supreme godfather

Chapter 70: The Fairy Comes Down to Earth

Chapter 70: The Fairy Descends

After Feng Liuzi left the disco, he went to Raffles, took the car out of the parking lot and went straight to Tsinghua University. He knew the importance of Li Jianmin, so he didn't dare to be negligent.

At the same time, Dongfang Zijian led a large number of half of the five secret agents, and has successfully lurked into Tokyo, Japan, preparing to rescue the biochemical experts kidnapped by the Japanese secret service.

In a residential area in Japan, Dongfang Zijian and his team members are working out a detailed rescue plan.

"According to the information we have, the kidnappers of 'Professor Luan' are a group of ninjas. They appear to be warriors of the Tanaka family in Japan, but their real identities are government agents belonging to the Japanese secret service. The place where Professor Luan is detained Although it is not a government agency, there are a large number of guards here, and all of them are secret ninjas trained by the Japanese government. This operation is different from the past, and it is likely to encounter powerful ninja masters, so everyone is ready to sacrifice. "Dongfang Zijian pointed to the map while talking, it seems that they have already mastered a lot of information.

"Captain, is it okay to kill this time?" a team member asked.

"Well, we have only one goal. While protecting Professor Luan from harm, we don't have to worry about other things!"

"Okay, this time I have to come to these little Japans to have a look!" All the team members became excited, as long as they got Dongfang Zijian's permission, they could kill wantonly in Japan.

Dongfang Zijian looked at his watch and said, "Okay, everyone check your watches. At nine o'clock tonight, everyone must arrive at the designated location. Remember, don't be captured. I don't want anything to happen to you!"

"Yes!" After everyone stood at attention, everyone took a small red square from the table and stuffed it into their pockets, and the corresponding number of each person was impressively marked on the small red square.

"Remember, I will directly announce the death of the player who does not reach the pointing position before twelve o'clock!" Dongfang Zijian said while picking up a miniature instrument like a calculator, and there were three on the instrument. The ten corresponding numbers are exactly the same as those of the square numbers held by the team members. It seems that this is a remote control device, and it is also a remote control bomb!

All the team members silently paid a military salute to Dongfang Zijian, and strode out of the room.

Beijing, Tsinghua University!

Feng Liuzi has been in the library since the morning. After searching for nearly two hours, he still couldn’t find a book he could read. When he was about to leave in frustration, he suddenly saw a book called Pinyin Literacy at the corner of the librarian’s desk. idiom book.

"Oh? This is just right for me!" Feng Liuzi's eyes lit up, and he blushed and said to the administrator, "Sister, can you lend me this book?"

"No!~" A four or five-year-old girl suddenly came out from behind the administrator, staring at Feng Liuzi with her hands on her hips.

"Xiaofan, why are you so rude?" The administrator glanced at the little girl reproachfully, and said to Feng Liuzi embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, my baby is spoiled by me, you can take it and see."

"No, that's my book, I still want to read it..." The little girl held her book in her arms and didn't let go.

"Uh..." Feng Liuzi was really ashamed at this time, and he was reduced to the point of grabbing books with four or five-year-old children?

The female administrator looked at Feng Liuzi embarrassedly and said: "Look at this child, others can give her things, but on the contrary, no one will let her things move. If you really want to read it, how many books are there at row 6, No. 24?" The idiom books in classical Chinese are also good!"

"Classical Chinese?" Feng Liuzi's head grew big when he heard these three words, he shook his hand and said to the administrator in embarrassment: "Well, I still have something to do, let's see it another day..." After finishing speaking, Feng Liuzi ran away It seemed that he ran out of the library.

"Mom, I just won't show it to him. Hmph, those with bald heads are bad guys!" The little girl snorted stubbornly at Feng Liuzi's back.

After Feng Liuzi escaped from the library, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and thought to himself, he would never go to that kind of place again. This person was lost at home. Fortunately, no one knew him there, otherwise, he would have to find a hole in the ground It is impossible to get in.

He looked at his watch, and observed Li Jianmin with his spirit, and found that Li Jianmin was still experimenting in the laboratory, and that Hu En and his two senior brothers were also secretly protecting him, so Feng Liuzi strode towards the Sanda Club. Go, he hasn't forgotten that two new karate coaches from Japan are going to have a fight with the Sanda club at noon today.

When Feng Liuzi was about to arrive at the Sanda Club, he saw a lot of students surrounding the Sanda Club outside the door, and some of those who hadn't entered were squeezing in from the outside. It seemed that the fight had already started inside.

"Hey, why don't you go in, go in quickly..." Feng Liuzi stood behind and shouted.

"It is not allowed to enter, the door is locked." The students inside shouted.

"Fuck, kick away, why are you so stupid!" Feng Liuzi pushed forward coquettishly.

"Damn, brother, do you dare to kick the door of the Sanda club?" The surrounding crowd automatically gave way, and they really let this bald head kick the door open in fantasy.

"Why don't you dare, if you break the kick, pay him a lock, I'll do it!" Feng Liuzi raised his bare feet, and the locked iron door was kicked open with a "bang" sound. up.

"Brother, you can do it, you are brave enough!" Several boys rushed into the Sanda club after giving Feng Liuzi a thumbs up.

When the members of the Sanda club saw some spectators rushing in, they were so angry that they pointed at the students who came in and shouted: "Get out, get out, everyone, the people who kicked the gate are waiting outside."

"Coach Liu, let's take a look and see how you can defeat Little Japan?" A few male students begged the so-called Coach Liu with stern faces.

"No, hurry up and get out..." Coach Liu seemed determined not to let others see what was going on inside.

At this moment, the Japanese karate team spoke, and said in a strange voice: "Coach Liu, don't you think it is a wonderful thing to have an audience? Are you afraid that you will lose face after losing?"

"Uh..." Coach Liu and the other Sanda players stared angrily at the Japanese karate member.

At this time, Feng Liuzi also spoke, and also said in a strange voice: "Yes, doesn't Coach Liu want us to witness the demeanor of our Chinese men? Doesn't he want us to see how Japanese pigs go back to their hometown?"


All eyes were on Feng Liuzi, and at the same time, he was thinking to himself, isn't this kid talking too directly?Publicly scolding the Japanese?Cursing in front of them?He can be called the most powerful angry youth, right?

"Okay, let's do what this classmate wants!" Coach Liu and other members of the Sanda Club burst into fighting spirit, opened the door and invited all the students in.But the Japanese karate side all glared at Feng Liuzi.On the contrary, Feng Liuzi chose the best seat and sat down indifferently, leisurely took out a box of top-quality cigars from the space ring, and distributed them to the classmates sitting beside him.

"###, buddy, the best Cuban cigars, where did you get them? These cigarettes are too expensive!" A classmate who knows the goods took a deep breath on the cigarette and said.

"Extreme quality? Someone gave it to me. I don't know how much it is. Just smoke it for fun!" Feng Liuzi laughed casually. In fact, there are dozens of boxes of Cuban cigars like this in Feng Liuzi's interspatial ring.

"Okay, everyone stop talking, the fight is about to start!"

At the same time as the classmate's voice fell, a fight broke out on the field. I saw that coach Liu and a Japanese karate coach fighting without wearing any protective gear.

After only guessing three tricks, Feng Liuzi already knew who would win and who would lose. The Japanese karate man and Coach Liu were completely at two levels, and the Japanese karate man hadn't used all his strength at all, so Coach Liu couldn't stand it. up.

"Masters, but not karate masters. Although they are karate masters, they are actually masters of ninjutsu!" Feng Liuzi has roughly guessed the true identities of these Japanese karate masters at this time, if he If they guessed correctly, they should be the Japanese spies who came to kidnap old man Li!

Sure enough, after more than [-] moves, the Japanese suddenly used a back kick, and under the attack of kneeling posture, Coach Liu was directly knocked down to the ground.

All the students did not speak. Although Coach Liu was defeated, he lost not only the face of Coach Liu, but also the face of our Chinese people, so the students were silent and silent. On the contrary, the Japanese laughed. stand up.

"Coach Liu, you are the coach of the Sanda Club. I don't think your students should be your opponents, right? So this is the end of today's competition! Hahaha..." The Japanese who competed did not forget Haha after speaking Laugh a few times.

"Xiaoye, although I can't beat you, our Chinese Kung Fu is profound, don't get carried away!" Coach Liu stood up with some difficulty and said, clutching his chest.

"Oh, we Japanese never boast, hahaha..." Ono laughed again.

At this time, Feng Liuzi suddenly stood up and said: "You are right, the Japanese don't speak big words, but the Japanese are very good at farting, and they fart badly, how about I come and have a trick with you?" ?”

Ono and other karate members turned cold. The bald head insulted them when he came in, and now he insults them again. Zhengchou couldn't find an excuse to teach him, but he ran out, so Ono smiled coldly: "Okay , then I will play with you!"

Feng Liuzi nodded with a wicked smile and said, "Well, but I declare in advance that I will not be responsible for any injuries caused by excessive strikes."

"Haha, each other..." Those Japanese karate members laughed.

When all the students saw Feng Liuzi going to fight boldly, they all stood up and shouted encouragingly: "Dude, no matter whether you win or lose, I salute you on behalf of all the boys in Tsinghua University. You are the real man!"

Feng Liuzi didn't have any extra nonsense, he just turned his head and winked at those classmates.

"Okay, let's start, little wild boar!" Feng Liuzi made a gesture of invitation.

"Ah, hey!~" Ono seemed to be in a hurry, he took the initiative to attack without caring about their bullshit etiquette, and kicked directly towards Feng Liuzi's chin.

"Hey, don't blame the sixth master..." Feng Liuzi chuckled, his whole body suddenly accelerated, before Xiaoye's foot kicked, Feng Liuzi suddenly clasped Xiaoye's ankle, and then exerted a little force with his five fingers. With the sound of "Kaba", Ono's calf heard the sound of bones breaking.

"Aw~~~~~~" Ono howled in pain, and his face was disfigured from the pain.

At this time, Feng Liuzi didn't seem to be planning to stop there. He quickly retracted the hand clasping Xiaoye's calf to make a fist, and then hit Xiaoye's mouth like lightning.

That's right, the mouth was hit.

"Bang, bang, bang..." After more than a dozen heavy blows in a row, Ono's big yellow teeth fell to the ground, and Ono also passed out completely, lying on the ground twitching.

Quiet, surprisingly quiet, there was no sound in the whole Sanda hall, the fight just now didn't even last for 30 seconds, so this is the end of the fight?Ono was beaten so unconsciously?This bald student is too awesome, right?

"Ono-kun, Ono-kun..." The karate members shouted to Ono-kun as if they had just awakened from a dream.

"Hey, do you want to fight?" Feng Liuzi pinched his waist with his hands and looked at the karate members casually.

The Karate members all glared at Feng Liuzi, and it seemed that they were going to fight in groups.

"Everyone send Ono-kun to the hospital first..." A middle-aged Japanese who had remained indifferent all this time gave an order calmly.

At this time, all the students cheered enthusiastically: "We won, we won, and we Chinese won..."

Feng Liuzi whistled easily, and said to all the students, "It's just a few Japanese pigs."

"Student, what's your name, quickly help me sign the name!" A few male students handed over the T-shirts.

"Uh... I won't sign my name, but everyone can call me a ruffian!"

" are a ruffian? Singled out more than 100 of us ruffian last night? Fuck, you are still behind ### cold knife? But your technique is so handsome, I admire you so much..."

"Okay, okay, brothers, don't you guys want to find a ruffian? This time he showed up, let's not let him go, let's go, I will treat you today, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home..." The frank students pulled Feng Liuzi walked towards the outside of the school.

Night, Japan!

The night is coming soon, and Japan seems to be much warmer than domestic ones in this season. In a private manor not far from the outskirts of Tokyo, the barking of wolf dogs can be heard from time to time, and occasionally you can hear several voices coming from the manor. Laugh out loud.

Dongfang Zijian is lurking on a hillside outside the manor. He has been lying here for nearly four hours. He has been motionless for four hours, and has been watching every move in the manor. He has discovered an interesting phenomenon. That is, it seems that the manor is going to hold a banquet tonight, and the people who come to the banquet are senior officials with a large number of security teams, and Dongfang Zijian even saw the former minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and officials of the current Ministry of Security...

Dongfang Zijian and the others are agents after all, and they are very familiar with the security departments of every country, so he recognized at a glance that the people present at the meeting today are either the heads of the security departments, or the sect masters of some powerful ninja protection teams!

"Captain, they have a lot of ninja masters here, what happened? Did you guys find us?" The team member's report came from the wireless intercom.

Dongfang Zijian replied: "Continue to observe, everyone is not allowed to move without my order, I feel that a big shot must come here today!"

At 07:30 in the evening, the big man mentioned by Dongfang Zijian finally arrived, and he came in a very large way. There were five police cars at the front and back, and three black Toyota vans in the middle.

"Zi..." When the car stopped at the manor, all the guests came out, nodding obsequiously to a black van in the middle.

"Wow!~" The van was pulled away, followed by an extremely handsome girl who seemed to be excited and jumped out of the car.

"Wow, this thing is really comfortable to sit on, but it seems to be too slow!" The girl was talking to the people around her in fluent Japanese.

"Miss Feng, you are the envoy sent by the Great God to protect our country of Japan. You are an angel. Our Great Japanese Empire is willing to follow the envoy's side forever!"

The little girl giggled and said, "What are you talking about? You should hurry up and find someone for me..."

Who is the little girl?As long as you are not stupid, you can guess it, right?

The story is approaching the climax soon, and the website also notified me that it will be on the shelves, but Taozi doesn’t want to be on the shelves so early, so let’s wait for two days. I hope you will continue to support that OK?It is recommended to go, there is another chapter tonight!

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