once a Thief

Chapter 57: The Destruction of the Yasukuni Shrine

Chapter 57: Destruction of the Yasukuni Shrine

The Yasukuni Shrine is located in Jiudan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, not far from the Japanese Imperial Palace, and adjacent to Kitamaru Park.After more than 130 years of repeated reconstruction and expansion, it has a scale of about 9.9 square meters today.Looking down from the air, its outline looks like a kitchen knife with the head facing west, the handle facing east, and the blade pointing north.


"Xiaolong, feel for it and see if there are priests?" Shang Wu said to Xiaolong in the air.

"Fifth brother, there are two people who are stronger, similar to that Iga Zhichuan." Xiaolong said to Shang Wu after searching with his spiritual sense.

"Xiaolong, challenge them, lure them out, and get rid of these two bastards first," Shang Wu instructed Xiaolong.

After a while, two streams of energy rushed up from the ground of the Yasukuni Shrine.

"Baga, how dare you go wild at the Yasukuni Shrine." A priest flew into the air and said to Xiaolong and Monk Wu.

"Xiaolong, don't talk nonsense, just kill it." Shang Wu didn't intend to make a move, but asked Xiaolong to deal with these two goddamn priests.

Without saying a word, Xiaolong directly attacked the two priests. In just a few rounds, the two priests were burned to ashes by Xiaolong's powerful fire.

"Fifth Brother, although they both have two energy swords, they are not my Xiaolong's opponent, they are too weak." Xiaolong said to Shang Wu after killing the two priests.

"Xiaolong, let's split up and destroy this bullshit shrine." Shang Wu said lightly, and the shrine revered by the Japanese disappeared from the earth.

"No problem, should we still set fire this time?" Xiaolong said to Shang Wu.

"You can't burn the ground even if you set it on fire. If you put it on the ground, I will put it on the ground. I will completely destroy this place."

Speaking of Shang Wu, he got into the ground. If anyone can hold Shang Wu at this time, he will be surprised to find that Shang Wu's whole body is on fire, but Shang Wu is fine.

After a while, the entire Yasukuni Shrine caught fire, lighting up the whole of Tokyo, both above and below ground, and those who did not have time to escape were all burned to death.

"Fifth brother, this torch has burned the ground red, hahaha" Xiaolong said with a big laugh while standing in the air.

"Xiaolong, look, it should be the Japanese Self-Defense Force, and the firefighters are here." Shang Wu pointed to the direction where the military vehicles and fire engines were coming.

"Fifth brother, it seems that they want to put out the fire, can my fire be extinguished by their water?" Xiaolong said disdainfully.

"Xiaolong, I want to feel the killing at close range. Only in that way can I feel pleasure." Shang Wu said to Xiaolong with a longing face.

"Fifth brother, I didn't know what pleasure is before, but since I came to the world and made a girlfriend, I have realized what pleasure is," Xiaolong said with a blushing face.

"Hahaha, Xiaolong, you are so ridiculous. Everyone's pleasure is different. It doesn't mean that you will experience pleasure when you are with a woman, and you will also have pleasure when you kill someone." Shang Wu rushed towards himself. self defense force.

Xiaolong paused, and said to himself: "Human emotions are really complicated." At the same time, he flew to the back of the convoy.

When the members of the Japanese Self-Defense Force saw Shang Wu flying from the sky, they all opened their mouths in surprise, thinking, "It can't be a great god, how can it fly?" But they were wrong, because their great god is not They kill people when they meet, and destroy cars when they see them.

The same is true for Xiaolong. After going down, he rushed into the crowd with his fists alone.

While Shang Wu cursed in Japanese, he waved his fist like a beautiful solitary line. Every punch and every kick would end the life of a Japanese.

When the Japanese Self-Defense Forces reacted, they began to shoot with their guns, but what surprised them even more happened. The bullets they fired seemed to hit the steel plate, and they were all bounced back by Shang Wu.

Shang Wu felt as if he had crossed no man's land, and he didn't stop until he met Xiaolong.At this time, the streets of Tokyo were already the same as the battlefield. There were overturned cars everywhere, corpses with broken limbs and arms, and the blood kept converging into a blood stream, which flowed down the sewer.

The stench of the street mixed with the burnt smell made people sick.

For a whole street, only Shang Wu and Xiao Long stood there, with thick smoke billowing: "Xiao Long, do you feel good?" Shang Wu stood there like a killing god in Shura Hell, and asked Xiao Long.

"Fifth brother, killing at close range, I like the smell of blood, haha." Xiaolong said with a smirk.

"Let's go, Xiaolong, I'm hungry, I'm going to find a place to eat, fifth brother, can't you, you have a bigger heart than me, can you still eat at this time?" Xiaolong said exaggeratedly.

"Killing these little Japanese is like trampling ants to death, don't you stop eating after trampling ants to death?" Shang Wu asked with a smile.

Xiaolong was at a loss for words for a while, and smiled wryly: "Fifth brother, can you ask me to finish this meal?"

Ginza Imperial Hotel, a high-end hotel located in Ginza, Shangwu and Xiaolong walked into the lobby of the hotel arrogantly. At this time, the streets of Tokyo were under martial law, there were very few people on the street, and there were not many guests in the hotel. Shangwu and Xiaolong Find a table next to the window and sit down.

"Waiter, damn it, we've been here for a long time, where are the waiters dead?" Shang Wu cursed in Japanese.

After a while, a waitress wearing a kimono with a smear on her face like that kid came, "I'm sorry sir, please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

"Damn it, bring me all the good wine and good food." Shang Wu continued to say arrogantly, Shang Wu also thought, anyway, he is here to make trouble, why not indulge, so every word he said was indulgent.

The guests in the hotel frowned when they heard Shang Wu's indecent language.

At this time, the TV in the restaurant was reporting the tragedy that happened at the Yasukuni Shrine, and several women who were eating cried when they saw the tragedy.

"Damn it, why are you crying? It affects my good mood." Shang Wu turned around and cursed fiercely.

The scolding didn't matter, all the Japanese in the restaurant stood up to Shang Wu with hostility.

Xiaolong smiled wryly: "Fifth brother, do you need to kill all the people here?"

Shang Wuyi hit Xiaolong on the head with a chestnut: "We've killed them all, and we still have to eat a fart."

Shang Wu stood up and cursed at all the Japanese, "Baga, do you want to die? Damn, what are you looking at?" After speaking, he cast his cold eyes on everyone one by one.

When everyone saw Shang Wu's gaze, they didn't dare to look at him, and sat down quietly as if nothing happened.

"Xiaolong, did you see, these Japanese bastards, as long as you are ruthless, they will not even dare to fart."

The TV continued to report the tragedy of the Yasukuni Shrine. At this time, countries around the world have sent comfort messages to Japan, condemning this terrorist incident, while China, North Korea and a few Asian countries have not expressed anything.

Beijing at this time: All the students of Tsinghua University and Peking University spontaneously organized street parades to celebrate this great moment. Pedestrians on the street, shop owners, white-collar workers driving cars, and even people living in rural areas Gather together and celebrate.

University students from all over the country spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate, beer and fireworks were in short supply.

"Boss, bring us a dozen beers." Several college students walked to a hotel and planned to buy a few bottles of beer to celebrate on the street.

The waiter smiled and brought two dozen beers: "Students, our boss said that all drinks are free today, and you can drink whatever you want."

After several college students thanked the waiter, they rushed into the crowd with beers and continued to shout slogans.

At the Beijing Wuzhouju Hotel at this time, Lao Liang, Long Sihai, Wang Liang, Xiao Qi, Xiao Fang, Li Xiaobo, as well as senior executives of the Brotherhood and the Group all toasted and drank together to celebrate the destruction of that shit shrine in Japan.But what they didn't know was that this masterpiece was made by their fifth brother.

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