Super Yanei

Chapter 924

Yang Na watched the water meter reader walk in, and went straight to the bathroom, staring at him, watching him copy the water meter at the corner. (This chapter was uploaded by a friend) After finishing it, he said lightly: "Now you can go!"

"There is something wrong with your meter," said the meter reader.

"What's the problem?" After Yang Na asked this question, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she was cautious. Several companies in this community knew that she was single. She was cautious, and looked at the bedroom, and said: "I also If you don’t understand, tell me!”

"Your water meter is broken." As he spoke, the lights in the whole room suddenly went out.The man who boiled the water meter said: "It seems that not only the water meter is broken in your house, but also the electric meter is broken. You can find an electric stick. I will show you one piece. The water meter can only be replaced tomorrow. I didn't bring this one with me." Tools." Listening to the other party's words, Yang Na didn't have any doubts in Chapter 924 Continue to Fight ([-]), but the sudden power outage really gave her a jump, thinking that the overall power outage?But seeing the lights on the upstairs opposite, I feel that there is really a problem with the wiring in my home?

"You wait!" As she spoke, she went to look for a flashlight, and suddenly heard a sound, like a slight sound after closing a door, and Yang Na asked, "What's wrong."

"It's okay, the black hole slammed into the door. Did you find the flashlight?" said the water meter reader, and waved at a black shadow.

When Yang Na walked over with a bright light, she saw the water meter reader rubbing his forehead.After handing him the flashlight, he heard the water meter reader say, "Where is the meter?"

"You don't know?" After reading the water meter for a moment, he reacted quickly. Fortunately, it was under the backlight, otherwise Yang Na would definitely become suspicious when he saw his expression.

"Looks like I fainted. I'll go out and have a look first." Then he took his bag and went out.

After waiting for a while, the call came again.Yang Na waited at the door, and after waiting for a few minutes, no one came back to deliver the flashlight.Instead, he opened the door and looked in the corridor, and found that there was no one there. After closing the door, he muttered, stunned.

After closing the door again.Wu Yang poked his head out from the bedroom and asked, "He's gone."

"That's right! But the flashlight didn't come. Chapter 924 Continues to fight (eight) I'm worried if I'll come back later." Yang Na pointed to the door and said.

Wu Yang raised his hand to look at his watch and said, "It's getting late, and you just came back, so go to bed early! I'll come over to see you sometime."

"Okay!" Yang Na nodded slightly.

After everyone leaves.When Yang Na returned to the bedroom, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately started looking for something. Whether the note that was placed on the table just now was put away or not.After searching the coffee table and sofa carefully, there was not even a scrap of paper.He lowered his head and wondered where he had gone.

Just thinking about it, she was pushed down by Wu Yang, then she changed her posture, and then there was a knock on the door, watching Wu Yang walk into the bedroom, remembering that his hands were empty at that time.Although he was talking to the water meter reader, he was looking at the bedroom from the corner of his eyes.There was no shadow shaking at all.

"Damn it." Yang Na muttered, covering her forehead with one hand, her mind still trying to recall.

Suddenly she remembered that there were two possibilities.One is that she is kneeling on the sofa, and Wu Yang will easily get it. Another possibility is that in the middle of nowhere, someone took the opportunity to take it. If the water meter is taken, there is no movement except after he bumped his head!How did he know there was a note on the desk?And take the opportunity to take it away?Then Wu Yang probably took the opportunity to take it away.

No matter what time period it was, Wu Yang was the most suspicious. Yang Na said angrily, "Wu Yang, you are a big liar." After speaking, she slowly sat on the sofa.Weeping aggrievedly with tears.

The importance of that letter of guarantee was not only important to her, but even more important to Wu Yang. As long as it leaked into other people's hands, Wu Yang would be finished.Not only him, but even Yang Na herself will not feel better if it is in Yang Na's hands.There is only one function, which is to threaten Wu Yang and ask him to promise her the promise, but now, the promise is nothing more than empty words. Although he knows what he is, he is still fooled.

In fact, Wu Yang regretted it when he came out of Yang Na's house. He shouldn't be so impulsive, he shouldn't have made any promises, and he shouldn't have written a letter of guarantee.They didn't force him to write, he just wanted to.

But for a person in his position, it is really difficult to get a divorce. As long as the wind is released, the organization will be related, and even send someone to do the work. As long as it is not his problem, then it is easy to say. In principle, just go through the motions and get the job done.But if it was his problem, there would be more.Then ask, what's going on, it's the emotional disharmony!Or other questions, or the kind that breaks the casserole and asks the bottom line.

He has no reason other than emotional discord, but his wife is also an honest person, and many people know her personality, but she can talk about anything except divorce. As long as you ask for a divorce, an honest person will give it to you If you play hard, people don't agree at all.

Now Wu Yang felt worried. After thinking about it, he felt that taking one step is just one step!

And half an hour later, Zhang Zijian got a new recording and a letter of guarantee. Looking at the letter of guarantee, Zhang Zijian smiled.It is indeed sad that a man has reached this point, no one can save him, and there are indeed many officials who are forced to die every year because of life, but Wu Yang is also the most stupid one.

Although she knew that there was someone behind Yang Na and a backer, she didn't expect it to be Wu Yang. Anyway, he was also a mayor, and the mayor in charge of the economy had quite a lot of power.But it's a pity that after Zhang Zijian listened to the recording, Yang Na didn't get much benefit. I can't blame Yang Na for seeing her potential, so she wanted to hook up. It would be best if she could get away from people like Wu Yang.

Still didn't give him a cuckold, just with the dirty photos of her and Liang Chaohai, Wu Yang usually gave Wu Yang a cuckold.Thinking of Wang Zhifei's position mentioned in the recording, who would be the better candidate, Zhang Zijian didn't have any good candidates in his mind. If he consulted his opinion, he still respected the arrangement of his superiors, mainly based on Wu Yang's opinion, after all, he was still a deputy.Talking doesn't work very well.

But now, he has a lot of information in his hands. He can either disclose it to Wu Yang and Yang Na and make them obedient like dogs, or directly send an anonymous letter to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, or even the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In this way, the overall situation of the China Merchants Bureau is temporarily in the hands of Zhang Zijian. Knowing that the municipal party committee has made adjustments to the city, after Wu Yang is taken down, who will be in charge of his work is checking whether he will also be the top leader of the China Merchants Bureau. Zhang Zijian is alone, and can completely control China Merchants. At least the office and the head of the first and second departments of business are vacant.

If you take these criminal evidences and hold the other party, although you will be very obedient, but their kind of thing will be exposed one day, then you will bite him out while explaining the problem, and deliberately indulge in order to gain power. If you don't report it, it's Zhang Zijian's fault.If this kind of fate is not handled well, Zhang Zijian will also step down.

After thinking about it, I still feel that it is better to report it completely. At least so many positions will be vacant, which will be more beneficial to Zhang Zijian.Although it is not sure whether the new recruits will listen to the greetings, at least Zhang Zijian has disrupted the entire China Merchants Bureau, so during this vacuum period, Zhang Zijian is still able to promote the people who have come to join him.The people who have been visiting one after another since today, these are those who are neutral and wait until they see the signs, and then come here, just want to fight for a few steps.

Of course, this series of actions also depends on the power behind him. Although Chen Tianhao is just helping Zhang Zijian, the rest depends on his political acumen and means to see if he can seize this opportunity. If there are no such criminal evidence , then Zhang Zijian has to work a little harder.

These criminal evidences will only be more powerful to Zhang Zijian. When he remembered what Chen Tianhao said, the fort was disintegrated from the inside, and he immediately understood the main point.Now these materials have completely disintegrated several strengths of China Merchants.

The next day Zhang Zijian finished sorting out the materials, made several complete copies of the photocopies at home, prepared the audio recordings and photos, and put them in several large envelopes. The addresses were all related departments. After a while, Bao Lingzu brought Zhang Zijian the wrapped tea and arranged the newspapers. When he was about to turn around and go out, he saw the door of the room opened and it was Mayor Wu Yang.

"Mayor Wu." Bao Lingzu asked hastily.

Called by him, Zhang Zijian saw the person coming in, hurriedly came out from behind the table, and said with a smile: "Mayor Wu, if you have anything to do, give me a call, I'll hurry over there!"

"I just happened to come over to have a look, so I just came to you by the way, hey! What kind of tea! It smells so good," Wu Yang said, pointing to the teacup on Zhang Zijian's table, which was actually changing the subject.

Zhang Zijian slightly turned his head and glanced at the teacup, and said to Wu Yang with a smile: "Someone brought it to me from the capital. If Mayor Wu likes it, he can take a box with him. Lingzu, don't hesitate to give it to Mayor Wu." A cup of tea." He said and sat down with Wu Yang.He handed out his good cigarette again.

"Mayor Wu has something to do with me?" For this, Zhang Zijian definitely knew, and it was not because of his little mistress that he came here.Otherwise, why would you come here in person!

Looking at Bao Lingzu who was busy at the side, Wu Yang didn't answer immediately, but smoked slowly, leaned back on the sofa, and waited for his tea to be ready before talking.

Bao Lingzu also saw that Wu Yang had something to ask his boss, and it was inconvenient for him to be present. After finishing the tea quickly, he said to Wu Yang and Zhang Zijian: "Mayor Wu, Director Zhang, I still have some work over there. .”

Zhang Zijian waved his hand and said, "Go and help first, I'll call you if I need something."

After waiting for the people to go out, Wu Yang said to Zhang Zijian: "Xiao Zhang! I came here to discuss with you. You see, Niu Jianzhe is going to study. It is impossible that there is no one in the office who makes decisions. I don't often keep an eye on this. It’s up to you to decide on one piece.”! ! !

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