Against the World Evil Venerable

0090 Chapter Sheng Ge Hidden Killing Intent Lay Clothes Ambush Song

At this moment, facing Lanyue's teasing, the dancing girl who swayed her waist like a snake screamed in surprise, and raised her hand to beat Lanyue severely.Lanyue was extremely fast, with his legs sweeping his upper body and bending, he immediately dodged the jade arm, even holding the wine glass in his hand, when the wind swept by his legs, he overturned a table, the exquisite wine vessel They fell to the ground one after another, and a piece of red soft cloud screamed coquettishly and avoided them one after another.

There was a sudden change, but the music did not stop at all, and Gong Yu was still ethereal and moving, which made the atmosphere even more strange and compelling.Gu Wangchuan suddenly stood up, and pointed at the crooked Lanyue who seemed drunk and said angrily, "What are you doing? Presumptuous! You said that you were invited as a guest, and you took me as a place where you can play wild Is it?"

"Don't worry." Lanyue's drunkenness is hard to distinguish between real and fake, and the strange coldness in her eyes is real and compelling. She staggered and turned around and said with a smile, "It was that beauty who wanted to play with me first."

"Hmm..." Gu Wangchuan raised his thick eyebrows, and saw the dancer who was serving the wine just now jumped up, her long bright red dress was thrown off by her, and she was only wearing a red tube top that surrounded the exquisite curves In the small skirt, a snake-shaped tattoo that covered the shoulders and back was dazzling.

As soon as the wind broke, the music continued, and the melodious and intoxicating shengge suddenly became the accompaniment of bloody rain and frightening wind.At the same time, Mie Canglan, who had completely retreated from the dancer beside him, also confronted the dancer serving the wine, and saw that the dancer held a bronze machete in her hand, which was so sharp that it could scratch people's eyes even with a gleam of light. Zheng Tao looked at Mie Canglan's hand holding Dao Feng in shock.There is also a tattoo on her shoulder and back, but it is a scorpion with its poisonous tail raised high.

Mie Canglan was still holding the wine glass in his right hand, drank the remaining wine in the glass, raised his hand and threw the glass away and said with a smile, "Although you shot quickly, I have already seen through it."

"Drink——" the dancing girl raised her brows high, let out a soft drink, flew up her legs, and threw away the bright red dress in an instant, only to see the soft clothes fluttering and falling in the air, and Mie Canglan was wearing the same red tube top The woman set off to fight, and an upside-down hand supported the table and flew out, grabbed the entire table with one hand and smashed the wine vessel to pieces, and shot at Gu Wangchuan and others on the high rank.

Gu Wangchuan had already issued a secret order to his guards who were vigilant in his heart, and all the masked warriors rushed up in an instant, some of them protected the idle floating cloud crane in the middle, and some followed Gu Wangchuan who flew up and rushed down , the clanging sound was mixed and mixed, and a dazzling snow light pierced the fragrant wind and red mist.

As soon as Mie Canglan landed on the ground, he was forced to face by two sharp lights. He folded his upper body high and stretched out his arms, holding one arm hard and the other soft, and pushed upwards violently, making a loud snap Short twisted tendons.

"Uh..." The dancing girl felt the pain first, and then she turned the scimitar in her hand and slashed at Mie Canglan's side.

"Where did all the tenderness go?" The dancer had already slashed down with a sharp knife, but when the knife was bright, she suddenly heard Mie Canglan's voice coming safely. He hit the body suddenly, and flew out high on his back.

Mie Canglan's hands were full of icy sharp thorns, which doubled in size after throwing off the dancing girl, making a clicking sound like two giant claws full of thorns.Gu Wangchuan, who had just been blocked, took a step back, and a long sword as soft as a snake in his hand made a trembling sound of incomparable tenacity across his side, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

Mie Canglan smiled slightly under the moon-white scarf, and seemed to be sighing, but forced her face forward without answering, the flame-shaped cinnabar on her forehead turned into a streak of flying blood.

"Humph—" Suddenly there was a scream in the red cloud over there, and Lanyue also knocked the dancing girl away with one move. When he stopped, he twisted his body with the strength of a flying stroke and slammed the scimitar towards Mie Canglan.

"Drink—" Mie Canglan was about to rush in front of Gu Wangchuan, but when he heard a biting cold wind blowing from behind his head, he jumped up without looking back, and let the sound of the wind blowing from the scimitar swivel, revealing that he was straight. Gu Wangchuan with a tasseled blade.

Gu Wangchuan's thick eyebrows sank, his face turned chilly, the soft snake-like sword swiftly danced and made a snake-like hissing sound, a thick white air whirl flew out, smashing the blade head-on.

In the tower of the big fragrant wind and singing, there was a battle in an instant. Mie Canglan and Gu Wangchuan were fighting together. Wang Chuanyou's snake-like swordsmanship was temporarily forced to a disadvantage.

"You..." Gu Wangchuan's long sword was light and nimble, he jumped on the ground suddenly, turned around and caught the sharp thorn that almost cut through Mie Canglan's face with a clang, staring straight at Mie Canglan and said coldly, "It really is that person!"

"You've been doubting, but now you can be sure!" Mie Canglan knew that Gu Wangchuan had doubts in his heart when he saw him, and with a slight smile, he flicked off the cracked scarf on his face, Showing an ordinary but imposing face.

"Mie Canglan..." It seems that Gu Wangchuan has memorized Mie Canglan's name and face clearly, and the lightning in his eyes is not only joy but also sinister, "Since you have appeared, you should just die Here it is!"

"Come and try!" Mie Canglan sneered, kicked the empty guest table with a kick, and when it flew in front of Gu Wangchuan, he was smashed to pieces with his sword.

"Yeah, how could you snatch my prey!" Mie Canglan was about to unleash his vigor when the bloody purple flying shadow had already surrounded his body, but he saw a black and white light slanting down, lying across him and Gu Wang. Chuanzhong laughed sharply.

Gu Wangchuan fixed his eyes on Lanyue holding black and white swords, raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Which sect do you belong to?"

"Want to know so much?" Lanyue pretended to be surprised, and suddenly raised the black sword in his hand and swept it hard on the ground. A sound of thunder rolled up and swayed through the tower. His voice was as strange and proud as a bat on a moonlit night, " Wind-ya-door-!"

Gu Wangchuan's eyebrows and eyes changed in surprise, and suddenly turned into a cloud of anger like thunder falling from the sky, and the snake-like sword clanging and flying turned into a cloud of sword rain, breaking through the thundering sword energy suddenly.

"Thank you for daring to report your own family..." Gu Wangchuan stood still with his sword in his hand, waved his sleeves and waved back, "Chongyun Fufeng, you two deal with that public enemy of martial arts for me, I want to kill this scum of Fengya sect with my own hands. Take the head off!"

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