once a Thief

Chapter 93: Come and not reciprocate

Chapter 93: Come and Don't Reciprocate

At night, the metropolitan royal city was quiet and only a few ghost cries and beatings could be heard.

The watchman, who was on the watch, walked to a corner, looked left and right to see if there was no one there, and quickly unbuttoned his pants, ready to shush, when suddenly two black shadows flew across the city from far to near, so fast that the watchman The watchman only felt a gust of wind blowing by him. The watchman shuddered coldly, and cursed: "Damn it, why is it so cold in this damn weather?" Peeing in the pants, I wrapped the clothes around my body hard and continued to beat.

After the two shadows circled around the city, they stopped in the sky above the city king's palace.

One of the shadows said: "I never thought that being an assassin would be fun!"

"You're poor kid, you'll be the one to play later." The black shadow taught him a lesson.

The two people who were talking were none other than Shang Wu and Xiao Long.During the day, Shang Wu became more and more suffocated when he thought about it. The rebels were too arrogant, and they dared to send assassins to assassinate themselves. So when everyone else was asleep at night, Shang Wu secretly called Xiaolong, and then came to the capital of the city, intending to kill him. Also give the rebel Han Po an assassination.

Shang Wu didn't tell those generals about the assassination of Han Po tonight, if he let them know, killing them would not make his marshal take another risk.

"Fifth brother, don't go down now, how about letting me meet this cold soul first?" Xiaolong pleaded.

Shang Wu looked at Xiaolong, then shook his head: "Anyone in the ghost world is no match for you and me, including Yan Wang and Han Po, if you really want to go down to play, then go, I'm up there Watch the battle, but also be careful, in case they hurt people with dark swords."

Shang Wu did not stop Xiaolong, but let Xiaolong go down to challenge him. Shang Wu knew that he and Xiaolong had a long way to go. Others have their share, so Shang Wu believes that the only way to meet the challenges in the future is to continue to strengthen the battle now.

After getting Shang Wu's permission, Xiaolong rushed down at the fastest speed with a "whoosh".

A few ghost soldiers on duty suddenly heard something rubbing, looked for the sound, and saw a man in black rushing towards them at a fast speed.

"Ah, the enemy's sneak attack, run away!" After some ghost soldier shouted, he was scared and fled in all directions.

It doesn't matter that ghost soldier shouted, the lights in the palaces of the entire capital city were lit up, and the other ghost soldiers hurriedly put on their half-clothes and he came out with a big knife, when all the ghost soldiers and generals, including Han Po, When the generals came out to investigate, they found nothing, only saw a handsome young man in the square, standing there with his hands up, looking extremely aloof.

Standing high in the sky, Shang Wu cursed, "Stinky boy, you're still putting on a pose".

Fang Fang was slightly surprised when he saw Xiaolong, and then walked to Han Po's side and whispered a few words.

Han Po kept nodding while listening, and at the same time stared at Xiaolong coldly.

At this time, a ghost soldier who didn't know how to live or die raised his big knife and chopped it off at Xiaolong's head. He got up and slammed down on the ground, the ghost soldier was smashed into a meatloaf by Xiaolong before he could shout.

All the ghost soldiers were shocked by Xiaolong's hand, even the ghost fairy who wanted to betray Han Po was shocked by Xiaolong's power.

After listening to Fang Fang's narration, Han Po separated the ghost soldiers surrounding the little dragon, and when he was less than ten meters away from the dragon, he clasped his hands together and said, "If I guess correctly, you are the little dragon who is going on this expedition. General? Is General Long here to attack the city?" Han Po asked sarcastically.

"Let's talk nonsense, I'm here to kill you today. If you have the guts, you can make a show with me. If you don't have the guts, you can find a piece of tofu and kill yourself." Xiaolong replied in a more sarcastic language.

"Hmph, the little general is not worthy of this king's action. If your marshal comes, I may still fight him, but your marshal is still recovering from his injuries, right?" Han Po has already proclaimed himself king, and he knows that he sent The assassin has been killed by Shang Wu, but he also thinks that Shang Wu must have suffered a lot of injuries, and the person who can not be injured under the attack of the three evils, what kind of strength will he have? ? ?

"It seems that you are out of ideas, and even looking for such a reason to come out, then I have to force you to take action." Xiaolong said and rushed over.

Before Han Po could make a move, Fang Fang, who had been standing by the side, met Xiao Long.

The two fought in one place in an instant.

Han Po watched Fang Fang struggling against Xiaolong, silently surprised Xiaolong's strength in his heart, and at the same time, secretly planned to help Fang Fang, if he could capture Xiaolong alive, it would be a turning point, and it would also help his morale , So Han Po secretly took out the highly poisonous "Han Po Ice Soul", this is a unique skill that Han Po has practiced himself, and it is a trick to save his life.

When Han Po secretly took out the hidden weapon, Shang Wu, who was standing high in the sky and kept paying attention to Han Po, saw it: "Hmph, I guessed it right."

At this time, the little dragon who was fighting was surprised at the strength of Fang. This person's strength could be compared with the kings of several cities. No wonder Fang became the number one general of the cold rebel army.

The three ghost fairies who had been watching the battle from a distance saw that the fangs were getting harder and harder, and looked at each other, "This is the chance to perform, let's go," the three ghost fairies rushed into the battle circle as they said. As soon as Xian joined, Fang Fang immediately relieved a lot of pressure.

"Haha, brats, are you here for a gang fight? Come up if there is anything left, you come over too, that Han Po, grandpa and I can beat you all to the ground." Xiaolong fought with them while rushing towards Han Po. shouted.

Han Po sneered and said, "I don't believe you can survive being surrounded by my four generals."

"You look down on me too much, you want to kill me with just these trash?" Xiaolong said disdainfully.

The four ghost immortals surrounded by four felt a little blush when they hit one, but after Xiaolong's contempt, they immediately increased their attack strength and attacked Xiaolong crazily.

"Hmph, a guy who thinks nothing of himself." Xiaolong pulled out the long sword in his waist with a swish, and when a ghost fairy was caught off guard, he chopped off the ghost fairy's head with one blow.

The ball-like head sprinkled steaming blood in the air, and it landed not far from Han Po and stopped.

Han Po's eyes converged, and the "Han Po Ice Soul" in his hand clenched even tighter.

In just a few seconds, the heads of the three ghosts were chopped off by Xiaolong one after another.

The three ghosts never dreamed that one of the four would be killed by others. What made them unable to close their eyes was that they originally wanted to show an opportunity and sneak away, but they didn't think that showing an opportunity was also necessary. the price of life.

After finishing the three ghosts, the fangs were already drenched with sweat, whether it was because of nervousness or exhaustion.

When Xiaolong was proudly about to harvest the fourth head, he suddenly noticed that the corner of Han Po's mouth was crooked, and then flew out a cold light to attack Xiaolong.

The sword was only a little short of cutting off Fang Fang's head, and Han Po Ice Soul shot towards Xiao Long with the sound of piercing the air.

When Xiaolong saw that it was a hidden weapon, it was already too late.

"It's over, let's die quietly this time!" Xiaolong sighed and closed his eyes, then fiercely swung the sword in his hand and chopped at the fangs! !

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