city ​​super soldier

Chapter 121 2 minutes 35 seconds...

Ferrari let out bursts of roars, and Lin Haotian also felt tremendous pressure. He hadn't raced for a long time, and suddenly encountered such a nervous sports car. The feeling can be imagined. If there is no super strong brain nerve, who would dare to touch it randomly? Modified Ferrari.


With a loud noise, Lin Haotian let go of the accelerator, and the friction between the sports car's tires and the ground immediately resumed.After a slide of more than ten meters, the car has kept pace with the red-haired man Gallardolu.After the Ferrari resumed its grip function, Lin Haotian stepped on the accelerator again, and the fiery red Ferrari sped away after drifting through the curve.A red-haired man with a gloomy face was left behind.

Wang Ruoying was so frightened that she covered her eyes, not daring to face this critical moment. She shivered and curled up on the chair, hoping that she would die better when she fell off the cliff. Suddenly, there was a huge momentum, and she felt the strong grip of the sports car again. ability.Slowly opening his eyes, he found that the car had rushed out at a very high speed.

"You... how did you do it?" Wang Ruoying looked at Lin Haotian, who was calm and composed, with an expression of disbelief and shock. The situation just now was almost on the verge of life and death, and this guy actually saved himself from life and death. The edge is pulled back.

"I told you that I am a car god." Lin Haotian evoked a vague smile, but he was extremely proud in his heart. This girl finally knows how powerful she is now, right?If you don't give her some color, does she really think that she is only good at bed?

"Teach me a few tricks" Wang Ruoying said excitedly, she sat up straight in a hurry, the pair of white and plump jade rabbits on her chest inadvertently revealed a touch of snow white, Wang Ruoying waved her fists, almost jumped up from her seat in excitement up.

"Let's go back and talk about it!" Lin Haotian stepped on the accelerator and quickly disappeared on the Phoenix Mountain track.

The boys at the foot of the mountain clustered together, eagerly watching the last three-shot corner, with stopwatches and alarms in their hands.They were also wearing reflective clothes, and several people gathered together, holding walkie-talkies in their hands.

"How long do you think Brother Xing will be faster than that chick this time?"

"In my opinion, it must be at least a few minutes?"

"Is it that fast? Is Ferrari not much worse than Gallardolu?"

When several people were chatting and farting, bursts of roars came down from the mountain, and several people immediately pricked up their ears, their eyes were straight on the last three-shot curve, and each of them looked nervous, holding hands. The stopwatch didn't dare to be distracted. At one end of the road, a thin wire was pulled, and the stopwatch could be pressed when the other party rushed over.

"It's finally here!" The younger brothers exclaimed one by one.

"Get ready, hurry up, get ready for the timing! Young Master Xing's car should be the first to rush over!"

The few people were full of energy, their eyes were fixed on the exit of the mountain road, and they were ready to welcome the arrival of Xing Shao at any time.Then, two beams of bright light appeared, and after shaking left and right, everyone raised their spirits again, because that was the sign that the racing car was about to rush out.

Ho Ho...

Ferrari's crazy roar resounded throughout the entire Phoenix Mountain, and two intense beams of bright light completely hurt everyone's eyes.Everyone endured the sting of the strong light and tried hard to open their eyes.When they knew the color of the sports car, they were stunned.

"Why... how is it a Ferrari? That's not..."

"Where is Xing Shao? Where is Xing Shao's Gallardolu? Why is it missing?"

Everyone raised their necks, and it was almost certain that under such circumstances, Westbrook would definitely lose. In the final sprint of a few hundred meters, Lin Haotian slammed Stepping on the accelerator, the downhill section, the accelerator is depressing.Wang Ruoying could almost feel the feeling of the heavy Ferrari diving in the air, and Lin Haotian was also extremely refreshed, the long-lost feeling emerged in his heart, and he couldn't help but step on the accelerator to the bottom.


Ferrari directly crossed the finish line at full speed, the scene was quiet, and everyone was stunned as Ferrari quickly disappeared into the dark mountain road.A group of people were suddenly dumbfounded.The timekeeper looked down at the stopwatch in his hand and exclaimed: "Break..... record, record!"

"What?! Breaking the record? Are you dazzled?"

"Two minutes... two minutes and 35 seconds!"

"Oh my god, it actually broke the record of Phoenix Mountain!"

A group of boys looked at the stopwatch in amazement, and some even couldn't help wondering if the stopwatch was broken. While everyone was discussing, Xing Shao drove his Gallardolu across the finish line, and then stepped on the brakes , the old man finally stopped after a long distance.Everyone gathered around.

"Xing Shao, how is it?"

"Young Master Xing, that chick actually broke the record!"

Everyone's voices made Westbrook even more upset. He jumped out of the car, glanced at everyone, and said, "Well, I see."

"Young Master Xing, do you really want to kneel down for her?"

"Hmph, dreaming" Xing Shao took out a cigarette, feeling very upset, I didn't expect this chick to perform so well today, I'm afraid even a real F racing driver won't be so easy to break the record here, right?With a cigarette in his mouth, he glanced coldly at everyone and said, "Do you know who is driving the car?"

Xing Shao's words immediately made everyone look at each other. Everyone was focused on the speed of the car. Who cares about the people in the car?Everyone immediately shook their heads, and Xing Shao frowned, and said, "I think this matter is not that simple. With Wang Ruoying's third-rate driving skills, it is impossible to achieve such a big improvement in such a short period of time!"

"Then... what does Young Master Xing mean?" The younger brother immediately surrounded him.

"Hmph, it must have something to do with that bodyguard!" After Xing Shao finished speaking, he directly stepped into the car, leaving behind a group of unintelligible younger brothers, and then drove away.

On the extension section of the Phoenix Mountain road, the speed of the Ferrari finally slowed down to about 280 kilometers. The speed of [-] kilometers just now almost made the car fly. Wang Ruo finally experienced the feeling of an extreme car.She simply felt unbelievable. The cheap husband next to her felt too mysterious to her. Not only was she born with unique skills, but she actually had such powerful driving skills.

" did you learn your driving skills?" Wang Ruoying asked in a low voice, biting her teeth.

"Want to know?" Lin Haotian slightly raised the corners of his mouth into a playful smile, and slowly parked the car beside the road, then opened the door, and walked down.

"What are you going to do?" Wang Ruoying was startled. Could it be that this big pervert is going to play with her forcibly?

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