Against the World Evil Venerable

0029 Chapter World-Defying Secret Pill Soul Burning Fire

The split-faced man was very sensitive, like a gecko desperately climbing, Mie Canglan couldn't catch up with all his strength.

Mie Canglan touched the copper pillar of the refining furnace, only to feel a kind of hot and cold mixed air deeply in it, and secretly wondered what kind of thing was forged in the refining furnace.It stands to reason that the furnace is driven by fire, so there should only be hot air, but there is still a deep cold air entangled inside, which can still burn blazingly, and its energy is more vigorous.

Before he could think about it, Mie Canglan saw the face-cracked man plunge into the furnace, gritted his teeth, and tried his best to chase after him.His normally dull body is now very sensitive, he only feels the strength in his dantian is heavy, but his limbs are light.

"What are you doing? Come down!" Mie Canglan frowned and roared, finally caught up with the cracked man, raised his hand to grab his short body, and stabilized the whole body with only one hand, like a gecko teetering on the verge of falling.

"I want to go back, I want to go back!" While the cracked-faced man was speaking, the dry soil fell off his face, and the cracks all over his body cracked more vertically and horizontally, and the sound of dry cracking could even be heard.Mie Canglan naturally refused to give way, the two of them took one step forward to find the blazing furnace, there was already vigorous heat hitting Mie Canglan's face, and his eyes felt as if they were being burned by fire.

"Come down quickly!" Mie Canglan tried his best to stabilize his body, lest both of them fall into the furnace if he let go, while he firmly grasped the split-faced man who had suddenly gone mad.The heat wave surrounded the two of them, but when it touched the skin, it seemed to spread a wave of coldness. Mie Canglan felt dizzy, and the internal organs in his body seemed to be induced by some kind, and they started beating violently. For a moment, it seemed that two hearts were beating at the same time , Almost want to break through the body.

Mie Canglan felt that he was going to be unable to hold on anymore, so he simply swung his heart and wanted to throw the face-cracked man to the ground with a wave of his arm, which was better than falling headlong into the raging fire.He was about to use his strength, but he was dumbfounded suddenly, and saw that the face of the cracked man was glowing with flames, and the dried and cracked soil kept falling, and it happened to fall into the mouth of the furnace.It seems to be the raw material that drives it. As the dry soil powder continues to fall into the fire, Mie Canglan can only hear the sound of flame explosions becoming more and more obvious. Countless tongues of flame are rushing up desperately, and the flames are brighter, brighter and darker. The frequency also speeds up like the roar of a wild beast before attacking.

"This is..." Mie Canglan was sweating all over his face, and he forced himself to come back to his senses. At this moment, the face-cracked man in his hand jumped forward, unexpectedly leaning half of his body into the fire.There was a continuous crackling sound like a slight explosion immediately from the mouth of the furnace, instantly engulfing the split-face man half of his body, Mie Canglan couldn't hold his body while being horrified, and pulled the split-face man's precarious half body and fell backwards.

Mie Canglan just waited to fall hard on the ground, but he pulled his hand violently. Looking up, he saw that half of his body was shaking at the mouth of the furnace, and thick black and golden smoke came out from the part protruding into the fire, engulfing his whole body. hold on.

"Hey... Hey!" Mie Canglan's whole body was weak and hadn't recovered yet, but right now she couldn't care less, worrying about the cracked man, desperately using the strength of that half of her body to pull back her body, it turned out to be raw Hang the body up by the edge of the furnace mouth.

It was very strange, obviously, he could feel the vigorous heat, which could scorch human skin and flesh, but this heat directly touched Mie Canglan's body, but it didn't make him feel much pain, and even merged with the energy that was compatible with cold and heat in his body. strange.

So Mie Canglan poked his head out of the grill with his hand, and at a glance saw the seemingly bottomless flames, and the dark golden flames revealed a thick blood red, but the blood red was cold and translucent.The half of Mie Canglan's body was pressed under Mie Canglan's body, the fracture was already scorched, but a huge stickiness was produced, which could hold the boy's body in an instant.

"Hey...that strange man! Hey!" Mie Canglan couldn't see the Cracked Man, but he knew that his body would be broken in half, and thrown into the raging fire that could devour everything, he would surely be wiped out.There was a throbbing pain in his heart, Mie Canglan bit his lips tightly to suppress his heartbeat, but he couldn't suppress the more and more violent energy in his body, the inner yuan swept wildly along with the cold and hot air, even though it blocked Tian's attack on Mie Canglan's face. The raging fire, but it is even more like breaking this pair of skins.

"How could it be like this..." Mie Canglan didn't know well, he couldn't stay at the mouth of the furnace anymore, he didn't know how long his body, which could stop the raging fire, would last miraculously.He had no choice but to suppress his grief, and he wanted to let go and fall directly, but he felt that the hands that were stuck on the furnace mouth were suddenly slapped by an extremely rough object, which tightly pressed his body.

"Weird! It's you..." Mie Canglan was looking down, and quickly leaned into the furnace mouth happily, but all he saw was a huge cracked strange face, like a huge mask used by ancient witch festivals.That face was ferocious but lifeless, but it was the face of the man with the split face that was magnified several times, facing Mie Canglan face to face.

Mie Canglan lost his mind for a while, but saw that face split open quickly, the sound of flame explosions was endless, but there was a glorious thing rising from the cracked fragments, surrounded by thousands of tongues of fire, as if in the endless sky. The rising sun.

Mie Canglan's eyes were in severe pain from being shaken, and he wanted to cover his eyes in a daze, but found that his hands were tightly clasped. Instead, he helped him stabilize his body so that he wouldn't fall down in a daze.As if he was blind, Mie Canglan's eyes were full of dazzling brilliance, when his whole body was engulfed by a strange heat flow, he felt his throat open, and the bead of brilliance was poured into his throat.

A burning shock that seemed to be collapsing swayed in Mie Canglan's body, and there was a tearing pain in his throat, but the strange bead passed through Mie Canglan's layers of flesh and blood, and directly reached the deepest part of his soul. There was a bang in the deepest part of the body, followed by a violent burst of hot air, and all the blood in the body boiled.At the same time, the heavy texture of the bead quickly disintegrated and melted, and quickly flowed into every blood vessel in the body.

The boiling vibrations in the depths of the soul also brought about violent vibrations in the inner essence, coupled with the hot and cold qi constantly rushing against the body, the broken qi gradually gathered into a raging wave, reorganizing the pulses of the whole body.Mie Canglan lost his mind and lost his voice, but his body was held tightly by the rough thing that was constantly breaking down. In a trance, he could hear the low cry that was vague like a beast's roar from the depths of the fire, and it was a familiar feeling of weeping with joy.

Mie Canglan only felt that the two poles of the mingling air of cold and heat disintegrated, leaving the natural pure cold energy surging in his chest, while the extremely scorching hot air passed through the dantian and melted into the depths of the soul layer by layer, merging with the completely melted beads One body, and finally meet at the heaviest place in the body - the place where the inner yuan rotates, and truly form the two poles of cold and hot, but they blend with each other and gradually become a powerful inner force.

At the same time, Mie Canglan finally came back to his senses, staring dumbfounded at the shattered powder in front of him, the blazing tongue slammed into his face, and there was still a phantom of the man with a cracked face.

"You...what the hell are you..." Mie Canglan only knew that it was the face-cracked man who had inflated several times, and sent a strange orb into his body, causing boundless flames to ignite in the depths of his soul. It actually aroused another strange power in the body.The face-cracked man was completely burned out, and the force holding his hands suddenly loosened, Mie Canglan felt the world turned upside down, and he fell to the ground violently upside down.

The bones made a wrong sound, Mie Canglan could withstand the raging fire but still felt normal pain all over his body, he couldn't help but let out an ouch, he couldn't gather strength for a while while covering his waist.The huge furnace above the head cast a large shadow, covering Mie Canglan's figure inside it, but there was a sudden weakening sound inside, only the sound of flames and explosions rose and fell, each tide became weaker than the last, and the flames became brighter and darker. Like a candle in the wind, it is about to die.

Mie Canglan swallowed her throat again and again, and just now she followed the last few strands of sluggish breath. There was nothing unusual when she touched her body, but her dantian became stronger and stronger, and endless energy flowed through her whole body.Think about what Taoism says about cultivating true qi, is this kind of energy that cleanses the whole body and is everywhere?

"I..." Mie Canglan panted again and again, looked at the void and smiled, "I'm definitely no longer a waste body!"

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