Super Yanei

Chapter 576 Don't You Want To Do It Anymore?

Chapter 576 Don't You Want To Do It Anymore?

Zhang Zijian looked up at Liao Hainan, and thought, "If he leaves, the situation in Hui'an County will change? Who will take over from him?" Thinking of this, Zhang Zijian asked tentatively, "Mr. Liao is in Hui'an." It has great significance, you are a veteran, if you leave, I am afraid that the people below will not be able to control the field!"

Liao Haisheng said with a slight smile: "With Mrs. Hou here, there are still people in Hui'an County who can't live there."

When he said this, Zhang Zijian knew in his heart that the structure of Hui'an County was too tight, and the county's 'government' was too weak, and he didn't know who wanted Liao Hainan to leave, and then a political and legal committee secretary came down, this position, It has become a must for the two, or an independent position.If Hou Liguo could hold him down, he would have to pay a higher price. He came here for Wu Runzhong.

But what puzzled Zhang Zijian was why did Liao Hainan mention this to him? Even if he was introduced to the provincial leader, he still had to leave!It's not good for this side at all, so why mention it.He wanted to reveal the news to Zhang Zijian, but there was no need for this method!

Looking sideways at Liao Hainan, he shook his head slightly and remained silent, which made Zhang Zijian even more puzzled.So he said: "I will go to England in a few days and live in the provincial capital for a day."

"Okay, thanks."

"About Qiao Wenhai." Zhang Zijian was afraid that he would mention Qiao Wenhai's matter when he finished his work.

At this time, after the food and wine were served, the two drank two glasses of wine first, and Liao Hainan said: "It will be handled in the next two days, and this matter cannot be delayed."

Since Liao Hainan was happy, Zhang Zijian went on to toast, "to thank him."I remembered that I still said not to drink on the phone, but when it comes to things, who can control my mouth!

"I heard that you have a good relationship abroad." Liao Haitian asked suddenly.

"No way! They are good with the Soviets. Hehe. But they are too stupid?" Zhang Zijian said with a light smile.I was also thinking in my heart, why did he ask these questions?

"My location restricts me! I can't go out to play casually. To be honest, your old sister-in-law has always wanted to wait for me to retire and take her around to see the scenery abroad." Liao Hainan's expression brightened There is a smell of regret.

"There is no rule that county-level cadres are not allowed to go out to play! Even if you are the head of the political and legal committee, there are no rules and regulations! The main reason is the nature of your work and you are too busy. To be honest, you can organize your unit to go abroad for inspection. By the way, let's play." Zhang Zijian followed his words.It's like a family chat.

"The county leaders went out to inspect the project. Our police, unless we go to learn the advanced experience of foreign police, I also want to organize it recently, but the funds in the bureau are not much! Let's go to the city bureau, do you have this opportunity?" Liao Hainan Said.

"In short, it's also public. The county bureau has little funds. Can it go to the county 'government' or the county committee? Anyway, the sheep's hair comes from the sheep?" Zhang Zijian said with a chuckle.

"When you're in the UK, help me see how the police system is over there. I'll make some preparations here. The UK or the US, or Canada." Liao Hainan smiled lightly.It happened to meet Zhang Zijian's gaze.Immediately picked up the wine and said: "Come on, Xiao Zhang, I respect you."

"No, let me respect you!" Zhang Zijian hurriedly picked up the wine, feeling a little strange in his heart. There seemed to be an indescribable feeling in Liao Hainan's eyes just now, and he covered it up with a smile.

He didn't drink too much wine at noon, and after the two of them broke up, Zhang Zijian went to the county party committee to discuss with Hou Liguo about Liao Hainan's desire to quit.

"It's not a day or two since he wants to move." Hou Liguo said after listening to Zhang Zijian.

"I always feel that he is a little bit hiding something? Also, he wants to organize his unit to go abroad to investigate the government system of other countries. Learn a little bit of experience." Zhang Zijian said.

"I complained. When you were in the UK, you mentioned to me that the county bureau's funds were too small. Our county went out to inspect a unit in two years. It has never been a police officer. In fact, I also know that his Thoughts, I want to take those front-line soldiers to relax. In fact, they still travel in the country every year." Hou Liguo said.

"There is no comparison between domestic and foreign countries. It's not that they worship foreigners. They pay more attention to environmental protection than ours. There are basically no pollution in many beautiful and beautiful areas. The air is clear. When appropriate, I will also organize in Weidong. One click." Zhang Zijian gave a slight click.

But thinking of Liao Hainan's strange look in his eyes, Zhang Zijian felt that something was on his mind?But this feeling can't be put into words.Thinking of how old he is, he can still seek some benefits for his subordinates.It's not easy for Zhang Zijian to say anything about him, maybe he has something on his mind!

"I heard that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is studying the national high school, starting from the east, connecting the north and the south." Hou Liguo wanted to confirm what he had heard from Zhang Zijian.

Zhang Zijian said: "I haven't heard of it! I'll ask later. The expressway will definitely be built, so let's prepare early!"

"The airport expressway is a headache to death, and let us prepare. Several provincial roads in Hui'an County have just been widened. If the entire county passes through the expressway, where can we get so much money?" Hou Liguo worried. Shen'se' said.

"You don't have to worry too much about this. Part of the country, the province, and the city. As for the county level, we don't know how much, but we must be prepared for land acquisition. Anyway, from our county The high-speed road you take is not as valuable as the airport high-speed road? Let’s talk about it later.” Zhang Zijian said.

"Well, it's just a wild guess right now, and there's no policy yet. You need to inquire about it, first in the east, and then look at other people's standards. We feel low in our hearts. Oh! I almost forgot one thing, the top ten young people in the province Our city has reported you, probably in early October. Can you come back?" Hou Liguo said.

"It's probably difficult. You know that I'm also very busy. Early October should be the busiest period. After all, mid-October is about to end. No, you can ask the city's publicity department to change someone. I'm still young, so I can't do it next year. .” Zhang Zijian said.

"Well, your matter is important. These are the cadres I'm going to propose. Please help me to see. I want to hold a meeting with the *** first, and study it first." Hou Liguo said and took out a list.The entire list is no less than 20.

After Zhang Zijian glanced at them, several of them were familiar.Zhang Zijian put the list on the table and said, "I don't think there's any need for a meeting. Go directly to the Standing Committee. This way you can catch the other party by surprise."

"What if something goes wrong? It just catches us off guard." Hou Liguo knocked on the table and said helplessly to Zhang Zijian.

"You can't just take advantage of yourself! The matter of Liao Hainan has already given us a warning. The higher-ups really don't want your family to dominate. You suppressed Wu Runzhong too hard. His work performance is not obvious, so he must complain to the higher-ups." ! When it’s time to delegate power, if you say you don’t delegate power, can the higher-ups disagree with you?” Zhang Zijian said.

Hou Liguo didn't speak. He looked at him quietly for a while and said, "Go back first! I'll think about it for a while."

When Zhang Zijian returned to Weidong, An Qingzhong walked over to Zhang Zijian and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Hou will hold a meeting with Mrs. Zhang in the afternoon."

"I know." Zhang Zijian said.At this time, Hou Liguo also felt a little stressed. If he didn't hold this meeting, the chance of accidents would be very low. If he held this meeting, he could set the tone, and even if there were some accidents, he could make adjustments in time.There may be room for bargaining.

Seeing that An Qingzhong didn't move, Zhang Zijian said, "Is there anything else?"

"A man named Feng Shuai came to you and said he was the boss of Huaqing Real Estate Company in Six Cities." An Qingzhong said slightly closer.

"Do you value our land?" Zhang Zijian asked.

"Well, I received him, and after a brief chat, he said that he has been down for a while to investigate, and he values ​​the Hanjiazhuang in the west, and wants to develop it into a real estate." An Qingzhong said.

"Yes! Isn't this increasing our income? It's also included in the investment promotion." Zhang Zijian said with a chuckle.

"But Han's Village is a big villager! There are quite a few people, and I heard what Feng Shuai said, only the Zhuangzi, not the land of the villager's family." An Qingzhong said.

"It's a good thing! The residents of Hanjiazhuang still have to move back. They don't need land, but they can still farm. Living in a building and planting land, such a good thing is not common." Zhang Zijian didn't take it seriously.Then he asked casually, "How much is he going to invest?"

"I didn't ask that?" An Qingzhong replied.Then he said: "He said he would come over after three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost three o'clock, you see."

"Just bring it here." After Zhang Zijian finished speaking, he waved An Qingzhong down.

Busy with my own work for a while, after three o'clock, An Qingzhong brought in the commander-in-chief Feng.Zhang Zijian saw this thin and tall man in his forties, dressed in bright clothes, and his leather shoes were shiny.

"Mr. Zhang, excuse me." Feng Shuai walked into Zhang Zijian's office, and quickly reached out his hand. Zhang Zijian stood up from his seat and shook hands with him.

"I heard from Director An that you have taken a fancy to the land in Hanjiazhuang. Tell me about your plan." He walked out from behind the desk and sat on the reception sofa with the other party.

Feng Shuai looked at An Qingzhong, smiled slightly and said, "Yes, seeing the changes in Weidong is really surprising, and I didn't expect Weidong to have a residential building. Seeing this, I firmly believe that adding a commercial building here will still make money Yes. There is a wholesale market in Weidong, and there are also a lot of people from outside. I heard that the rent here is more than [-] per month."

"President Feng has a good eye!" Zhang Zijian nodded slightly.Then he said: "Our Weidong welcomes capable developers to develop in Weidong. Do you have any written materials?"

"Not yet. The main reason is to communicate with Weidong's parents and officials. We need to come up with a plan, which will be out in two days." Feng Shuai said to Zhang Zijian with a soft smile on his face.

"Director An told Mr. Feng the specific situation of Hanjiazhuang." From the conversation just now, Zhang Zijian knew that this man didn't know anything about Hanjiazhuang. If he knew, he must have a plan in mind.The population and the land area are inseparable from his investment!It’s not something that can be solved with words alone.I still want to make a plan in two days, is it possible?It will take three to five days to measure on the spot.It will take time to come up with a compensation plan, discuss, research, and determine, and a feasibility report will only be issued when everything is ready.Now that he has been inspecting for two days, why didn't he get in touch with the Hanjiazhuang Village Committee to communicate.Get the data from the Hanjiazhuang Village Committee and confirm it.

Judging by Feng Shuai's appearance, it seemed as if he didn't care about statistics at all.

"Let me first briefly talk about the population of Hanjiazhuang to Mr. Feng. Hanjiazhuang currently has 470 three households and 3.7 people. The cultivated land area is 460 mu. The whole village covers an area of ​​[-] mu, which is about [-] and [-] square meters." An Qingzhong told the other party what he knew.

"Oh! It's only a little over three acres! I heard that we have 25 acres of land in Weidong. What if..." Zhang Zijian interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Don't Mr. Feng face residential land and farming? Don’t you know where to go?”

"This, this I know." Said, glanced at An Qingzhong and said, seeing that he was also waiting to look at him, he smiled awkwardly, and took out two ID cards from his bosom, one was the municipal party committee The vice president Han Guoliang wrote one, and one was written by Kong Zhiqiang from the Municipal Land Bureau.

Zhang Zijian put the banknotes on the table and said, "President Feng wants to take two banknotes, so let me sell you 25 acres of residential land?"

"Hehe, Mrs. Zhang may not know me very well. My principle is that if there is profit, everyone can make it together. Besides, if this land is developed, it will bring more benefits to Weidong. Why don't we spare some time?" Have a nice chat."

"What are you talking about, take your dick and get the hell out of here." Zhang Zijian stood up suddenly and said angrily.He sort of understood that 20 mu of land was like grabbing for nothing.The money to buy the land is close to one million yuan. Is it enough to resettle the villagers?Besides, demolition was a lot of trouble, even if Feng Shuai wanted to exchange one house for two, what would 100 million be enough for?Besides, less than 100 million?

"This, this, Mrs. Zhang, it's negotiable! The price is negotiable." Feng Shuai also hurriedly stood up and said in a hurry.

"It's easy to discuss, it's done! One mu of land, 1000 million. How about it? Let's talk about it. Don't you give it away?" Zhang Zijian pointed to the door.After Feng Shuai looked at him, he glanced at An Qingzhong, glared at him, then turned around and left. If An Qingzhong wasn't present, he wouldn't be able to perform at his level, and thought: I'll go to his house at night, luckily I have already found out where Mrs. Zhang lives.Go with something.Heh heh, others don't give as many gifts as I do. I put the gold bars directly in front of him, and I'm probably dumbfounded.Those who come from thousands of miles to be an official only seek money, and those who are officials don't make any money!

After Feng Shuai left, Zhang Zijian pointed at An Qingzhong and said, "Come again, kick me out."

"I didn't expect him to use his relationship to suppress you, a 'rogue' businessman, a typical 'rogue' businessman." An Qingzhong also said hastily at this time, thinking, he really made Mrs. Zhang very angry just now.

Zhang Zijian thought for a while and said to An Qingzhong: "A little while! Hold a meeting and talk about this matter. In the development of Weidong City, how much is the land per mu, or how much is the price per square meter? The prices in the urban areas are all commercial land. The prices in the urban areas of the six cities will be used as the standard. Write me a speech."

"Hey! I'll let you know. Do you think it's 04:30?" An Qingzhong pointed to his watch and said.


Zhang Zijian's meeting lasted until six o'clock, and he bought a meal for everyone at his own expense. When he returned home near ten o'clock, there were two people standing at the door.

"Why are you here!" Zhang Zijian saw that it was Feng Shuai, and he understood what he meant, and he came in a hurry to give gifts.

"I couldn't communicate with *** Zhang in the afternoon, please give me 5 minutes, let's chat." Feng Shuai said with a charming smile on his face.

Zhang Zijian let the two come in, pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit as you please."

Feng Shuai and the two didn't sit down, they put a small box on the coffee table, and said to Zhang Zijian, "Mr. Zhang, the price has increased, and that's also public money, so it won't reach your mouth loan. The land in Hanjiazhuang , I can give you up to 30 yuan, and I will take out 200 million yuan to give you two houses. Hehe, this is a small meeting gift." Feng Shuai said and opened the small box, Zhang Zijian glanced at it ,drink!That dazzling golden yellow!Two gold bars.It looks like two or two!Four taels of gold bars, this meeting gift is not light.

Zhang Zijian sneered, and then stopped looking at the gold bars, and said to Feng Shuai, "You haven't done a good job! Since you can find out where I live, why don't you inquire about who I am? I hate it the most." It’s just that someone bribed me and didn’t take national property seriously. How did Weidong get up, and you didn’t ask me how many billions I raised for Weidong. Even if I kept one percent, it would be tens of millions .You don’t even have anything to look at, I don’t care! There’s nothing to talk about, get out!”

"Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Han..." Feng Shuai still wanted to use the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee to pressure Zhang Zijian, but Zhang Zijian said with a sneer, "What's wrong with Mrs. Han, you bribed him too. How about you let me Mrs. Han came over to talk to me."

"Mr. Zhang, Weidong is not up to you alone. I came here to save face. I also have people in the city and Hui'an County to block other people's money. Hehe, don't you want to do it. The little boss dares to challenge the vice president of the municipal party committee."

"Get lost, wasting my time." Zhang Zijian was stunned angrily, pointed to the door, grabbed the gold bars on the coffee table and threw them out.

After being taken aback for a moment, Feng Shuai also had a ferocious expression on his face. He gave Zhang Zijian a hard look, turned around and walked out.

"Mr. Feng, this is too flattering, why don't I find someone to frighten him." Feng Shuai's driver said.

"Don't mind! Talk to Mayor Wu tomorrow. By the way, Director Chen of the Quality Supervision Bureau said that Director Zhou of the Propaganda Department can go away? Then add some material to this person. Pick up the gold bars, take out one and throw it away Go in. Go back and look for their Disciplinary Committee. The city and the county will pinch him to see if he can't be killed." Feng Shuai said harshly, got into the car, and waited for the driver to throw the gold bars.

Zhang Zijian heard a bang in the yard, turned on the yard light, and looked outside, there was a faint golden light shining in the yard.The smile on the corner of his mouth is even stronger, the other party is not giving up!Play dirty with him?

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