Against the World Evil Venerable

0281 Chapter 9 Heavenly Milky Way Falling Buddha and Taoism with Evil Mind

"Exchange?" Ye Banruo raised his eyes slightly, and the splashing rain dripped continuously along the edge of his rain hat, blurring the light in his bright eyes, "...Let's hear it."

"Senior brother!" Xuanji, who was controlling in Mie Canglan's hand, just called out, but was pushed back by Mie Canglan's fingernails.

"Don't talk too much!" Ye Banruo gritted his teeth heavily, stretched out his hand to designate Mie Canglan, and said coldly, "What kind of exchange, you can say it."

"I've heard what you just said. Didn't I trespass on your fairyland?" Mie Canglan sneered, with a hoarse and leisurely voice, like someone whose throat has been damaged by smoking tobacco. Spit out charming words, "If I leave right now, will it be considered a relationship?"

"Hmm..." Ye Banruo raised his eyebrows, looked at the tense people around him, turned around and snorted, "Master ordered us to find you and let him control you, it's just because you are afraid that you will threaten the fairy world .If you leave here as soon as possible, you will naturally owe nothing. Even if you fight again in the future, there is no need to worry about it right now..."

"Okay, you're a sensible person." Mie Canglan raised his broken face, and everyone around Ye Banruo backed up slightly with a sigh, "It's best not to fight, you can show me the way to leave the fairy world." Tongdao, I will not touch a single hair of this little monk."

"The evil devil's words... are not credible!" Xuanji spat hard, raised his chin and said with difficulty, "Brother, don't listen to him..."

"Tsk, it takes so much effort to speak, so don't waste your effort." Mie Canglan's eyes turned cold, but his voice swayed in such a leisurely way, and the ethereal ending was full of cold magnetism, "Your brother is a smart man, Naturally you should know how to do it."

"This..." Ye Banruo stood still, letting the heavy rain beat on him endlessly.A circle of monks around him approached, whispering something to him one after another, but they couldn't arouse the slightest wavering in his frozen eyes.

Mie Canglan tilted her head slightly, never let go of her [-]-point vigilance in her heart, the cold and hot air in her body was already circulating in her meridians, and traces of evil air slowly flowed to her fingertips, causing that Xuanji to suffer pain hummed lowly.

Seeing Xuanji screaming in pain, Ye Boruo moved forward and said, "I said...don't hurt Xuanji!"

"Don't wrong people, it's just the vigor that I was born with." Mie Canglan naturally knew what was going on, glanced at Xuanji's painful side face and sneered, "For you, I am the evil spirit of the world You demons, you can't bear such a compelling evil spirit."

Mie Canglan withdrew his hand, leaned over to stare at Ye Banruo with a mysterious trick, and said, "Until you give me an answer, I will definitely not let go. Whether it will hurt him or not is beyond my control." ..."

"That's all!" Ye Banruo quickly glanced at Xuanji, gritted his teeth coldly and fixed Mie Canglan, and said, "You let Xuanji go, I will show you the way!"

"Pay attention to the order." Mie Canglan suddenly withdrew the faint smile, and a howling coldness condensed in the terrifying round eyes, "Don't play tricks with me, it's true that I was seriously injured, but some tricks even I can let out all my scars in one go!"

"...Here." Ye Banruo ignored everyone's obstruction, winked with menacing cold eyes to make them all lean back, and stood in front of Mie Canglan alone, raising his arms and pointing, "Follow this mountain road all the way to To the east, pass through a waterfall, activate the space conversion technique, and you can enter the human world..."

Ye Banruo met Mie Canglan's eyes, and continued slowly, "The waterfall is the source of this heavy rain, and the water flow is extremely fast. If you don't have excellent body skills and abundant true energy, once you break into it, you will be submerged immediately ..."

"Space transformation technique?" Mie Canglan repeated lightly, and with a flash of light in the altar, she smiled with red pupils, "It's easy to say."

As he said that, Mie Canglan turned around abruptly, holding Xuanji's body in his hands, and walked out a few steps in the blink of an eye.

The boy's figure was erratic like a ghost, and the pain that Mie Canglan was enduring with all his strength could not be perceived by others, only the strange aura emanating from him.But seeing this scene, Ye Boruo hurriedly started to catch up a few steps and shouted, "Mie Canglan!"

"What's the matter?" Mie Canglan stopped, although his back was facing Ye Banruo, but traces of red mist like small snakes had already drifted out, quietly setting up a defensive line of defense.

"Put down the mystery!" Ye Banruo's bright eyes suddenly burst into flames, and a pair of fists clenched tighter and tighter.

"I have to find that waterfall before I can believe what you said is true." Mie Canglan tilted his head slightly, and his slightly raised chin made the young man's muscular and terrifying profile look even more evil, "After I rushed smoothly Before leaving here, it can’t be regarded as a successful can follow up.”

"Senior brother..." Xuanji turned his face with difficulty, his face was slightly bruised by the big raindrops.

Ye Boruo's eyes moved, he raised his hand and hooked his hands backwards to order everyone to follow, and he walked behind Mie Canglan first and said in a deep voice, "Mie Canglan, you really have the nature of a demon, so self-serving will not let others..."

"Thank you for the compliment." Mie Canglan didn't turn his head, and walked into the deepest part of the hazy mist, the rain and fog receded in front of him, as if it was poured into a narrow pipe and it was all broken up, "Hmm..."

After dozens of steps, Mie Canglan felt that his breathing became more and more condensed, and the natural cold air in his chest stretched out with sharp edges and corners like a huge ice block, causing him severe pain all over his body.On the face, Mie Canglan remained calm, holding Xuanji's throat and walking forward.

Ye Banruo led the others to follow behind, staring at Mie Canglan's every move with his eyes, and spat in his heart angrily, "It's obvious that the true energy is weak and the skill is seriously injured, why do you have such an aura... You can't think of attacking him at all, just follow his proposal and make this exchange with him!"

A buzzing phantom flashed in his mind, and Ye Banruo quickly pressed his temples to get rid of the shadow, and felt a shock in his heart, as if he was distracted by the charming phantom light.

Mie Canglan's handsome figure in a blood-patterned black robe suddenly stopped, and at the same time everyone heard the sound of rushing water, which was extremely rapid like flying down from the sky, and smashed against the hard rock with numerous stars.

The sound of the huge water flow seemed to hit Mie Canglan's spirit directly, causing him to tremble strangely.It seemed that there was a burst of Qingming Qi that was repelling his body, and it was constantly colliding, hitting his body full of cold, heat, and evil energy, causing severe pain in a chaotic manner.

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan lowered his eyes, a strange bloody light appeared on the right side of his face where the muscles were cracked, the broken wound had already begun to draw pus and blood, and the poisonous heat would blow the long-cold All the severe pain came out.

Mie Canglan felt bad, but she turned her head calmly and said, "Hey, lead the way."

"Didn't you know the direction all the time?" Ye Banruo was slightly taken aback, then snorted and said, "Why, you dare not move forward when you get here?"

"Do you monks talk so much nonsense?" Mie Canglan turned sideways abruptly, pulled the mystery to his side and showed it to Ye Banruo. In the eyes, "Hurry up."

"Huh..." Ye Boruo turned around and winked at everyone, walked quickly to Mie Canglan and said coldly, "I heard that you were once a disciple of the Taoist Qinglian Sect..."

"Do you still want to say that I am the murderer who slaughtered the Qinglian Sect?" Mie Canglan snorted, raising a black and red skirt at his feet, "It has nothing to do with you, quickly lead me the way."

"The Daoist sect has always paid attention to pure cultivation, how could such evil spirits be bred..." The cold red light in Mie Canglan's eyes, which seemed to have frozen blood, made Ye Banruo's heart tremble. It is self-protection for him to stay away from the fairy world, but it is not my style in the fairy world to tolerate disasters like this..."

Mie Canglan narrowed her blood pupils slightly behind Ye Banruo, as if she wanted to pierce that straight back in one fell swoop.

The sound of flowing water like the Milky Way flying down in the Nine Heavens became louder and louder, shaking the wet rocky ground under Mie Canglan's feet to roar, and the slightest vortex of water made you want to roll up and flow into a trickle.Mie Canglan glanced at the chaotic water flow under his feet, and suddenly felt a clear vision in front of him, which almost pierced his eyeballs, and he couldn't help but stop and forcefully condense his red pupils.

Ye Banruo's figure appeared blurred in the bright and bright light. Mie Canglan let go of his eyes after adapting to it, and saw in front of him a cliff hanging from the sky with trickling streams, and beneath it were clear water flowing vertically and horizontally. The great waterfall pierced into the sky high, and suddenly aroused countless snow-white sprays.

The huge water foam almost fell directly on Mie Canglan's face, and the oncoming water vapor swirled into a cold wind, blowing Mie Canglan's red hair back. The robe that was drenched in the heavy rain in "Land Rolling Mountain Rain" was dry for several minutes, Mie Canglan flicked her red hair slightly, and only a few shattered drops of water came out from inside.

"Sure enough, it's not ordinary rain..." Mie Canglan's heart moved secretly, he breathed out and stood beside Ye Banruo, and dodged to avoid the palm that Ye Banruo wanted to reach up, "Don't's this waterfall Is it?"

"That's right." Ye Banruo withdrew his fingers, but slightly bent and stopped in front of him, as if he had prepared a move that could be used at any time, "With your seriously injured body, just entering that waterfall is probably looking for death Not to mention launching the space conversion technique to cross the boundary between the fairy world and the human world..."

"I can accept your direction, naturally because I can do it." Mie Canglan sneered, turned his fingers to push away the mystery, and stepped back a few steps like a swallow to stand on the edge of the cliff.

Ye Banruo immediately stepped forward to hug Xuanji, and the others flew up and down around them, and it became a situation where several people confronted one person again.But he saw Mie Canglan standing opposite him with his hands behind his back, blood splattered on his horrifyingly crippled face, and his right hand kept rubbing those pale sharp fingers lightly.

"Mie Canglan..." Ye Banruo seemed a little surprised, and there was nothing unusual after seeing the mystery, so he turned his eyes to look at Mie Canglan coldly and said, "Do you know that you put aside the weight in your hand now, we can do it at any time." Hold you in?"

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