supreme godfather

Chapter 5: Drug Dealer

Chapter 5: Drug Dealers

Maybe some people think that killing is a simple matter, maybe some people think that gangsters like them shouldn't be scared to death just because they kill a person, right?

If you think so, then you are wrong. Killing people is not a simple matter. The psychological pressure caused by the first murder will last a lifetime. The kind of instant harvesting of a living person The scene is something that no normal person can easily let go of.Because he not only brought pressure and impact to the heart, but also suffered unprecedented panic and torture mentally.

Of course, Feng Liuzi is also an ordinary person. For a normal person, killing people is like crossing the death line. The scene of Fatty Li's death is constantly flashing in Feng Liuzi's mind.When Feng Liuzi got into the car, he finally couldn't restrain the vomit in his stomach. He opened his mouth and vomited a lot. The gastric juice mixed with the delicious food that he had eaten in his stomach at night was all thrown out like a brainstorm. The four boys all glared at Feng Liuzi and pinched their noses tightly. If it wasn't for Feng Liuzi's successful killing, they would really have kicked Feng Liuzi out of the car.

"Stop the car, I get out of the car, brother Cheng, go back and ask the boss for leave, just say that I will look for him at the beginning of next month!" Feng Liuzi jumped out of the car after turning a few streets, of course he was covered with blood His clothes have long since faded.

Neither Zhang Cheng nor the other four boys spoke. They killed someone just now. Although they were not the principal offender, they were also accomplices. So after Feng Liuzi got off the car, the four of them fell silent.

Feng Liuzi didn't go home directly, but went to a bar to drink wildly, he wanted to use alcohol to numb himself, he wanted to use alcohol to forget everything that happened tonight!

Three days later, in the office of the Narcotics Division of the 'Qing' City Police Station!

"Old Liu, give me a fucking reasonable explanation. Why didn't your anti-narcotics team let me catch that kid? Why did you have to wait until the middle of next month?" There were three people sitting in the office, one of them was Zhang Cheng!And the person who spoke was the captain of the criminal police team.

"Team Wan, why are you so arrogant? We also want to catch that kid, but if we catch him, our three-year plan will be completely ruined." The old Liu who spoke was the chief of the anti-drug department. .

"What plan? It's none of my business?" The captain of the criminal police continued to stare.

"It's none of your business? This is a big case that the 'Ministry' is in charge of. I let Xiao Zhang mix with Du Chunming and gain his trust. The purpose is not to completely destroy our 'Qing' City and Sichuan Gui The biggest drug lord in the area? Now it is finally time to close the net. If you step in now and arrest the murderer who killed Fatty Li, then our three-year plan will not be in vain? Xiao Zhang’s three-year undercover Isn't life in vain?" The anti-drug chief also yelled at Team Wan angrily.

"Damn it, as soon as NO.15 is over next month, I'll arrest people, and then no one can stop me, not even the director!" Team Wan angrily grabbed the file on the desk and threw it down. door away.

Seeing that the captain of the criminal police finally left, the head of the anti-narcotics section gave a wry smile with a headache, and said to Zhang Cheng: "Next month, the border armed police will cooperate with us to take down Du Chunming's criminal gang in one fell swoop. Please report that I have I reported it to you, the leaders of the Ministry love you very much, in the last few days, you must pay attention to safety, be careful of Du Chunming jumping over the wall in a hurry, you go back!"

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng saluted the anti-narcotics section chief, turned around and walked out.

After watching Zhang Cheng walk out, the anti-narcotics chief smiled wryly, "Oh, Fatty Li died unjustly!"

Feng Liuzi has been hiding in a hotel for the past three days. He didn't dare to go home, and he didn't go to "heaven".Three days had brought him back to his senses. He straightened out the process from killing Fatty Li to going to the border to sell drugs next month. He found that he had finally fallen into it this time. Whether or not he participates in next month's drug trafficking, it is impossible for him to stay in the mainland. He has to run, and it is best to smuggle abroad, whether it is Thailand or Myanmar, in short, he cannot stay in his own country.

Of course, no matter where you go, you need a prerequisite, and that is money. If you don’t have money, you can’t go anywhere. After thinking about it, I finally made up my mind and decided that as soon as NO.200 is over next month, I will leave when I get the money, and I will definitely not be in the mainland.Just like what Huang Maojie told himself: "Be careful, just live!"

Yes, it's good to be alive!

Feng Liuzi stayed nervously in the hotel for more than half a month. During this half month, he wanted to go back to the orphanage in "Shen" City several times. He wanted to ask the director and Aunt Feng about his own life experience. He knew that he might never be able to return to his homeland after he left, so for half a month, he seemed restless, and he couldn't let go of a stone in his heart. Perhaps Feng Liuzi, who had no conscience and no humanity, was What I long for the most in the past half month is family affection.

"Home?" What a distant word!Feng Liuzi sighed and extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Feng Liuzi didn't appear in heaven until the tenth of next month. When he appeared in heaven, he was immediately dragged to the Tianzi private room by a horse boy, and cursed Feng Liuzi from time to time.

"Damn it, we thought you committed suicide in fear of crime, the boss is in a hurry!"

"Hey, you are all dead, and I won't die either, fuck!" Feng Liuzi walked into the Tianzi private room with curses.

After entering the private room, Du Chunming glanced at Feng Liuzi reproachfully, then patted Feng Liuzi on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Liuzi, yes, I thought you would run away!"

Feng Liuzi also smiled, and then replied with a cynical tone: "If you have 200 million in your pocket, ### will run away!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone in the room laughed.

"Okay, Little Six has finally returned to the team. We will set off tonight. This time I will hold the line personally and drive the container truck to go at the high speed."

"Why did you leave so early? Isn't there still five days left?" Zhang Cheng blurted out, but immediately he knew that he was talking too much.

Du Chunming didn't notice Zhang Cheng's strangeness, but replied casually: "We must be fully prepared, who knows what will happen on the road, so we must start in advance, the car is waiting downstairs, we will go through the back door Get out." After Du Chunming finished speaking, he walked out first, and Feng Liuzi and others followed Du Chunming silently.

The container truck is the kind of container truck that transports fresh food. Du Chunming himself acted as the driver, and the co-pilot also took a horse boy who replaced Du Chunming. As for Feng Liuzi and others, they were directly locked in the container and confiscated. phone.

After arriving in the container, Feng Liuzi realized that this container truck was different from other container trucks. There were a row of sofas in the car, and there were lights, a fan, and food and water. There are six or seven May [-]th standard pistols and a dozen magazines.

"###, the boss actually prepared a 'guy'!" Several horse boys happily grabbed their pistols and started playing with them.

Feng Liuzi also picked up a pistol and studied it fondly. He had seen a gun before, but he had only touched it, and had never actually shot it.

"I'll teach you how to use it!" One of the horse boys seemed to be specially arranged by Du Chunming, and explained how to open the insurance, how to shoot and other simple knowledge.

Feng Liuzi knew from the extent to which this pony played with guns that he was a master of guns. The standard May [-]th pistol was like a toy in his hands. A variety of actions.

After walking for about three or four hours, the front window of the container truck suddenly opened, and Du Chunming ordered in a tired voice, "From now on, don't talk!"

Everyone was very sensible and didn't ask anything, and no one spoke. For a while, the tense atmosphere filled the entire carriage. Except for Zhang Cheng, the other horses knew that this time was extremely dangerous and might die. Lose the frontier, die in a foreign land forever!

The car continued to speed, and Feng Liuzi and the others didn't know their exact location.The dazed people were awakened by the vibration after the brakes of the car. They immediately opened the safety of the pistol and listened nervously to the movement outside!

"Crackling...the door of the container was opened, and the cicadas outside and the cries of various insects in the forest came from the dark night sky.

"Brothers, don't be nervous, the road below is going to be walked!" Du Chunming spoke in a very serious tone at this time, without the usual laughter, everyone could hear that Du Chunming was also very nervous now.

Feng Liuzi and the others put away their pistols, and after leaving behind a boy watching the car, they continued to walk into the jungle.

Feng Liuzi knows that they have reached the border now, and because of the car, he doesn't know which direction he is heading###, he only knows that the thorns in the jungle are very different from the constant sounds of various birds and beasts Eerie.

Everyone followed nervously, no one spoke, Du Chunming walked in the front, followed by Zhang Cheng and a few other boys, and Feng Liuzi came last.

"Aw!~" The cry of a raccoon frightened everyone. Feng Liuzi involuntarily pulled out his pistol and looked around nervously. Covered in cold sweat, only the boss Du Chunming sneered, and then said with a half-smile: "Everyone, don't be nervous, it's just a beaver. This road is safe. There should be no large animals. Relax, everyone." point!"

After Du Chunming finished speaking, he continued to walk towards the front, while the others did not relax at all. How can anyone relax under such psychological and spiritual pressure?

The sky gradually turned pale. Although the sky had already brightened, the forest was foggy. The damp dew made everyone wet. At this time, Du Chunming had already stopped moving forward.

"Rest in place and eat some dry food. The foot of the mountain in front is the place to pick up the goods. After we rest here for a while, we will go around to the back of the mountain. There is a cave there. We will wait there for two days." Du Chunming finished. , I took out the dry food I carried with me, and ate it slowly.

The others were also extremely exhausted. After hearing Du Chunming say to rest, they all sat on the ground weakly, regardless of whether the ground was wet or not.

In this state of high tension, waiting has become the most boring mental torture for everyone. For two days, they just stayed in the cave behind the mountain, shit### was all done in the cave, and the stinky feces fell on it. A group of disgusting flies, although only a short two days, Feng Liuzi feels that these two days are the longest two days he has spent in his life, everyone's spirits are tense, as long as there is a little trouble outside , they all clenched their pistols.

The night of the third day finally came. Tonight is also the day of delivery. On the 15th, it is a legendary Black Friday. Hei, maybe this time the delivery will encounter a 'clip', maybe everyone will die here this time, so he told everyone that no matter what happens, they must obey his orders.

Of course, in this case, except for that nasty undercover Zhang Cheng, no one would not listen to Du Chunming, after all, no one would fucking want to die!

Taking advantage of the darkness, a group of six people rushed out of the cave and began to run quickly towards the front of the mountain on the border. This time, the place of delivery was the border between the two countries. We can only rely on Du Chunming and the others.

After traveling fast for more than an hour, everyone saw a few sporadic fireworks at the foot of the mountain ahead.

"Everyone is ready, turn on the insurance!" After Du Chunming ordered again, he walked towards the fireworks first.

"Who, stop!" (Burmese)

"It's me, Jike." Du Chunming also replied in Burmese.

"Hahaha, I thought my old friend wouldn't come anymore!" Jike laughed a few times, but except Du Chunming understood, Feng Liuzi and the others didn't know what the two of them were talking about.

After the two muttered for a while, the guys behind Jake carrying ak47 were carrying five or six bags of flour-like things, and a laptop.

Five or six bags of flour-like things are half a bag, and it seems that this is the 'goods' they are going to receive this time.As for the notebook that was carried, it was necessary to transfer money directly online.

Du Chunming opened one of the bags of drugs, hooked it with his little finger, licked it on his tongue, and then gave a thumbs up.

And the drug dealer named Jike laughed again, and handed over the laptop.

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from Jike's attitude, he didn't intend to take advantage of others, so the tense nerves of everyone relaxed a little. At least the vigilance against Jike and others was reduced a lot. And Du Chunming is busy transferring money online.

Suddenly, everyone heard a "bang" gunshot, and then a signal flare rose from the dense forest to the sky, and the light of the signal flare illuminated the dark dense forest!

"Damn, there's a note!" Du Ziming roared angrily, picked up a bag of drugs and ran back, Feng Liuzi and the others also rushed forward carrying the drugs, but Jike and the others didn't seem so nervous.

When Jike saw the untransferred account, he was so angry that he threw his notebook out, and then picked up his rifle and was about to shoot Du Chunming.

However, when Ji Kedang raised his gun, the Chinese police and border armed police also rang out, and the sniper directly killed Ji Ke with one shot.

Du Chunming finally realized that he was surrounded. With nowhere to escape, he raised his pistol and started to fight back. He knew that there must be a traitor among his people, otherwise there would not be a large number of policemen and soldiers here.

Feng Liuzi was already frightened and stupid at this time. If killing people last month was a big deal for him, then the current thing is going to break the sky. This is a fucking gunfight. The drugs were thrown far away, and they hid in the grass motionless, for fear of eating 'peanuts' when they raised their heads.

"Listen everyone, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and prepare to surrender..." The police in the dense forest seemed to want to catch alive.

"Little Six, Zhang Cheng, Da Pao, Shun Zi, Er Liu, Li Yang, you all move closer to me, hurry up." Du Chunming tried to gather everyone together, and then rushed out.

After hearing Du Chunming's words, the boys crawled towards Du Chunming's direction without even thinking about it. Only Zhang Cheng and Feng Liuzi didn't climb.

Of course, Feng Liuzi had his reasons for not going to Du Chunming's place, because he knew that this was Du Chunming's plan. If they were surrounded, everyone would get together and rush out together. In that case, the chance of surviving is too small, so Feng Liuzi didn't crawl towards Du Chunming, but instead crawled in the opposite direction.He knew that if they rushed out with all their strength, all the police would focus on them, and instead he would find an opportunity to sneak out of the encirclement.

Feng Liuzi's little trick was undoubtedly acquired. He is good at scheming and didn't listen to Du Chunming's order this time. Nothing is important, the most important thing is to be alive!

Sure enough, after a while, Du Chunming and the others began to charge without waiting for Feng Liuzi and Zhang Cheng to gather, and the police really concentrated all their firepower on Du Chunming, Jike and other drug dealers.

Feng Liuzi seized the opportunity and quickly crawled towards the distance like a snake.

The gunshots became less and less, and they were getting farther and farther away from Feng Liuzi. Feng Liuzi was so excited that he was about to jump up and crawled back to the distance with all his strength.

After climbing a few hundred meters, he felt that he should have climbed out of the encirclement, so he stood up and ran towards the back of the mountain.

"Bang!~" A gunshot hit Feng Liuzi's feet. Feng Liuzi was so frightened that he almost lost his soul. He knew that someone had found him, so he ran to the distance with all his strength. And he also heard the sound of chasing behind, and there was a familiar voice.

"Zhang Cheng? Why is he chasing me with the police? Yes, he is a spy, and he betrayed us!" Feng Liuzi was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he swore inwardly that if he had the chance, he would kill Zhang Cheng with his own hands!

After running for a while, Feng Liuzi suddenly realized that he was lost and ran to the foot of the mountain. The only way was to go up the mountain, but now was not the time to hesitate, he had to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

The mountain is not too high, it looks like a few hundred meters. He doesn't know where the mountain leads to. He only knows that if he can survive and successfully shake off the pursuers, he will be safe for the time being. So he is like a bereaved dog, non-stop Running, the occasional gunshots and the sound of bullets passing by would make him sweat coldly.

After running desperately, he actually ran to a Duan Ya, which seemed to be cut by a magic weapon. I don't know how deep the Duan Ya was, he was helpless, he was crazy, why did fate always play tricks on himself?He wanted to laugh at this moment, how fucking unlucky he was, right?Is this the retribution?The sound of the pursuers and the footsteps in the jungle was getting closer and closer. Hearing the shocking sound of footsteps, Feng Liuzi made a desperate decision to jump off Duanya, and his life was at stake.

He knew that if the police caught him, he would die, and if he jumped off Duanya, he would die. For a person like him, the shadow of death looms over him at any time, and he may die at any time in every fight. He is also afraid of death, but he He still had a little hope in his heart, hoping that he would not be thrown to death after jumping down, and as long as he successfully crossed the border after Duan Ya, those chasing soldiers would not be able to catch him, so he tried to go to Duan Ya. moved over.

He is betting on his life, betting on 'peanuts' and his own luck. He knows that his life is very hard, otherwise he would not have been an orphan since he was a child, so when the police surrounded the cage and tried to persuade him with a smile When he was talking to him, he didn't hear anything. At this moment, all he thought about was hatred, and the monstrous hatred enveloped his heart. He hated his parents, he hated his own life, and he hated all those who looked down on him. He hated his fate!

So he jumped, one-third each for luck, peanuts, and broken bones, and neither peanuts nor broken bones meant death.He also knew that damn luck had never been on his body, so when he jumped down, he suddenly raised his head and yelled, "I hate it!~~~~"

The echo of "I hate..." kept echoing in Duanya Valley, and the tragic voice kept echoing in the ears of those policemen and border guards.

The soldiers, the policeman, and Zhang Cheng withdrew after showing a little bit of impatience. They knew that this man was bound to die. When Feng Liuzi ran up the mountain, they knew that Feng Liuzi would definitely not be able to escape, because They all knew that this was a Duanya, and there were piles of rocks underneath, and if they jumped off it, their bodies would be smashed to pieces.

However, the destiny of Feng Liuzi to change his life also began after his career.

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