Super Yanei

Chapter 937 5 Year Plan

Now that we are in control of the China Merchants Bureau, let's come up with a few ideas to bring out a sudden point in economic construction. (Baidu search: , the fastest update when reading novels) The city's economic foundation is good and solid.Not afraid to toss.Zhang Zijian didn't know that he would have to work in this beautiful city for a few years, anyway, he wouldn't leave after one or two years.

He wrote a 5 on the paper.I want to come up with a five-year plan. South Sanya is a tourist city, which has already been determined. It is impossible to develop industries on a large scale. One or two small-scale factories are fine, but any damage to the environment is firmly resisted.

Since the reform and opening up, all cities have raised the banner of economics. No matter what kind of enterprise, as long as it settles in the city, it is an achievement and a political achievement.Without a good plan, without a certainty, we blindly attract enterprises to settle down. After more than ten years, when the five-year plan in chapter 937 of industry threatens the environment is in a hurry, we will move to another piece of land and move to the suburbs.That would be a waste.This is the case in many cities in later generations. If the planning of the city cannot be opened, then choose another location.Money, or spend countless.

The economy must also be developed around a theme, around the development of the tourism industry.Such a qualitative development is sometimes difficult to use.

The fastest money coming in and the biggest economic contribution is real estate. Although the central government stopped it, and even the policy did not support it, banks did not grant loans for large real estate projects, which limited the development of real estate.

The vicious impact caused by the blind development in the early stage is still fresh in my memory, but this piece still cannot be let go. The key is the funds, and the developer alone pays for the construction and resells it.During this period, there were really no such rich and powerful masters.

Which one doesn't have a start-up capital of several million or tens of millions.Buy the land first, and then mortgage it, so as to drive funds in such a cycle, at least not to press down on your own capital.Graft the risk to the bank.Once a risk arises.Then the bank becomes the seller of land and real estate.

Then Zhang Zijian wrote a real estate on the paper.Then draw another circle.Mark it out emphatically, and treat it as a key point of thinking.One is how to use the tourism industry to make additional increments, Chapter 937, the five-year plan transformation to increase a large amount of fiscal revenue.

Disney World Park, this is a key point, and then there are some events, these must be won, even if they can't be won, they must come up with some projects themselves.

The Asian sister contest has been done once.But the effect is not too obvious, it is nothing more than promoting the beautiful city with the help of the writing and lens of the media.There are also those small and big model competitions and performances. (Baidu search: , read novels for the fastest update) But what really attracts attention is the World Sisters Competition.It's absolutely useless to do it this year.Still have to apply and even line up.

So how can we set off the same effect as the World Championship?Then find a sponsor, come up with a high bonus, and bring a lucrative contract.As for the contract, it is a small problem.Both Feng Tiantian and Xu Jiaqi need endorsements.What can attract eye circles!Still heavily built.

If I want to plan these projects myself, I can't play at all, and I need to find someone.The first thought Zhang Zijian thought of was He Baoguo, don't look at this guy's bad filmmaking.Let's talk about planning and setting up a women's project.That's really something.This piece can be contracted to him.

All that's left is to make slogans, and the real estate side will be turned into a paradise resort.What kind of Mediterranean class.All slogans that can be resounding must be withdrawn, and there must be overwhelming advertising.Let everyone know that South Sanya has once again set off real estate development.

Clearly in conflict with relevant policies.The key is money.State control means controlling blind development.If there is a planned development to improve the economic industry, the state will still vigorously support it.As long as there is a planned, planned, and systematic development, the prospect is still objective.

We Chinese people also have a habit of following the trend, watching this industry make money, and flocking to it. As long as there are connections, let alone risks, no matter how big the risk is, they dare to rush forward.In this case, it is indeed easy to overthrow many cadres.The leader's note, any important intercession, in short, can't save face, so they will release water, this release water.The system is broken.Human factors are even greater.

Women are beautiful, sea view rooms are beautiful, and the exhibition of luxury yachts is even more motivating. So creating a beautiful tourist environment can be said to be more appropriate and more in line with the theme.As for the economic forum, it is easy to talk about it, and it can be postponed. They were originally here on vacation.Are you putting people to work?We can get some potential wealthy businessmen to find out, and after the event is over, we will hold this economic forum, so that we can easily find companies from all over the country, and our own people alone will have an unprecedented scale.Maybe there will be a central head in charge of the economy at that time.

Disneyland needs further discussion, and Zhang Zijian is not sure, but he is looking for connections to clear up. Zhang Zijian still has some connections.Even if the negotiation is successful, it will not be added all at once, it will take two or three years to build!

Real estate development can be promoted within this year and scaled up within five years.This is absolutely important to Zhang Zijian's five-year plan.There is money in the city, and the benefits brought by the blind investment in real estate in the early stage are enough to support the next round of development. The country also allocates funds from time to time, plus the tax revenue brought by tourism, which is quite objective.

All of the above has a foreshadowing, the only thing Zhang Zijian can do in a short time is the yachting and commercial Miss World competition.Although it can't be called World Sister Sai, you can think of a new name.It can be called "Beauty in the Folk".

The only thing that costs the most is media publicity. To make a publicity in the world media, the figures are not covered, and the government will never pay for this money.Although it is a host city, infrastructure can be funded.Zhang Zijian still has to find a way to start with sponsorship.

Moreover, turning media advertisements into news-like publicity saves a lot of money. Of course, the world may not regard a certain event in the East as news, and then it is time to pay for advertising.

Although there were many deficiencies in the first session, Zhang Zijian was not afraid that no one would attend. No. 1300 million US dollars, No. 2200 million, No. 3100 million, the remaining four, five or six, with the prizes of 80, 50, and 30 respectively, are enough to attract many young women from all over the world to participate.Zhang Zijian didn't know how many people came back, but it would definitely drive more consumption.

As long as you enter the top 1825, you will be reimbursed for food and accommodation, and if you enter the top [-], you will be reimbursed for round-trip travel expenses, accommodation and food during the competition, etc.Relevant systems must also be formulated. Young girls who have reached the age of [-] must still be unmarried.Professional actors or models are not among the elected, this event chose Cinderella.Rather than a well-known person with a certain popularity.

The conditions are overbearing and even harsh, but they can be blamed on commercial sponsors. After all, business must have commercial considerations, and what you need to spend money to do things is to achieve a certain effect.It's not that there is any scandal after the celebrity wins the championship.

Of course, as long as you drink women-related projects, scandals will often arise, and this degree is really hard to grasp.But the key officials should be avoided, so as to avoid involving the officials.

After Zhang Zijian finished thinking, he wrote his plan again.When Huang Guihan was about to get off work in the afternoon, Huang Guihan came over and frowned slightly when he saw Zhang Zijian continuing to work.

Ever since I met Zhang Zijian, I haven't seen him working overtime to write anything in person.He stepped forward and asked, "Ju Zhang, it's getting late. You should also pay attention to rest."

Zhang Zijian looked up at him slightly, and said, "Oh! It's none of your business here."

"Zhang Bureau, sometimes you can ask the secretary to help you share the work." Seeing that Zhang Zijian didn't stop writing at all, Huang Guihan reminded him.

"It's none of your business, you go out!" Zhang Zijian said impatiently, if the plan could be written by the secretary, the secretary really wasn't responsible for it.Some plans were too far ahead, so Zhang Zijian had to write them himself.Although Huang Guihan had good intentions, Zhang Zijian also wanted to finish it in one go and perfect it later.I have to find a good pen to refill the pen.

Huang Guihan walked out helplessly, walked up to Lin Xiangjing, and asked, "Since I came here at noon, I haven't gone out. Haven't you eaten?"

"No! I went there every half an hour, and I was kicked out in the end. The boss was thinking about it, so we dare not bother!" Lin Xiangjing said.

"You haven't eaten yet! Go and eat quickly. I'll take care of you for a while. The boss will probably be busy until midnight or even all night. You follow here, so you can take care of you if you have something to do." Huang Guihan said.

"Then how can it be done! Director Huang, it's enough to go home after get off work first. Eating is a trivial matter. Maybe the boss is hungry and asks me to eat with him? You won't die of starvation if you don't eat a meal." Lin Xiangjing said kindly smile.

"You!" Huang Guihan pointed at him with his fingers, and left with a helpless smile.

Zhang Zijian really had a busy night.When I left the office in the morning, I saw Lin Xiangjing lying on the desk and falling asleep.He was taken aback for a moment, then stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder and said, "Why are you sleeping here?"

Lin Xiangjing squinted his eyes, looked up to see Zhang Zijian, stood up with the equipment, and was pushed down by Zhang Zijian again, he said: "Seeing that you haven't left, I'm afraid something will happen so I can run errands."

"Oh, I'm getting dizzy from work. Wang tells you to go back and rest first. Go and have breakfast first. Go back and catch up on sleep later." Zhang Zijian said.

"No, I slept well at night, and I wasn't too sleepy." Lin Xiangjing stood up as he spoke.

Zhang Zijian had come up with a plan, but it was much more difficult to implement it.First of all, Zhang Zijian didn't know how to start the preparations.He doesn't know what the attitude of the city is, and he is even less sure how much support he can give him.

The plan is still led by the China Merchants Bureau. If it is led by the Tourism Bureau, the tourism development committee in the city will have to step in. If such a big plan is successfully held, it will be a very coveted political achievement!Who is not envious.It's not that Zhang Zijian didn't give the Tourism Bureau a chance to take the lead.It's just that there are only so few people under him, and they can't get anything with this little score?Why not let China Merchants take the lead? ! ! !

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