once a Thief

Chapter 96: Black Sea

Chapter 96: The Black Sea

Remember to recommend it after reading it! ! ! !There are a lot of fun and exciting content too! !

After several days of marching, Shang Wu led all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals and finally returned to the city of Hades.

The King of Hades personally went to greet him outside the city, and there was a huge crowd of people who came to welcome him outside the city.

Watching Shang Wu fly over, Yan Wang walked over from a distance: "Brother Shang, it really opened my eyes to Yan Wang, let's go, I must accompany Brother Shang to get drunk today!" Yan Wang held Shang Wu's hand. Shake your hand vigorously.

Shang Wu pulled out his hand in embarrassment, and said with a smile, "Brother, please."

"Please" Hades also cupped his hands and made a gesture of please.

Shang Wu walked towards the city with big strides, followed by Yan Wang and the generals. At this time, Shang Wu's name has been spread all over the ghost world. Who doesn't know that Yan Wang has a brother named Shang Wu, and he is also the marshal who quelled the rebellion this time? .

People standing on both sides of the street kept applauding loudly when Shang Wu passed by, and even applauded, and the whole Hades City was immediately bustling.

Hearing the applause from the crowd on both sides of the street, Shang Wu exuded a strong sense of pride from the bottom of his heart.

After arriving at the Hall of the King of Yama, the banquet had already been set up there, and the King of Yama was sitting on the main seat, next to him were Shang Wu and Xiaolong.

"Brother, big brother, thank you for helping me quell the rebellion here! Big brother, I won't say anything, come on, do it!" Yan Wang stood up and said excitedly to Shang Wu.

"Dry" Shang Wu and the others also stood up and raised their cups.

During the dinner, Xiaolong beamed and recounted the scene when he and Shang Wu assassinated Han Po.

After drinking for three rounds, Shang Wu suddenly asked: "Brother, there is a rebellion here in the ghost world, doesn't the fairy world know about it? Aren't the ghosts and immortals under the control of the fairy world?"

After listening to Shang Wu's question, Yan Wang smiled wryly and said, "How can the rebellion here be reported to the public? You have to solve it by yourself." After saying that, Yan Wang's face darkened.

"Then how can we go to the fairy world?" Shang Wu continued to ask.

Yan Wang was startled, and looked at Shang Wu suspiciously: "Brother, do you want to go to the fairy world?"

Shang Wu nodded silently: "Xiaolong and I plan to go to the fairyland, and there is still some time before the gate of hell opens, so it is just a good time to pass the time."

King Yan thought for a while and said: "Since I want to go to the fairy world, the big brother will certainly not stop me, but after I get to the fairy world, I have to be careful in everything. The fairy world is no better than the ghost world. You are arrogant and look down on people from the lower realms, so you must treat them with a normal mind." Yan Wang said earnestly.

"Brother, don't worry, I know it well." Shang Wu assured.

Yan Wang heard Shang Wu's assurance, and then laughed: "Going to the fairyland is also very easy. With the strength of you and General Xiaolong, if there are no accidents, there should be no problem." Thousands of miles away, there is a "Black Sea" that blocks the passage between the ghost world and the fairy world. Two monsters, anyone who falls into the black sea will be killed by the monsters.The King of Hades described Hei Hai as a god.

"Brother, don't worry. If we can't make it through, we will come back. Xiaolong and I will go to see tomorrow. Anyway, I will come back to the gate of hell in a month." Shang Wu saw that Hades looked worried, so promised with a smile.

The next day, after Yan Wang's repeated instructions, Shang Wu and Xiaolong flew towards the Black Sea.

"The Black Sea, the black ocean that separates the fairy world from the ghost world, is called the Black Sea because the sea water is black when viewed from the ground, and its sea water is extremely cold. Even if there are ghosts who want to sneak into the fairy world, they must Only those who have the same strength as Hades can pass smoothly, and if the strength is not enough, there will be no return."

"Fifth brother, this place is not as dangerous as Hades said, is it? See how calm the water is?" Little Dragon Monk Wu questioned as he stood on the black seashore and looked at the endless sea water.

"It would be great if it was really as peaceful as this." After finishing speaking, Shang Wu took the lead to fly to the sea.

Shang Wu and Xiaolong have been flying over the Black Sea at a leisurely pace, and they have been flying tens of thousands of miles without any abnormality.

"Fifth brother, it doesn't look as dangerous as in the legend?" Xiaolong said listlessly looking at the calm sea water.

"I said why are you still looking forward to something unexpected?" Shang Wu glanced at Xiaolong and scolded with a smile.

Just as Xiaolong was about to answer, he saw that the water waves not far in front of the wind began to tremble slightly, and in a blink of an eye, a strong wind blew up, and waves also beat against the sea surface continuously.

"Xiaolong, be careful. If I'm not mistaken, the wind and waves are deliberately created by someone. It seems that the sea will not be calm for a while." Shang Wu stopped to approach Xiaolong while spreading his energy.

"Yeah... Fifth brother... I feel the wind... so strong, it's hard to breathe!" Xiaolong said to Shang Wu with difficulty.

Seeing Xiaolong's strenuous effort, Shang Wu couldn't help feeling annoyed. The man who caused the storm turned his head and said to Xiaolong, "Xiaolong, do you have the guts to go to the bottom of the sea with me? I really want to know if there is any." The one in the legend is scary."

Xiaolong nodded and said, "As long as Brother Wu goes, I will go with you!"

"Good brother!" As Shang Wu said, he dragged Xiaolong into the sea.

As soon as he entered the sea, Xiaolong suddenly felt much more comfortable, and said to Shang Wu with a smile: "Brother Wu, being in the sea is much better than the surface."

"Stinky boy, you think it's okay, do you know how cold the water is?" Shang Wu asked with a curse.

"I don't know, how cold is it?" Xiaolong questioned.

"Your whole body is on fire, so of course you don't know it's cold." Shang Wu glanced at Xiaolong and said.

"Oh, that's right!" Xiaolong said awkwardly.

"Damn it, it turned out to be an illusion, Xiaolong, look at how clear the water is, but it looks black from above." Shang Wu was surprised to find that the water was very clear.

"Yes, fifth brother, it seems that there must be something interesting in the bottom of the sea, let's go down and have a look." Xiaolong suggested.

"Hmph, since we're here, of course we'll meet someone who can drive us into the sea." Shang Wu said with a sneer.After speaking, he also looked at the fluctuation of the water flow in the distance.

Suddenly, a little girl whose clothes were obviously torn and whose eyes were still crying was chased towards Shang Wu and the others by several soldiers wearing turtle shells and three shrimp soldiers with big knives.

When the girl saw Xiaolong Monk Wu, she quickly hid behind Xiaolong Monk Wu as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.Then he cried out to Xiaolong for help with a frightened look on his face.

Shang Wu was not surprised by this kind of thing, but Xiaolong was different, and Xiaolong's face became obviously cold.

When Shang Wu inadvertently saw Xiaolong's face, his heart tightened suddenly. Didn't he also have the same annoyed look when he first met Xiaolong?

Before he had time to ask Xiaolong why, Xiaolong made a move. When the turtle soldiers and shrimp soldiers didn't respond, Xiaolong beat the shrimp soldiers to pieces with a powerful fire force.

After killing a few shrimp soldiers, Xiaolong touched the girl's head with pity, and then asked in a caring tone: "Did you get scared just now! Don't be afraid, with uncle here, no one wants to hurt you !"

Shang Wu yelled wildly in his heart, "Damn, no way, Xiaolong won't be blown by the gust of wind just now and have a fever?"

But seeing Xiaolong's loving expression, Shang Wu knew that Xiaolong didn't have a fever, but genuine caring from the heart.

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