supreme godfather

Chapter 35: Newborn

Chapter 35: Freshmen

Ten years of enlightenment has transformed Feng Liuzi from a scoundrel at the bottom of society into a cultivator that does not exist in this world. However, the legend of cultivators seems to be only found in movies and novels. The world, but regardless of whether this road is good or bad, setbacks or new steps, Feng Liuzi must go on, because he has gradually felt that this place is no longer suitable for him!

In the past ten years, society has been progressing, human life is also progressing, and everything is moving forward. However, Feng Liuzi has stayed at his eighteen or nineteen-year-old appearance. It stands to reason that he should be in his thirties now, but His appearance is that of an immature young man, with fair skin, long hair below the waist, and a pair of evil eyes. Perhaps because of his practice, his deep eyes are like a bottomless lake. , clear and clear.

On the top of the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, at an altitude of more than 8000 meters, there stands a man in thin clothes and eyes full of fighting spirit. He is none other than Feng Liuzi. He is killing Zun After the nun, he donated all his money to the Red Cross Foundation, and after he donated the money, he disappeared completely.

This is the third day after he killed Johnny. He has come here since he killed Johnny. On the highest mountain of human beings, he knows that his path has completely changed, not the ordinary way before And it is full of muddy paths. In the future, his road will be wider and wider. What awaits him is the mysterious world of self-cultivation, the world of mysterious fairies, demons and demons, so he came here resolutely, ready to go to the world far away from the earth. On the nearest lunar teleportation array.

"Damn it, my life is really a failure. I don't have a relative or friend to see me off, ### Damn it!" After Feng Liuzi cursed, his body flew upwards at a high speed, like an eagle, It flew into the sky and disappeared into the clouds in an instant!

The atmosphere is a layer of protection around the earth. It can effectively resist the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, and there are various harmful gases in the atmosphere. When Feng Liuzi broke away from the gravity of the earth and was about to reach the atmosphere, he suddenly felt his own There was a squeeze in the chest, and a burst of dizziness followed.

"What's going on? Could it be that I can't fly through the ozone layer?" Feng Liuzi held his breath, raised the Qi in his whole body to the highest level, and rushed upwards in one go.

However, when he entered the atmosphere, he suddenly felt that his calculations seemed to be wrong. Only he in the mid-Yuanying period could not bear the weightlessness in space and the erosion of various harmful gases in the atmosphere. Slowly he felt physical strength Unknowingly, his true energy was completely exhausted.

"I can't move forward anymore." Feng Liuzi's chest heaved violently. The weightlessness and various harmful gases in space almost made him feel that he was going on. Before he reached the moon, he had to run out of energy and die on the ground. In this vast space, Feng Liuzi glanced in the direction of the moon with a little discouragement, and immediately began to fall. He didn't want to be the most unlucky cultivator, and now he also remembered what Yichen said, not reaching the moon. During the out-of-body period, one cannot leave the earth!

"Oh my god? The out-of-body period? How many years will it take to reach it?" Feng Liuzi broke away from the atmosphere almost desperately and began to fall towards Mount Everest.

Just after breaking through the atmosphere, Feng Liuzi suddenly felt refreshed, and the steady stream of heaven and earth spiritual energy was quickly absorbed into his pores. After a while, the original energy consumed in his dantian was actually absorbed fill up.

"It's better to fuck the earth, I'd better wait until the out-of-body period!" Feng Liuzi made a sharp turn in the air, and his body instantly disappeared into the sky in a stream of light.

In fact, Feng Liuzi still doesn't know that the atmosphere is only more than 1000 meters long. As long as he passes through the 1000-meter-high atmosphere, he doesn't need to consume so much energy. After all, the earth is a planet with advanced technology, and with the recent years, some Harmful gases emitted by chemical factories and various polluting elements flow into the atmosphere in a steady stream, so there are so many harmful gases in the atmosphere. As long as Feng Liuzi is well prepared, he can still pass through the atmosphere and enter outer space smoothly Yes, but Feng Liuzi didn't do that. Of course, this time he still listened to what his master Yichen had warned him.

Maybe this is the fate of a person. If Feng Liuzi successfully leaves the earth this time, then his legendary life in the world will not be left behind!

Taiwan, Hongye Villa!

Ever since Hong Ye failed to assassinate the gold and jade-level killer 'Liu Ye' last time, his reputation has become even louder for a while, and he is regarded as the godfather of Southeast Asia. There are various industries in the region, and its underworld forces spread all over the world. Even the Italian Mafia wants to give Hongye three points.

Since the failed assassination by a gold-and-jade killer, the threshold of Master Hong’s family has almost been broken by guests, from Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Italy, Russia and other countries The leaders of the underground world sent people to visit Hongye one after another. Even in his twilight years, the godfather who became famous decades ago still looks as handsome as ever, with arrogance that overwhelms the sky!

However, although there are many people who come to visit Master Hong, Master Hong behaves very low-key. Except for important guests, he usually sends his adopted son out to answer, because Master Hong's wife and children were killed by the enemy decades ago , so in these years, Lord Hong only accepted three adoptive sons for his retirement.

It has been half a year since the last assassination, within this six months, Master Hong also knew who was going to kill him, and the person who killed him was also dead, so Master Hong is preparing to call the underworld meeting these days and hand over the dragon head stick, He knew that what the old god warned before he left was right, if it wasn't because of his own power, he wouldn't have provoked his own murder, so he planned to hand over the dragon head stick, which is regarded as the supreme, and make himself quiet !

Today, Master Hong entertained a group of guests from Russia during the day, and also drank a little wine, so he felt a little sleepy, and he was going to bed before eight o'clock.

However, the moment he entered the bedroom from the living room, he suddenly froze in place, with surprise and puzzlement in his pupils, and his hands clenched into fists.

"Alas, don't be nervous, I'm not here to kill you this time, relax and relax!" Feng Liuzi's rogue-like voice sounded in the bedroom.

"You? Why didn't you die? The old god didn't kill you?" Master Hong must have been an old man, knowing that if the person in front of him wanted to kill him, he wouldn't need to waste so much talking, so after being slightly surprised, he immediately closed the room tightly. Door!

After watching Grandpa Hong relax a bit, Feng Liuzi lit a cigarette with a "snap", took a few puffs and said: "The old god you mentioned accepted me as his disciple, he couldn't bear to kill me as a baby!" Apprentice!"

"What?" Lord Hong looked Feng Liuzi up and down in disbelief. You know, back then he was willing to beg the old god to accept him as his disciple, but the old god never agreed, but now the old god accepted the killer as his disciple. How can he not be startled?

Feng Liuzi completely ignored Master Hong's surprise, and instead sat relaxed on the swivel chair in front of the desk, crossed his legs and said with a smile: "Hey, don't make a fuss, you are older than me, I will also call you Master Hong , my name is Feng Liuzi, which is what they call a gold-and-jade killer, and I came here this time to ask for your help!"

Master Hong was stunned, his eyes flashed brightly and said: "It doesn't matter if you say it, as long as I can do it, I will help, even if I can't, I will help, since you are the old god Apprentice, then we will be a family from now on."

"Yes, family, family, I heard from Master that he helped you back then, so I came to ask you for help!" Feng Liuzi looked at Master Hong with a rascally look.

After hearing Feng Liuzi's words, Master Hong replied with a serious face: "Of course, I owe the old god all my life. As long as you want, I can give you everything!"

"Don't don't, I don't want it, ha ha." Feng Liuzi gave a strange smile and continued: "Master Hong, actually I came this time to borrow two money from you to spend, and then help me get a Taiwan one." Identity, I am now a wanted criminal in mainland China, Hong Kong is also looking for me, I can't fucking live this day!~!"

"Hahaha!" Master Hong suddenly laughed heartily and said, "You killed Johnny, right? Well done!"

Feng Liuzi knew that Master Hong would agree to his request, but this time he came to find Master Hong, but he was just passing by. Besides, he really has no money now. But stupidly donated it, so now he is a pauper, the most important thing is that his current status is no longer good, not only wanted in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau are also wanted, so he wants to continue to live a happy life Every day, you must change your identity!And Master Hong, the godfather of the underworld with all-hands and eyes, is his best candidate, so when he passed by Taiwan, he came to Master Hong's villa!

Seeing Master Hong's hearty laugh, Feng Liuzi also laughed, and then said disrespectfully: "Old Man Hong, I know that you are rich and powerful, so you can just get a few hundred million."

Grandpa Hong burst into laughter when he was amused by Feng Liuzi's words, and then said meaningfully: "Money is not a problem, you can stay here first, and everything will be done at noon tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Feng Liuzi readily agreed.

When Feng Liuzi was taken to the guest room by his servants, Master Hong walked into the study alone. At this time, his drowsiness had long since disappeared. Seeing Feng Liuzi again, Master Hong seemed to be a hundred times more energetic than usual. You know, He is also a half-assed cultivator. If it wasn't for the reason of being too old, it is very likely that he has already practiced Jindan, and the appearance of Feng Liuzi, a master of comprehension, made him seem to see a glimmer of light.

People are like this, they can never stop their inner desires, and now Hong Ye's only desire is not money, not beautiful women, nor power, what he wants is to go further, even though the old god told him that he can't go further It's too late, but the old god also said that there is a kind of elixir that can help him practice golden elixir.And Feng Liuzi has now become the apprentice of the old god, so will Feng Liuzi know how to practice the elixir?Will there be a similar pill?Or you can ask Feng Liuzi to ask him to ask the old fairy for a pill, as long as there is one pill, he can continue to practice, so that he can reborn himself and become a fairy!

The thoughtful Master Hong didn't feel sleepy until midnight. He thought a lot that night, thinking about his life, his wealth, and who to give the dragon head stick to. In short, the appearance of Feng Liuzi made Hong Master I messed up everything I had planned before, and drew up a preliminary plan in my heart, but there was Feng Liuzi in the plan!

And Feng Liuzi who lives in the guest room is also thinking deeply, what will he do in the future if he has not gone to the cultivation world?There is no rush to practice, even if you are a genius, it will take at least several hundred years to reach the out-of-body stage, and what do you do with these hundreds of years?Keep having fun like a ghost?Continue to be a killer to kill?Or get two money to start a company?In short, this night, Feng Liuzi was also planning his new life. It wasn't until the next day when a ray of sunshine hit his face that Feng Liuzi woke up like a dream.

"Yes, since you have this ability, why don't you make a great career?" When Feng Liuzi thought of this, the long-lost evil smile reappeared on his face!

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