The leader cupped his hands and bowed his head, "My lord, I don't know what's going on, my subordinates didn't make any noise, and when I left the dungeon, the servants had already arrived. This subordinate... this subordinate suspects that someone deliberately lured the servants here Yes." These words are absolutely true, the leader really has such doubts in his heart, and he is not deliberately evading to get rid of the crime.

Fan Yinqing frowned, and his face sank a little, "You said, someone deliberately lured the family to arrest you?"

The leader nodded, "Exactly."

Fan Yinqing thought for a while, who could it be?Could it be Xin Moge?He saw through her purpose? "Okay, I see, then let's not pursue this matter for now. Have the three of them made arrangements now?"

"Everything has been arranged, my son, please rest assured."

"Okay, let's go down, don't make any mistakes." Fan Yinqing waved his hand.

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." The leader turned around and left.


More than two hours later, in the middle of the night——

Fan Yinqing was still dealing with affairs in the study, which was always brightly lit.

Yang Xufan came back in a hurry, without knocking on the door, he just pushed the door in, "My lord, it's not good."

Fan Yinqing raised his head and frowned, "Close the door first."

Yang Xufan hastily turned and closed the door of the study.

Fan Yinqing then asked: "What happened? Didn't I ask you to take someone to accompany the emperor out of the city? When people from Xin Moge came to stop him, there is no need to resist, just let Xin Moge's people bring the emperor back directly. Come back after you."

"Your Majesty, I did follow your orders. I took the people and horses to accompany the emperor out of the city. However, after I left the gate of the front line and rode forward for an hour, I didn't see anyone coming to stop me. Continue like this Ride the horse and go on the road, and the road ahead is dangerous. So, after walking for about a stick of incense, I had to order to stop. However, the emperor insisted on going, and I couldn't stop it at all, and I couldn't say that you were just planning to deceive me. He went out of the city and waited for Xin Moge to send someone to stop him. After some disputes, he even had a fight with the emperor. The emperor thought that we were greedy for life and afraid of death, so he stopped moving forward. In the end, he... he took a few people with him I'm not allowed to follow, I can only come back and report."

After hearing this, Fan Yinqing turned pale with shock, and stood up abruptly, "What did you say? You didn't stop him, and he took someone there by himself? Xin Moge's people never showed up?"

Yang Xufan nodded, "I hurried back to report. I believe that at this time, the emperor will arrive at the Cangjing Tian camp in about an hour. It is too late to send people to chase him now."

"Come here, go and invite Mr. Xin here immediately." Fan Yinqing ordered quickly.

Not long after, the servant girl came back in a hurry and told: "My lord, Mr. Xin said, it's already very late, so we can talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

Fan Yinqing frowned deeply. After pacing slightly in the study, he strode towards the door and said to Yang Xufan as he walked out: "Follow. If he doesn't come, let's go and have a look together."

Yang Xufan nodded and quickly followed Fan Yinqing.

The courtyard where Feng Yu and Xin Moge lived, and the room where Feng Yu and Xin Moge lived were still brightly lit, and neither of them slept.

The maidservant serving Fengyu and Xin Moge in the courtyard saw Fan Yinqing's sudden arrival, and hurriedly knocked on the door under Fan Yinqing's order, and said to the door: "Your Majesty, Concubine Xin, Your Majesty is here, there is something urgent."

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