhang Zijian hid, there were fewer stumbling blocks, and some things went very smoothly, but what Zhang Zijian didn't expect was that many people didn't come to him, and his plan went sour by then!But it's okay, when Zhang Zijian received the news, he just sneered deliberately.Give yourself a chance to clean up the mess.

It is trust in his ability to turn the tide and pay the overall situation.When this kind of combination of government and business, the people who lose the most benefits are the common people. Once they can't get benefits, they will make trouble.After Zhang Zijian planned to go back, he had to make an announcement according to his own plan.Let farmers know the actual benefits after the tax rebate.

Zhang Zijian didn't believe it, Li Pinghe stopped him from making an announcement on such a matter, at most his deputies jumped out to object.This Zhang Zijian can resist forcefully, and he can also show a strong wrist regardless of the objections below.

Zhang Zijian hasn't returned yet. The red-headed documents from the Poverty Alleviation Office have been issued from the provincial capital to the city, and then to Xintian County. Zhang Zijian has applied for a special fund of 500 million yuan this time, which is used as a water fund for poverty alleviation. The first condition can be tap water The company is linked to the water pipeline network.If there is no condition, take the village as the unit, build water storage tanks and water storage tanks, and connect the water delivery channels to the village, so that every household can use water as conveniently as they have tap water.

This is too appetizing for the common people!After getting the news, some villages with water difficulties have already beat the gongs and belts to celebrate!

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