supreme godfather

Chapter 26: The Mystery of Life Experience

Chapter 26: Mystery of Life Experience

In the dining hall of a star-rated hotel, two hotel leaders and the general manager of a well-known clothing brand in Hong Kong are sitting in front of a young man with long hair, and the young man has been eating food.

Perhaps what the hotel staff never imagined is that the chairman and assistant, who have always been capable and sharp, sit there like a little daughter and watch this man eat, and this man eats like a vulgar person, a vulgar person !

Feng Liuzi has not spoken, nor has he looked at the three women.After finally drinking another glass of wine and hiccupping a few times, Feng Liuzi slowly lit his cigarette, puffing out smoke rings!

"Any news?" Feng Liuzi said without thinking.

Both Tong Xue and the young lady Ouyang didn't understand what Feng Liuzi was talking about, but Li Jie did, so she immediately replied: "Yes, I had it seven years ago, but I couldn't find you at that time..."

Feng Liuzi nodded and said, "Well, are they still alive? In Shenzhen or where?"

"I'm not sure if what they said is true, so I've been waiting for you to come back!"

"Okay, make an appointment with them right away, and meet here later!" Feng Liuzi resolutely spoke in an orderly tone.

"Brother Tian, ​​they are not your parents, they are just... just two people who know the clue!" Li Jie replied embarrassedly.

"Oh? Then invite them over too!" Feng Liuzi nodded lightly, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. It wasn't that he was disappointed with Li Jie, but that he was disappointed with his parents who had dreamed of meeting him!

Li Jie knew that Feng Liuzi was impatient, so she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers: "Hello, Ms. Zhou? Yes, I am Li Jie. My boss is back, and he wants to see you!"

Li Jie was talking about the time and place with that Ms. Zhou on the phone, while Feng Liuzi looked at Tong Xue with interest.

Tong Xue was taken aback by Feng Liuzi's staring eyes, and immediately lowered her head.

"Xiaoxue, who hit the corner of your eye?" Feng Liuzi asked lightly.

" one hit me..." Tong Xue didn't dare to raise her head.

At this time, Li Jie had already finished making the phone call, and she already knew that Tong Xue and Feng Liuzi knew each other, because Tong Xuelai's interview materials stated that she also grew up in that orphanage.

"Xiaoxue was beaten by her boyfriend. I have persuaded Xiaoxue to break up with her boyfriend a long time ago. She is a boy with a soft face..." Li Jie explained for Tong Xue with some injustice.

After Feng Liuzi heard Li Jie's explanation, he didn't speak, but looked at Tong Xue with some sympathy. This girl whose parents died since childhood can be said to be like his sister, although she had done wrong to Tong Xue when she was young. However, Feng Liuzi will never forget the time when he played with Tong Xue in his childhood.

"Call her boyfriend and call her here!" Feng Liuzi continued to order Li Jie in an orderly tone.

"Okay!" Li Jie knew very well that Feng Liuzi would kill people, but she still called as instructed.

"No, no chairman, no sixth brother, please..." Tong Xue panicked and tried to stop Li Jie, but Li Jie gave Tong Xue a glare.

After the call was connected, Li Jie first reported her name, and after hearing the respectful and flattering voice over there, Li Jie continued: "Mr. Wang, today I invite you and Xiaoxue to dinner, yes, it's at our hotel Hall, come here right away, okay, okay, I'll wait for you!"

Li Jie hung up the phone with a ghostly smile. She also wanted to see how Feng Liuzi would handle the relationship between Tong Xue and her boyfriend.

The young woman Ouyang, who has never spoken, has been thinking. She has become more and more curious about this Long Xingtian. She has a weird personality and is rude to women. Take the two delicate girls in front of him as an example. They have black faces!What kind of person is he?Judging from his vulgar behavior in the conference room and the way he ate just now, he looks like a street ruffian at all!

Seeing the young woman Ouyang thinking a little bit, Feng Liuzi sneered and said, "Ouyang, are you not talking about business? If you don't talk about it, why don't you go back to Hong Kong?"

"This... we haven't finished talking yet!" The young woman Ouyang was a little uncomfortable with Feng Liuzi's sudden change. She was crazy about bathing with her in the morning, and turned her face after such a big time?This is incredible, right?So the young woman Ouyang was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

"Isn't it just a clothing factory? Let's talk about it, Li Jie, if you plan to sell it or not, you will pay a price if you plan to sell it, and if you don't plan to sell it, let them go back. Do you need mother-in-law?"

"We intend to sell, but we need to discuss the price further with Manager Ouyang!" Li Jie was not unhappy because of Feng Liuzi's sarcastic remarks, on the contrary, he spoke with a smile!

Feng Liuzi nodded, and said to the young woman: "Ouyang, did you hear that? Just tell me how much you pay, if you can talk about it, if you can't talk about it, you can slap your ass and leave!"

"2500 million yuan is my biggest bottom line!" The young woman Ouyang also knew that it would be impossible not to mention the reserve price at this time, otherwise a formal transaction might be disrupted by this Long Xingtian.

"Okay, just do what Ms. Ouyang wants. We'll go up and sign the contract in a while!" When Li Jie finished speaking, she and the young woman Ouyang laughed at the same time. In front of the six sons, it was finalized in a few words. Isn't this too deviant?

After Feng Liuzi saw the women laughing happily, his original stern face relaxed, and he laughed and cursed intentionally or unintentionally: "You guys are laughing, Ouyang is I just met...that...that friend, Jie'er is the one I knew before...that for Xiaoxue...the two of us grew up together..."

The three women understood what Feng Liuzi meant, and they couldn't understand the meaning of 'that', because Feng Liuzi always said 'that' when he was alone with them, so the faces of Li Jie and the young woman Ouyang were at the same time. It became red, and as for Tong Xue, she was still looking out of the hotel from time to time.

When it was almost noon, Tong Xue's boyfriend really came. He had short hair and was tall. He was wearing a suit and looked very refined. Judging from his appearance, he was a quiet young man. Where does it look like a villain who beats his wife casually?

"Jiasheng, are you here?" Tong Xue glanced at her boyfriend with some fear, and then at Feng Liuzi. She really didn't know what Feng Liuzi would do next.

"Xue'er, see what I bought for you?" Wang Jiasheng pulled out a rose from his suit pocket like a magic trick, and handed it to Tong Xue affectionately.

Judging from Wang Jiasheng's attitude towards Tong Xue, this is simply a sweet little couple.

Feng Liuzi saw all the behaviors of this Wang Jiasheng in his eyes. He knew that this kind of man was the scariest and most irritating. On the surface he pretended to be generous and gentle, but in his heart he was terribly narrow-minded!Without raising his head, he blew out a smoke ring and said, "Mr. Wang, right? Get to know me. I'm Xiaoxue's new boyfriend. I called you here today to talk about breaking up with you. Please sit down first!"

"What?" Wang Jiasheng sat there in a daze, Tong Xue also stared at Feng Liuzi in a daze, as for Li Jie and the young woman Ouyang, they were drinking coffee with half-smiles!

"What? Didn't you understand?" Feng Liuzi asked again angrily, tilting his neck and pretending to be a hooligan.

"Sir, are you joking? Xiaoxue and I have been in love for two years, where did you come from?" No matter how well-mannered Wang Jiasheng was, he was irritated by Feng Liuzi's words.

Feng Liuzi smiled evilly, and then said with a grinning face: "Stop, stop, stop, Mr. Wang, don't be angry, I can guarantee that I know Xueer better than you, and I know what Xueer really wants, so please leave. I asked for it!"

"You fart, Xue'er has been with me for two years, who knows her better than me? Xue'er, where did this kid come from? Let's go!" Wang Jiasheng grabbed Tong Xue's arm and dragged it out .

"Jiasheng, wait, Jiasheng... let go..." Tong Xue did not know where she came from, and she struggled to break away from Wang Jiasheng's hand.

"Haha, Mr. Wang, you've only been with Xiaoxue for two years? I've been with her for 13 years! In terms of understanding, I even know that she has a tooth mark on her left ass, don't you believe it? ? Because I bit the tooth marks, hahaha..." Feng Liuzi laughed happily, completely ignoring Wang Jiasheng's livid face and Tong Xue's imminently angry eyes.

After Wang Jiasheng heard Feng Liuzi's words, he couldn't say a word other than standing on the spot with a livid face. What Feng Liuzi said was true, there were really two rows of teeth marks on Tong Xue's left ass!

"Okay, Xiaoxue, I knew you were a ###, I didn't expect you to call my old lover here to humiliate me, okay, that's great!" Wang Jiasheng finally showed his true colors.

"Look, is the fox's tail showing? Xiaoxue, sit down for me!" Feng Liuzi stood up and walked towards Wang Jiasheng while ordering.

"Hmph, do you still want to hit me?" Wang Jiasheng puffed out his chest without fear.

Feng Liuzi chuckled and said, "Your guess is really accurate!"

"Bang!" Wang Jiasheng flew a few meters high from the spot, then howled and rolled on the ground clutching his crotch.

Feng Liuzi kicked Wang Jiasheng suddenly, which caught Li Jie and the young woman Ouyang by surprise, and Tong Xue even slumped on a chair, completely lost her mind.

"Security, send him to the hospital quickly..." Li Jie knew that the matter should not be too big, so she anxiously called the security to carry Wang Jiasheng outside.But Wang Jiasheng said a few words through his teeth: "I want to sue you, wait for the police to catch you!"

The young woman Ouyang shook her head with a wry smile and said, "Mr. Long, it seems that you are in trouble this time!"

Feng Liuzi chuckled and said, "This kind of scumbag who is even more scumbag than me is a waste of food!"

When several security guards carried Wang Jiasheng out, two middle-aged women also came in the lobby of the hotel. Judging from their attire, they were all middle-class housewives. Li Jie came here.

Li Jie nodded to Feng Liuzi and said, "It's them."

After the introduction by Li Jie, the two women began their story: "About 14 years ago, we were still middle school students, and Zhang Lili and we were the best three friends in the second grade of junior high school, until one day There was a big event that shook the entire Shenzhen city, and it was on the news at the time, a ###签室### raped Zhang Lili, and brutally killed her parents. At that time, Zhang Lili was only [-] years old, probably due to excessive shock , she never went back to school after that incident happened, and she didn't have any relatives. The three of us had a good relationship at that time, so we often went to see her after school, comforted her, and helped her cook some food. On the other hand, she kept saying, "He's not a human, he can fly, he's a devil, he flew away" and other nonsense words, until five months after the incident happened. , we found out that Zhang Lili was pregnant. Since she was too young at the time and didn’t know what to do, we couldn’t figure out a way until Zhang Lili was in labor. That is, on the day she was in labor, she gave birth to a boy. There was a large oval cyan birthmark, and Lili died on the same day because of dystocia. At that time, we were terrified and didn’t know what to do. Finally, we remembered the orphanage, so the two of us had to throw the child in the We left outside the orphanage, and we didn’t leave until someone found it. Later, Lili was carried away by the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Lili’s family is too miserable. For so many years, we have gone to the cemetery every year to pay for Lili and her Parents burn some paper money!"

The two middle-aged women cried and told this tragic story. After hearing this, several girls also burst into tears. Only Feng Liuzi did not change his expression, neither happy nor sad, his face was as calm as a pool of water.

At this time, a few policemen came to the hotel, and under the guidance of a security guard, they came directly to Feng Liuzi.

"Sir, you injured someone just now, and the person involved is suing you, so please go back and cooperate with us in handling the case!" The policeman saluted Feng Liuzi!

"Wait for me for 3 minutes, can you?" Feng Liuzi stood up and walked towards the two middle-aged women while talking.

When he walked in front of the two middle-aged women, the most incredible thing happened. A long-haired young man beat up two middle-aged women in the way of street hooligans, and scolded them while beating them. He said: "Damn, why didn't you wrap a blanket at that time, did you need to throw me naked into the orphanage? Damn, don't you know how to love others when you are young?"

After a few policemen were stunned, they roared angrily and knocked Feng Liuzi down. Isn't this gangster too arrogant?Hitting two women in front of the police?Is he still human?It's not as good as a beast!

Feng Liuzi did not resist, allowing the police to knock him to the ground, and then burst into laughter: "It's sad, I'm so fucking sad, that bastard, isn't it? Don't let me see you!"

The police somehow didn't know who the beast Feng Liuzi was talking about, but the two middle-aged women and Li Jie knew that the beast Feng Liuzi was talking about was his biological father.

The two women who were beaten up by Feng Liuzi were terrified. This young man is worse than a beast, right?After all, they were his benefactors, but no matter where they beat them up, how can there be any reason for this?

However, their beatings were not without cost. When the police were about to handcuff Feng Liuzi, Feng Liuzi took out a wrinkled check from his body and threw it to the two women.

"100 million RMB, here you go, I thank you on behalf of my mother who has never met! Thank you..." After Feng Liuzi finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the two women!

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