Against the World Evil Venerable

0249 Chapter Fog and Shadow

The reason why "In the mist and rain on the building" is called the most mysterious and inaccessible place in the Divine State of the Human World is because the road leading to this place is full of twists and turns, the fog is thick all year round, and there are many divergent paths. .

This is a land that can be further and further away if you make a mistake, but the beauty here will make everyone lucky enough to arrive worth it.Anyone who sees the scenery "in the mist and rain on the building" will have the illusion that the countless detours he walked are trials, and finally reach the fairyland.

"In the misty rain on the building" is different from Tianxuanzong. Tianxuanzong is a majestic and majestic summit of colorful clouds, while "in the mist and rain on the building" is the place where the clouds are hazy and dreamlike.The wind is always full of moist and warm water vapor, and the hazy fog and shadow are entangled in the clouds and clouds all over the sky. The buildings are all in the style of small buildings in the south of the Yangtze River. But there are many wonderful sounds of birdsong.

The sound of rippling water came to Mie Canglan's ears, and he stared at the unfinished small building in front of him. There were clear water waves on every eaves tile, as if the whole building was slightly floating on the water.

The sound of the water was clear and ethereal, and one could almost imagine a beautiful woman with bare feet like ice and snow, slowly kicking the water.Mie Canglan couldn't help but smiled slightly and turned to Lie Qingyang, "There are so many beauties in the human world."

"Although this place is very beautiful..." Lie Qingyang couldn't help admiring softly, quickly shook his head and raised his fingers and said, "Is the point wrong? We came here to find the faceless owner of 'The Misty Rain on the Tower'. "

Mie Canglan flicked up his clothes and walked towards the door first, "Of course I know."

The entrance of the whole building is a high door surrounded by fragrant grasses, and the mist like after a new rain on the empty mountain emerges from the inside, and a cool and cool moisture spreads in all directions, making the whole building "in the mist and rain on the building" even more floating. Smoky like the surface of the water.

Lie Qingyang also followed, and the two young men were both tall and handsome, and they entered the high gate like two magic lights, one bright and one dark.

It was only one step away from stepping into the door, but Mie Canglan stopped abruptly and pressed Lie Qingyang's chest back.

I only felt a ball of true energy in my brother's hand, and Lie Qingyang couldn't help being surprised and looked around, "What's wrong?"

There was no abnormality in the surroundings, and even the frequency of birdsong did not fluctuate at all, but the two had already walked to the building, and the place where they stood was surrounded by smoke.

Mie Canglan tilted her head, her bloody pupils flickered slightly as if they were empty, and without looking at Lie Qingyang, she raised her hand to her lower lip.Knowing Mie Canglan's temper, Lie Qingyang always raised his guard inexplicably, but it was often very reasonable, so he just touched his lips and nodded slightly, although he didn't understand what happened in his heart.

Mie Canglan frowned, the evil spirit on her body had subsided a lot, but there was still a chill like flying snow fragments shooting out of her eyes.There is a strange fluctuation in the misty smoke, it is the kind of extremely warm water vapor, as if there is a puddle of clean warm water not far away, slightly fluctuating with clear sparkling light.

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan carefully sensed this breath. It's not just water vapor, it contains traces of plump and ethereal energy essence, which is obviously abundant but extremely light, like a tiny Like an elf's phantom, he kept teasing Mie Canglan's senses with a bit of naughtiness.

However, under this kind of misty provocation, Mie Canglan actually felt a little bit of comfort, the kind of leisurely feeling like relaxing the whole body and letting go of fatigue.He couldn't help squinting his eyes and letting out a long breath, a moist fresh air immediately reverberated in his chest, he raised his hand and pulled Lie Qingyang and said, "How do you feel?"

"Me?" Lie Qingyang looked back at his whole body, scratched his head and couldn't help taking a breath, "I feel very comfortable... It's like, how should I say..."

While exercising his muscles and bones, he was thinking of words, but Mie Canglan didn't care about it, he shook his fingers and said with a smile, "This kind of comfortable feeling is not fascination, it's not some magic's really pleasant comfortable."

"Oh..." Lie Qingyang nodded in confusion, looked up at the fairyland and said, "I really like this place... let's go in."

Lie Qingyang suddenly withdrew his eyes, patted Mie Canglan on the shoulder, and stepped forward regardless of how many steps he took, stepping into the high gate.

The moment Lie Qingyang entered the high gate, the fragrant grass around the gate suddenly swayed, like thousands of tiny fluff falling down at the same time, creating a patchwork of soft dents.

Mie Canglan lowered his eyebrows suddenly, and the rustling friction that seemed to be a small sucking sound was continuous, which instantly stirred up the entire mist in the "Misty Rain on the Tower", and saw these clouds of mist that seemed to be warm water vapor and thin smoke on the river It spun around, forming a cloud shape and tearing it into thousands of pieces. The two sides separated and rushed towards the two teenagers respectively.

Mie Canglan immediately pinched his fingers to activate the blood mist body protection, but the incomparably light demon kung fu body felt a little hindered at this moment, the smoke seemed to instill dull energy into his chest cavity invisible, every breath All of a sudden, I felt my heart beating heavily.

But Lie Qingyang was blocked out in the blink of an eye, but the free and soft smoke contained uncapturable power, like an invisible giant palm, pushed Lie Qingyang's forehead back and pushed the door.

Lie Qingyang obviously felt that his forehead was pushed, and he staggered back and forth as if being thrown out by someone. A blood shadow suddenly flashed behind him, and it was Mie Canglan's teleporting figure that pulled him over to stabilize him.

Mie Canglan raised his true qi, and a hot and cold qi quickly rushed into the meridians, and even more extreme cold qi poured into his chest and entangled in the smog energy, gradually expelling the heavy force that hindered the heartbeat.

But the process was still difficult, and Mie Canglan gasped heavily and puffed her chest before letting out a breath, "It's so boring..."

"Hey, what's the matter..." Lie Qingyang shook his head vigorously twice, pressed his forehead hard, and then suddenly came back to his senses. He raised his head and stared at the quiet small building in displeasure. Pushed out?"

"You just went in like that, presumably the master is unhappy." Mie Canglan regained his composure at a speed unbeatable by anyone, and in a blink of an eye he calmed down and smiled slightly.Lie Qingyang glared at him, gritted his teeth and wanted to move again.

"I still don't believe it!" Lie Qingyang straightened his back, "Qianli Shuanghua" suddenly let out a low cry, and the silver-white Frost Sword Qi faintly diffused out, but was completely buried by the pure smoke.

Mie Canglan stood on the spot, with his hands behind his back, feeling every bit of energy in the large cloud of smoke with all his attention, and felt countless gossamer flying by in all directions, like a very fast hide-and-seek.

Hearing a few quick footsteps back, Lie Qingyang was pushed out again by an invisible energy, and now he was really annoyed, he pulled out the "Qianli Shuanghua" sword energy and swept across, only by taking out the scabbard for a moment The Qi Jin also swayed a translucent air flow.

The mist around him suddenly dissipated, leaving fragments of shadows surrounding the soles of his feet. The bright-eyed and handsome young man shouted angrily, "I don't care what strange methods you use, you are just like this. Did you throw it out?!"

Lie Qingyang couldn't bear to treat Lie Qingyang like this like a mockery. He turned the blade upside down and held it in his hand, and threw away the rapidly spinning halo of sword energy with his arms.

The "Thousand Miles of Shuanghua" spinning in mid-air is like a rapidly rotating meteor, constantly stirring the thick smoke in reverse, but it can't completely disperse it, and the surrounding area is still filled with ubiquitous fog.

Under the vibration of humming swordsmanship, the Qingyue birdsong here was not broken at all, and even the intoxicating sense of comfort in the smoke was not replaced by murderous aura.

It's like the owner of "In the Misty Rain on the Tower" who controls these clouds and mist, is smiling and playing with two teenagers in the deep tower.

Sensing such faint intentions, Mie Canglan couldn't help but twitched the corner of his lips coldly, "The master here is very interested, and the human world can be so leisurely in such a situation... I'm not so big-hearted!"

Mie Canglan's feet spun violently, and a cloud of blood mist swept away and lifted him into the air. The blood color was very dazzling, and the dark black air current like wolf smoke continued to spread, forcing the warm mist around his body to retreat.

An unconcealable bullying and evil spirit burst out, Mie Canglan's eyes flashed with blood, and several black and golden light streaks extended from the Dharma eyes, agitating slightly to inspect the inside of the smoke.

Sure enough, this piece of smoke is not a spell, so there is no indication of the inner direction of the spell, only a piece of transparent pure white secretly surging.However, the vigor in the depths of the smoke is real, and it has easily overthrown the mighty Lie Qingyang twice.

Mie Canglan was flying in mid-air, and could only feel thousands of small qi constantly drifting away, so he raised his chin and narrowed his eyes and smiled, "It's very similar to the method of destiny and romance, hiding the tricks in the smoke, making people feel like they are in the air. Can't see inside. But..."

He suddenly raised his long-prepared right finger, and the gorgeous spell pattern on his arm suddenly spread several black and golden demon lights, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the fingertip and pulled the thin whip, "What if I force you to show up?! "

The large swath of smoke was suddenly pushed back by the black-gold demon light, and the sharp light and shadow whip swished across the air, flapping like a snake spitting out venom.Mie Canglan flexibly controlled the demonic light in his hand, stepping forward and slanting down, "Qingyang, come here!"

Lie Qingyang was controlling a cloud of frosty sword qi, but the mist was an extremely soft misty thing, and it was entangled with the sword qi for a moment, and he gritted his teeth and flew away when he heard Mie Canglan's call.

"It doesn't make sense. My sword energy is extremely fierce. How could it not break through even a layer of clouds?" Lie Qingyang stomped his feet as soon as he fell down. The strong majestic spirit actually shook the magic circle under Mie Canglan's feet.

"Wangyun Mountain..." Mie Canglan suddenly recalled the scene when he visited Baiyun Tower. Although the formation under Wangyun Mountain was also set up in the form of clouds and mist, the smoke in front of him did not have any magic patterns, it was the simplest and most The most secret martial arts energy is hidden in the period, and one can even imagine the master flicking his energy leisurely and entangled with them by this.

"By the way!" Lie Qingyang only heard the three words "Wangyun Mountain" that Mie Canglan said, his eyes were bright and he punched his fists, "It's like breaking through the psychedelic formation of Wangyun Mountain... "

"This is not a technique at all." Mie Canglan interrupted coldly, the magic eye controlled by his evil spirit body can distinguish the technique from martial arts, and both the lines of the technique and the energy of martial arts can be sensed.What is contained in the layers of smoke right now is indeed the power of pure martial arts, which is completely different from the treacherousness of the technique, but the peak of ethereal intangibility.

"You can't use the same method..." Lie Qingyang was thrown out by the invisible force twice in a row, he had long held his breath in his heart, and couldn't help but bumped Mie Canglan's shoulder and urged him softly.

"I can't catch the real energy, and I don't even know where to hit with the power of spells!" Mie Canglan has his own set of tactics. Blindly hitting is the most unacceptable, and it should be to attack all offensive methods. That is the most appropriate tactic.No matter how bad it is, it must be like dealing with the Nightmare Dao Formation in the underworld, with a clear target to use force.

"Okay!" Lie Qingyang slashed "Thousand Miles of Shuanghua" behind him fiercely, and said with an angry neck, "Then let's spend our time here!"

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