Super Yanei

Chapter 624

Qiao Wenhai acted resolutely on two fronts. To coordinate with their operation, the local police station sent five people to assist them. When they saw the large group of people, they were also shocked. 【】Thirty or forty people!Some of them were seconded from the police station in the development zone, and most of them were members of the joint defense team.

The number of people who went to Entelai Company was relatively small, only about ten people, and they found the person in charge and seized some products as evidence.And Hao Hao's dangdang brigade rushed to the nest of closed training.Immediately, the floor of this 70s was completely surrounded.

When the siren sounded, Ding Lei was excited!Organization, organization finally acted.Just by hearing the siren, he knew that there would be no more than seven or eight vehicles. In order to confirm whether the brigade was old, Ding Lei rushed to the window, opened the thick curtains, and let in a ray of sunlight. Eyes block bright light.

"What are you doing? Come back to me!" The director was shocked when he saw Ding Lei's actions, he gave the two strong men around him a wink and stepped forward to control him.

Ding Lei glanced down.Seeing many people getting off the car downstairs, including Qiao Suo, Ding Lei's eyes were moist.The arm was suddenly grabbed, Ding Lei glared at the director viciously, gritted his teeth, kicked out suddenly, and shouted loudly: "Comrades, the government has come to rescue us."

"Don't listen to him. It's nothing. We are a legitimate business. We are not afraid of heaven and earth." Although he was kicked by Ding Lei, when he heard Ding Lei's words, the director hurriedly crawled from the ground and retorted loudly.There was also nervousness on his face, after all, he also encountered this situation once, and besides, everyone was engaged in business, not revolution.

When Ding Lei wanted to talk, a strong man next to him suddenly punched him. His eyes had stars, and he hadn't eaten properly for several days.Where is the strength!

The door was kicked open suddenly, and many policemen rushed in, shouting, "Don't move."

After yelling, he was stunned, and the people behind continued to rush in, squeezing the people in front. Sadly, no one thought that so many people could be squeezed into such a small place. No matter how aggressive a dozen policemen came, it was already crowded. Not open.Qiao Wenhai from the back managed to squeeze in, and beside him were colleagues from the local police station. Seeing this scene, he was speechless. What are there so many people doing!Sweat was pouring down from their foreheads, there were so many people gathered in their jurisdiction, there was no news at all!If there is a riot or something, the consequences are unimaginable.

With a gun in his hand, Qiao Wenhai yelled at the crowd, "Squat down and put your head in your hands."

Zhang Juan, who was relatively close to Qiao Wenhai, suddenly said loudly, "Qiao Suo, there is still a room opposite."

Qiao Wenhai turned his head to the people outside and said, "Break open the opposite door."

The director squeezed over from the squatting people, his face was also tense and his forehead was sweating, and he said to Qiao Wenhai: "Comrade, are you making a mistake? We are from Ente, and they are all ours." Employees, this is our dormitory."

Qiao Wenhai said with a sneer: "That's right. Your company is arresting you, and you are the leader here."

"No. No." Seeing this posture, the supervisor felt even more uncertain, and dared not admit it in front of so many policemen.

"It's him! He's the director here." Ding Lei stood up wobbly, broke away from the two big men from behind, and stared at each other. Back said.He said loudly again: "Everyone here knows that he is the supervisor here."

Ding Lei shook his head, stepped on many people's feet, and walked in front of Qiao Wenhai with difficulty, with a little blood on the corner of his mouth and tears in his eyes.Give Qiao Wenhai a salute: "Council defense team member Ding Lei, report to you."

Qiao Wenhai saluted, and then saluted Zhang Juan.Said: "Thank you." He patted Ding Lei on the shoulder and gave him comfort.

At this time, Ding Lei saw the rubber stick on the waist of another comrade-in-arms beside him, reached out to take it, and swung it towards the director's shoulder. Suddenly on the ground, his face twisted.When Ding Lei was still smoking, Qiao Wenhai grabbed his arm and said, "Let's talk when we go back."

Then he said to the people behind him, "Bring them all to me."

The policemen from the local police station frowned, what kind of gang is this!And undercover? His temperament is too serious, so he has to be stopped.He winked at another police officer who followed, telling him to go back and report quickly, what if it's a big case?They can also take advantage of it, at least it is a major case that can only be solved with their cooperation.

If there are one or two people, they will take them away if they take them away, but so many people can't just watch them take them away!The one immediately followed Qiao Wenhai and said, "Qiao Suo, what's going on! There's no preparation for such a sudden commotion! It's inconsistent with what you reported! Let's wait for the superior's instructions first."

"Old Liu! We have been following this case for a long time. Thank you for your support and cooperation. Later, I will invite your Wang Suo to have dinner at the Suo!" With a wave of his hand, he said, "Close the team."

Under Qiao Wenhai's order, all the team members took the people in the house into the car as quickly as possible. The policeman surnamed Liu was in a hurry and couldn't stop him.Watching them take people away.

On the other side, after Yu Xingang led a team and rushed to the company, someone stopped him. After Yu Xingang revealed his identity, he forcibly entered, searched and seized it.This move aroused great resistance from Entelai's employees. During the conflict, after a few people were handcuffed, the gang became more honest.

Yu Xingang collected a lot of products, records, sampling and evidence collection, all under the supervision of many people.Afterwards, several executives were arrested and returned with the team and samples.It wasn't until after they left that Ent came to the top to react.

Su Dongshui, the new chief of public security in the six cities, only learned about the situation from Gao Wei when he was two hours old, and politely said to Gao Wei, first find out the situation, and then give him the news later!

Su Dongshui was blessed by Zhang Zijian to become the chief of the bureau, and he knew more or less about this.He knew the power of Zhang Zijian's lottery before he became the chief of the bureau.At this time, Weidong's people came to the six cities to take action, and there was no one to back them up. He wouldn't believe him even if he died!

Then the people below reported the matter, and he realized that Wei Dong was ultimately involved in this matter.The drug test issued by the Hui'an County Food and Drug Administration was also in front of him.There is no such thing as counterfeiting. This thing can be eaten to cause problems. Have you ever seen that eating whole grains can cause problems?I've never heard of it before, and then I thought, it's very likely that this is a bureau who already knew that this health product was a fake, but for some reason, they couldn't uncover the pot, so they made such a bad move.

Unfortunately, he was also involved, and if he wanted to get away, he could only sit on the wall and watch the dragon and tiger fight, but there was also a problem of face, that is Gao Wei's face, should he give it or not?

No one could see any faults or thorns in Weidong's formal procedure this time.But things are really not that simple. Even though Weidong's procedures are very formal, sometimes he is not formal in terms of human dignity.

Gao Wei, who had just arrived, hadn't figured out about some forces in the six cities and wanted to find someone, so he counted on his fingers, is there just a few?I really can't think of anyone who can really help him.But if you don't find someone, the bigger the matter gets, the more unfavorable it will be for him.And I don't know what the bottom line is.

Immediately, Zhang Zijian was called, and Zhang Zijian went to the provincial capital to report to work.I called Guangzhou and Shanghai and went to the provincial capital for a meeting.This made Gao Wei stand there for a moment.Coincidence or intentional.As soon as I found out that they all left yesterday, and it was not the initiative of the province to greet them, so who transferred the two people he knew?

Then he called Shi Longxin from Weidong, wanting to find out about the situation, first to see what the other party said, when the call came, Shi Longxin received the call, and after Gao Wei revealed his identity, Shi Longxin smiled and said: "Oh! Mr. Gao! Hehe! Find me what's up."

"I wanted to find Secretary Zhang? I heard that he went to the provincial capital."

"That's right! The secretary of the provincial party committee wants to hear Wei Dong's report. Yesterday morning, the general office of the provincial party committee called. Secretary Zhang couldn't be sloppy, so I just let him do it. Is there anything I can do for you." Shi Longxin said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth. A faint sneer.

"Oh! That's right. You also know that Entelai is a company run by my friend. I don't know why the police station in Weidong District came to six cities to search Entelai and took many people away." Gao Wei stared patiently. Zi said.

"I really don't know about this. How about I get to know the situation first, ask, and then give you an answer." "Okay, I'm waiting for your call! "Gao Wei put down the phone with a dark face, and everyone he was looking for gave him an answer, that is, to find out the situation first, and the question was basically from Weidong, but Weidong really didn't know the situation, do they need to know? What are you procrastinating for?

If it is fake and shoddy, it is really fake and shoddy, but how many people can know the ingredients in it?Suddenly thought of a possibility, Wei Dong?Weidong New Oriental Branch has a scientific research department.Could it be that the problem is there? Did they investigate him after he left last time?That said, it shouldn't be so fast!

Then the City Public Security Bureau called.Su Dongshui said: "Mr. Gao! It's a bit responsible to say that this matter is responsible, but it is relatively simple to say."

"You just tell me whether it's okay or not." Gao Wei's heart was in a mess. Now Su Dongshui still wants to play with a good news or a bad news, you should listen to that first.How could Gao Wei have such thoughts!Now let Su Dongshui speak directly.

"The cause of the matter was that on a certain day, your lover, Ms. Zhu Ping, went to Weidong to inspect the project and encountered a fraud case. Because Zhang Zijian, the secretary of the Weidong Management Committee, was also present, he ordered a strict investigation. Although Zhu Ms. Ping said it was fine at the time, but the comrades at the police station couldn’t say it was okay. After all, this matter involved extortion. In line with the policy of education, the comrade was educated, but the comrade thought the matter was serious and entrusted him to the police station. The relatives who work in the communication office of the Eastern Management Committee, see if they can talk at the police station. The gift sent is also a product of your friend’s company. After eating it, the old man in the communication room had problems, and he had difficulty breathing and could not speak clearly. After being sent to the county hospital, I told the doctor that it was the result of taking health care products. The doctor is not sure! Apply for health care products to be a drug supervisor to see if there is any allergy.”

Speaking of this, Su Dongshui continued after a pause: "That's the problem. His children heard that it was a fake and shoddy product, so they started to file a complaint, and even went to the police station to report the case. Today's action was also an accident. When they brought someone over , I reported it to the District Bureau. I thought that after investigating and understanding the situation, I found a major problem, your friend’s company is holding an illegal party."

When talking about illegal gatherings, Su Dongshui was depressed and flustered. The reason was so bad that even he himself didn't believe it. If he hadn't chosen to be neutral, he wouldn't even bother to explain it to Gao Wei.But his explanation is a bit biased towards Weidong.Weidong's actions also have a reason, but after all, the case is being handled on the territory of the six cities!Taking so many people away is also called a reason. Su Dongshui's explanation is a bit reluctant, but there is really a reason, otherwise people will not check you for no reason!

In our country, we pay attention to getting people first, doing things first and paying attention to evidence. Weidong has done a good job here. He has put the evidence and things on the surface, but he doesn't want you to argue.

Gao Wei heard that his head was getting bigger. According to Su Dongshui, this matter is on his head, whether it is on his head or not, whoever ordered to move them has to be fully understood, and they can't do it all , He still doesn't know who did it.

"Su Bureau, just tell me how to deal with it!" Gao Wei said.

"Let me ask at the police station that if there is nothing wrong, the person who should be released is the old man who is the gatekeeper in Weidong. If he is not tall, the matter is really much simpler." Su Dongshui said.

But in Gao Wei's mind, it's not that simple. He knows what he does. Although direct selling is not illegal in China, he really uses fake and shoddy products to fool people!Fraud cannot escape.Because of the period of time they came to the six cities, they are not familiar with the people here. Even if his wife's mother-in-law is the mayor, he has just taken office. He helps, this favor is also to the end!Unless his daughter-in-law's natal uncle goes out to say something.

But can this be said?He knew this uncle, he was a decent person, if he knew that they were engaged in such illegal activities, and he didn't need to be dealt with, this uncle could go to the Public Security Bureau with his own hands.

At a loss, I immediately thought of seeing Zhang Zijian, since it was an accident, why not try it out, if I can really help him in the face of my daughter-in-law's natal uncle!This matter is over, and I will look for an opportunity to make up for this opportunity. If Houzijian doesn't help, I will have to lose my arm, protect myself first, and look for an opportunity to find out the real culprit and take revenge.

In fact, what made Gao Wei most distressed was that he was investigated before he was bleached. If he found an ordinary factory instead of a big company like New Oriental, he might have escaped the disaster.

Shi Longxin's phone call to him was basically the same as what Su Dongshui said. He said to Gao Wei on the phone: "President Gao is a bit tricky. It's not that he won't help you. There are too many people who know about it. Let's look at the police investigation first." The situation, I just heard, there is a new development."

"New development, what do you mean?" Gao Wei asked in surprise.

"I don't know about this either! They didn't tell me. It's not convenient for me to ask." Shi Longxin said.

Gao Wei scolded the old fox in his heart.You are already the deputy director of the management committee, so why not tell you what's wrong?Gao Wei asked Zhang Zijian's phone number in the provincial capital, and Shi Longxin also said he didn't know.

Gao Wei had an ominous premonition, and then made two phone calls, and went out to hide and wait for his news.

In a short period of time, ENT came to empty buildings, and as soon as the high-level personnel disappeared, the supervisors would arrest them.Many people came here through someone's introduction. After buying the product back, they say it works or not, but the commission is still in their hands!Many of them are like Zhang Lianghong, who buy products for use and sell them along the way. If those brainwashed people are likely to fry the pot, from the initial enthusiasm, ideals, and great careers to being in vain, who can bear it? There are family ties, friendships, relationships that have been established over the years, and they become strangers or even enemies for more than 3000 yuan.

The Weidong Police Station did not expect the matter to be too serious. Due to Ding Lei being an undercover agent, the booklet, the characters photographed by Zhang Juan, the passionate speeches, and the identities of the speakers, all these All carry a little weight.

This case has exceeded the full power of the Weidong District Police Station. The case is so serious that it has to be reported to the County Public Security Bureau, and the County Public Security Bureau has to report to the City Public Security Bureau. The fraud case involved hundreds of people, or even more. If they managed it, they would suppress it or not. It would save the mayor's face if they suppressed it, but can the problem be suppressed?The leaders of the Municipal Public Security Bureau had a tight meeting. With a little hint, several leaders immediately understood that someone was pushing behind their backs. Explain that even if you are involved with certain leaders, you have to clarify the issue. Don't forget that there is a secret pusher. If the Public Security Bureau of the Sixth City obstructs it a little bit, they will bypass the Sixth City and stab it. At that time, they will be more passive. , Now that the initiative is in their hands, it depends on how they choose.

Su Dongshui was the first to know about this matter. Out of a sense of justice, he was the first to express his position at the meeting that he would investigate thoroughly to the end. He even slapped the table and scolded people, saying: "Such a big thing happened right under our noses. , why are you eating, not vigilant at all?"

When it was reported to the provincial department, the public security bureaus of the six cities acted collectively, launched a thorough investigation of Entelai Company, and continued to scan the dang again.For the things that were checked, pick up samples and send them to the Municipal Food and Drug Administration for testing.A check is the same as the report of Hui'an County Food and Drug Administration.With this report, basically set up a huge fraud gang and start arresting people!Basically, there is no need to catch it specially. A group of people are waiting at Entelai Company?Many people came to inquire about the news after they knew about their accident, to see if they could get back the cheated money.

After arresting the biggest official, there are only three supervisors, and even the director has not been found to win. How about Weidong?How about a training director?

When the Public Security Bureau of the Six Cities took action, Gao Wei's face was frighteningly dark. Fortunately, his spirit made the high-level people leave, but he really couldn't figure out what happened.

When Weidong was cleaning up the direct sales, Zhang Zijian arrived in the provincial capital, and it was Yan Hongxu and the others who met him, except that there was an extra Hou Na.

Tan Hongfei brought Wang Nannan over, smiled and said to Zhang Zijian: "Young Master Zhang, it's rare to see you come to the provincial capital! Do you think we are friends who don't get together? We just came back from Weidong, so you can do it, wait We have to follow after you left for a few days."

"I'm sorry for your size! I came here to do business." Zhang Zijian said.

Tan Hongfei put on a cold face and sat down with a smile. The joke just now didn't catch his ass.On the contrary, Yan Hongxu said indifferently: "I don't even know what you want to do? What are you going to play this time! You have to tell us!"

Zhang Zijian said, "Do you know about pyramid schemes and direct sales?"

Everyone was taken aback, but Hou Na nodded.Tan Hongfei said: "What is MLM and what is direct selling? Don't look at me as an industrialist, I really don't know the terms in sales."

Zhang Shengjian said: "MLM is the same as direct selling.

It is relying on people to sell something. Of course, there will be training during the sales. During the training, they will use brainwashing methods to tell you that this project or product can make a lot of money. Who doesn’t want more money now!Only by grasping this psychology can they establish their sales channels.No matter what it is, this thing is low-cost and high-profit.But the biggest harm is that in the interpersonal relationship between people, they all start with relatives and friends.Let me give you the simplest example. The cost of this cup is only 350 cents. I told Yan Hongxu that even though it is an ordinary cup, it actually has a Brazilian magnet inside, which can decompose water quality. When you pour a glass of water, it becomes softened water. , Drinking it is especially healthy for your body.Leaving aside his efficacy, let’s talk about his reward system. This cup sells for 20.00 yuan.As long as you recommend a person, you will have a 5.00% commission. After the person you recommend recommends another person, you can get [-]% of your referral, and then [-]%. Wait until you develop two levels You can sit back and enjoy its achievements, and your money will continue to flow. Calculate this offline link, as long as you develop two people, these two people will develop four people, and four people will develop sixteen people. Calculate the money like this, Can you imagine how much profit this [-] cents cup will bring? "

All of you here are smart people!After Zhang Zijian's explanation, Tan Hongfei said dumbfounded: "This profit is a geometric increase! **, it's worth more than grabbing! Who came up with this idea! I really want to get to know each other, worship!"

Zhang Zijian didn't answer him and said: "Such a thing has appeared in the six cities, and it is sold under the guise of health care products. The products are said to be imported from abroad and can prevent many diseases and cancers. Middle-aged and elderly people will be healthy and mentally healthy after eating it. Absolutely. After I heard it, I asked New Oriental to see what the raw materials were based on the ideas of competitors, but who knew that it was actually soybean noodles, and the bottled ones were probably soaked from vitamin C or E medicines. The most outrageous thing is the recent During the inspection by the Hui'an County Food and Drug Administration, it was found that there were stick noodles, bean noodles and sorghum noodles in the capsules. The cost of a penny per capsule has now become eight per cent. I calculated a large box of gift packaging, plus The upper packaging is up to 3000 cents. Do you know how much they paid for this box? 1 yuan! There is a bricklayer in Weidong who actually bought three series of products, more than 70.00 yuan! How much did they cost in the end? A little more than one piece, [-] times the profit! Throwing away all expenses, [-]% of the five can fall into the hands of high-level people. One person is [-] and ten people is [-].

According to the current survey, they have sold at least 3000 people, and more are not ruled out.Let's do the math, how much does it cost.

Tan Hongfei said with a wry smile: "A small 1000 million? Just 1000 million! How long did it take them!"

Zhang Zijian held out two to three fingers and said, "Maybe two months, maybe three months. The speed of transmission is terrifying."

"**Yan Hongxu listened to 1000 million within three months. This is still under the suppression of Zhang Zijian. If no one suppresses it, it will take hundreds of millions to billions in less than a year! This is too cruel! Bean noodles? It is estimated that bean noodles have been bought at sky-high prices since ancient times, how many boxes can only be produced for a catty!

Yan Hongxu approached Zhang Zijian and said, "Little Jiu! We are blood brothers now, why don't we go to North Korea or Africa? We'll come back after he sucks hundreds of millions.

Zhang Zijian gave him a blank look, returning to North Korea, the poor are like that, returning to Africa, don’t let you burn incense, the slightly developed ones are leftovers from other capitalist countries. It’s not like we have more people and more money Still stupid!

Zhang Zijian went on to say: "In business, you can lie to others, but you can't go to the root. Old Tan knows how difficult it is to run a business and how hard it is to earn money? This kind of thing that harms people and morals cannot be done, so I want to stop it. And When I was looking for their senior executives, I accidentally discovered that our new mayor’s niece and son-in-law have a major connection with this gang. I took the so-called senior officials to find me and wanted to contact New Oriental. Later I found out that they wanted to use New Oriental to whitewash. With the help of New Oriental Influenced by them, go through their channels, so that the products are not fakes first, but their model hurts our country’s tax base, and they don’t have to pay taxes at all.”

"So you want to magnify this matter." Yan Hongxu asked.

"Is there any other way? After all, I'm a small official, and the only thing I can do is to rely on influence. Hou Na, this is a manuscript I wrote about a relationship marketing. You can find a way to send it to me on the Times." Zhang Zijian said to After Yan Hongxu finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Hou Na beside him.

She took out the manuscript from her bag and handed it to Hou Na. Hou Na looked at it seriously, then nodded, and said to Zhang Zijian: "When will your operations start? I'll find the director of the news department and send a team down." , this is big news. Power is more powerful."

Zhang Zijian thanked her first, and then said: "It will start tomorrow. I brought Li Guanghu to the provincial capital because I was afraid that he would put pressure on the Weidong Police Station. It would seriously interfere with the progress of the case."

"You shouldn't have let him come. Then hit him with this incident." Yan Hongxu said.

"Fighting with him is due to a difference in political views, and it's not a deadly enemy. If you insist on continuing this matter to get him down, once he meddles in this matter, once the matter is exposed, and the investigation is carried out, he will not be able to escape. Even if you change the deputy county magistrate , Often the political views are different! Why not use him who knows the basics?" Zhang Zijian said.

"That's too cheap for Li Guanghu." Yan Hongxu said with a sigh, and Zhang Zijian was soft-hearted and didn't want to mess with him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to run away.

After dinner, Zhang Zijian would stay at the guest house. An hour later, Hou Na appeared in front of Zhang Zijian's door. Zhang Zijian asked, "Come here so late, can I make a call?"

"I'm not welcome here. Or do you hate me at all?" Hou Na had a happy face at the beginning, but after hearing Zhang Zijian's words, her face changed and her tone was a little stiff.

Zhang Zijian let her into the room and said, "That's not what I mean, I mean, it's very late. If you have something to say, you can talk about it tomorrow."

Hou Na put her arms around Xiong and said, "I'm here to tell you that the provincial TV station will send a news team to the six cities tomorrow."

"Thank you." Zhang Zijian walked to the sofa, sat down and lit a cigarette.

"Are you just asking someone to help you?" Hou Na said with a little temper.

"Then how do you want me to thank you?" Zhang Zijian looked at her with a straight face, which made Hou Na not know what to say.He stamped his foot on the ground angrily.

"I understand what you mean. Didn't I say it last time? I hope we can still maintain this friendship, okay?" Zhang Zijian had already said this for the sake of it, and Hou Na just wanted to backtrack and take the initiative, but it was useless up.With tears in his eyes, he ran out of Zhang Zijian's room.

After Zhang Zijian sighed, he shook his head helplessly.

The next day Zhang Zijian went to the Provincial Party Committee, and happened to meet Li Guanghu. After saying hello, Li Guanghu asked unexpectedly, "Are you coming to the meeting too."

"What meeting. I don't know! The Provincial Party Committee Office called me and said that Secretary Bai was listening to Wei Dong's recent report. Am I going to his office?" Zhang Zijian said, Li Guanghu was also surprised, and there was a little bit in his eyes envy and jealousy.How enviable it is to impress the boss of the provincial party committee and even listen to the report!

"Oh! Then go quickly, don't delay." After Li Guanghu finished speaking, he turned around and walked away. After walking two steps, he looked back at Zhang Zijian's back.

When Zhang Zijian came to Bai Yuanrong's office, Secretary Bai said, "If you have anything to report, hurry up and tell me. I'll have someone to preside over it later."

After Zhang Zijian handed over the sorted materials and the manuscript to be published to him, he began to talk about the harm of pyramid schemes.After Bai Yuanrong finished listening, he asked, "The danger is really so great."

"Yes, it is not an exaggeration to say that in the United States, laws are passed to stop this kind of anti-pyramid direct selling. There is no such law in our country to stop it. They took advantage of the loopholes in the law. I am going to follow the typical example of province A. Case, remind the upper management." Zhang Zijian said.

Bai Yuanrong nodded, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, you said hello to me. If you don't say hello again, I decide to get you away. Province A can't afford it!"! .

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