Against the World Evil Venerable

Chapter 0222 is full of dead energy and ruthless art in the underworld

Mie Canglan turned around, and saw the night outside the hall fluctuating, and a cloud of mist leaked out from each ripple, which immediately swirled into a slowly rotating gray-white void.There was a faint sound of lightning explosions in the cavity, and then figures continued to walk out of it.

The low sound of wind mixed with lightning drifted away, Mie Canglan frowned and faced the void, only to see groups of warriors stepping out and standing neatly, among them were members of the Tiandao Sword Alliance, with sharp swords on their bodies Burning light.

Suddenly seeing a flash of green shadow, Mie Canglan lowered his brows suddenly, his face turned cold into a touching tenderness, he went up a few steps to catch the little body that was almost rushing forward, and hugged him up.

"Brother!" I saw Qingluo tightly hugging Mie Canglan's neck, her whole face buried in his side neck, rubbing against him like a kitten begging for food, "Brother, you are finally back... Kill me!"

Mie Canglan only felt a little warmth flowing from the side of her neck, and quickly stroked Qingluo's back and said, "Ah Luo, what's wrong with you?"

Qingluo raised her face, her red eyes were still glistening with tears, she rubbed her eyes shyly and laughed, "I'm so stupid, why are you crying..."

"Of course it's because you thought badly about your brother." Mie Canglan hugged Qing Luo who was curled up in her arms like a kitten, but she turned her eyes and received a light slap from Lie Qingyang. Come punch.

Lie Qingyang's smile was still as bright as a spring sun, with one hand on his hips and the other hand gently stroking Qingluo's little head, and Mie Canglan and the two just sandwiched the little girl in the middle, "Look, I burst into tears of joy."

"Qingyang idiot!" Qingluo became more and more embarrassed by the words, and glared at Lie Qingyang like a small animal.Lie Qingyang made a grimace in return, quickly walked around and put his arms around Mie Canglan's shoulders, and asked him in a low voice how he was practicing.

"Everything is going well, don't worry." Mie Canglan nodded with a smile, staring at the last person who came out of the hollow. popularity.Seeing that the people of Tianxuanzong were too cold and clean, while the warriors of Tiandao Sword League were serious and upright, the atmosphere suddenly became more dignified.

"Qingyang," Mie Canglan met Jiang Chouyu who was standing in front of him, leaned back slightly and leaned into Lie Qingyang's ear, "Has anything happened recently?"

"It's nothing other than receiving the news that the underworld is moving again." Lie Qingyang shrugged his shoulders, and felt chills after looking around, "But I heard..."

Lie Qingyang's final sound was cut off almost accurately, and Jiang Chouyu said in a deep voice, "Congratulations on your cultivation, Mr. Mie."

"It's early." Mie Canglan glanced at Lie Qingyang, who was choked back, and turned to Jiang Chouyu with a slight smile, "It's just that I have reached the first level of martial arts, and it's too early to say that my martial arts have been completed." .”

"Ha, Mr. Mie is really unforgiving, it's nothing more than my poor choice of words." Jiang Chouyu seemed to have something on his mind, the thick frost on his face was still lingering, he raised his hand and waved his long sleeves lightly, the whirling hollow behind him immediately shrank and disappeared, submerged In the vast night outside the hall.

Mie Canglan turned to the neatly arranged figures on the other side, and saw that all of them were women with masked faces and tied hair. They were full and exquisite, and a row of seven-color robes was like a rainbow, but they exuded an indifferent air that refused to approach people.

Beside him was an independent man, standing aside like a lone star in a long night, not standing side by side with anyone, facing Mie Canglan with folded arms, with a sharp hook stuck obliquely in the crook of his arm.

"Looks like there's a new face." Mie Canglan turned around and walked towards Destiny Merry, pointed behind her back and said, "Master Destiny, let me introduce you."

"These are the people sent by 'Misty Rain on the Tower'." Destiny Fengliu stretched out his hand indifferently, pointed at the woman lined up like a rainbow, and then turned to the independent man and said, "This is the representative of the Hanshan League."

"Hanshanmeng?" Mie Canglan lightly stroked his chin, bit his lower lip back and looked at the motionless man. The man's eyes seemed frozen and lifeless, like a portrait holding a strange weapon.

"That's right." Destiny Fengliu nodded and chuckled, his smile was still elegant, but it was like lines drawn casually on a fake face, "The secret technique uniquely cultivated by the Hanshan League will be the key to this fight against the underworld, so..."

"Just sent a person here, is it because the Hanshan League is too shabby or didn't pay attention to it?" Mie Canglan interrupted leisurely with a sneer, turned to the immovable man and raised his sword eyebrows, "Don't blame me for being ruthless. Besides, I still have old debts to settle with Han Shanmeng."

"Hmm..." Destiny Fengliu walked to Mie Canglan's side, staring at the man with two eyes at the same time, but he couldn't shake him a bit, "What old debts do you have with Master Mie and Hanshan League?"

"I don't dare to say any more, I'm afraid I will be accused of nonsense and slander again." Mie Canglan shook her finger, put down Qingluo and hugged her by her side, "If you want to discuss the matter of fighting against the underworld, now Is everyone here?"

Destiny Fengliu patted Mie Canglan's arm calmly, blew out a breath of cold air and said, "Master Mie, it's up to me whether to start or not."

"Naturally." Mie Canglan didn't care about being choked by Destiny Merry, and calmly made a gesture of please and stepped back a few steps.On the contrary, Lie Qingyang crossed his arms and snorted unhappily, and everyone looked at it but stopped looking at Destiny and Merry.

Seeing Lie Qingyang's actions like an angry child made people laugh, Mie Canglan couldn't help pulling him past him and whispering, "What are you doing?"

"Tsk, he choked you for a while, and you can still laugh?" Lie Qingyang was really annoyed at Mi Canglan's calmness at times. This kid almost seemed to have no heart, but he, an outsider, often jumped for him.

"He's right. The host of the Shenzhou Alliance is him and not me. Why should I be angry?" Mie Canglan also felt strange, snorted and lightly bumped Lie Qingyang's shoulder, "Young man Lie, what are you doing?" The temper is too strong, put it away a little bit."

"I..." Lie Qingyang wanted to slap Mie Canglan aside, when he suddenly saw Tianming Fengliu standing in the center of the hall, looked around at the crowd and spoke slowly.

"Everyone is aware of the intensified offensive in the underworld. It would be too cumbersome and time-consuming to gather the majority of sects here to discuss. Therefore, under the pressure of my family's words, I only discuss with you how to deal with the invasion of the Nightmare Road in the underworld... ..." Fengliu Tianming waved his hand, and a snow-white brilliance swirled behind him, forming a huge platform in an instant.

The crowd formed a circle, and Mie Canglan, Tianming Fengliu, and Jiang Chouyu faced each other, and the others stood in a blank space, with their eyes all focused on the battle model.

"Nightmare Dao of the Underworld has few clues to find, it seems to be an underworld force that has only risen recently." Destiny Fengliu pointed to the battle situation model under him, "They are currently only looking for weak martial arts in the Eastern and Western Martial Arts Forests, which is quite a bit of practice. It is also provoking us. Judging from the phantom of death brought back by the golden bird, the ultimate move used by Nightmare Road is very cruel..."

After all, Tianming Fengliu lightly raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a golden bird suddenly flew over from outside the hall, shaking its thin feathers above everyone's heads, and immediately melted into a ball of light and shadow.

Mie Canglan narrowed his eyes and looked at the image that was divided into light and shadow, and could almost feel the real heat of the blood that was splattered out. He saw a large number of people from the sect of the human world being swallowed into the large gray shadow. It turned into blood-stained white bones, which were spat out like waste.

This was the case for several consecutive scenes, until the light and shadow turned in reverse and formed the agile figure of the golden bird again.Tianmingfengliu waved lightly, and the golden bird flew out with a soft chirp.

Everyone's faces were as serious as frost, but Lie Qingyang's face was filled with fierce anger.On the contrary, Mie Canglan was the most calm, and both Tianmingfengliu and Jiang Chouyu were slightly short of breath.

"This kind of killer move..." Jiang Chouyu said hoarsely, "It's so fast and overwhelming, it's hard to find a way to break it."

"At first I thought of using Lord Jiang's Heavenly Dao Aegis to block those weird gray fogs before attacking, but..." Tianming Fengliu touched his chin, tilted his head to look at Jiang Chouyu and said, "Master Jiang, for the attack of the shape of fog, Is the defense of Heavenly Aegis really weak?"

"Yeah." Jiang Chouyu nodded, sighing for a long time and seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, "Heavenly Aegis can only resist fierce martial arts and magical attacks, just like the big move of the demon army back then... but such a weird The mist drifts away and drills everywhere, I'm afraid..."

"So that's how it is." Tianmingfengliu's gaze flashed, and he turned his head to look at Mie Canglan, who was looking at the abyss in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Young Master Mie, do you have anything to say?"

Mie Canglan glanced back and forth between Tianmingfengliu and Jiangchouyu, smiled and shook his head and said, "It's a pity that such a powerful weapon as the Aegis of Heaven is useless."

"Hey, do we really want to wait until we have a good discussion before making a move?" Lie Qingyang couldn't help it when everyone fell into silence for a moment, and he slapped the table heavily with both hands and shouted, "Just let those bastards in the underworld be so rampant ? If you don't make another move..."

"Young man Lie, be safe and don't be impatient." Jiang Chouyu stretched out his hand to pat Lie Qingyang's slightly trembling shoulder, pointing back at the dead man who kept silent, "This is why we rely on the Hanshan League. "

"Oh?" Before Lie Qingyang could react, Mie Canglan had already turned around to face the man, his half-smile face was like a death sentence that made people dare not look directly at him, "But this knight has never said anything. In a word, how can people solve the confusion in their hearts?"

The man who was stared at by Mie Canglan finally left, turned to the young man with a lifeless face, suddenly smiled strangely and said in a hoarse voice, "If you want my help from Han Shanmeng, you must first ask Mr. Mie to return the things."

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