Super Yanei

Chapter 929

No matter what the next step is, Yang Na knows that it is impossible for her to marry Wu Yang for a short period of time. After all, the two are subordinates, and more importantly, they are in the same unit. (This chapter was uploaded by a friend) If Wu Yang were to get divorced and the two were getting married, there would be a lot of gossip, which is not to be feared.Guan Jin is Wu Yang, he can't think of making much progress in the future.

She, Yang Na, managed to get the head of the first section, and she can't do it for long, and she must switch units. Then the second section chief and the first section chief can be seen as powerful in the same unit, but the level is still the same , Changing units is also a level adjustment at the same level, so in the new environment, Yang Na will be at a disadvantage again.

The situation that was finally obtained cannot be easily given up.If Wu Yang had no future because of their marriage, what would she do with him?It's no use at all.Chapter 929 Continuing Infighting ([-])

"Old thing? You're really cunning, you used this method in order not to marry me, I just figured it out now?" Yang Na just clenched her fists and said angrily in her heart.

Once a woman becomes persistent, her heart will be filled with hatred.The hatred for Wu Yang is even deeper, but it's a pity that she doesn't have the backstage of her heart now.Then only by threatening Wu Yang to continue to promote her to a certain high position, can she get rid of the higher-level people. She knows her own methods, and when the time comes to hook up with someone who is more capable than Wu Yang, Wu Yang will be fine. advantage.

She also has Wu Yang and her evidence in her hand.It's a pity that the most critical guarantee letter was missing. I was really careless at the time, and I didn't expect Wu Yang to be so shameless.

After Zhang Zijian returned to the Tourism Bureau, he had to deal with some business affairs first, when he was about to get off work.Huang Guihan walked in, smiled and said to Zhang Zijian: "Zhang Bureau, I just heard from someone that China Merchants should make internal adjustments."

"Yes!" Zhang Zijian said slightly looking up at him.

"Oh! I don't know much about the others. But I heard that Fan Min's ability is really limited. If you feel that she is not suitable, I will follow you. Under your leadership, I will do things steadily." Huang Guihan stood and said.

Zhang Zijian said with a chuckle: "Where is it? Chapter 929 Continue the infighting ([-]) Work is the same. Aren't you in the Tourism Bureau also under my hands? In general, give people some opportunities, I can't just change places Bring your teams! China Merchants will open up the situation soon. Don't worry about it over there."

Then Zhang Zijian asked again: "Is there any change in the two I am not in?"

"I really don't have that. Apart from traveling in winter, I'm preparing for the Chinese New Year. Now people are looking forward to a big holiday?" Huang Guihan finished with a smile.He also mentioned: "I have prepared all the special products for you to return to the capital for you. I will send you a list later. If there is still something missing, I will prepare it quickly."

Zhang Zijian nodded and said, "For a while! Go to the finance department to see if you still have enough money. If there is more, we will distribute some benefits to everyone in a disguised form, not all of them. It is only limited to our bureau, and the subordinate units forget it. We can distribute them." Sorry."

"Hey! I'll do it now. Mr. Zhang, do you have any other orders?" Huang Guihan asked again.

"No more. You are busy first." Zhang Zijian waved his hand and said.

After waiting for Huang Guihan to leave, this fellow looked at the sky.I looked at my watch, and thought it would be better to have Du Yuanyuan accompany me to dinner at night.Raise your hand and give her a call.

"Why do you want to call me?" Du Yuanyuan said after hearing Zhang Zijian's voice.

"Isn't it time to get off work? Let's have a meal together." Zhang Zijian said.

"No way! I have to be on duty at night!" Hearing Du Yuanyuan's tone, Zhang Zijian could think of her pouting again.

"Didn't you have a day's shift? Why are you still working overtime!" Zhang Zijian knew that 110 command and dispatch can be regarded as idle work. Apart from normal work, answering and answering the phone, making and making calls, there was nothing else to do, and there was no substitute for him. Let's put it this way, there is always someone to take over the shift, and I don't want other departments.

"I have to go back to the bureau in the evening to help them make some promotional materials. I have already sorted out half of them, and I will use them tomorrow. I have to come up with them tonight," Du Yuanyuan said.

"Oh! Are you going to work?" Zhang Zijian asked after understanding.

"No, I'm going home! You are with you, I have time!" There was complaint in the words, and Du Yuanyuan's face glowed when she said it.

Zhang Zijian was taken aback for a moment, but coughed dryly and said, "Well, you can do your work! I'll call you again tomorrow."

But when she called Cui Weihan, she said that there was a dinner in the evening, and a section chief of the Land and Resources Bureau was invited, accompanied by a section chief of the Forestry Bureau, the official Xiaodongshan.Zhang Zijian was relieved when he mentioned the two names.

Zhang Zijian, who had no place to go for the time being, ate something casually outside, and when he returned home, he did not expect that Fan Min, the deputy director of the office, was waiting for him at the door of his house.

"Director Fan, why are you here?" Zhang Zijian walked over and asked.

"Boss Zhang, I want to treat you to a meal. When I went to the Tourism Bureau to find you, they said that you had gone out." Fan Min said respectfully standing at the door.

"There's nothing to eat. Come in first!" Zhang Zijian took out the key and opened the door to let Fan Min in.

After entering the room, Zhang Zijian sat on the sofa and waved Fan Min to sit down. Fan Min stood up and said, "Thank you, Bureau Zhang."

"Thank you for becoming a full-time member, then forget it. I am not the only one who has the final say on this matter. After all, it is a meeting. You can't do your usual work in their eyes. I am suggesting that it is all-purpose." Zhang Zijian said.

"Even if I'm working hard, I can't do it in their eyes." Fan Min's words made the smiling Zhang Zijian startled, and at the same time thought: "Did you underestimate her?"

"Originally, I shouldn't have said these things, but in front of you, I really have to talk about how I am usually, and you know better than me. No matter how strong my business ability is, I am not the person they want to promote, but you, What I value is my ability to do things, please rest assured Zhang Ju, I will definitely do a good job in this position, and I will not embarrass you."

After Fan Min finished speaking, he lowered his head slightly. Zhang Zijian was still looking at him in a daze. Hearing what she said so bluntly, he wanted to tell Zhang Zijian that the loyalty she showed was brought out by actions, not by words. talk about it.

"I really want to wait and see, Director Fan. The director of the office is a technical job. Although you have done it as a deputy, you are still useful after all, unlike other department directors. To be clear, the key is here, And here, more importantly, flexibility." Zhang Zijian pointed to his brain and his chest, telling Fan Min that one has brains.Another thing is to be careful.

In fact, Zhang Zijian didn't like Fan Min either, but he couldn't help it!We can only use Fan Min as a shield, and make some adjustments after he has fully grasped the power.In this way, Zhang Zijian would be given time to observe his lack of personal ability.

But Fan Min came to show her loyalty tonight, which shows that she has a brain and can observe and analyze things.He is not the kind of person who just works and doesn't use his brain, but also a person with a lot of brains.

First of all, she directly explained the meaning.It wasn't that kind of oblique hint, if that was the case, Zhang Zijian would listen to it and didn't care.I don't pay much attention to her, but now I have to change my view of her.

Zhang Zijian looked at her and said, "It's good to be determined. To promote you to this position, you have to be the same as before. It's nothing. If you want to do something well, it will be difficult. Don't get angry when you encounter difficulties. I like it." Capable cadres prefer self-motivated cadres."

"Thank you Director Zhang for your support. I will definitely live up to your expectations." Fan Min stood up and bowed slightly to Zhang Zijian.

After sending the person away, Zhang Zijian picked up the phone, called Huang Guihan, and said, "Help me find out about Fan Min in the past two days, especially who she had a good relationship with before."

"Okay! Director Zhang, is there anything else?" Huang Guihan asked.

"No more." Saying that, Zhang Zijian hung up the phone.In her mind, she was also wondering why Fan Min had suddenly become enlightened. Could it be that she had always endured it in the past, and what made her endure it like this.

"Did you find a treasure?" Zhang Zijian thought to himself.

After going to China Merchants to work the next day, although I was respected by the people I met, I also heard some news, as if they were discussing Fan Min.Although backup cadres were appointed in the bureau, they could only take office after Wang Zhifei and Niu Jianzhe left.They work day in and day out.

Niu Jianzhe was low-key, and Fan Min was also low-key, as usual, with a soft temper, even if the clerks below were still the same as before, she didn't take it seriously, and they would shout and shout, and she even endured it.

In relatively obvious contrast, Yang Na is much more high-profile.She also entertained some cadres from the first department. It seemed that before Wang Zhifei left, she wanted to infiltrate the influence of the first department and build her own team first.

In this way, Yang Na became a big hit in China Merchants Bureau, controlling one subject and two subjects.The most tragic thing is Li Chunlei, although he has taken a step up, he is not as stable as he is in the third subject, at least he can still control the third subject, but when it comes to the second subject, it is Yang Na's background, he can't play it well, Not to mention the person who still wants to continue to control the three subjects, indirectly, he seems to be emptied.

If I had known that I would not beg Zhang Zijian, I would not have said anything. I said I would support him. In the end, I didn’t even say a word of support. Even if you were a little tougher, you might be able to win him over. His performance also has his share!It's good now, after Yang Na came to power, she won't get a share of her political achievements, but she supported a waste, and she also supported her superiors, so what's the use of that!In China Merchants, the focus is on performance. If you get an office director, how much performance can you bring.If one fails, it will be troublesome.

Li Chunlei complained, but he couldn't show it.After going to work, I ran into Zhang Zijian, but Zhang Zijian simply ignored him and passed by with a soft hum.This is a great dissatisfaction with the leader, even disrespect, Zhang Zijian can say this to him.

But for this kind of person, Zhang Zijian would not be angry for him.

"Section Chief Li." Zhang Zijian turned to stop him.

"Hey! It's Zhang Ju! When I came here just now, I didn't pay attention. What are you looking for?" Li Chunlei turned around and said with a smile on his face.

During working hours, there are always people. Li Chunlei's actions are noticed by a few people, and some people feel that Li Chunlei's pettiness is not worth it.

"Actually, it's nothing serious, just to remind you, if you have bad eyesight, you can go to the ophthalmology department of the hospital. It made Li Chunlei angry.

Zhang Zijian reminded him that no one is fine in his eyes, but if the situation and the overall situation are not good, then he has no chance to mess around, typical irony.I think it was a slap directly on the face.

Many people saw him go to Zhang Zijian's office to report to work before. At that time, he was so charming, what kind of expression!Now that the results are out, it's time to turn your face and deny anyone.The heart is very small.

His behavior is also taboo. Even if you follow the leader closely, you dare not guarantee to support you to a certain position.After all, variables within the system are the most impermanent.Gradually, everyone got used to it. Even if you were appointed to a position, they didn't dare to say anything without a letter of appointment, for fear of a change.There is no face.

Li Chunlei always thought that he was being tricked by Zhang Zijian, and that he lost face severely, so he wanted to make things difficult for Zhang Zijian, but he didn't expect that Zhang Zijian would not be angry.Instead it pissed him off.

Seeing Zhang Zijian leaving from the back, he even spit on the ground, saw people around, and said loudly; "What are you looking at, I'm not going to work."

He had just finished speaking.I heard: "Hey! Section Chief Li. What's the matter! Getting so angry."

"It's none of your business." Li Chunlei heard that it was Yang Na, and immediately said in a bad mood, before turning around and leaving.Don't fight against such a proud person.I thought in my heart: "I will prepare black materials for her when I go back. Just wait, one day I will smear her!"

Changes within China Merchants.It is also slowly coming to an end, and work in all aspects is continuing.Since it was Nian Gen, I was not busy.

three days later.Yang Na came to Zhang Zijian's office instead.

"Zhang Ju, what are you busy with?" Yang Na still said with a smile.

"Oh! Section Chief Yang is here, sit down for a while, I'll finish this paragraph." After talking, he said to the guest sofa.

"Then you are busy first." Yang Na said, sitting on the sofa, quietly watching Zhang Zijian flip through the materials.

After waiting for five or six minutes, Zhang Zijian raised his head and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Yang Na just stood up, walked to Zhang Zijian's desk, and said, "Ju Zhang, Mr. Liang from Haitian Industry, called today and said he would come tomorrow, how can we receive him?"

"How did you receive them in the past?" Zhang Zijian asked.

"The past is the past! But didn't we implement the thrift system issued by the municipal party committee? You advocated this. You may not know Liang Chaohai well. He is the boss of a state-owned enterprise, the factory is profitable, and he spends money lavishly. It’s nothing, but once the system comes out, the pressure will be great. That amount of funds is not enough to have a meal with him. I’m afraid that the reception was not good at that time. He was taking the opportunity to block us. This is not asking you to apply for more funds. Huh?" Yang Na said, leaning forward slightly, although she has a good figure, but her breasts are really not big.Without much capital, he flicked slightly in front of Zhang Zijian.Can't bring out that plump elasticity at all.

Zhang Zijian sighed slightly and said: "As the saying goes, rules are established, but there is no rule without rules! Under the system, you can't be the first to make an exception because of Haitian, and you will soon become the section chief of the first department." , when doing business, you can't use hospitality to measure a business!"

Seeing Yang Na's complexion changed slightly, Zhang Zijian continued: "Liang Chaohai, I don't know how he is. If you say he is well paid, we will spend a lot of money to entertain him. If he is lustful, we will find someone else." A woman with her?"

Yang Na's face was one sided again, and just when she was about to refute, she heard Zhang Zijian say: "Section Chief Yang, although my words are a bit harsh, don't take it to heart, I just mean one point, follow the system, and rely on the rest." You can figure it out for yourself. You can’t find other excuses because of the difficulties! The two bombs and one satellite were so difficult back then, and the big brother Lao Maozi also extended his hand to us for benefits. I was transferred away. In such an environment, didn’t we succeed? So don’t be afraid of difficulties, the key is to see how to solve them.”

Yang Na said with a sneer: "Then I would like to thank Director Zhang for your suggestion." She raised her neck, turned around and left.

Half an hour later, Wu Yang called and said to Zhang Zijian: "Little Zhang! Liang Chaohai from Haitian Industry will come over tomorrow to continue inspecting our city. His project existed before the previous frugal system. We received it better before. Isn’t it disrespectful to suddenly change the reception specifications? Let me see! Special cases are dealt with specially. I have already approved the note to Section Chief Yang, and after you sign it, let her go to the finance department to get the money.”

"Mayor Wu, I think it's better to maintain the system and explain the matter clearly to Liang Chaohai. We are strictly implementing the system specified by the municipal party committee. He is also a leader. He will definitely understand our difficulties! Otherwise, this word , I don’t sign, you go directly to finance?” Zhang Zijian was also quite rude to Wu Yang.Anyway, it's only been a few days since he's been bouncing around, so why not be polite, counting the days, the relevant departments should receive his materials.

Wu Yang didn't say anything after hearing what he said.He hung up the phone angrily, and cursed: "You brat who doesn't know how to live or die." Now he regrets giving up his property rights, and he was the one who suffered the embarrassment first.

Fortunately, he had already greeted Zhang Zijian, and he didn't care whether he agreed or not, so he just wrote a note to allocate [-] yuan, not enough.

Even if Zhang Zijian is in charge of the finances, who would dare to stop him from making a note?So Yang Na got the money very quickly, and she also notified Zhang Zijian about the finances.

There was nothing wrong with Zhang Zijian when receiving Liang Chaohai. Mayor Wu came forward with several members from the China Merchants Bureau, and even Li Chunlei, who was depressed, came forward to accompany him. Pugs entangle people like they are at their feet.

Wu Yang, Liang Chaohai, and Yang Na had a special relationship between the three of them. After receiving the anonymous letter, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection attached great importance to it because of the comprehensive evidence. ! ! !

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