"By the way, have you heard anything about Cang Yueyu? Has he arrived at the camp now? Is he in the camp at this moment?" Suddenly, Cang Yueli remembered this, and was about to turn around and leave asked the two of them.

Both of them shook their heads, "We didn't hear anything at all, and we don't know if he is in the camp now."

"Okay, then you go back, be careful and don't be suspicious."

"Yes." The two nodded and left quickly.

Yang Xufan arrived in a hurry with [-] cavalry, and then quietly hid, and immediately sent people to investigate the situation, but only found the few people that Cang Yueli had left in place last night to keep watch.

After questioning those few people, Yang Xufan, who was missed by the two people Cang Yueli sent back to ask Fan Yinqing before entering the camp last night, knew that Cang Yueli had successfully sneaked into the camp ahead last night. .

And until now, there is no news about Cang Yueli who sneaked in, and there is no news from the camp ahead.

For a while, Yang Xufan couldn't help frowning deeply, but he could only wait and see what happened, and let the two thousand cavalry he brought secretly ambush around the camp, and quickly passed the situation here to Fan Yinqing to know.


In the morning, the sun was shining brightly.In Prince Fan's Mansion, in the quiet study room with the door open——

Before Cang Yueli brought two people into the camp last night, those two people who specially sent back to ask Fan Yinqing finally returned to the mansion without stopping.

Fan Yinqing, who hadn't slept all night, heard the reports and inquiries from these two people, her complexion changed again, and she couldn't help punching the desk in front of her. How could she have arranged for anyone in the Cangjing Tian camp to respond? Cang Yueli.It's all right now, Cang Yueli really went in, and originally hoped that Cang Yueli wouldn't go in with a little luck, so what should I do now?

Those who came back to inquire, the two people kneeling below, waited for a while and did not see Fan Yinqing's answer, and couldn't help asking again: "My lord, the people in the camp..."

"You are also tired, go down and rest first, I will arrange this matter myself." Naturally, she couldn't say it clearly, Fan Yinqing quickly recovered her expression and waved her hand.

The two people who came back to inquire were indeed a little tired. After hearing what Fan Yinqing had said, they hurriedly bowed and retreated.

Fan Yinqing stood up and couldn't help pacing back and forth in the study alone.


At the same time, in the room where Feng Yu and Xin Moge were, the door was wide open, and Feng Yu and Xin Moge were sitting face to face at the table drinking tea.

Regarding the fact that Cang Yueli had successfully infiltrated into the camp last night, they already knew about it half an hour ago, because the dark guards immediately sent back the news when Cang Yueli entered last night, and the speed was faster than Cang Yueli's. The two people sent by Li to ask Fan Yinqing were obviously faster.

Xiao Yun'er was still sound asleep on the bed, sleeping very sweetly.

Sunlight slanted into the room.

Until the cup of tea was exhausted, Feng Yu looked at Xin Moge who was opposite him in leisure time. When he asked Xin Moge last night, Xin Moge didn't answer the question.From the tone of his speech, she almost definitely concluded that he would not just let Cang Yueli ignore him.As Fan Yinqing said last night, if something happened to Cang Yueli, it would not be of any benefit to Xin Moge.Then I don't know what Xin Moge will do next?Feng Yu couldn't help being curious.

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