supreme godfather

Chapter 99: The Big Storm in New York [2]

Chapter 99: The Great Storm in New York[2]

The United States has always paid attention to freedom and democracy, so people from all over the world like to immigrate to the United States and live in the United States. However, is the United States really that good?The answer is of course no. Just like New York, New York at night is a paradise for crimes. Prostitution, drug abuse, drug trafficking, arms reselling, and casinos are no longer secrets. Drugs can be injected in the corner, arms shops are everywhere, and dirty underground transactions are staged here every night. Against the backdrop of this world-class metropolis, all crimes abound, and their government It is a world-class hunting dog. In any corner of the earth, this hunting dog will bite a few times. They are always self-righteous and always feel that their country can control the fate of other countries. If you refuse to accept me, I will beat you. You and I still own your oil and your energy. This is a country that emphasizes freedom and democracy, and this is a police state under the mask of hypocrisy.

It can be said that Feng Liuzi doesn't have any good feelings for the United States, so he lawlessly ordered his subordinates to carry out criminal activities in the United States.

A few days later, in the dark of night, the smashing and looting team organized by 100 people was divided into five groups and began to carry out violent activities in New York in a planned and premeditated manner.

After setting off from Chinatown, the five groups quickly dispersed. Except for the group led by Feng Liuzi, the other four groups were all led by disciples of the Seven Demons of Hell Hall.

The purpose of these three months is very simple, that is to gain fame, that is, to vandalize and loot, so after the five groups of people dispersed, they began to take targeted and violent occupations according to the pre-divided blocks.

In a "Emperor Noble Club" located in the 42nd block, Feng Liuzi, Jersey, George and others were drinking beer leisurely.This club was provided to Feng Liuzi by Jersey, and according to Jersey, the behind-the-scenes owner of this club is controlled by the most famous mafia family in the United States, and every night, there begins to be naked Scenes of dirty underground transactions, of course, the most popular transactions here are drugs and pornography.

Originally, Jersey did not agree with Feng Liuzi coming here to find trouble, but Feng Liuzi seemed to be very interested in this place, and after he came here, he even drank wine leisurely.

"Boss, I think we should go. There are more than 100 guards here, and we'd better not conflict with the mafia now." Jersey looked worriedly at Feng Liuzi, who was always smiling.

Feng Liuzi glanced at Jersey, then took a sip of wine with a smile and said, "Jersey, what do you think will happen if I burn this club down tonight?"

Jersey froze, then stared in disbelief and exclaimed: "God, Feng, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you really dare to burn this place, the American Mafia will go crazy, they will even use FBI agents to find You, within 24 hours, none of us can escape."

"Oh?" Feng Liuzi raised his eyebrows, and continued to ask: "Then if we come to smash his business today, he won't use the fbi?"

Jersey shook his head faintly: "If we just smashed the place, we would only be beaten or wiped out by them, but the nature of the place that burned him is different. You must know that since 911/[-], our security in New York has been in an unstable state." Stable state, if there is a fire here, the U.S. government will pay attention, so let's go, go to other places to make trouble and hide."

"Haha..." After Feng Liuzi laughed, his face instantly became gloomy and he said, "Then I have to burn it."

"God..." Jersey, George, and Hollis didn't know why Feng Liuzi was so crazy, and they didn't understand what Feng Liuzi wanted to do.

At this moment, a black man walked towards Jersey with a few gangsters, and shouted as he walked, "Look, who is this, isn't this Jersey that only knows how to eat shit?"

"Haha, yes, I heard that in the prison, ###都### turned over..." Several gangsters surrounded Jersey while talking.

When Jersey saw the big black man, his face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Ham, you bastard, you must have betrayed me, it must be you..."

Hamm smiled wildly, and replied with disdain: "You pig, the boss wanted to kill you, I didn't expect you to come out, it's ridiculous..."

"Boss?" When Jersey heard the word "boss", the cruelty just now was swept away, and there was a kind of helplessness in his eyes.

Seeing that Jersey remained silent, Hamm turned his attention to Feng Liuzi and the boys from Liuhetang, looked Feng Liuzi up and down and said, "I guess you must be Chinese pigs? You are not welcome here, Get out now."

"Yes, Chinese pigs are not welcome. Chinese pigs sell low-quality products to us Americans, get out..." A few gangsters behind Hamm also shouted.

"Oh? Could it be that you guys have the final say here?" Feng Liuzi was not angry, but looked at Ham and the others in a flat tone.

Harm arrogantly pointed the middle finger at Feng Liuzi and said, "Of course, I, Ham, say one thing here!"

"Oh, that's easy." After Feng Liuzi sneered, he saw a large-caliber Desert Eagle appear out of thin air in his hand.

"Hush!~" Hamm and the others were taken aback by Feng Liuzi's sudden action of pulling out his gun, but after reacting, Ham still disdainfully said to Feng Liuzi: "Chinese pig, I don't believe you dare to shoot... "

"Sorry, in this world, there is nothing I dare not do, you can go to hell."

After Feng Liuzi finished speaking, he slammed the heads of Ham and his little brother without hesitation.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang." After four gunshots, the entire club suddenly fell silent, and the heads of Hamm and others had been blasted into pieces.

"Ah, murder..." The guests and dancers who reacted were finally shocked by this scene, and they frantically rushed out of the door in fright.

"Brother Six, be careful, their people are coming down..." After a younger brother finished speaking, he raised his hand and fired a shot at the second floor.

"Bang!~" After a gunshot, the entire club officially launched a gun battle.

George, Hollis, and Jersey's skills and marksmanship are indeed good. As long as the opponent's men show their heads, they will definitely blow the enemy's head off immediately, while the other boys in Liuhetang hold their key points and take the opportunity to open After a few shots, the five killers in Hell Hall did not move. They all stood calmly beside Feng Liuzi's body, waiting for Feng Liuzi's next order.

Feng Liuzi knew that the five Hell Hall brothers were protecting him, so he smiled and said, "You five go and set the fire, don't worry about me."

The five people nodded, then quickly separated, and started to light the fire from five different directions.

"Haha, it's exciting enough, I'll join in the fun too!~" Feng Liuzi laughed, his whole body suddenly rose out of thin air, and he rushed to the second floor in a blink of an eye. , leaving only screams and shouts wherever they passed.

"Hiss!~" George, Jersey, and Hollis stopped shooting dumbfounded, and they felt as if they were dreaming, as if hallucinations appeared in their eyes.

"God, it's not a hallucination, it's Feng, how... is it possible?" George opened his mouth and shouted in Chinese.

As soon as George finished yelling, a disciple of Liuhe Hall not far from George replied with a sneer: "What is impossible? As long as the sixth brother wants to do it, let alone three months, even three days, he can make the whole of the United States panic." !"

"Hush!~" George, Hollis, and Jersey looked at each other. Who is this Feng?

The screams upstairs gradually diminished, while the five fire points downstairs were already burning, and the choking smoke made it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

"So people disperse and retreat immediately, and return to Chinatown, hurry up!" Feng Liuzi jumped directly from the second floor with a knife dripping with blood.

"Received!~" All the little brothers withdrew to the outside in an orderly manner, and dispersed according to the pre-planned plan, and disappeared into the vast crowd in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the other four groups have also launched a fierce gun battle with a few local gangs. Of course, their unexpected style of play has confused the American gangsters. Which way are these people?Why do you kill when you come, and rob when you come?

So all of a sudden, the underground world in the United States was in chaos, and sirens sounded throughout New York all night.

When the early morning came, all the groups had successfully returned to the team. Except for a few injuries, no one died, and the other four groups actually robbed the turnover of several venues for the day.

When the four team leaders handed in the money bags to Feng Liuzi, Feng Liuzi ordered without even looking at them: "The number will be divided equally, and the injured brothers will be doubled."

The four team leaders were stunned, and then Hu Cong asked Feng Liuzi in a low voice: "Uncle Liu, it's more than 100 million dollars here..."

Feng Liuzi looked at Hu Cong strangely, then snorted and said, "A lot?"

"Uh..." Hu Cong blushed and didn't answer.

"Let's divide it up. Since brothers are not afraid of life and death to come to a foreign country, what is this money? You don't need to report to me in similar situations in the future. How much you rob is your own, but I advise you to save some money. In the future Back in China, I hope you are all millionaires!"

"Thank you Brother Six!~" Everyone thanked Feng Liuzi, and even the three Yankees felt that this 'Feng' was too generous. You must know that it was more than 100 million, and it was US dollars!

"Hehe, this is just the beginning. Let's leave first. No one is allowed to leave the restaurant without my order. Hu Cong, you are in charge of it, and don't expose it."

Hu Cong nodded and said, "Don't worry, Sixth Master Uncle."

Maybe Feng Liuzi and the others don't know yet, but because of this night's raid, the American underworld and the US government went into a state of rage. The underworld offered a reward of one million dollars to find out this gang of gangsters, and the government sent special agents to investigate secretly. this matter.The most furious was the patriarch of the mafia family, "Ryan". When he heard that someone had burned his house, he shot and killed the reporter, and he did not hesitate to find out this group of people. , to vent the hatred in my heart!

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