supreme godfather

Chapter 50: Seeing the 3 Women Again

Chapter 50: Seeing the Three Daughters Again

Fourth Gao on the Mercedes-Benz car couldn't calm down for a long time. Feng Liuzi gave him too many surprises two or three times in succession, so many that he, an old hooligan who had been around for half his life, seemed to be dreaming. Si also thought to himself, even if he told others about his experience these days, they wouldn't believe it, would they?

However, the facts are right in front of your eyes, can what you see with your own eyes be false?So Gao Laosi was surprised and pleasantly surprised after the shock, and asked Feng Liuzi very excitedly: "Sixth brother, how did you do it, can you help fourth brother change his face, fourth brother I am here If you have a criminal record in the capital, you might fall into it someday!"

Feng Liuzi nodded, and replied with a smile: "It stands to reason, but you can't change it now. Anyway, with me, you can't die. Even if you are sentenced to death, I will get you out anyway!"

"That's right, with you as a great god, what should I be afraid of, fourth master?" Gao Laosi changed his worry just now and became happy. Those unnecessary worries these days were swept away, and he also completely believed in Feng Liuzi He is a fairy.

"By the way, fourth brother, how is the bidding going?"

Elder Gao glanced at Feng Liuzi and said, "Well, sixth brother, let's find a place to eat and talk at the same time? You don't know how angry I am these days, because of your matter, I'm so worried, now finally You can have a meal in peace!"

"Okay, then shall we go to Raffles?" Feng Liuzi asked with a smile.

"Haha, okay, but this time you are not allowed to eat the overlord's meal!" Gao Laosi laughed, stepped on the gas pedal and walked away.

"Fourth brother, have you compensated Raffles?"

"No, I didn't show up, the two lawyers have no money, and you haven't been released, why should I give them money? No!"

"Haha, it's fine if you don't give it..." The two came to the Raffles Restaurant talking and laughing.

Probably because Gao Lao Si was in such a good mood, he actually followed Feng Liuzi's appearance when he made a fuss about Raffles, and ordered a double French set meal, and even ordered ten bottles of red wine from [-], but he wanted red wine. When I was there, I was told that there was no red wine in [-].

"Fuck, the dignified Raffles doesn't have red wine from [-]?" Senior Gao scolded the waiter dissatisfied: "Get lost!"

"Fourth brother, let's get down to business. How about the bidding?"

Elder Gao nodded, and said solemnly: "The deposit of [-] million has been paid. I heard that 'Bi Guiyuan' is very interested in this project, and has also spoken out. They are bound to win it!"

Feng Liuzi asked in surprise: "Bi Guiyuan? Is it the real estate tycoon, the richest man in the country?"

Senior Gao smiled and said: "Yes, and there are several bigwigs in the capital who also want to get this place. The children of a certain high-ranking official, that is, members of the princeling party in the capital also want to get this place. All major real estate developers in the country also want to get this place. I am eager to try, I think this time the battle is not small, there is a smell of gunpowder."

Feng Liuzi took a sip of wine and said, "There really are princelings, I've only heard of them before!"

"Of course I have. To be honest, Sixth Brother, my success in Beijing is due to one person, the nephew of a big man. If it weren't for him, do you think my nightclubs would be so smooth? It's all because of him." Supporting me behind my back." When Gao Laosi said this, he immediately changed the subject: "But he is also bad enough, 60.00% of the money I make every year is paid to him, damn it!"

"Is there such a thing?" Feng Liuzi fell into deep thought for a moment. If there were really princelings, it would at least explain one point. No matter what kind of power they are in the capital, they must listen to the princelings.If your mouth is crooked, the faction you built will go to extinction the next day. It seems that if you want to make a splash in the capital, the first difficulty should be the princelings.

When Feng Liuzi thought of this, he suddenly asked, "Fourth brother, who are the princelings?"

Fourth Gao shook his head and said: "No one knows, it's very mysterious, no one knows who the members are, and who their leader is, even us rascals who don't even have the qualifications to talk about others !"

"Don't worry about princelings, let's develop the enterprise first, and we will stop doing any illegal things from now on, throw your unsold drugs into the sewer, and do as little prostitution as possible. Now we have to move forward step by step, we will not do any business that is not good for us, and we will not pay tribute to that prince from now on, damn it, what are you doing with them!"

"Hey, that's for sure. With you, I'm still afraid of them? Grandma, I've had enough of being angry all these years!"

Feng Liuzi patted Gao Lao Si on the shoulder happily and said: "Haha, eat quickly, help me buy a car to drive, then help me buy a house, and then take me to see that piece of land!"

Fourth Gao smiled: "Okay, do you want me to help you find a horse for fun?"

Feng Liuzi glanced at Gao Laosi and said: "Just kidding, there are a lot of business, you can find a relationship and help me get an ID card, just name Feng Xiaoliu!"

"It's easy to handle, I'll take care of it!" Gao Lao Si assured, patted his chest.

If you ask Gao Laosi to do some serious things, he may not be able to do it, but if you ask him to get a fake ID card, get a fake diploma or something, it's a piece of cake!And it's all fake stuff!

No matter what you do in the world, if you have money, you can do things easily, and you can walk sideways. Within three days, Feng Liuzi bought a Mercedes-Benz jeep and a villa worth more than 1000 million yuan. Several brothers who were with him were transferred to Feng Liuzi's side and asked them to obey Feng Liuzi's arrangement at any time.

Feng Liuzi also went to look at the land within three days. He saw the potential and commercial value of the land at a glance, so after seeing it, he was even more sure that he must take this land, no matter how much it cost. Down!

However, within three days, Feng Liuzi was also worried about two things, that is, he could not go back to college, and the other was that he saw a newspaper, and the front page of the newspaper was a missing person revelation, and the name of the person was "Long" Xingtian" in big characters, and the contacts are also three women he is familiar with. He knows that the three women will not leave if they can't find him, so Feng Liuzi is worrying about whether to go to see these three women.

Recalling the scene at the Public Security Bureau, Feng Liuzi guessed that Li Jie might have a husband. Wouldn't it be a bit inhumane if he bothered him again?However, life is full of coincidences. While Feng Liuzi deliberately avoided the three women, he accidentally let him meet the three women again!

Fate often plays tricks on people. Early in the morning more than ten days later, when Feng Liuzi got up from the villa and went to the yard to practice Tai Chi, he suddenly saw that the next door was moving. It was obviously the new residents, home appliances and other appliances. It was all new, and the most important thing was that he saw a person, a man, a man he saw at the Public Security Bureau a few days ago!Li Jie's husband!

"Fuck, why did this kid move here?" Feng Liuzi walked towards Wang Jitian questioningly.

"Hey, buddy, new here? Our neighbor!" Feng Liuzi greeted with a smile.

Wang Jitian glanced back at his new neighbor. He was in his 20s, with a bald head, wearing a big vest, a thick gold chain around his neck, a dragon tattoo on his arm, and a tattoo on his chest. It seemed to have a tattoo of a human head, although it was blocked by a vest, but the vest was white, so Wang Jitian could still see the pattern inside.

Wang Jitian took a look and immediately concluded that this person is a gangster. How can there be any normal person dressed like this?So Wang Jitian chuckled twice and said, "Yes, I'm new here!"

"Oh, is it just you? Who else is in the family?" Feng Liuzi wondered if Li Jie and the others would also move here.

"There is still a fiancée and her two sisters at home!" Wang Jitian seemed to be an honest person.

"Ah!~ That... I'm not talking about that, come and play at home when I have time!" After Feng Liuzi heard that the three women were coming, he immediately made an excuse to walk back, but he hadn't walked a few steps, and Wang Jitian's villa A new sports car stopped outside, and three fashionable women jumped out of the car!

"Jitian, who are you chatting with? Who is that person?" Li Jie didn't look closely at Feng Liuzi who was walking over there, but carefully observed her newly purchased furniture.

Wang Jitian replied in a low voice: "A neighbor, a member of the underworld, I saw such a big black skull on his chest, which makes people panic!" Wang Jitian made exaggerated gestures while talking. .

"A black skull tattooed on the chest?" The three women immediately looked at Feng Liuzi who was walking away.

"He walks like..."

"He smokes like..."

After the three women looked at each other, they quickly ran towards Feng Liuzi.

"What's the matter? What's going on?" Wang Jitian, a bookworm, may never know in his life that the three women standing in front of him have all slept with his new neighbors, and they all know that Feng Liuzi has a Skull!Even though Tong Xue hadn't seen the skull on Feng Liuzi's chest with her own eyes, she still knew everything about Feng Liuzi these years during the usual chats.

"Sir, please wait a moment!" Ouyang Shaohua gasped and shouted at Feng Liuzi's back.

Feng Liuzi paused, he already knew that the three women were coming, so he couldn't wait to go back to the room. When he heard Ouyang Shaohua's cry, he didn't know what to do. The little brother came out suddenly and shouted: "Sixth brother, fourth brother is on the phone, I want you to answer it!"

"Fuck!~" Feng Liuzi cursed and stared at the younger brother.

Of course the three women heard the voice of "Six Brothers!~" Seeing the familiar back and the familiar tattoos, although he is bald now, the three women who knew Feng Liuzi very well still concluded that the man in front of him was at least There are 70.00% similarities with Feng Liuzi.

Although Feng Liuzi was very depressed, he couldn't ignore the three women behind him at this time, so after sorting out his facial expressions, he turned around with a smile and said, "Are you calling me little sister?"


The three women froze, the bald head in front of them was not like Feng Liuzi at all, if there was any similarity between the two, it would only be his eyes and the skull tattooed on his chest.

"May I ask your surname, sir!" Ouyang Shaohua was quite rational, and when Li Jie wanted to speak impatiently, she was the first to ask.

" surname is Gao!~" Feng Liuzi deliberately changed his voice, fearing that the three women would recognize him.

"Oh, it's okay, we are your new neighbors!" After winking at Li Jie and Tong Xue, Ouyang Shaohua pulled the two of them away who didn't know why.

"Ouyang, why don't you ask him? Why did you pull us away?" Li Jie asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, look at me!" Ouyang Shaohua had a smug smirk on his mouth and suddenly shouted at Feng Liuzi: "Feng Liuzi, you're in a trap, haha, we recognized you, you Just stop pretending!"

Originally, Feng Liuzi had breathed a sigh of relief and strode towards the villa, but when he heard Ouyang Shaohua's triumphant laughter, he turned around in surprise, and lowered his head to look at himself , and then cursed at Ouyang Shaohua: "Fuck, how did you recognize it? My face has changed? Is it just this skull?"

"Uh... Damn, I was cheated..." After seeing the excited and unbelievable tears of the three women, Feng Liuzi also realized that this Ouyang Shaohua was lying to himself.

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