Xin Moge was not interested in continuing the stalemate with Fan Yinqing, his intention of chasing the guest was obvious, and he made it clear that he would not make a move.

Fan Yinqing was extremely angry, and finally walked away.

Yang Xufan, who came together behind Fan Yinqing, also left without saying a word.

The maids and servants outside the room were all terrified and terrified, wishing to plug their ears and act as if they hadn't heard anything.Especially when Fan Yinqing walked past in anger, everyone lowered their heads in a hurry, not knowing whether to run up to see Fan Yinqing off or not.

After Fan Yinqing and Yang Xufan had left, Feng Yu told the maidservants and servants outside: "Close the door, everyone go down."

The maids and servants were so eager, they immediately saluted as if they had received some kind of amnesty, and then closed the open door.

In an instant, the room returned to calm, the same as it was before Fan Yinqing and Yang Xufan came.

Only then did Fengyu look at Xin Moge again, and asked directly: "At this point, shouldn't you explain it to me? What's going on with me? How did Fan Yinqing plot against you? With Cang Yueli, don’t tell me you really don’t care about him, let him enter Cangjingtian’s camp, let him fall into Cangjingtian’s hands?”

As early as Feng Yu tentatively asked him, saying that he didn't want him to hide something from her, Xin Moge already knew that Feng Yu had noticed it.

As for his silence, Xin Moge clearly knew that Feng Yu's heart had been confirmed.

So, from that moment on, he no longer wanted to hide it from her, otherwise he would get up and go out just now, to wait for Fan Yinqing in the yard.

At this moment, hearing Feng Yu speak so directly, Xin Moge replied directly, "You promised me earlier that you would not interfere with Su Ran's affairs at any time. I deliberately kept it from you, but I just didn't want you to know I'm soft-hearted, but I don't want to go against the promise I made before, so I'm in a dilemma."

Feng Yu also believed that Xin Moge would never hide from her on purpose, he must have done it for her sake, so he couldn't say whether he was angry or not, but he still wanted to know, especially when Fan Yinqing was looking for him. After coming to the door, he finally asked, "Then, are you going to tell me one by one now? What happened to Su Ran after she entered Prince Fan's Mansion? Did Cang Yueli treat her? "

"I don't know the details, but Cang Yueli tortured Ge Mingqi in front of Su Ran after he took Su Ran to the prison that day. Su Ran was sent out in a coma. Cang Yueli found The doctor went to treat her, and he seemed very worried. The maid next to her, who came with me this time, came here earlier this evening to look for you and ask you for help, but I stopped her. After returning, the maid and Su Ran were taken to the dungeon by Cang Yueli. Fan Yinqing didn't want Ge Mingqi to die in the dungeon, so she used the matter of Cang Jingtian to find Cang Yueli, trying to divert my attention. While sending people to intercept Cang Yueli, quietly send people to the dungeon to rescue Ge Mingqi and the others." Xin Moge finished briefly in a few words.

Feng Yu's eyebrows frowned a little at Xin Moge's words, "You said, the maid next to Su Ran came over tonight, but you stopped her?"

Xin Moge nodded, "Yes."

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