Super Yanei

Chapter 992 The Eve of the Storm

After leaving Nanako's place, Zhang Zijian was full of worries. As for the reason why Nanako suddenly came to him, Zhang Zijian didn't want to pursue it. He only hoped that today's opening ceremony could be successfully completed.Just as he was rushing towards China Merchants, he suddenly received a call from someone, Chen Tianhao, "Zijian, where are you now? I couldn't get through to you last night."

Zhang Zijian opened his mouth, and before he could explain anything, he heard Chen Tianhao continue, "Forget it, it's not the time to listen to your nonsense, I can tell you that one of the items of the Standing Committee of the province last night was In the name of assisting investment, 3000 million yuan was allocated, and now it has been transferred to the account of our local "government". The city will give you another 2000 million yuan, and you must grasp the scale."

Zhang Zijian was a little surprised when he heard the words, "So fast? I thought it would be at least until after the opening ceremony started? I have food in my hands, so don't panic. Although the money is small, it is enough to cope."

"Okay, you kid, don't make sarcastic remarks here. In short, you can handle this matter yourself. I believe you should know your current burden better than anyone else. But don't relax yourself too much. After all, we still have to deal with superficial things." What we have to do is to prevent others from watching us laugh."

Zhang Zijian finally understood the real intention of Chen Tianhao's call. It was an encirclement and suppression campaign against Little Japan, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that Chen Cang was under the radar.It is estimated that he can control the speed well, and at the same time not cause international disputes, it can also make Little Japan suffer a dumb loss.Thinking about it, these people above are really thoughtful and cruel enough.Where in the world can you get the best of both worlds?They were clearly trying to make things difficult for him.

But the most important thing is that I can't refuse yet.But the start-up capital of 5000 million is enough.Regardless of whether you want to develop real estate or build an industrial base in the future, money is the top priority.As long as there are companies that want to develop here, he can provide financial sponsorship.Just thinking about it, South Sanya in the future will not be worse than that first-tier city.

"Uncle Chen, you've created a problem for me, but I'll do my best. If you don't do what you want then, don't blame me." Zhang Zijian is still very concerned about this matter.He didn't expect that he wouldn't get any benefits from time to time, and he would have to be punished by his superiors.

Chen Tianhao chuckled on the other end of the phone, "You really know how to make trouble for Uncle Chen, okay, I know. If something happens, I can take care of it. As for you, don't take the initiative for me. You know that I have a lot of things to do recently. If you make trouble again, I am afraid that my position as secretary will not be secure."

Zhang Zijian understood the meaning of the words. It was okay for him to go too far, but if he made things worse, no one would be able to protect him. [

"Uncle Chen, I know that in my heart. If there is nothing else, I want to go back to China Merchants first, and then go to the resort beach to attend the opening ceremony." Zhang Zijian said.

Chen Tianhao frowned, and said to Zhang Zijian on the other end of the phone, "Today's opening ceremony is such a big event that you haven't come to the scene yet. Do you think this is playing a game?"

Zhang Zijian said apologetically, "Uncle Chen, don't be angry, I have ordered Lin Xiangjing and Bao Lingzu to watch over the opening ceremony, and Huang Guihan should be there too, the three of them are here, even if I'm not there I’m also very relieved about the situation there.”

"Since they are all over there, what do you want to do when you go back to China Merchants?" Chen Tianhao seemed to have a lot of questions today, which made Zhang Zijian feel a little strange.

In the end, he still couldn't help asking, "Uncle Chen, is there something you're hiding from me? In fact, you might as well tell me if you have something, I'm not the kind of person who breaks my mouth."

After Chen Tianhao hesitated for a while, he still said, "You made too much noise this time, so the higher-ups are naturally not at ease, so they sent a leader who is in charge of the economy. You also know that this time you got a lot of sponsorship, and the higher-ups dialed again. With so much money coming over, it is naturally impossible to rest assured that you, a "hair" child, will take care of everything, and if this messes up, everyone will be embarrassed."

Zhang Zijian was not surprised when he heard such words. After all, he had made such a prediction before, but it was just that Little Japan's tossing made things go ahead of schedule.

"Uncle Chen, I understand. I will handle this matter carefully." After Zhang Zijian finished speaking, he exchanged polite words with Chen Tianhao, and then hung up the phone. At this moment, he had reached the door of China Merchants Bureau.

Zhang Zijian didn't find it strange to see the sparsely populated China Merchants Bureau. After all, this competition was considered a big event in South Sanya, so it was expected that everyone would join in the fun.

There was nothing important about Zhang Zijian's return to the China Merchants Bureau, but he left something very important in the office, so he wanted to bring it over.

He Baoguo did a great job this time. Before he got off work yesterday, he had already sent the list of contestants and information for this competition.Zhang Zijian glanced at them casually, and found that they were indeed suitable for this competition, and some of them were really beautiful.Sure enough, money can make ghosts grind, but this time the increase in bonuses has attracted real beauties.

Zhang Zijian took out the things he wanted to take from his safe, and then took a car to South Sanya.It was only when Zhang Zijian arrived at the meeting place that he realized what it meant to be a sea of ​​people.The momentum this time is probably no worse than that of the World Sisters Competition. It seems that his political achievements this time are pretty sure.

Just as Zhang Zijian was standing at the door watching the grand occasion inside, the phone rang again. He checked the caller ID and found that it was his fiancée Chen Jing who called. Calling by himself, calling now made him feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"Hello? Your eldest miss finally remembered that your husband is coming? When will you come to see me?" Zhang Zijian's words sounded like he was complaining about the other party, but it was actually a sexual drama between the young couple.

Chen Jing said, "I've been very busy recently, so I'll try to find time to go there!" [

Zhang Zijian sighed, and then said. "I haven't seen you for so long, I really miss you a little bit. You can't come here. I'll go back to the capital after finishing a few projects here."

After hearing this, Chen Jing immediately said happily, "Why, do you feel a lot of pressure? I also heard a lot of rumors that you are too hot! When I heard your grandpa chatting with my grandpa the day before yesterday, I said You are taking the wrong side of your sword now. It is a last resort to force you to preside over the overall situation. When necessary, you can withdraw to protect yourself!"

Regarding Chen Jing's words, Zhang Zijian was silent for a while to digest her words. At present, the opinion of the family is the most important, since he sensed the danger coming.It is a spirit of willingness to break away from the vortex and give up the current achievements.Standing without breaking through, if you want to break through, you have to fight hard.

After thinking for a while, he said to Chen Jing, "I see, I'm sure I can get away."

When I say this sentence again.Zhang Zijian also felt bitter in his heart, he could walk away at that time, but how many of the leftover stalls and his team can he take away?Those who stay will be the hardest!Maybe it will be hit by various factions.Can't hold my head up.

Chen Jing on the phone sneered, "Your beautiful women are like clouds! Zhang Zijian, did you take the opportunity to accept the second and third bedrooms!"

I haven't heard such a cold tone for a long time.I feel a chill through the phone, this is a stern warning!Is it because of some rumors that this warning was issued?After thinking about it heavily, he felt that if the other party found out that he was cheating, there would be no such warning. It should be a warning in advance. Those girls who want to be superior will use whatever means.This is a serious warning to yourself not to fall into their trap carelessly.

Zhang Zijian also shook his head and smiled wryly at this. After a long silence, he listened to the phone and said, "Look back now, I have a surprise for you." Chen Jing said happily.

Zhang Zijian turned around suspiciously, only to see Chen Jingqiao standing a dozen meters away smiling at him.No wonder this little girl stopped calling him, it turned out that she had thought about it.He doesn't shy away from it, and if he touches his fiancée, he won't become someone else's excuse.

"Why did you come here? Did you ask for leave on purpose?" Zhang Zijian walked to Chen Jing's side and helped her carry the suitcase.To be honest, he was still very touched, this girl actually came here to look for him as soon as she got off the plane.As for being able to find himself accurately, it was also a clue provided by the person behind him secretly protecting him.

Chen Jing held Zhang Zijian's arm with a smile and said, "I want to give you a surprise, how about it, surprise."

Zhang Zijian smiled wryly again, "I don't think it was a surprise, but a fright. If you didn't give me this number, just come to check the post. If there is a beautiful girl in front of me, how can I explain it?"

Chen Jing made a colder expression towards Zhang Zijian when she heard the words: "As long as you don't die, you won't die! Well, I'm kidding you." Seeing that Zhang Zijian's expression changed even more, she quickly added .There is also a smile on his face.

Zhang Zijian smiled, nodded, and took Chen Jing to his lounge. Who knew that another person appeared at this time, it was Nanako who was given by Zhang Zijian and was still in the hotel. "Zhang Jun, you came really early."

Zhang Zijian looked back at Nanako with a displeased expression on his face. He didn't know why this woman was looking at her with displeased face?It wasn't because Chen Jing was by her side that he deliberately looked at her like this, but because he didn't know what kind of trouble Nanako was going to do at this time?

In fact, Zhang Zijian's doing this is not wrong. After all, Nanako had a bad record before, and she threatened and lured him several times. He really didn't like this woman.

Nanako saw impatience from Zhang Zijian's seriousness, she felt a little sour, but she still showed a decent smile on her face. "Zhang Jun, who is this lady, shouldn't you introduce me?"

Zhang Zijian smiled slightly, and then said, "Miss Nanako, I'm really sorry, I don't want to tell you her identity at all. The opening ceremony will start soon, I think you should hurry to the venue."

Zhang Zijian's order was obviously an order to chase away guests. Although Nanako felt unwilling and looked at Chen Jing with a hint of hostility, Zhang Zijian was right. He couldn't delay the game at this time, otherwise the situation would be very troublesome.

After Nanako entered the venue, Zhang Zijian took Chen Jing's hand and headed towards his lounge.After he finished packing his luggage, he planned to take Chen Jing to watch the game.At this time, Chen Jing asked, "That Japanese woman. The one who invested? Or did she deliberately make things difficult for me?"

Frowning, Zhang Zijian sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.Said: "It's too much trouble, I'm afraid that if something happens, Mayor Qin will be destroyed in her hands, and I will take advantage of it. This woman can't be underestimated! Outsiders are easy to deal with, but we are our own people." , Alas! Fighting in the nest is the hardest thing!"

"She didn't play tricks on you, sugar-coated cannon?" Chen Jing looked sideways at Zhang Zijian, with a teasing smile on her face.

Zhang Zijian also smiled and said: "I am also a hero. I think she will not be able to pass the test as a beauty. Use money to impress me? Do I care about the money? The Japanese have gone the wrong way from the beginning, except for threatening me. If I give in, then there will be a beauty trick left! What a pity! You have underestimated my determination!"

As he said that, Zhang Zijian stretched out his hand and pulled Chen Jing into his arms and said, "It's right in front of you, my concentration is insufficient."

"Okay, don't say that you are like a saint, let's go out quickly! There are a lot of people outside. You have to make arrangements." Chen Jing said.

The two walked out of the room hand in hand, and when they came to the "chairman" stage, Lin Xiangjing and others had already prepared a seat for him.Zhang Zijian looked at a sign next to it that said inspector Chen Jing, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked Chen Jing, "What do you mean? An observer came out suddenly, and no one reported to me? I was caught off guard?"

"The capital sent people here. People from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came. But it's impossible to sit here blatantly. Naturally, someone will entertain you. I didn't tell you because some of them still need to be kept secret."

Zhang Zijian nodded, thinking that Chen Tianhao probably entertained those people himself.But Zhang Zijian was curious about what identity Chen Jing used to appear, and Chen Jing belonged to the military.What is her intention for doing this, don't think about whether it is in compliance with the rules for the time being.But at least Zhang Zijian has been alerted. "

Sure enough, the middle and high levels have already intervened.Regardless of the changes in the situation in South Sanya or the cloudy clouds in the province, the secret battle has already begun.Whoever is the first to tear open his mouth, suppress the pressure, or live in a firm place, depends on the fighting skills of the two sides and even the gods in the capital.However, this matter has something to do with him directly, and it is reasonable to be targeted.

Suddenly wanted to laugh again, the old man in the family actually reminded himself through Chen Jing's special identity, and even suspected that Chen Jing was also the stick who came to stir up the water?

This time, the province also sent a few new-faced leaders to attend the opening ceremony. Obviously, because of the previous incident, those leaders who were unsuccessful against Zhang Zijian didn't have the face to attend, so they all sent representatives.Zhang Zijian naturally wouldn't say anything about this matter. Originally, he wanted to fix those people who made him suffer, but when he thought that he might be transferred to work in the province in the future, he would offend all these people. Nothing good.

Zhang Zijian also had his own plans in mind, although he had nothing to say to those brazen robbers, but after all, he was the leader, so he should give them some face.So this time, the delegates who came to participate were not treated badly, and even welcomed and entertained them in the most enthusiastic way.

He wants those people to know that he, Zhang Zijian, is not such a narrow-minded person. It is not Zhang Zijian's fault that they don't come, but because they have ghosts in their hearts, otherwise they will definitely come to this beautiful place openly. The opening ceremony of the world.

What was unexpected was that another person also came. Although there was a place reserved for this person, everyone knew that this person was not in good health and probably would not come. Who knew that he would come in the end.

Zhang Zijian stood up and said to the visitor, "Mayor Mu, I thought you would at least rest for ten and a half months before being discharged from the hospital. Why are you discharged now? Does it matter?"

Mu Gancheng smiled slightly and said, "The doctor said that as long as I take "medicine" on time, control my diet, and exercise in the right amount, my condition can basically be controlled. No, today is the opening ceremony of Beauty in the World, No matter how uncomfortable I am, I still want to come over to support me."

Zhang Zijian asked Mu Gancheng to sit down. At this time, Mu Gancheng saw Chen Jing sitting beside Zhang Zijian, and said in surprise, "Why does this one look so familiar?"

"Of course it looks familiar, Director Zhang's future wife, ha ha!" It was Qin Chuxiong who spoke, and there were many people around him.They all looked at Chen Jing curiously.Zhang Zijian and Mu Gancheng immediately stood up and shook hands with Qin Chuxiong and others one by one.

Then Qin Chuxiong invited Zhang Zijian to sit beside him alone, and said to Zhang Zijian in a low voice, "Secretary Chen hasn't come here yet. I just heard that he was receiving important guests. Did you hear any news?"

Zhang Zijian went back, looked at the people, and found that many people's eyes were drifting this way, and said to Qin Chuxiong in a low voice: "The storm is coming, typhoon-level! It's not clear whether the eye of the storm is in the province or us." There are likely to be cities, so be prepared! We can’t change the direction of the wind, we just want to protect ourselves. Don’t accidentally sink yourself into it and get smashed to pieces.”

Zhang Zijian's words stunned Qin Chuxiong for a while, and his expression kept changing. After thinking for a while, he nodded again, as if he understood Zhang Zijian's words.But when I think about it, can I protect myself!I know my own affairs, Zhang Zijian helped clean up the mess some time ago, but now, Zhang Zijian also feels that it is difficult to protect himself?Does anyone reach out to help him?

Looking at Zhang Zijian again, his eyes kept changing, then he shook his head naively, and said, "Who will Secretary Chen be adjusted too?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m to read.)

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