Against the World Evil Venerable

0022 Chapter Peerless Lonely Lin Nian Alien Beast Dream

Before he could finish speaking, Mie Canglan himself stopped first, reacted belatedly, and gently touched his normal lips and teeth.The lips and teeth that are naturally painful when speaking are flexible and warm, and the words are fluent without any pain.

"This..." Mie Canglan was delighted in her heart, she let out a chuckle and let her eyes go blank, "Could it be... the cold air that penetrated into my body just now?"

The sound of weeping with joy suddenly weakened, Mie Canglan straightened up, and quickly paid attention to his surroundings.But he immediately realized that the weakening of the sound was due to the absence of the dense branches and leaves of the Hessen spreading from far to near-the source of the sound was already in sight!

Mie Canglan's eyes widened, his pupils as cold as everlasting night stared at the thing in front of him motionlessly.The black creature that was completely integrated with the black and green forest sprang out from nowhere, and lay down firmly in front of Mie Canglan, with its soft neck raised high, and a pair of watery legs that were as big as copper bells. Seeing that the blue waves will be destroyed, there is a crystal clearness in it that looks like it has just cried.

Mie Canglan took a step back and carefully identified the dark creature with eyes like copper bells and a slender and curly tail. The books about natural creation that everyone in the Qinglian sect had read came to mind.Although he is dull, he is working hard in secret, and it is not that he has accomplished nothing.

"Iguana..." Mie Canglan slowly spit out the name, but saw that the creature had jet-black messy hairs on its body, and its appearance resembled a lizard, but there were also some indistinct differences on its body, such as its The huge ears spread out their fleshy wings like the flippers of a gull and heron, but the connected cartilages are like thorns at the end, which is very strange.And under the shaggy hairs there were dark scales shining, and Mie Canglan took a closer look, only to find that the sparse shaggy hairs were covered with crystal scales, shining like water.

"'s not an iguana..." Mie Canglan shook her head, only then did she realize that she was face to face with a strange beast that didn't know what was inside, and was alone in the dark and weird black forest. Although the eyes of the strange beast were clear and harmless , but clearly revealing two rows of huge teeth that are as sharp as sawtooth.

Mie Canglan's whole body tensed up, while pressing his heartbeat that hadn't completely calmed down, he still felt a fusion of cold and hot air surrounding a core that appeared inexplicably in his body, rippling up and down, while stepping back slowly, watching the strange beast to observe it Reaction.

The strange beast still looked up at Mie Canglan, its eyes glistened, as if it was about to cry again, but there was a smile hidden inside, and it looked like it was about to cry with joy.

Mie Canglan saw that it didn't have any malicious intentions, so he calmed down a little, instead, he moved closer to the strange beast, and said softly as if speaking to an ordinary little beast, "I don't know where this is, you are from here... Anyway, Can you take me out?"

The strange beast didn't move, but suddenly blinked its moist copper bell eyes, and nodded.

Mie Canglan was both surprised and happy, "Thank you for taking the lead!" After finishing speaking, she hurriedly stood up, but seeing the strange beast didn't move, Mie Canglan couldn't help but frowned and asked cautiously, "Is there... is there any problem? ?”

The strange beast raised its head and neck higher, and slowly opened its mouth almost to the middle of its neck, revealing two rows of sharp serrated teeth and a long, slender, smooth, blood-purple tongue facing Mie Canglan.

Mie Canglan was startled suddenly, realizing that this was the instinct of a living being's appetite, he took two steps back and his whole body tensed up, and as he lifted his heart, the core of the fusion of cold and heat in his body seemed to lift up, and the heavy aura suddenly became Vigorous strength.

"You..." Mie Canglan had just uttered a word when the strange beast softly stretched out its slender blood-purple tongue, and a gust of cold air gushed out, like a fountain suddenly erupting underground.Mie Canglan was taken aback, and quickly blocked with both hands, so as not to be directly stabbed in the face by the cold air, but suddenly pulled down his arms, with an incredulous expression on his face.

This is the air-conditioning just now!Following his own heavenly spirit and pouring it into his body, he inexplicably gave himself a core of air-conditioning in his empty body!

"Could it be you..." Mie Canglan was full of surprises and could hardly think. The moment he stretched out his hand to point at the strange beast, he saw that the creature was very sensitive, and immediately rolled up its long tongue and wrapped it around Mie Canglan's outstretched mouth. The right hand is smooth and cold but tense in layers.

Mie Canglan immediately felt that the entire right arm was clotted with blood, and quickly grabbed the long, slippery tongue of the strange beast and said, "You... what are you doing?"

But seeing the eyes of that strange beast always weeping with joy, it seemed that he had been looking forward to it for an eternity, and finally he was looking forward to the person in front of him.Mie Canglan couldn't understand this expression at all, and was trying to break the tongue of the strange beast tightly wrapped around his right arm, but suddenly he was dumbfounded, no matter how difficult it was to move.

I saw that the body of the strange beast gradually became transparent, like a phantom dissolved in water, scattered by the ripples of liberation, and layers of blood-purple demonic brilliance surged along the long tongue, pouring into the extinction layer by layer. In Cang Lan's right hand.

The palm of Mie Canglan's right hand seemed to form the mouth of a whirlpool, and the blood-purple demonic light transformed by the translucency of the strange beast poured into the whirlpool far away, surging into the arm and then spreading to the whole body, like the cold air just now, reaching the sky Sinking into the dantian, all the blood in the whole body swelled like a dry river filled with water.

Mie Canglan seemed to be in a daze, looking at the body of the strange beast gradually disappearing, the last thing that disappeared was the big eyes weeping with joy, and then a long tongue also turned into a demon light, gradually disappearing and merging into his own blood.Mie Canglan was dumbfounded all the time, as if in a dream, watching the strange beast disappear, and the last ray of demon light suddenly turned into mist, flying lightly around Mie Canglan's right hand.

The hot and cold air is still flowing, and the blood is filled with such a huge blood-purple brilliance, Mie Canglan only feels that his whole body seems to be expanding, and it seems to be constantly absorbing and shrinking into shape.Trembling, he stretched out the palm of his right hand in front of his eyes, and saw that the black spot that had appeared for a long time in the palm of his hand became more and more precipitated, like an eye about to open, and there were still some blood-purple shimmering lights.

"I..." Mie Canglan's lips parted, and suddenly he slapped his forehead again and again, the crisp sound was real and clear, "I'm not dreaming..."

After closing his eyes and meditating for a while, Mie Canglan opened his eyes just now, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw that his surroundings had changed.After quickly looking around, he already recognized that this is the end of the woods outside the school grounds, and in front of him is the high wall of Qinglian Sect built on the mountain, and there is no way to go.

Could it be that he and Shen Mingxin had just passed through the end of the woods while chasing each other?Mie Canglan couldn't figure it out, but he felt that his body was full of flowing water, cleansed by a cool breeze, and an indescribably wonderful feeling washed over him continuously. A coldness from Tianling went straight to the dantian, and a hot current rose from the dantian.

"What the hell is going on..." Mie Canglan looked at the spot on his right hand, and under the dim light, the young man's eyes glowed as if he had taken off his skin, "However, I do feel that I am different..."

The soliloquy hadn't landed yet, Mie Canglan suddenly heard the sound of a distant bell, resounding through the sky.Carefully distinguishing the inner rhythm, Mie Canglan was startled, and hurriedly pushed aside the wrong branches and flew away, "Is it already dawn?!"

The sapphire hairpin that he had been holding tightly in his hand flickered for the last two times before suddenly dimming.

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