once a Thief

Chapter 225: Brother 5 is injured

Chapter 220 Five: Fifth Brother Injured

This is the last chapter of the fourth volume. Starting from the next chapter, it will be more bloody and violent, and some cruel scenes against humanity will also appear. Please continue to pay attention to Taozi, and now the red flower function is open. Let's give Taozi all the little red flowers and big red flowers. If Taozi's flowers come up, Taozi will work harder! !Thank you brothers for your continued support! ! !

Following Shang Wu's shout, Xiaolong stopped Peng Zuruier who was about to go upstairs with his quick movement, and coldly raised the energy of his whole body to the highest level, ready to fight Peng Zuruier.

"What? Want to stop me?" Peng Zurui asked playfully.

"Hand over my two women, or you won't be able to leave today!" Shang Wu said coldly.

"How can you be sure that I captured your woman?" Peng Zurui asked in question.

"Because you are the only person in this world who can defeat them!" Shang Wu wanted to grab Peng Zurui'er after finishing speaking.

"Huh!" Peng Zurui snorted coldly, then disappeared in place and flew towards the sky.

Shang Wu and Xiaolong followed closely and flew into the sky.

"It's also fortunate that it's class time now, and there is no one at the stairs, otherwise there would be a lot of excitement."

"Just because you two little guys want to stop me?" Peng Zurui said coldly standing in the sky.

"If you can't stop it, let's talk about it after hitting!" Xiaolong suddenly changed back to his original shape, and sprayed a big fire at Peng Zurui'er.

"And Peng Zurui'er changed her whole body the moment the little dragon turned into a fire dragon. She immediately changed her student uniform into a long suit. A guzheng appeared in her hand, and she sat down and played the guzheng out of thin air. Fight against the fire from the little dragon."

Shang Wu saw that every time Xiaolong sprayed fire, Peng Zurui easily dispelled it. Shang Wu knew that Xiaolong was obviously not Peng Zurui's opponent, and then transformed himself. The golden armor on his body immediately appeared, and the Zhu Shenjian also appeared. in hand.

"Look at the sword!" Shang Wu swung the energy of his whole body from a long distance away, and the powerful energy released from the Zhu Shen Sword turned into a tongue of fire and chopped towards Peng Zurui'er.

"Hmph, are you showing off your tricks too?" Peng Zurui snorted coldly, and a silent sound wave matched the tongue of fire.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the two streams of energy disappeared instantly.

Seeing that the blow was missed, Shang Wu continued to attack Peng Zurui'er with countless swords, and the swords and swords all emitted flames or cold air in different ways, but Peng Zurui's movements speeded up as Shang Wu speeded up, and the movements of her own hands also gradually Speed ​​up, play the rhythm quickly and confront Shang Wu and Xiaolong's fire.

"Ants!" Peng Zurui yelled and suddenly put away the guzheng, then quickly took out a flower, stretched out her hand, the flower split into pieces, and each petal turned into a sharp blade, facing each other like a hidden weapon. Monk Xiaolong shot five shots in the past.

Shang Wu saw that the sharp blade turned from the flowers quickly pierced through the tongue of fire from his sword and shot towards him.

The same is true for the little dragon, the powerful fire element did not burn the flying blade, and what awaited the little dragon would be the attack of that sharp blade.

"See how you can avoid my piercing blade!" Peng Zuruier sneered as she watched her sharp blade hit two targets immediately.

"Xiaolong be careful!" Shang Wu opened a layer of protective shield with the water element, and then quickly moved towards Xiaolong, and several sharp blades seemed to have eyes, and continued to chase Shang Wu after turning the corner.

"Bang!" The water shield did not block the flying blades, but was accurately inserted into Shang Wu's body.

"Ah!" Shang Wu yelled and finally caught up with Xiaolong when his body was injured, and took all the sharp blades that were shot at Xiaolong to himself.

"Brother Wu!" Xiaolong shouted, and immediately hugged Shang Wu who was flying backwards.

"Hmph, the Immortal Golden Body has been practiced well, but I didn't beat you out of your wits!" Peng Zurui snorted coldly, and was also surprised by the experience of Shang Wu's Immortal Golden Body. Ordinary gods have long been beaten to death.

Xiaolong watched as several sharp blades shot at Shang Wu's body, they quickly turned into several petals, and then fell down, but Shang Wu's body was continuously flowing with golden yellow blood.

"Fifth brother, how are you, don't scare me!" Xiaolong shouted and shook Shang Wu's body.

"Xiaolong, hurry up, drink my blood!" Shang Wu did not forget to help Xiaolong improve his strength at this time.

"No, I can't drink your blood!" Xiaolong shouted.

"Stinky boy, you can drink it if I tell you to drink it, what are you talking about!" Shang Wuqiang passed out after uttering a word.

When Xiaolong saw Shang Wu fainted, he quickly helped Shang Wu stop the bleeding, and then withdrew his hand, the blood flowing out of Shang Wu became a straight line and flew towards his own mouth.

"Haha, interesting, I knew they would take this blow for you. Although his blood can indeed increase your energy, but no matter how much you drink, you are just a little fire dragon. You can't beat me!" Peng Zurui said with a smile.

"Hmph, today's revenge will be repaid in the future!" Xiaolong turned around and wanted to leave after finishing speaking. He planned to go back and heal Shang Wu's injury first.

"Wait, Xiaolong, right? Tell Shang Wu that I have sealed his energy for eternal life, and I have temporarily detained his two women. If he can break through my restriction in this life, he can come to the Second Realm of Gods and Demons." Ask me to bring the second daughter back, hum, no one can get what I can't get!" Peng Zurui'er sneered and tore apart the gap in the space before disappearing.

"Stop!" Xiaolong flew to where Peng Zurui was standing just now, and looked coldly at Peng Zurui who had disappeared in the sky.

"Seal the energy of eternal life? Ah..." Xiaolong raised his head to the sky and shouted, venting his dissatisfaction.

When Xiaolong returned to the villa with Shang Wu in his arms, Laogui Yin and others saw Xiaolong and Shang Wu like this, and anxiously picked up Shang Wu who had fainted.

"Master Xiaolong, what's the matter with Master? Why is Master injured?" Jian Wufeng asked Xiaolong loudly.

Xiaolong shook his head sadly, with tears in his eyes, and then replied in a hoarse voice: "Fifth brother was injured by Peng Zurui, and now he just passed out, and..." Xiaolong didn't say anything when he said this No more words.

"And what, tell me quickly!" Guan Hu shouted at Xiaolong.

"And the energy of eternal life that is sealed!" Xiaolong replied decisively.

"What?" When everyone heard that Shang Wu had been sealed with the energy of eternal life, they all opened their mouths in surprise, and no one could speak for a while.

"Master!" All seven of them knelt down on the ground, as if Shang Wu had died, lowered their heads sadly, and did not speak.

"Get up all of you, Fifth Brother is still alive!" Xiaolong was so angry that he stood up and wanted to continue cursing. He felt dizzy for a while, and then passed out.

"Master Xiaolong!" They immediately ran to Xiaolong's side to check Xiaolong's body. If Xiaolong couldn't hold on at this time, Old Ghost Yin and the others really had no backbone.

"No, there is a strong energy fluctuation in Master Xiaolong's body. I'm afraid he's going to go mad. Let's work together to help him resolve it!" Old Ghost Yin sat down after speaking, and clapped his palms on Xiaolong's back.

And Guan Hu, Jian Wufeng and the others also slapped their hands on the back of Yin Laogui, passing one by one to help Xiaolong resolve the powerful energy fluctuations.

Because Xiaolong drank Shang Wu's blood and didn't absorb it in time, coupled with his angry and sad mentality in the sky, he fainted in a flash of urgency.

Will Xiaolong be rescued by everyone?Is Shang Wu really sealed with the energy of immortality and can no longer possess superpowers?Where did Peng Zuruier take Han Wei and Jiang Li?What will be their fate?After Shang Wu lost his superpowers, could he still realize his ideal?All of this is just the beginning

This novel comes from reading books

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