supreme godfather

Chapter 63: Tsinghua, here I come again

Chapter 63: Tsinghua, here I come again

Well, there is another chapter tonight, just wait, I will write it now...


Night, the capital!Kunlun Hotel!

Today, the Kunlun Hotel received a call from someone ordering food during the day, saying that there will be a dinner party for nearly 500 people in the evening, so the hotel should prepare in advance!

At 200:07 p.m., a large number of guests came to the Kunlun Hotel. First, there were more than 30 people dressed like hooligans. Then at 200:[-], four or five large buses came and got off again. There were more than [-] people, including men and women, old and young, there were even several gray-haired old men, and several children aged seven or eight!

Finally arrived at the hotel are several Mercedes-Benz and a red Ferrari trot and a Mercedes-Benz Jeep!

Nearly 500 people have booked the entire banquet hall of the Kunlun Hotel, and each table has at least five bottles of Moutai, shark fin abalone and so on!

"Manager, what do these people do? The 200 people in the west seem to be social hooligans, and the 200 people have all kinds of people. Look, how many people are wearing ancient costumes?" A waiter and the manager on duty asked. Standing at the corner and whispering.

The manager replied with a smile: "I asked just now, and they said they were extras in filming!"

"Wow, who is this director, who treats the extras to such a good meal? It can't be Lao Mouzi, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go greet the guests!" The manager glared at the waiter and said.

At eight o'clock, when all the dishes were served, Gao Laosi who was sitting next to Feng Liuzi stood up.

Originally, the group of hooligans had already started to drink in small sips, but when they saw Gao Laosi standing up, they all sat there obediently and did not dare to move, and the people from Qishamen also listened attentively to what Gao Laosi wanted to say What.

"Um, um, ah, ah..." It would be a lie to say that Senior Gao is not nervous. The more than 100 men, women and children sitting in the east are all super killers who enjoy killing people, so Senior Gao said nothing. He groaned and groaned for a long time but didn't say anything.

"Fuck, fourth brother, what's the matter with you?" Feng Liuzi tugged at the corner of Gao's fourth brother's clothes.

"Well, well, this... brothers, seniors, friends, I am very honored to be able to sit and drink with you today. My fourth brother, Gao, pays for it himself..." After Gao Laosi finished speaking, he sat down.

Feng Liuzi watched Gao Lao Si sit down, stared at Gao Lao Si and asked, "That's the end? What did I teach you?"

The fourth elder Gao reluctantly replied: "Sixth brother, can you stop torturing brother? Brother, I had a heart attack again today..."

"Fuck, don't say I know you." Feng Liuzi gave Gao Lao Si a disdainful look, then stood up, and looked at the five hundred or so people in the restaurant with a smile on his face.

"Brothers, everyone must already know who I am, so I won't introduce myself. Our meal today has two meanings, one is reunion, and the other is farewell party!"

"Reunion is when brothers from all over the world can get together. They all say that they are destined to meet thousands of miles away. After we drink this glass of wine, we will be buddies, brothers! Come on, let's go first!" Feng Liuzi said, directly Drank all the wine in your hand.

The others also followed Feng Liuzi and drank all the wine in their glasses, especially those gangsters who were on the road. They didn't say anything at all, and just raised their necks, and the glass of strong wine was drunk.

"The second meaning is that some brothers are about to leave, and the fourth brother will take you to Shanghai. I know that Shanghai girls are very tasty. Back then, I fought more than 3000 rounds with a Shanghai girl, but she still I was defeated by me, vented, hehe!"


Hearing Feng Liuzi's words, everyone laughed.

Feng Liuzi waved his hands to stop the laughter, and then said: "Some brothers may not know what to do in Shanghai, so I will tell you what to do now. I will set up a restaurant, entertainment, and manufacturing company in Shanghai." , real estate, supermarkets, clothing and import and export and other large-scale groups, the name is also called Tenglong Group, our Tenglong Group and Shenzhen's "Jielong" Investment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen's "Zhenghe" Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Hong Kong's 'Yazi' Clothing Co., Ltd. has reached a merger plan, with an initial investment of 150 billion yuan to enter the international market. The headquarters is located in Shanghai. You all know that we spent 25 billion yuan to buy the land in Changping. That's right, we We are rich and capable, but the only thing we lack now is people! We need people to open restaurants, nightclubs, and factories in Shanghai. When it comes to this, everyone has to ask, we are a mixed society. Level, apart from being able to fight, you can’t do anything else! That’s right, I won’t let you do anything else when you arrive in Shanghai. To put it plainly, let’s go to Shanghai to see the scene! If you are willing to go, you can sign up with the fourth brother tomorrow, of course, you can rest assured that the treatment will be at least double that of Beijing!~"

"Brother Six, we'll follow you..." Cheers erupted from the hooligan crowd, it seemed that they were tempted by Feng Liuzi's words.

"Okay, everyone, let's drink, let's drink, anyway, Fourth Master Gao spends money, and if you don't drink, you don't drink for nothing, haha..." After Feng Liuzi laughed, he sat down.

Sitting at the same table with Feng Liuzi was Hu Yan and Hu Da besides Gao Lao Si Wang Jitian and Li Jie. When Hu Yan saw Feng Liuzi sitting down, he smiled and asked Mimi: "Sixth Brother , what are our more than 100 people doing?"

Feng Liuzi smiled slightly and said: "Brother, don't worry, we Qishamen people are similar to other people, we just watch a scene, protect a company or something, there is no danger, and we eat, drink, and have fun! "

Hu Yan nodded with a wry smile and said, "Who are the people to protect, how many in total?"

Feng Liuzi arched his lips and said, "No, it's all here, three women and two men!"

"What? Only five?" Hu Yan looked at Feng Liuzi in surprise.

"There may be more in the future, but now there are only five!"

"Hey, Sixth Brother, if you don't need too many people, why spend so much money?" Hu Yan meant to ask Feng Liuzi to think again, spending [-] million to feed them, he is not worth it for Feng Liuzi.

Feng Liuzi looked at Hu Yan and Hu Da, he knew that these two people were actually ghosts despite their age, and he also saw that Hu Yan didn't want his Qishamen to be controlled by him, so Feng Liuzi bowed his head After pondering for a while, he suddenly said solemnly: "Brother, let me tell you the truth, I just want to establish a gang organization, and it is even stronger than any gang in the world. Your Qishamen is the most powerful gang organization." Good candidate!"

Hu Yan and Hu Da were stunned at the same time, and there was a kind of reluctance on their faces.Hu Da said, "Sixth brother must be joking with us, right?"

"No kidding, if the two old brothers agree, not only can they gain benefits in money, but they can also gain greater benefits in terms of exercises!"

"Cultivation method?" The two of them suddenly felt a kind of joy in their hearts. If Hu Yan and Hu Da value money very much, then what they value more is the cultivation method that enhances kung fu!As long as he has more powerful skills, his status in the dark realm of the Seven Shamen will be greatly improved, and he won't have to always hide and be called evil spirits and crooked ways.

Seeing that the two were tempted, Feng Liuzi smiled and continued: "Maybe the two old brothers don't know which school of protection I am, and which cultivation method I practice?"

"Well, I really don't know. The sixth brother doesn't want to say, so how can I have the nerve to ask?" Hu Yan nodded.

"Tell the two brothers the truth, I don't belong to any sect on the earth, and my cultivation skills are not from the earth, but from a distant cultivation world. I am a cultivator. Have you ever heard of a cultivator?"

"What? Comprehension?" Hu Yan and Hu Da looked at Feng Liuzi in disbelief.

Fourth Gao had been watching the conversation of the three of them. When he heard Feng Liuzi finished speaking, he laughed and said to the two old men: "You two old seniors, the sixth brother has gone to the sky and is omnipotent. Yes, he can fly and change, a somersault is a thousand miles away!"

Hu Yan and Hu Da swallowed their saliva, wondering if what Gao Lao Si said was true or not.

"The fourth brother is right. I can fly. I can fly from Beijing to Shenzhen in ten minutes. This is cultivation!"

"Sixth brother, we brothers have heard of the words of cultivation, but they are all recorded in the ancestral code, and it seems to be just a legend. Is there really a sect of cultivation?" Hu Yan asked again.

Feng Liuzi nodded and said affirmatively: "Of course, but there are no cultivators on our earth anymore, and I'm just an exception. Maybe you won't believe me, but I've seen the fairy world with my own eyes!"

Hu Yan and Hu Da swallowed again. Feng Liuzi's words shocked them so much that they short-circuited their heads.

"Brothers, that's all I've said. If you agree with my opinion just now, I'll teach you some cultivation techniques of my Nihilism sect. I can assure you that I can make all the disciples master both. pulse!~"

"Hush!~" This time, Hu Yan and Hu Da were completely shocked, connecting two veins?What does that mean?That represents a supreme existence, a heavyweight grandmaster!

"Sixth brother, we agree..." Hu Yan and Hu Da replied almost in unison.

"Hahaha..." Feng Liuzi laughed happily...

"Okay, big brother, you arrange people to protect them." Feng Liuzi pointed to Li Jie and the others.

"Don't worry, Sixth Brother, it's on Big Brother!" Hu Yan assured, patting his chest.

At this moment, the phone in Feng Liuzi's space ring rang, and Feng Liuzi saw with his spiritual sense that it was the Dongfang Zikey from the fifth place!

"What is he doing on the phone? Is there a mission?" Feng Liuzi accused him and walked out with the phone.

"Hey, Feng Xiaoliu, I have a mission!" Dongfang Zijian said on the phone.

"What mission, where?"

"The mission this time is very dangerous. According to the confession of the Japanese ninja caught a few days ago, Li Jianmin, a doctoral supervisor at Tsinghua University's Electronic Research Institute, will be hijacked or assassinated by them. Urgent standby to go to Japan, a professor of our School of Biological Sciences has been arrested in Japan, so this domestic task can only teach you!"

"What? Why are they arresting the professor? Are you full?"

"What do you know? Li Jianmin has developed a new electronic precision navigation device, which can reduce the error rate of missile attack targets to 0. Do you understand what 0 is?" An impatient voice came from Dongfang Zikey .

"Understood!" Feng Liuzi blurted out.

"Well, you will report to Tsinghua University tomorrow, and you can go to the principal directly. You are going as a graduate student. You will study with Dr. Li. He is your tutor. Remember, the country's interests are higher As for everything, we must protect the safety of Dr. Li!" Dongfang Zijian hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Fuck, I still have to go to Shanghai, damn it... shit little Japan, someday I have time to go to ### for a vote, ### damn it..." Feng Liuzi was so angry that he almost dropped his phone, and at the same time I also began to hate Japan, that shitty island country.

"Tsinghua... I'm fucking here again..." Feng Liuzi returned to the banquet hall with a wry smile. He didn't expect that life was like a play, and it went back to acting.

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