Super Yanei

Chapter 1022 Conspiracy Theory

Liang Dezheng put on a bold posture, which was to give Zhang Zijian the straightforward demeanor of a soldier.

Regardless of the tone of his speech when he came in, it was a little bit ruffian.Maybe his character and style of doing things are considered different in Xintian County.Ask directly about the relationship between Zhang Zijian and Commander Wu, instead of everyone else carefully probing and guessing.Even if he came out of the army, he didn't ask the foolishly.

To say that the other party's IQ is poor, can he be in this position yesterday morning?Moreover, dealing with the local government has been done for so many years, and he has long been integrated into the local intrigue.In fact, in the army, there is no worse than local intrigue, and gang formation is even more powerful.

After Zhang Zijian glanced at him, he pointed to the photo on the wall with a slight smile and said, "My future wife, when I met her, she was just a junior soldier, and then a lieutenant. In just a few years, she was promoted with me." At the same speed, he is now a school officer! Major. Minister Liang must be a lieutenant colonel!"

Liang Dezheng smiled and picked up the tea that Zhang Zijian had just poured for him, took a sip, and said, good tea.Then he asked: "Isn't President Si coming out?"

Seeing Zhang Zijian nodding his head, Liang Dezheng turned serious. He looked at the photo, and then said to Zhang Zijian: "You boy! My brother and sister are so handsome, my father-in-law is so awesome, and he is so powerful in politics. Are you from the military too?"

Zhang Zijian shook his head and said, "You don't need to guess this one! You guessed right, it has nothing to do with me now. There is very little that can help me now."

Liang Dezheng smiled again, looking at the special cigarettes.He took out one, tapped it, and said, "Who said there are few people who can help you! Commander Wu is here. Didn't I enter your house? After this, we brothers are in trouble together, but to be honest, I also I can't help you much. It's just that I have stayed in Xintian for a longer time, so I can give you some ideas."

"I'm very grateful for that. I'm getting more and more unfamiliar with Xin Tian." Zhang Zijian said with a self-mockery.

"Li Pinghe is the one who cares most about you. You make him an enemy." Seeing Zhang Zijian's indifferent smile, Liang Dezheng continued: "In Xintian. He is a god, don't look at him as a good guy It seems that he is actually poisonous? It seems to give you power, but in fact it trips you everywhere. It makes you unable to let go of your hands and feet. When you let go of your hands and feet, the danger is actually coming quietly. Others think that he is kind. In fact Just waiting to pick peaches?"

Zhang Zijian nodded in approval of Liang Dezheng's words.These words are all true, Zhang Zijian can also see it.The key is how to break the net woven by Li Pinghe, as long as one corner is torn apart, then Li Pinghe's power in Xintian will be severely impacted and will also undergo the greatest test.

Then Liang Dezheng said, "Have you met Li Pinghe's daughter-in-law?"

Zhang Zijian's eyes widened with surprise.What about Li Ping and his daughter-in-law's affairs in Xintian County?What role does she play?Also a strong woman?

Liang Dezheng didn't play riddles, and said directly: "Li Pinghe's daughter-in-law has a cousin who owns three companies in the city, one is a car dealer, the other is the proprietress of a Samsung hotel, and the other is the boss of a shopping mall. At two or three hundred million, she was just a small clerk in the Municipal Archives Bureau four years ago."

Zhang Zijian squinted his eyes thinking about the meaning of his words.Undoubtedly, Li Pinghe was hooked up with a certain leader in the city by virtue of his daughter-in-law's relationship.

That well-known woman had an affair with the big man in the city, and she was the power behind Li Pinghe. Don't underestimate this relationship, in fact, this relationship is sometimes very strong.

"It is said that Secretary Huang has something to do with that person." Liang Dezheng said again, and Zhang Zijian suddenly understood a lot.I can't blame the secretary of the municipal party committee for being a little alienated from him!It turns out that it is also a beam bridge.It's just that Li Pinghe suddenly has a higher seniority.

If Zhang Zijian can pee with Li Pinghe, Huang Songyu wants to see the side most, but is it possible to get together with Li Pinghe?Impossible, so the secretary of the municipal party committee still has to take care of his allies.After all, he is a grasshopper on a line.If Zhang Zijian wants to deal with Li Pinghe, shouldn't he also do it with Huang Songyu?

Zhang Zijian has a big background, but Huang Songyu and the others are really in power, and the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.This caused Zhang Zijian to be unable to exert his strength in Xintian County without support and backing.No matter what you do, it's all empty. This feeling is not something ordinary people feel. If Zhang Zijian hadn't experienced a period of turmoil in South Sanya, maybe he would have rushed forward head-on.It's a bittersweet outcome, but no one likes to see it.

From the perspective of Zhang Zijian's patience, he has matured a lot.

Weak allies are flawed and cannot be changed, but at least one is better than none!After all, Liang Dezheng has been in Xintian for so many years, and there are always people who can be used whether he has a good relationship or contacts.

The despised Liang Dezheng named another person and said, "Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Song Yumeng, Lao Song is my old chief's soldier. Although the old chief is gone, our relationship is still very good! Back then he was a professional , I am still in the army. Coincidentally, we work together, but no one knows at present, we still have a relationship of comrades-in-arms.”

When he said this, Zhang Zijian understood that Secretary Song and he were the same leader, but the transfer of the leader made them come from two different units.It is also a relationship between brothers and sisters.

Secretary Song turned to the Public Security Gate and climbed up step by step. It was not easy, but in Xintian County, the two had secret contacts and helped each other.

The reason for not making it public is that both of them are members of the Standing Committee, and Liang Dezheng's frequent abstention votes are not very effective, and Secretary Song's votes are probably following the trend.It doesn't matter, as long as Li Pinghe doesn't reach the banner there, he basically leans towards the organization.

Chang Ming said, Zhang Zijian plus his own, three votes, although not enough to see, but at least it can play a role in critical moments.There are also those who are considered centrists.As long as Zhang Zijian fought vigorously with Li Pinghe and overwhelmingly suppressed Li Pinghe, he might be able to win some of the votes, plus the two secret votes, it would be a surprise weapon if used properly.

Zhang Zijian nodded secretly, which means that Wu Bangzhu came down to inspect.A gift for yourself?This is enough for Zhang Zijian to find a breakthrough in the near future.

"What do you think of Li Gang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection?" Zhang Zijian asked.

"He's nothing to look at. He's very close to Li Pinghe! But Wang Hongmei, the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, is still worth watching. He was also a flower 20 years ago, haha! But now he's being crushed by Li Gang. .” Liang Dezheng said.

"Hearing what you said, I think Xintian's water is really deep, unfathomable!"

"That's right! People with a sense of justice will be crushed to death. People with a little bit of strength will end well. Your former county magistrate Liu, who was not strong, fought peacefully with Li Ping for two years. And he even gave him the financial power , just let him torment, look at what tormented Xintian County, not to mention the debts, the economy has not been improved. It's a mess, in fact, County Magistrate Liu is not a good bird, he thinks he can suppress Li Peaceful. In fact, it is still played by people in the applause." Liang Dezheng said.

Zhang Zijian nodded, agreeing somewhat, that Senior Liu didn't have a good view of the big picture!When people show weakness, they think that they are suppressing each other, and they become a little arrogant and complacent.Look down on people.And don't move the economy, mess around.Leaving Zhang Zijian in a mess, not to mention that no one came to vote, so it became a fool?

Or his strength is not enough!Fortunately, I walked steadily and didn't mess around blindly.Pulling people, so that Li Pinghe took it easy.If it weren't for Wu Jinde's big investment.There was a lot of commotion, and it is estimated that Li Pinghe had already started to suppress Wu Jinde and give Zhang Zijian an embarrassment.It's just that the plan is not as good as changing, suppressing Wu Jinde and turning it into an overhead Zhang Zijian.

It is uncomfortable to be excluded.Fortunately, with support and allies, you can plan before you move.

But Zhang Zijian wanted to meet Wang Hongmei, the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Also suppressed, the same deputy, maybe he can help Zhang Zijian a little bit.As long as the other party still has a sense of justice, as long as the team in Xintian County is not to be corrupted, it will be of great help to Zhang Zijian to open up the situation.

Discuss with Liang Dezheng and see how we can help meet Wang Hongmei. In fact, Zhang Zijian is also watched by many eyes in the county.Maybe when Liang Dezheng came to Zhang Zijian's house, someone saw him and informed Li Pinghe.

Another week passed in a blink of an eye, and the largest workshop of Wu Jinde's flue-cured tobacco processing factory was capped, and Zhang Zijian was invited to visit.

After the firecrackers were set off, the crane let go of the cables and began to cap the roof. After a burst of applause, Zhang Zijian said a few words of encouragement before visiting several other workshops.The construction here is very fast and the scale is large. The factory is expected to accommodate 550 employees.It is also a huge factory.

Due to the large scale, it is much slower than other small and medium-sized factories. Several small and medium-sized flue-cured tobacco processing factories listed in the county have already produced products. This will be Wu Jinde's most favorable competitor. No matter what the opponent is, in fact, Wu Jinde and Zhang Zijian No one cares.

Round relationship, is the relationship with the General Administration of Tobacco as hard as it is?With this relationship, there is no shortage of tobacco factories to purchase tobacco.The rest is waiting for orders and shipments.To say that there are no competitors.No matter from any point of view, it is not the opponent of Wu Jinde's factory.The key is to buy tobacco prices from the growers and give back to the growers' interests, to see who has a big penny.

Enjoy the same national policy, but Wu Jinde has more money and strength than them. He can make the purchase price too high and give more benefits, so that he can eat the tobacco in the whole county in an all-round way. , and acquisitions that have to be expanded outwards.It is conceivable that if small and medium-sized enterprises want to fight against a big factory like Wu Jinde, they have to increase the price and increase the profit, then the tobacco produced and the funds spent will be compressed, the cost is high, and the profit is low.Once poorly managed, it is easy to go bankrupt.

So those joint cigarette merchants are also trying to figure out how to deal with Wu Jinde's factory.

After Zhang Zijian came back from Wu Jinde, Zhao Biyong also walked into Zhang Zijian's office.This time I came here to find Zhang Zijian to cheer his friends on.

Mr. Huang, his old relation, has also built a medium-sized tobacco processing factory in Xintian. The investment is not very large, but it is close to 1000 million.

Zhao Biyong said: "County Zhang, this Mr. Huang has some connections in the province. He doesn't look at the face of the monk but the face of the Buddha. You take care of the big family like this, and you have a very good relationship with you. It always makes people talk about it. There are many words. If it spreads too much, it will become a rumor! It will be even more detrimental to you. Going there is also a financial support for the county, and besides, this President Huang has long wanted to know you and make friends with you."

Zhang Zijian looked at Zhao Biyong and said: "I found that you are very good as a middleman. Introduce someone to me every now and then. Do your work well first, next month. Let's go to the United States. I will apply for an inspection. You can also borrow This opportunity has signed the contract, and you will enjoy all the benefits. But you have to do something for me!"

Zhang Zijian's words made Zhao Biyong feel very at ease. He finally decided when to sign the contract. He was ready at any time. He wanted to go, but he didn't send any fax or invitation. good to go!Even if you go, you may not be able to sign a contract.Isn't there a Zhang Zijian in the middle?

He smiled and said to Zhang Zijian: "Didn't I also take pictures for you? Some relationships need to be opened up. Mr. Huang is a good person. One more friend is better than offending an enemy!"

"I'm gone with the surname Huang! If you really want to help me, just help me grow more ears. I'm not very well-informed right now." Zhang Zijian said.

After Zhao Biyong thought about it, he said, "Success, if you don't see it, you won't see it. But in terms of news, I don't know where you want to pay attention."

"Where did the 500 million yuan from the Water Conservancy Bureau go? I was talking about building the reservoir before, but I didn't see it in the account." Zhang Zijian pointed at the table and said.

"You're flattering me too much. I'm not from the Water Conservancy Bureau. Can you let me know about this kind of thing?" Zhao Biyong was surprised.He said with a chuckle.

"But there must be some news! Where is my concern now?" Zhang Zijian didn't believe that the other party didn't have any news. No matter how you say this kind of person is a capable person in the county, he has a lot of connections.Sources are plentiful.

Seeing Zhang Zijian's hard gaze, Zhao Biyong sighed and said, "Don't say I said it, in fact, the money in it is divided up and down. It was me who took 40. But I didn't take it for nothing. Don't use that money." Looking at me in this way, I can’t help it, and people like me don’t lack that little money, just help them operate it, and the amount is only 40. Remember the well drilling machine I donated before? I sold it to Me, I sold them all to the market, and bought some junk for them. The only ones that can be used are only five or six. Also, I was the one who brokered the purchase of equipment in the provincial capital, and the price is inflated. Three times. Except for the two machines that are new, the others are second-hand. I sold them and made a net profit of 15, and they took more than 100 million!"

Zhang Zijian opened his eyes wide, and was really shocked at being so bold.Could it be that the experts I invited couldn't see the roughness?I have no news, it is estimated that they have been bought by others.500 million!Just like that, they chopped off more than half of them in a daze.It is estimated that the amount that can really be used in the county is only three to four million.

Furious, he slapped the table and said to Zhao Biyong, "I need evidence."

"No. I won't give it to you. I don't want to play with myself. I can tell you this, so that you can feel more at ease, and no matter how much evidence you have, it's useless. You are all veterans, and you are clean." Zhao Biyong lit a cigarette and took two puffs, with a decadent expression on his face.Said: "Xintian County is a group of Xintian. If you want to break this kind of group, how do you think the city will support you? A word from Secretary Huang, the secretary of the municipal party committee, will make your hard work turn into everything, and the city Chief, now I am concentrating on being a deputy. I am very cautious in running the city. Unless you get his support, it will be very difficult. He is also an old man. If you talk about it, you are not sure. If you go to the Disciplinary Committee, you will probably get mixed up. No Yes. This is Xintian County! Under the protection of a slap, whoever jumps up, clenches his fists, and crushes someone to death. Do you think I have the ability to help you? Or do you think you are huge."

Zhao Biyong looked at Zhang Zijian with squinting eyes as he spoke, then he shook his head slightly and said, "You have brought hope to Xintian County, look at their appearance, and look at your current political achievements, have you really made it? Yes, they are waiting, it’s okay, some time is spent with you. I don’t see how much benefit your tourism development has brought to the people in Xintian, but I can see that it can feed a lot of people.

Also, they are waiting for you, and the next plan, as long as it is in his interest, does not care about time.But if you want to conflict with their interests, you, the county magistrate, really can't do it. I have now received news that the County Commission for Discipline Inspection has received many anonymous letters from you.

Maybe you don't care who sends you anonymous letters, and you're not afraid to investigate, but you need to get some evidence, corruption or something, do you think you can hide it?The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection probably received quite a few.Maybe they have secretly checked you now? "

From Zhao Biyong's words, Zhang Zijian heard many conspiracies.Of course, he was also warning himself in good faith that he was already shrouded in danger.If it weren't for the huge interest relationship between the two, it is estimated that Zhao Biyong would not have said so much.

Zhang Zijian nodded, and said, "I really underestimated them! In fact, if you say you don't care about the investigation, it's a lie. As long as it spreads, you should investigate me. It's nothing but it can be taken as the truth. Reputation! Morale! destroyed!"

"That's not it, that's who, Wu Jinde, right? If you invest so much in Xintian, who would believe you if you said that you have no financial relationship! How much money he gave you, just say whatever you want, let the word go, the county Many people will believe it. And what he said is clear. Why did Wu Jinde invest so much money in Xintian? Didn’t you, the county magistrate, give him power for personal gain? In fact, I have also seen the policies you gave him, and they are all normal procedures. Even the approved land is more expensive than those people. It’s not easy to start from here, but someone is in a hurry and insists on getting you down. Then you can change something! What can you do?”

What Zhao Biyong was talking about was a threat to the future.This kind of threat is not easy for Zhang Zijian to escape. Undoubtedly, when they suppressed their political opponents, they never thought about the economy, and the economic model they had finally established would collapse in an instant.

If it is so targeted.Wu Jinde will inevitably withdraw his capital. He is sure to pay, but someone will definitely take over. If one can't take such a big plate, there will be a dozen or dozens of people.And it was Wu Jinde's follow-up development projects at the lowest price.

In this way, they have some ability to turn the tide.Picking peaches is a snap.It's like playing cards.Eating offerings, taking your own offerings, and ordering your own orders.Too vicious move.

Zhao Biyong talked a lot, and seeing Zhang Zijian's expression, he shook his head secretly, let's not talk, he is still in the dark.Let's just say, the pressure on this young county magistrate is too great, just thinking about solving the situation is a headache.Before the opponent shows his power, let's quickly find a way to transfer him away!

Xintian County is not so well gilded.People leave gold, and kick you out, a rusty iron bump.Otherwise, after so many years of development, Xintian County wouldn't have developed like this?In fact, there is already an interest alliance here, move one, and they will attack in groups,

Zhang Zijian only thought about how to get Li Pinghe down, but getting Li Pinghe down might not be able to gain a foothold in Xintian.

The city's support for this side is very strong, but Zhang Zijian is still alone in the end, even if he adds allies, will he be strong?

The more I think about it, the more panicked I become.If the young master doesn't show his power, he really thinks it's just a display in the yamen!Don't even think about how big your group is.Just like this, he thought that the world was invincible, and wanted to frame him.Check it out, it's good to make a big fuss.

Zhang Zijian's domineering spirit made Zhao Biyong feel that Zhang Zijian's aggressiveness was commendable, but he was a little stupid.He has the spirit of Don Quixote, but he is a loser after all. He only wants to get the job introduced by Zhang Zijian before those interest groups attack Zhang Zijian.

Zhang Zijian sent Zhao Biyong away, sitting in the office and thinking of a way.The places where they can set Zhang Zijian up are Wu Jinde and several large-scale projects in the county.

If he wants to get his own evidence from Wu Jinde, he must either bribe him or kill Wu Jinde together.Whether it's the county or city discipline inspection commission, it's easy to control Wu Jinde.It's just that Wu Jinde will suffer a lot.

It is better to call and tell Wu Jinde not to come in the near future, unless they dare to go to the market to find Wu Jinde.But Wu Jinde still wants to come to Xintian!As time dragged on, he lost a lot.Now the project is done by himself.The previous loss was acknowledged.But after going through the judicial process, the book did his job and lost the lawsuit. He has no hope of getting back the compensation.

After communicating with Wu Jinde, Zhang Zijian put down the phone.Whether to get Wu Jinde a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for fun, Zhang Zijian's relationship with the listing is also very hard, and Wu Jinde can get a member with Wu Jinde's financial resources and company size.With a member of the CPPCC, he will be covered with a golden coat. Whoever wants to arrest him or leave him alone, this golden coat can protect him.If he dares to do it, at least the CPPCC will disqualify him from being a member of the CPPCC.Otherwise, no one will recruit him.

I can't do it without helping him!At least it was to protect himself, once Wu Jinde was brought under control, who would guarantee that Wu Jinde would bite indiscriminately after being convicted of foreign crimes.Those days were not something ordinary people could bear.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Zijian began to help him with the affairs of the CPPCC members.

Xin Tian has been very calm recently, and the calmness is somewhat confusing. Zhang Zijian did not move, and the others did not move. They were working step by step, but tourism development slowed down. gone.To the disappointment of many ordinary people, the villages that are critically short of water are still short of water.We are waiting for the second batch of funds to come in to solve their drinking and irrigation problems.

However, Zhang Zijian was relieved that several villages in Jinling Town agreed to be used as experimental sites to plant crops. Jinling Town's finances were poor, but he still gritted his teeth and spent more than 1 yuan to buy seeds.As for fertilizers, nothing can be done.However, they have a way to borrow [-] tons of fertilizer from the supplier on credit.This is how to solve the problem of the experimental field.

New Oriental's expert team came over quietly, took some soil, and the products that had been planted before, and went back to study it.Now we are waiting for the report. As soon as the test report comes out, New Oriental will invest heavily to ensure a large area of ​​planted products first. , to consider building a factory.

These were all secretly operated by Zhang Zijian, and he waited for the storm to come.Although he has also gone through several political crises, this time he really encountered a hard stubble.

The opponent's methods are really dark!After adding a group, there is no way to start.This caused Zhang Zijian to be very passive.

The county art troupe, so as to maintain the organizational system.The number is also more than a dozen people.In fact, it has been reduced to, using a caravan, taking a dozen people to wander in other cities!The only site in Xintian County is the old movie theater, which has also become a multi-functional entertainment meeting place.

When the National People's Congress is held, this is the meeting place.When I have nothing to do, I play movies or performances.The main thing is theatrical performances, all of which are self-established groups.Official products like the County Art Troupe rarely come forward.

These were all secretly operated by Zhang Zijian, and he waited for the storm to come.Although he has also gone through several political crises, this time he really encountered a hard stubble.

The opponent's methods are really dark!After adding a group, there is no way to start.This caused Zhang Zijian to be very passive.

The county art troupe, so as to maintain the organizational system.The number is also more than a dozen people.In fact, it has been reduced to, using a caravan, taking a dozen people to wander in other cities!The only site in Xintian County is the old movie theater, which has also become a multi-functional entertainment meeting place.

When the National People's Congress is held, this is the meeting place.When I have nothing to do, I play movies or performances.The main thing is theatrical performances, all of which are self-established groups.Official products like the County Art Troupe rarely come forward.

The county art troupe, so as to maintain the organizational system.The number is also more than a dozen people.In fact, it has been reduced to, using a caravan, taking a dozen people to wander in other cities!The only site in Xintian County is the old movie theater, which has also become a multi-functional entertainment meeting place.

When the National People's Congress is held, this is the meeting place.When I have nothing to do, I play movies or performances.The main thing is theatrical performances, all of which are self-established groups.Official products like the County Art Troupe rarely come forward.

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