Super Yanei

Chapter 1019 The evidence is not strong enough

For the game, Zhang Zijian has been working on it and arranging it all the time.The process during this period is difficult.At least Zhang Zijian should indulge.

The 500 million that was brought in seems like a lot, but it takes less than half an hour to put it in a county to plug holes, and half an hour is still the time to go through the formalities and sign.One-third of the poverty relief fund was abruptly taken from the small amount and used for other purposes. The reason for finding it is also in line with the standard. It is also a water conservancy project. The money is not only used for drilling wells, but also for maintenance of reservoirs. , to ensure water consumption.

This has something to do with Zhang Zijian's original plan, but now he has little power to intervene in water conservancy matters.Key city water conservancy bureaus also got involved, forming a multi-faceted profit-oriented alliance.

If you want to make a move, you have to wait for the opportunity. Fortunately, Wang Kuifa followed him. They all have a common interest goal, which is to improve the economy.Undoubtedly, Zhang Zijian is their leader.To get rid of groups that stumbling and obstructing economic development, it is necessary to start in many ways. As long as there is a mistake in one aspect, then they will tear apart a corner of their group to achieve the purpose of benefiting their own interests.

The repair of the reservoir and the use of labor are inseparable from the support of Jinling Town.Then Wang Kuifa and the mayor Zhang Dong became the targets of the other side.

Many people don't know that for the common development of Jinling Town, the two formed a very harmonious team. Many disputes that were put in front of outsiders afterwards were actually for outsiders to see.Only in this way can they effectively protect their contribution to Jinling Town and their purpose of governing.

After negotiating with Zhang Zijian, Wang Kuifa hurried back to make arrangements and consulted with the mayor Zhang Dong.The two first talked about it alone.

Zhang Dong was also surprised when he heard the news that Wang Kuifa heard from Zhang Zijian. At this time, there are still people thinking about this poverty alleviation fund.The special gold for drilling wells may not be enough even if all of them are used.But if it really works.That can also reach the level of around 70.00%.This has become a luxury.Now one-third has been extracted all of a sudden.This matter cannot be justified.

How much money do you have left besides the messy expenses of buying equipment?Enough to drill how many wells.Isn't this triple the price of a well?

Zhang Dong still asked Wang Kuifa cautiously: "Old Wang, what do you think?"

"How can we look at it, we can't let those bastards get their way. This is not the best time to repair the reservoir, and we also maintained it last year, unless there was a rare rainstorm in summer. But it may not be possible for them to repair it. Insurance. So all they want is to embezzle funds under the guise of a name.” Wang Kuifa said.

"Five million is not a decimal, but it has been used on the reservoir for so many years. This is the first time, well, I will go to the Water Conservancy Bureau tomorrow to ask about the situation and try it out. Let's also make an account, just afraid that we will do it The accounts do not meet the standard of evidence," Zhang Dong said.

"You don't need to worry about this. It's a matter for the higher-ups to worry about. We're not just doing the accounts. We also need to add some trouble to the other party. For so many years, we have been voluntary to maintain the reservoir. In the early years, the higher-ups also said that those with sufficient funds At that time, give us the steps, materials and labor costs, this time I have to ask. I have to notify the secretaries and village heads of the villages. Let them come forward and let us help. If the matter is a little bigger, let the county magistrate Zhang out of space."

"En!" Zhang Dong also nodded in agreement.They were not involved in the high-level battles, but they showed their ability to run errands and work below.

Wu Jinde's stalemate was a bit big. Although all projects were suspended, the small contracting team couldn't bear it!Although they did the work, but there were requirements from above, they could only do that!After all, those who work hard can't play at that level.If work is suspended for one day, a lot of people have to be supported for food expenses alone. Not to mention, workers’ wages are also paid day by day. Although migrant workers are paid after the bill is settled, the same loss is that there is no working capital. is in arrears.

This is not a stoppage due to insufficient funds, but quality. The contractor does not rework, and the developer over there does not invest.No one said it was useless, the matter had reached a feverish stage, and there was no compromise at all.

What was even more ruthless on Wu Jinde's side was that they gave a 30-day refurbishment period. When the time came, they unilaterally tore up the contract and had to sue the contractor in court for accountability.

This action made those related households dumbfounded, not only dumbfounded, but also ruthlessly told the contractors to hold on and see who dares to take their jobs, and whoever takes the jobs will be investigated. Where is there a clean engineering team now?

The public shed is so dirty that the health bureau can't find it if you don't believe it.Does the Public Security Bureau believe that there is no floating population?In terms of taxation, I don't believe there is no tax evader. At least the construction materials imported need to show invoices!The Highway Bureau checks for overloading on the roadside of the construction site, so that your materials cannot enter the site. Let’s see how you develop. A rich outsider, and their gang of powerful locals, let’s see who can win in the end. Hold on.

A large number of workers have no work to do, so that the water conservancy bureau can use a hundred people.Pull down the reservoir directly to repair the dam.

Zhang Dong went to the Water Conservancy Bureau and met the director Lu Guangwu. Director Lu received the mayor very politely. It was said that both of them were graded, but Zhang Dong had more power.

Explain the purpose of the visit. I heard that the Water Conservancy Bureau is going to start construction on the reservoir. I hope to allocate some of the previous funds. The workers have to use local labor as in the past. They used to be volunteers. Now that the Water Conservancy Bureau has money, how can I make up for the previous funds? , Send some current labor and capital.

Lu Guangwu said with a smile: "Mayor Zhang! The Water Conservancy Bureau also has many difficulties. The poverty relief funds obtained by the county magistrate are all for special purposes. Although under the name of our Water Conservancy Bureau, all towns are looking at digging ?This time the Wei Dam is also unavoidable. Summer is coming. According to our data from previous years, this year is likely to be a year of waterlogging. Needless to say, mayor Zhang knows the importance of the reservoir. For water security in summer and For the safety of the reservoir, we can only postpone the drilling of wells one step at a time, and some wells may be reduced, but we must maintain the reservoir well to avoid greater losses during waterlogging, which is much better than having fewer wells! This is also Our joint opinion with the city leaders, leaders of the Water Conservancy Bureau, and the Water Conservancy Working Group has been reported to Secretary Li, and he agreed."

What Lu Guangwu said was also based on the overall situation, and people couldn't find any faults, and the food was very stable.This also made Zhang Dong snort a few times in his heart. He said that he did not forget the well digger when drinking water. Are you still digging a well?I don't even think about who pulled me here.After the money is in place, there is the decisive stuff.Those who forgot to ask for funds went to Secretary Li to agree.The county magistrate has completely become a show.

In fact, Lu Guangwu and the others are also careful in what they do. This kind of thing should not be too ugly. It is easy for anyone to become an official now!Is it easy to climb to a certain position?The eating looks ugly, who can blame it?As long as the plan is well planned and the principles are in place, no one will be able to find out anything.

After talking with Lu Guangwu, he still generously took out 1 yuan and distributed it to the villages.Make up for past labor.At that time, Zhang Dong almost slapped the table angrily, but fortunately he held back, now it depends on whose patience and perseverance!

1 yuan is sent to beggars, and if each village wants to share, it is less than 500 yuan, which can only be kept in the clear account of each village.As for the labor costs in the past, one hundred thousand would not be enough.

1 yuan is ironic, but if you don't want it, it will be a bit alarming.With only 1 yuan, Zhang Dong had to pretend to be grateful to confuse the other party.

But what no one expected was that there was almost a fight on the Jinling Reservoir.The reason is still the problem of labor force in each village.In the past, it was not easy to use them without giving money, and to grit their teeth to maintain the reservoir.But now I have money.You can pay people wages, but you can't pay them wages, not to mention the previous ones.Let’s just say that although the labor force in each village is attracted to work in the scenic spots, but now the scenic spots are closed, and they are basically idle at home.

I saw that the reservoir was contracted to other people. Although the workers used were from the county, they were not from the town.So I found the theory of the construction team, and the family of hundreds of people has grown to more than 500 people, dealing with more than 100 migrant workers.

The police force in Jinling Township was insufficient, so it was immediately reported to the county and asked for police support. The county made a unified deployment and coordinated the dispatch of all police forces.

After the county knew about this incident, they were afraid that Zhang Zijian would make a move after this incident, so Li Pinghe went directly to the scene. Zhang Zijian couldn't do it now!Inform the county magistrate who is at home and go there together.

The matter subsided quickly, and both parties reached an agreement that the construction team would still use half of the local labor force.Jinling Town Secretary Wang Kuifa was criticized by Li Pinghe.Zhang Zijian never intervened, just as a companion, watching the end of the matter without saying a word.

A day later, Zhang Zijian received a message from Wang Kuifa.The maintenance of the dam of the reservoir is also a waste of tofu.Even secretly taking pictures and collecting evidence.The expert sent by the Water Conservancy Bureau is also a speed type.In ten days, the reinforcement of the reservoir dam was completed.

Raising the dam means raising it by [-] centimeters. For reinforcement, instead of using cement and steel bars, straw and soil are packed in woven bags.This can be used for a few years, and this is not the time to fight floods and plug gaps. This thing can be strengthened and raised, and the height of forty centimeters is due to this thing.

Some people questioned that the experts sent by the Water Conservancy Bureau patted their chests to guarantee that there would be no problem, and even boasted that it would last for 20 years.

For a renovation of this scale, it cost less than 10!Ten days, 500 yuan, and the previously emphasized 400 million, there is a big gap.Just replace them all with reinforced concrete, plus labor, and it will cost about [-] million to increase the height by [-] centimeters.

Zhang Zijian looked at the report and looked at the evidence collection photos, and he couldn't suppress his anger.

Wang Kuifa looked at Zhang Zijian with a livid face, and said, "County Zhang, take action! This is not going to work! When summer comes, hundreds of thousands will be paid by Baihua."

"The evidence is not enough!" Zhang Zijian put down the photos and reports, and said with a sigh.

At this time, if we need to investigate, we will definitely find out the problem. The matter is here. The big deal is that the Water Conservancy Bureau will shirk its responsibility and find a few scapegoats.

That's not to say, the key is the role of the dam repair, whether it can withstand the severe flood, according to Wang Kuifa's many years of experience, I feel that it is not safe!In fact, is there a dam with a height of [-] centimeters, is it the same as not?Besides, catastrophic floods don’t happen every year!Just take precautions.

If you want to print important people, you have to find out where the funds were actually misappropriated.Otherwise, two or three little people can take responsibility for the 500 million expenses.After all, Zhang Zijian couldn't grasp the movements in the city.Sometimes the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has to proceed from the overall situation and also depends on human feelings.How far this matter should be handled is up to them, rather than Zhang Zijian using his own power to apply for an investigation by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.This is also risky, and I must check it, because I am afraid that I will not find the effect I want.

For the current problem, you have to be patient, stabilize your own side, indulge and paralyze the other party.

Time may wait for no one.Maybe there will be natural disasters, but in order to achieve the goal, we can only grit our teeth and sacrifice the losses.Zhang Zijian was no longer the original stabbing head.When you see injustice, you have to stand up.At that time, no matter how messy the stall was, someone would help him clean it up, but now, he can only rely on his own perseverance to endure this pain.

Zhang Zijian will never give up until these cancerous tumors are pulled out, even if there is another opportunity now.You have to hold back, and finally clear them all.

Wang Kui smoked continuously.I heard Zhang Zijian say: "I have asked Gao Fei to investigate the movement of funds! At this time, if we launch an attack, it is not good for us to launch an attack early, or to startle the enemy. Hold on for a while. The geology experts invited also inspected in Jinling Town. Where areas are designated, the cultivation of agricultural by-products and fruits should be encouraged. This also lays the foundation for our next economic development.

Take out a few villages as experimental fields, and let's experiment on a small scale.If you are unsuccessful, you can afford to lose. Once the nutritional value is researched, I will bring New Oriental, whether it is to build a new factory.In terms of investment, they are all over [-] million yuan.

The town needs to squeeze out some money to encourage growers and distribute planting and chemical fertilizers.A certain subsidy policy is also given.Come back and come up with a plan.

Zhang Zijian finished speaking.Wang Kuifa opened his eyes wide again and nodded fiercely.In the plan written for Zhang Zijian earlier, there were selenium-enriched agricultural by-products.According to County Mayor Zhang's plan, a huge agricultural park and an industrial park with selenium-rich industries will be built.Industrial parks mainly process geographical agricultural and sideline products into semi-finished products or high-end products.

The plan will be implemented slowly over three years.Another is New Oriental Company. They have a professional research team. As long as the nutritional content of selenium-enriched products is in line with popular sales, they will fund the construction of factories, expand the production base, fully bear the cost of planting, and carry out a one-stop cooperation plan such as recycling.

Although selenium-enriched products are monopolized, they have invested heavily and covered a wide range of areas. As long as they are suitable for planting selenium-enriched crops, they will adopt a contract recycling plan.Increase the interests of growers, but also get a comprehensive financial guarantee.

I don't even look at the scale of New Oriental.Has become a well-known domestic brand.There is a strong degree of trust, and the scale of more than [-] million is generally unimaginable.But it seemed easy to say it in Zhang Zijian's mouth.

This is easy for people like Zhang Zijian to say, who let him have such a big background.If Wang Kuifa knew that the current boss was always his woman, and that this New Oriental was created by Zhang Zijian's family history, he would be even more surprised.What surprised me was not how much investment Zhang Zijian brought in, but because he was in charge of Xintian, and he really used his power for private purposes.Once a monopoly is formed, Zhang Zijian's selenium-rich agricultural products will bring him many times his income.

This matter was easy to do, and the town really couldn't afford the money, so Zhang Zijian asked someone from New Oriental to help him with [-] mu of land in advance as a test field, with Jinling Town as a guarantee, and implement the plan step by step.

Cao Fang called more than a dozen times and asked to meet Zhang Zijian, but Gao Fei refused!But she walked into Zhang Zijian's house with something at night.

Now that you're here, let's meet up and see if there are other people in the family who can help Zhang Zijian stop him.Zhang Zijian was alone now, and he had to open the door when he heard the doorbell.

Seeing Cao Fang, he frowned.Seeing Zhang Zijian's expression, Cao Fang didn't care, and said with a smile, "Major Zhang, I'm sorry to interrupt your rest, but I have some cooperation intention here, I hope you can listen to it."

After thinking about it, let the other party in.Zhang Zijian asked her to sit down and said, "Miss Cao..."

"Don't dare, it's not girly anymore." Cao Fang smiled charmingly.

"Call me Mrs. Cao." Zhang Zijian was very disgusted with Cao Fang.If she can't say one, two, three today, she will be on her blacklist in the future.No matter who you ask to see yourself, you won't see him.

"If you can, call me Fang Fang or Sister Cao, Sister Fang." Zhang Zijian didn't expect that this person was really thick-skinned. Regardless of this, she was turning her head left and right to look at the layout of Zhang Zijian's residence. Of course, she also saw Zhang Zijian and Chen Jing That huge photo.

"I heard something about the situation, and the Water Conservancy Bureau has made some moves." Cao Fang asked tentatively.

"What action, they have done a good job recently!" Zhang Zijian said.

"Major Zhang, we don't know people and don't speak in secret, so I'll just say it straight! What County Mayor Zhang needs most now is the support of the city leaders. I heard that the Xintian County Water Conservancy Bureau embezzled 500 million yuan to repair the reservoir. I even said that the repair of the reservoir is no exaggeration than the projects of other scenic spots. If such projects can meet the standards, wouldn’t it be unjust for us to do the projects.”

"Zhang Zijian said with a chuckle: "Welcome to Nao Da, let's not talk about how the reservoir is.As long as you show evidence, you can go to the county commission for discipline inspection, the municipal commission for discipline inspection, even the provincial commission for discipline inspection.First of all, I want to emphasize that the work you are doing is subcontracted by the construction company of Wu Jinde, one of the shareholders of the subsidiary company of the Tourism Bureau.People think that your quality is not up to standard, that is a matter between you and Wu Jinde Company, and has nothing to do with the county government department, but it also helps both parties to coordinate.The fault is yours, not Wu Jinde's.As for the reservoir.And Wu Jinde are two concepts.Not to be confused. y! .

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