once a Thief

Chapter 17: Bloodbath of the Prince Gang.

Chapter No.17: Bloodbath of the Prince Gang.

When Shang Wu came to the base quietly the next day, he put all the ammunition and weapons in the meeting room where there was no one. Where did these guns come from? Everyone was very excited.

Ten msg-90 sniper rifles, 5 mp47 series submachine guns from the German hk company, [-] large-caliber desert eagles, [-] most common ak[-]s, various sabers, and grenades. The squad leader was dazzled, even in the army before, he had never seen so many types of guns, and each of them chose the gun that suits them.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry, each of your teams has a sniper rifle, and each team leader has a Desert Eagle. Each team member will use ak47 for training for the time being, and we will set off tomorrow night," Shang Wu told them with a smile. .

"Fifth brother, with these guns, let's go and take down the H city police station, let alone the Prince Gang." Wang Liang said happily.

"Okay, let me introduce three people to you, pointing to the three behind me. They are my foreign friends, the boss, ###, and the third." Shang Wu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he introduced it.

"Fifth brother, why do the three foreigners all follow your surname Shang?" One of the captains said jokingly.

"I thought their foreign names were too awkward, so I gave them temporary names," Shang Wu said with a smile.After speaking, everyone in the room laughed.

At twelve o'clock on the third night, there were a total of 304 people. Shang Wu stood in front of the team and made the final mobilization: "Brothers, tonight will be a big move for our famous city H. After this time, our Brotherhood will To replace the hegemony of the Crown Prince Gang in City H, everyone must be successful in tonight's action. Here, I would like to thank everyone in advance. Please pay attention to safety. I don't want any brother to leave us. Go ahead and bring them all back to me, I won’t allow anyone to be left behind.”

Following Shang Wu's shout and set off, a neat gang of underworld troops started pedaling and drove towards the city.

And Shang Wu also disappeared in place after they left.Stealth first went to the headquarters of the Prince's Gang and waited for their general attack. This time, Shang Wu didn't plan to make a move. He wanted to see the strength of his army.

At this time, Gao Jianjun, the headquarters of the Prince Gang, is in the office of the headquarters ### holding an underage girl. This girl is a female student that his subordinates found for him in middle school. Gao Jianjun is particularly interested in virgins, so every once in a while Some confidantes will definitely send a beautiful girl for Gao Jianjun to have fun with.

The headquarters of the Prince Gang is a five-story building located in Daoli District. The top floor is the command post of Gao Jianjun, and the lower four floors have many rooms, in which more than 200 mobile members of the underworld live. When Wang Liang arrived at the headquarters of Gao Jianjun with 300 people and three vampires, it was just after midnight and the streets were deserted. A large black cloud was thrown, and the wind was blowing stronger. At this time, more than 300 people were waiting for an order from one person, waiting for Shang Wu to issue an order to launch a general attack.

Shang Wu looked at the weather, "Hehe, God is helping me. A storm is coming soon. With the first thunder, Shang Wu issued an order for a general attack on the walkie-talkie. Attention the whole team, attack the building in 30 seconds. No one is allowed to stay, and all are wiped out."

The thunder was louder and louder, and after 30 seconds, the heavy rain poured down. I saw 300 people methodically and in accordance with the plan prepared in advance, and began to attack upstairs in a flat manner. At the beginning, only sporadic The sound of gunshots, and then a large-scale explosion, thunder... gunshots... rain... shouts of killing... formed a harmonious note on this stormy night.

"Fifth brother, the situation has changed. There are a few masters on the fifth floor, and our team can't make it up," Wang Liang reported on the walkie-talkie.

"You let Boss Shang, ###, and the third child go up, you don't go up first, and after they finish solving, you will clean up further," Shang Wu ordered.

After a while, Wang Liang reported that Gao Jianjun ran away, and Shang ###, and the third child were seriously injured.As soon as Shang Wu heard it, he quickly flew to the fifth floor to see ### and the third child were slowly repairing on the ground.

"Forget about Gao Jianjun, clean up the battlefield, go back to the base immediately, bring ###, third child, I'll come later" Shang Wu used his spiritual thoughts to look for Gao Jianjun, and after a while, he saw him by the Songhua River A mysterious man escaped from the ground with Gao Jianjun.

Oh, the legendary escapism, is it true that China really cultivates it?

As Shang Wu spoke, he flashed behind the mysterious man and Gao Jianjun.

Just three minutes after Wang Liang led the team away, the police car blared loudly, and three to four hundred policemen arrived in a short while, and Gao Jianjun's father was also present.

When all the policemen, including Gao Jianjun's father, walked into the building, they smelled a pungent smell of blood and stench. The more they went up, the more frightened they were. There were corpses in disorder, and blood was flowing down the stairs in the corridor. , Some policemen couldn't stand this kind of tragedy and ran out one by one holding their noses.

The director of the Public Security Department of H Province, when he received the news and went to the scene to see it, he was also in a cold sweat with fright. Get out your phone and report to the central government.

"Gao Jianjun, how many times have I told you, don't show your sharpness, you just don't listen, how about this time, if I didn't arrive in time, think about the consequences?" The mysterious man yelled at Gao Jianjun.

Gao Jianjun was already frightened and stupid now. This was a gun battle, and seeing everyone well-trained, he thought it was an army, but he kept muttering what to do, what to do.

"It's so late, gentlemen, why don't you rest and take a walk by the river?" Shang Wu said suddenly behind them.

All of a sudden, Gao Jianjun and the mysterious man were taken aback.I saw that the mysterious man didn't speak, and slowly drew out the green long sword he was wearing, pointing at Shang Wu, "If I guessed correctly, you followed us here, I don't know who you are, but I am Yi Chuan from J Country." School of Ninja, I advise Your Excellency not to make enemies with us, otherwise our Yichuan School will not let it go."

"Oh, Little Riben, I didn't expect Gao Jianjun that you not only blackmailed the money of ordinary people in City H, but also a traitor. I have hated Little Riben since I was a child, and this time I will make you a bastard." Shang Wu said without any hesitation Jonin directly swung the energy sword and turned Gao Jianjun into nothingness.

When Jonin saw that the situation was not good, he immediately hid in the sand by the river without moving.

"Hmph, listen, bullshit ninja, I don't want to kill you today, but I want you to go back and give your manager a message, saying that China's Shang Wu will definitely go to your Japan within a year, and you will use it at that time." Come meet me with blood." After finishing speaking, Shang Wu stepped on the sand pile above the ninja. When stepping on the ninja, he stepped on the ninja with a little force, and he could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking. Since then, the two legs of the ninja It's useless.

When Shang Wu returned to the base, more than 300 people were standing quietly on the playground waiting for Shang Wu.

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