Fan Yinqing tightened his hands, and his already anxious heart suddenly became anxious again.

The maid came over with lunch, and after looking at the situation in the study, she hesitated for a moment, then retracted her steps, turned and retreated.

Fan Yinqing thought about it until the afternoon, but still couldn't think of any good plan, and was extremely worried about Cang Yueli's situation and safety at this moment.In the end, Fan Yinqing had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to find Xin Moge again.

In the courtyard where Feng Yu and Xin Moge lived, Feng Yu and Xin Moge had already eaten their lunch in the room, and almost everyone else had also eaten.

For Fan Yinqing's hasty arrival, because of the bet that Xin Moge said before, Feng Yu was not too surprised, but she couldn't help secretly praising her, Xin Moge really got the idea, and said in her mouth He quickly asked Fan Yinqing to sit down, stood up and made a "please" gesture, "Fan Shizi, please sit down. Come, serve tea."

Fan Yinqing walked away angrily last night, and now she came back here by herself, feeling a little embarrassed, and sat down opposite Feng Yu and Xin Moge.

Xin Moge didn't speak, but just sipped tea slowly, obviously ignoring Fan Yinqing who came.

Fan Yinqing naturally saw it.

Feng Yu quickly eased the atmosphere, and asked Fan Yinqing pretending not to know: "Mr. Fan, I don't know that you are in such a hurry to come, but what's the hurry?"

Fan Yinqing endured the embarrassment and anger in her heart, and said calmly, "Xin Shizi, Xin Shizi Concubine, I am here for the emperor's business, I believe you should also know that the emperor has already sneaked into the Cangjing Tian Camp last night, There is no news so far, I wonder if you have any countermeasures?"

"The emperor sneaked into the camp last night?" Feng Yu pretended to be surprised, as if she didn't know it before.

Fan Yinqing nodded.

Xin Moge still said the same thing, and didn't give half of the face, "Fan Shizi, I still say the same thing, this is something you caused yourself, don't expect me to help you deal with the aftermath."

"Your Majesty Xin, it is true that I did this all by myself. However, you also have an unshirkable responsibility. It is no longer the time to pursue these things now that the emperor is in danger. It will not hurt you if the emperor has an accident. Any benefits." Xin Moge's words immediately made Fan Yinqing angry, but Fan Yinqing didn't show it at all on his face, and he was still calm, mainly wanting to solve the current problem.

Xin Moge's tone remained unchanged, "I don't want to repeat my words a third time. Fan Shizi, please."

"You..." Fan Yinqing's hands under the sleeves suddenly tightened.

Xin Moge was as indifferent as ice.

After a while, Fan Yinqing walked away again.

Feng Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at Xin Moge, "What is your plan?"

"Wait, wait for Fan Yinqing to come for the third time." Xin Moge curled his lips.

"Then I can make a bet with you. I bet that he will never come again, never a third time."

"What if you lose?" Xin Moge asked while continuing to drink tea slowly.

"You can do whatever you want. But what if you lose?"

"You can do whatever you want."

After Feng Yu finished speaking, she didn't say anything more.Seeing Xin Moge's calm look, and listening to Xin Moge's tone of voice, she instinctively told her that Xin Moge was playing a very big game of chess.

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