"Nematode Gu poison... huh?!" Mie Canglan's eyes were wide open, his expression was chilling, and everything was delayed, and suddenly he jumped in the air, almost forming a phantom air vortex.Two pieces of cold and dazzling light instantly disappeared from his hands, and Mie Canglan raised his two huge sharp thorns high and rushed down in the air.

At the same time, the cold mountain night bell screamed, and the large black waves surged in. The huge crawling and biting sounds covered up all the sounds, and even overwhelmed the strong air current brought by Mie Canglan's rushing down. Voice.

"Sure enough...!" Mie Canglan rushed forward and saw the face of the Kuroshio clearly, countless linear black insects huddled together, almost piled up into a high ball, surging under him.There is an opening at the front of the worm, and there are densely packed sawtooths inside. Countless sawtooths bite together at the same time, and with this endless number and crazy momentum, it can swallow everything.

Mie Canglan paused above the swarm of worms, and suddenly turned upside down, sending off a strong momentum, and scattered the nematodes under him with his head.Unexpectedly, those worms surged up into the air like they had wings, Mie Canglan didn't have time to react, the sharp thorns in both hands were already covered with wriggling black.

Although the sharp thorns cut off a large number of black worms in an instant, and the fine powder fell like black rain, the number of nematodes was astonishing, and they had climbed up Mie Canglan's two arms in the blink of an eye.

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan turned around and shot straight into the sky like an arrow's edge, constantly shaking off the bugs on his body with a rapid speed.However, the cold mountain night bell had activated the Gu poison in his body to the maximum, and the energy he could mobilize was less than eleven, and he couldn't even activate the blood-purple mist.

The dense bites crawled all over the body, and seeing the large nematodes were about to climb up Mie Canglan's face, suddenly two cold lights flew across the air, cutting off most of the worms that kept climbing up Mie Canglan's body, A piece of crushed black powder in midair.

"Brother Canglan!" Qingluo's voice rushed to her ears in an instant. Mie Canglan saw her holding two chain scimitars, shining like two crescent moons. fell to the ground.

Sure enough, Qing Luo is Yun Qianmo's direct disciple, and this weapon is quite easy to use!Mie Canglan laughed secretly that she was not as good as a little girl, but she immediately stabilized her mind and borrowed the strength of the green radish to shake off the nematodes in one go, at the same time, she raised her sharp thorns high, and integrated the desperate energy into her hands Within, a mass of brilliance that combines the sharpness of the sword and the heaviness of evil burst out in an instant, splitting the swarm of insects on the ground and heading towards Hanshan Yezhong.

"Drink——" Hanshan Yezhong suddenly kicked his body on the ground, like an eagle pressing down on his body and spreading its wings, he jumped high and kicked several puppet puppets. It shattered, and a piece of black droplets danced in all directions.

The Hanshan Night Bell fell far away on the ground, leaning on the ground and roaring like a wild beast. The puppet in black broke another arm following the terrifying cry, and the nematodes gushing out of the body became more turbulent, piled up like a mountain and flew into the air Mie Canglan and the two of them.

"If you don't kill Hanshan Yezhong, the worms won't stop!" Mie Canglan raised his sword eyebrows, and at the very moment, he hugged Qingluo and flew high into the sky, temporarily leaving the position where the worms were rushing upwards, but he would be killed by the worms soon The crowd engulfed them, "A Luo, brother's life is in your hands! I'm going to rush over to kill that old monster, and you clear the way for me to clear the bugs!"

"En! I know!" Qing Luo's face glowed with a strange fighting spirit, as if her short-lived fear revealed her militant demeanor, and she nodded firmly.

Mie Canglan smiled slightly, and his smile was as bright as the scorching sun in an instant.Qinglian Sect's fighting spirit that night during the Blood Tribulation surged out again, the more dangerous the situation was, the hotter he was all over, and he had to vent it all.Mie Canglan turned around and rushed towards the ground like lightning, almost flying close to the swarms of insects that kept surging up, a faint blood mist lingering around his body all the time.

"Look at me—" There was a soft voice in mid-air, and Qing Luo flexibly swung the two chain scimitars in her hands, the chains whistled like wind, and countless sword auras came through the air amidst the silver light flashing, cutting off one after another Those bugs eager to surround Mie Canglan's body.A large piece of black powder burst open suddenly, and Mie Canglan flew through the critical gap, heading straight for Hanshan Yezhong.

Seeing the Hanshan Night Bell screaming high and high, all the puppets in black gathered together in one step, forming a thick black wall in front of Mie Canglan.Mie Canglan flew at an extremely fast speed, and he was already in front of the black wall as soon as it was formed. With a sudden wave of his hands, a cold light flashed, and the huge sharp thorns tore holes in the puppets in black, and the middle of the black wall was broken. Open a huge gap.

"Huh?!" Just as a layer of blackness broke through, more dense black light surged out from within, covering Mie Canglan's eyes head-on.These puppets also have endless nematodes inside!

Mie Canglan closed his eyes fiercely, and suddenly felt a tingling pain in his forehead and heart straight to the sky, it was the flame-like red spot that was agitating violently.Mie Canglan didn't even react, but suddenly his eyes became clear, a gust of hot and strong wind blew away all the bugs stuck to his face, and quickly spread to his whole body, blocking out all the bugs gushing out of the puppet's body .

Mie Canglan raised his eyebrows and sneered, with a death-like murderous aura, he rushed through a huge black mist, and went straight to the door of the Hanshan Yezhong in front of him.

The sharp thorn in his hand arrived before the others, and it had already hit the old monster in the face.Hanshan Yezhong suddenly screamed, rolled over and over again on the ground, howling while covering his face with thick black blood.As if awakened by the cry, those puppets who had fallen to the ground and were still intact stumbled up, trying to fight against Mie Canglan, who was on the verge of falling.

Mie Canglan didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, he rushed headlong into the dark attack, grabbed Han Shan Yezhong's neck fiercely and pushed him to the ground, while he jumped up in the air, and strangled Han Shan with all his strength. The throat of the night-bell.

A strong fishy smell sprayed out, and the thick black blood dyed the silvery sharp spines into a dirty black.Mie Canglan grabbed the cold mountain night bell with his right hand, and swung the icy light high with his left hand, knocking down those dangling puppets to the ground one after another.A group of puppets with mutilated bodies didn't need much energy at all. Kuang Mie Canglan's first strike was to make the Hanshan Night Bell unable to make a sound, so that he couldn't control those puppets to get in the way.

"Uh...huh..." Cracks gradually appeared on Hanshan Yezhong's neck, and the sharp thorn in Mie Canglan's hand also cut deeper and deeper, and his body gradually pressed down, facing Hanshan Yezhong's scorched skin face to face.

"You kill me now..." Hanshan Yezhong didn't expect that Mie Canglan, who had been suppressed, could have such power. His estimation of the ancient demon skills was still poor, so he stretched out his hands trembling Pressing down on the sharp stab in Mie Canglan's hand, "The Gu poison in your body...no one can cure it...it's impossible for you...to succeed in cultivation!"

"You are such a waste, and your Gu poison is so powerful that no one in the world can cure it!" Mie Canglan smiled coldly, and said with a scorched face close to Hanshan Yezhong, "Right now I just want to take your life !"

"I'll let you...let you leave Hanshan City..." Hanshan Yezhong had just swallowed the secret treasure, and his meridians all over his body were in disarray. The group of devourers survived!

"Thank you for your kindness." Mie Canglan's eyes were cold, and he smiled like an evil god, "If you don't let me go out of the city, I will go out too! So... die!"

Mie Canglan suddenly lowered his center of gravity, and put all his strength on the sharp thorn in his hand, only heard the blunt sound of flesh and blood being torn, and Hanshan Yezhong's neck softly folded down.

Hanshan Yezhong, who had just swallowed the elixir, had already partially assimilated into a puppet, his neck was still connected by flesh and blood, and he was still alive, still grabbing Mie Canglan's hand and struggling to die.Mie Canglan felt a chill in his heart, and was about to add the last force to cut off his head completely, but he felt two cold lights across his chest, and the severe pain instantly cut into his flesh.

"That secret treasure... needs to be taken out of a living body to be effective for me!" Hearing a cold voice from the top of his head, Mie Canglan quickly raised his sharp left hand and stabbed upwards, but Han Xuefei immediately turned around and rolled Mie Canglan With a flip on his back.

Mie Canglan turned all over his body, Han Xuefei's strength came from nowhere, it was more different than the battle outside Hanshan City, it probably took advantage of the lack of energy in Mie Canglan's body due to the outbreak of Gu poison, and unexpectedly dumped him out.

"This bastard..." Mie Canglan fell on his back and flew, but immediately hit the ground on both sides with both arms, flipped up in the air again, landed on the ground and flew back a few steps.The Gu worms in his body gnawed to the limit, suppressing most of his vitality, although it was gradually weakening with the exhaustion of Han Shan Ye Zhong's life, but for a while, it fell to Han Xuefei's downwind.

Seeing that Han Xuefei turned around quickly, grabbed the Hanshan Yezhong who was still breathing on the ground, aimed at his limp neck and bit it down fiercely like a greedy wolf!

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