supreme godfather

Chapter 52: Wang Jitian

Chapter 52: Wang Jitian

"Where do you not meet in life, meeting is like in a dream!"

Whether it is Feng Liuzi, or Li Jie, Tong Xue, and Ouyang Shaohua, these four enemies seem destined to be entangled in previous lives. Originally, Feng Liuzi planned to leave a few years ago, but life is like this, A few years later, they still met again. Although the current scene is a bit embarrassing, even they don't know where to start, but life is like this, there are always some unexpected scenes that make you feel that they only appear in movies!

Looking at the delicious food on the table, no one moved their mouths. Even Gao Laosi felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. He was drawn by Feng Liuzi for no reason. He didn't know what happened, so he went to the table to eat. This meal is the most inexplicable meal Gao Laosi has eaten in his life, right?

"Well, that sixth brother, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first!" Fourth Gao finally couldn't bear this delicate atmosphere, so he made an excuse to leave.

Feng Liuzi glared at Gao Laosi and said, "You can sit here for me!"

Feng Liuzi also knew that the atmosphere today was a bit awkward, especially Zhou Jitian who was sitting across from him. He kept a serious attitude, even a little nervous.

Now that the deadlock was broken by Gao Laosi, Feng Liuzi simply said: "Fourth brother, there is no other reason to call you here today. We are all old friends. Although we met Mr. Wang for the first time, but Mr. Wang is Jie'er's fiancé, that is, half of my six son Feng's relatives, so let's not be polite, let's have a drink~!"

Fourth Gao smiled and said: "Hey, fourth brother, I can't do anything else. Drinking is absolutely fine. Come on, Brother Wang, let's go together?"

After Gao Laosi finished speaking, he picked up the wine in the glass and drank it down. Feng Liuzi did not show any weakness, and drank the wine happily. Even the third daughter who didn't like drinking drank it all in one gulp. Not too happy, and didn't drink his glass of wine either!

After all, Gao Laosi is on the road, and drinking has become a special way of communication on the Tao. If I raise a glass, but you don’t drink, then you will not give me face, so when Gao Laosi saw that Wang Jitian didn’t drink, His face was slightly ugly, but Feng Liuzi was sitting beside him, and he was too embarrassed to make trouble, so he started to eat food sullenly!

Wang Jitian didn't pay attention to Gao Laosi's displeasure, but stared into Feng Liuzi's eyes and said: "Brother Feng, it stands to reason that you come to the house as a guest, and I, the host, should treat you warmly!" When Wang Jitian said this, After a slight pause, he said, "However, why haven't I heard Jie'er mention you before?"

"Jitian, I..." Li Jie wanted to express something, but Feng Liuzi waved his hand to stop him, and then took a meaningful puff of cigarette and replied, "Brother Wang just wants to know who I am, right? You should You guessed it right, that's right, I am Feng Liuzi who escaped from prison, slept with Jieer, slept with Xiaoxue, and slept with Ouyang!"

"Pfft!~" The fourth brother Gao who was eating was almost choked by Feng Liuzi's words. He suppressed the food in his mouth and didn't spit it out. At the same time, he was also surprised that the sixth brother was so fucking direct, right?

And none of the three women spoke, and all of them lowered their faces deeply. As for Wang Jitian, he was so shocked by Feng Liuzi's words that he couldn't say a word!

Seeing Wang Jitian's unbelievable expression, Feng Liuzi smiled and said: "Xiaoxue is my partner in the orphanage. I raped her when I was 14 years old!"

Fourth Gao also lowered his head at this time. He now feels that the sixth brother is like a lunatic, a complete lunatic, a lunatic who is desperate to die, so after Gao Laosi heard Feng Liuzi's crazy words again, he really didn't know what to do. What to do!

Wang Jitian didn't speak, he seemed to be waiting for Feng Liuzi to continue, but his expression and body movements had already betrayed him, and now he was on the verge of being unbearable.

When Tong Xue heard Feng Liuzi say that she raped herself, her body shook violently, and subconsciously raised her head to look at Feng Liuzi, but she didn't say anything.

Feng Liuzi smiled wryly to himself: "I met Jie'er in Hong Kong. I used her at the time, and we separated later!"

"As for Ouyang..." Feng Liuzi gave Ouyang Shaohua a hilarious look.

After Ouyang Shaohua heard that Feng Liuzi wanted to talk about their embarrassing things, he rolled his eyes at Feng Liuzi and said, "What are you talking about me? I have nothing to do with you, so stop talking about me!"

"Hey, of course, we have nothing to do with each other!" Feng Liuzi laughed.

Zhou Jitian took a deep breath at this time, stared at Feng Liuzi and said: "I don't care what kind of person you are, and I don't care what you have done before, Jie'er is going to marry me in two months. , Jieer is the love of my life!"

Feng Liuzi nodded: "I can see it, but don't worry, it's true that Jie'er and I have had sex before, but I, Feng Liuzi, are dissolute by nature, women are like clothes, I don't like to wear old ones, here I can Let me tell you clearly, Jieer and I will never be able to again, but there is one thing I want to warn you, since you want to marry Jieer, you have to be responsible to her in the future, otherwise!~" When Feng Liuzi said this, he only Seeing that the wine glass in his hand suddenly turned into fine powder, and all the wine in the glass evaporated!

"Hiss!~" Both Wang Jitian and Gao Laosi gasped, what else can Feng Liuzi not do?

After listening to Feng Liuzi's words, Li Jie suddenly stood up with some courage, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​I...I don't want to end now..."

"Shut up!~" Feng Liuzi's face was serious, he stared at Li Jie coldly and said, "You know me, you all know what kind of person I am, don't fucking make me unhappy!"

"Ugh!~~~~~~" Li Jie sat down aggrieved, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

When Wang Jitian saw Feng Liuzi and Li Jie falling out, his expression turned pale immediately, but he didn't get angry with Feng Liuzi, he just took out a tissue and handed it to Li Jie.

Watching Wang Jitian wipe away Li Jie's tears, Feng Liuzi laughed, and said to Gao Lao Si: "Look, it's so good, it's so good to find a good husband, I'll tell you Li Jie, although I didn't The Jitian brothers have dated before, but you can tell at a glance whether a person is good or bad, so don't be foolish, as for a person, decades have passed in a hurry, and it would be nice to live a lifetime in peace."

Ouyang Shaohua glanced at Feng Liuzi and said, "Don't be smug, you think we all miss you? Let's make your spring and autumn dream."

"That's right, you self-righteous guy all day long, how can you be better than Boss Wang? You're not even one-thousandth of him!" Tong Xue also gave Feng Liuzi a reproachful look.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, if it wasn't for special reasons, I would have left Earth long ago. Do you think you will still see me in this life? Just dream, I just happen to be back now, and I have to attend Jieer's wedding, Xiaoxue you Hurry up too, and Ouyang, don't go looking for a bad boy all day long, find a suitable man and marry him, he's not too young, and he knows how to ... break..." Before Feng Liuzi finished speaking, Ouyang Shaohua's chopsticks flew over.

Wang Jitian was amused by Feng Liuzi's words. At the same time, he was also thinking about Feng Liuzi's special ability, so he asked in a low voice, "Sixth brother left the earth? What do you mean?"

"Haha, I know this, let me answer it!" Gao Laosi laughed and continued: "The sixth brother can fly, and he can do anything from heaven to earth. I have personally experienced it. Once in Lingshan, the sixth brother took me Flying back to Beijing, and the speed is much faster than a fighter jet, it feels so cool!"

"Uh..." Wang Jitian looked at Feng Liuzi in shock. At this moment, his brain was short-circuited. Although Feng Liuzi is very weird and doesn't play cards according to common sense, he can fly?How can this be?

Tong Xue nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Wang, it's true. A few years ago, Little Six flew away in the air in front of the three of us. He said at that time that he would never come back. Isn't he coming back now?" !" After Tong Xue finished speaking, she gave Feng Liuzi a glaring look.

Wang Jitian finally regained his composure, shook his head in disbelief, and said, "This kind of thing really exists in the world? It's incredible. In the future, if the sixth brother has a chance, let me see it. How about it?"

Feng Liuzi smiled cheerfully and said, "No problem, if you want to go back to Shenzhen now, I can take you back within ten minutes!"

Li Jie, who had already wiped away her tears, also interjected at this time: "No, Jitian's heart is not good!"

Seeing how Li Jie cared about Wang Jitian, Feng Liuzi said sarcastically, "Yo, you were crying and crying just now, but now you care about him again? You will live well with him in the future. Brother Wang is very popular. I like people like that!"

"I like it too!" Gao Laosi lifted up the cup.

After hearing Li Jie's concern and Feng Liuzi's sincere confession and boldness, Wang Jitian suddenly felt that it was no wonder that all three women were reluctant to part with Feng Liuzi. He believed that with Feng Liuzi's magical powers and his personality, no matter where Feng Liuzi went, everything about him would infect everyone around him.So Wang Jitian raised his cup and said sincerely: "I like Jieer, and of course I don't care about her past. Jieer is the best woman Wang Jitian has ever seen in this life. I will 'never leave her' in this life." When he said this, Wang Jitian paused for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Wang's confession makes me very inferior. Yes, I am really afraid that you will take Jie'er away. So please don't mind the recklessness just now, I will apologize to you two!" After Wang Jitian finished speaking, he boldly drank the wine in the glass!

"Fuck, this is the man, I'm committed to you as a friend!" Gao Laosi followed suit and drank another cup.

Hearing Wang Jitian's words, Li Jie glanced at Wang Jitian and said, "Actually... I also love Jitian deeply, but..." Before Li Jie could finish speaking slowly, Feng Liuzi called impatiently. Decided: "Just what? Why are you just looking for such a husband who doesn't care about the past? Let me tell you, if you talk about something messy again, this time I will really leave, mother-in-law and mother are boring."

"I know you never loved me!" Li Jie boldly told Feng Liuzi what was in her heart!

Feng Liuzi spread his hands and said, "Because there is no such word as love in my world!"

"Okay, okay, love, love, it sounds boring, brother Wang, let's drink, after I get that land down in a few days, my sixth brother and I will prepare a big gift for you!"

"Land? Does the fourth brother also develop real estate?" Wang Jitian asked curiously.

Fourth Gao proudly replied: "Of course, my sixth brother and I are doing a big job recently!"

(This book has been exclusively bought out, and the serializations on other websites are all pirated posts. Please support Taozi and go to the first website to read it!)

Wang Jitian blurted out, "Could it be the logistics market in Changping District?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Feng Liuzi and Gao Laosi looked at Wang Jitian wonderingly!

"Hahaha, coincidence, the main purpose of my coming to the capital this time is also it!" Wang Jitian laughed out loud.

Probably because of the serious business, several men started talking about the land while drinking wine.

It turns out that Wang Jitian is a well-known real estate developer in Shenzhen, with assets reaching several billion. He is a famous diamond kingpin. Apart from accompanying Li Jie, his most important purpose in coming to Beijing this time is to bid for the piece of land. Although the chance is not great, But he still held the attitude of giving it a try.

After Li Jie saw that Feng Liuzi and Wang Jitian didn't fall out or become stiff because of herself, she suddenly felt that she was the happiest woman in the world. It was true that she loved Feng Liuzi, but Feng Liuzi never loved her from the beginning to the end. Xue is right, it is better to find someone who loves herself than to find someone who does not love herself, and the love for Feng Liuzi should be regarded as a good memory.

People are like this, they always want to catch something, but if they failed to catch Feng Liuzi, then it would be good to catch Wang Jitian, at least he is good to himself!When Li Jie thought of this, her heart suddenly cleared up, and all the previous worries were swept away in an instant.But when she heard that Feng Liuzi had invested in business, she suddenly slammed the table and stood up as if remembering something.

"What are you doing? Scaring us?" Feng Liuzi said dissatisfied.

"Brother Tian, ​​my company, Jielong Company, is yours, and I want to return it to you now!"

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