Against the World Evil Venerable

Chapter 0189 The Demon Thorn Dances Withered Branch Demon Knife Is Born Again

Lie Qingyang opened his mouth slightly, looked back and forth between the huge bronze plate and Mie Canglan with some surprise, "Are you serious?"

Mie Canglan nodded slowly, a pair of fiery red phoenix eyes shone coldly like the gaze of a god of death, "Pay attention to the movement of those people, they dare not face your 'Qianli Shuanghua' directly, leave this to me! "

"Okay! It's a joy to cooperate with brothers!" Lie Qingyang has always liked the division of labor with Mie Canglan, and the two-sided fight was very enjoyable. He suddenly approached Mie Canglan and left a laughing whisper, "I like you very much Say this 'Qianli Shuanghua' is mine!"

After all, Lie Qingyang spun around for a few weeks to let go of his true energy, layers of intense light swirled and flew away the transparent airflow, and the scorching hot wind stirred his long hair and the front of his clothes.Mie Canglan suddenly heard his words just now, couldn't help but smile heavily, stared at the hand of the Mengmai Dao left at the opening of the sword casting platform and said with a dark smile, "This kid is really a sword idiot..."

I saw a double confrontation in the sword-making platform of the underworld. Mie Canglan, who was evil and domineering in the blood-patterned black robe, stepped on the magic light. His back was full of unruly spirit, and he stared coldly at the hands of the Nightmare Taoists surrounding the huge bronze plate, standing proudly.

Lie Qingyang, on the other hand, was full of arrogance like a young god of war coming from the fire, and the "Thousand Miles of Frost" in his hand was shining brightly, as if rolling a thousand layers of lava, forcing people to lose their sight, coldly confronting a group of people in the underworld who dare not act rashly He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"We must not let you destroy the day of human sacrifice..." Mie Canglan raised his jaw slightly, only to hear a cold and low laugh from the encirclement on the opposite side, like owls waiting for their prey in the dark night.Jiang Chuqing, who was floating on the huge bronze plate, had no consciousness, and was quieter than the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's really rude to interrupt such an important moment for you." Mie Canglan sneered, twisted a strand of blood-red long hair and tilted his head, "Then what do you want, why don't you make a move?"

The people in Nightmare Road surrounding the huge bronze plate looked at each other, suddenly stepping together and shifting their steps, exchanging positions several times in the blink of an eye, instantly changing into a strange formation, the four of them lifted the huge bronze plate and flew high After rushing out, half of his body turned into black smoke, only his arms, shoulders and head appeared in front of Mie Canglan's eyes.

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan's brows froze suddenly, and he felt that the formation was extremely strange. The Mengmai Dao, who suddenly split into two parts, did not know what kind of attack they had, but it was definitely aimed at disrupting his consciousness and making him hesitate what to do. Concentrate on which part to deal with.

Mie Canglan's heart twitched, and his right hand suddenly turned into a palm, and he flipped it several times in the blink of an eye. The sound of vigor was like thunder and lightning exploding in the sky.The pale five fingers suddenly stretched out, which completely exceeded the normal length of the fingers. It turned out that a large strand of silver thread quickly emerged from the tip of the finger, and suddenly scattered countless small silver-white snakes.

Mie Canglan slammed under his feet, and the bloody light swirled around the flames and flew into the sky, heading straight for the huge bronze plate.The several Nightmare Taoists who stayed on the ground looked at each other and sneered, as if Mie Canglan had fallen into a trap, and immediately stretched out their arms to form a circular arc, and a cloud of black mist burst out from the center of the circle, flying past Mie Canglan Straight towards Lie Qingyang.

At this moment, Lie Qingyang's true energy was surging, it was all the strange energy supplied to him by the "Thousand Miles of Shuanghua", but suddenly his meridians swelled, and he felt dizzy in his head.Suddenly, he felt a wave of turmoil in his consciousness, as if there was a repelling force coming around his head. Lie Qingyang was startled and gritted his teeth to look, only to see a cloud of black mist rushing towards his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the black mist was approaching, and all the Nightmare Taoists shouted the formula in unison, and the black mist immediately gave out a hissing and corrosive air, which immediately aggravated the bloody storm in the sword-forging platform.

Lie Qingyang turned his sword sharply, just when he was anxiously thinking about how to use a sword to deal with the attacks from both sides, he saw the gangsters of the Nightmare Dao screaming in pain one after another, and retreated as quickly as if they were touched by fire , Everyone didn't care about maintaining the black mist in their hands, and slammed their bodies like crazy, as if being crazily eaten by tiny insects.

"Qingyang, don't be distracted!" Lie Qingyang didn't know what was going on, and suddenly heard Mie Canglan's cold shout in mid-air, he quickly withdrew his mind and let out a sigh of relief, the people in the underworld, including Xue Duxiu, were about to leave , was suddenly stared at by Lie Qingyang again, and immediately froze his figure and did not dare to move.

Mie Canglan divided countless silver threads into his hands, and flew into the air like thousands of life-threatening snakes dancing, with the blood on his feet spitting out flames.On his right side were the four men of the Nightmare Way who were holding the huge bronze plate. Hearing the sound of several sharp whips slapping the flesh, the four suddenly retracted their arms, screaming in pain and being squeezed tightly. body.

And the silver thread in Mie Canglan's left hand had already penetrated into the bodies of the Nightmare Dao people on the other side, scrambling to penetrate their flesh and blood, like countless poisonous snakes desperately burrowing into the damp burrow.Shouts suddenly erupted on both sides, and at the same time, a fierce sword wind swept in, making waves of howling wind, and it was Lie Qingyang who launched the "Thousand Miles of Shuanghua" offensive.

However, the two teenagers held back the underworld power of the crowd. For a moment, evil spirits flowed across the sword-forging platform and the sword light swept across. The men from Mengmai Dao and that Xue Duxiu had to block repeatedly, but they couldn't find a chance to counterattack. .Hearing several overlapping screams suddenly, I saw the group of Nightmare Daoists who wanted to rush towards Lie Qingyang with the black mist in their hands, rushing into the sky with blood, and the exploded pieces of meat were flying in all directions.

It turned out that Mie Canglan's silver thread had already pierced through their bodies, and several accomplices around them were sprayed with blood and flesh all over their faces before they could dodge. Rotten meridians.

"Drink——" Mie Canglan pulled his hands violently, forming an inverted cross shape with a slight cross, violently pulling the two people from the underworld to one place, while he rushed straight up with his bloody light on his feet, getting out of the way of the collision between the two sides. At the moment of the intersection, there was only screaming, and the hands of the Nightmare Taoist next to his hands were pulled and bumped together by him, and the sound of skulls colliding and bones shattering could be heard right next to his ears.

Mie Canglan didn't look at it, and flew towards the huge bronze plate that crashed to the ground.I saw Jiang Chuqing's body held up high, arched up by the strong wind like a jade tree being broken, and it was about to hit the broken ground together with the huge plate.

Mie Canglan rushed towards him with electricity, whizzing through the gap between the huge bronze plate and the ground, the silver thread in his hand was flying wildly and surging forward, pushing the huge plate up.As soon as he made way for a small space, Mie Canglan immediately rushed back, kicked off the huge plate with flying legs and picked up Jiang Chuqing.

Jiang Chuqing's soft and fragrant body fell limply in Mie Canglan's arms, like a piece of soft bright jade, but extremely cold and weak.Mie Canglan protected the girl's body with one arm, and flung out the silver thread in his hand. A transparent storm erupted and hit the huge bronze plate. The sound of the wind reversed in mid-air, and a huge shadow rushed towards the person in the underworld over there.

"Qingyang!" Mie Canglan's voice was faster than the wind blowing away from the huge disk flying upside down. Lie Qingyang heard a roar in his ears. He could see the situation with a slight glance, and he held "Qianli Shuanghua" with his backhand and carried it to his side , flying high like lightning.

In an instant, the huge bronze plate whizzed close to Lie Qingyang's feet, and immediately smashed away a cloud of flying blood.With screams like thunder and blood flying like rain, most of the people in the underworld were smashed head-on, some had their upper bodies cut off, and some had their skulls instantly punctured. Sprinkle blood and leap into the sky.

"Ah..." Xue Duxiu came out alone, but she was covered in blood and screamed, clutching and shaking her head, which was broken into pieces of flesh and blood, "These two bastards..."

"Bah!" Lie Qingyang spat out the blood-green demonic blood sprayed on his lips, wiped the corners of his lips and rushed to Mie Canglan's side in a few steps, and hurriedly pressed his arm to look at Jiang Chuqing, "Canglan, is she okay? "

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his body lightly so as not to turn his back on the gate of the Sword-Forging Stage, where the dark tide was raging, "The breath is very weak, but he is still alive."

"Huh..." Lie Qingyang heaved a sigh of relief, and sprayed all his hot breath on Mie Canglan's arm, "It's okay, otherwise, how can I explain to Senior Jiang!"

Mie Canglan smiled slightly, and slapped the back of his hand hard on Lie Qingyang, "Don't pant so hard at me! Don't relax, there are still people..."

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