After everyone was basically summoned together, the hidden guards who went to help the ten groups to call everyone together came to the front and signaled for everyone to be quiet and prepare to announce something.

The other part of the hidden guards, who had been disguised as the killer Cang Yueyu left behind to ambush, had all returned when everyone was gathered, and at this moment, they appeared all of a sudden, in front of everyone. He knocked down or knocked out or captured the hidden guards who helped the ten groups of people to call everyone together, and then they were stunned. They didn't know what was going on, and all the people who were obviously a bit confused, directly lit up. Bring out Cang Yueyu's "token" and let all the captives' commanders and captains of each team come out amidst the storm, lightning and thunder.

You must know that the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the entire barracks are naturally impossible to be directly commanded and ordered by the general alone.

For a long time, the military camp has its own set of rules and regulations, and all of them are strictly implemented in accordance with this set of rules and rules to ensure that the management is more in place and effective.

And this set of rules and regulations, basically every ten people will be divided into a small team, and a small team leader will be elected in the small team, and this small team leader will manage the small team.

And every ten small teams, that is, about a hundred people, will form a brigade, and a brigade captain will be selected from each brigade.

And every ten brigades will elect a commander.

According to this order, go up one by one, then the deputy general, the general, and the general, one layer in charge of the other.

Ordinary people join the military camp as soldiers. Generally speaking, it will take at least ten years or more for them to be promoted from an ordinary soldier to a small captain, then to a large captain, and finally to become a general. You have to perform well and have a good record, and you have to be loyal.

That day, the generals and those lieutenant generals who led the army to attack Licheng were naturally unable to be brought here to build the new capital city, and they were kept in secret detention all the time.

That is to say, among the tens of thousands of captives who have been building a new capital here for a period of time, the most important positions are the commander of the commander and the commander of the battalion.

Cang Yueyu was able to successfully get all these tens of thousands of captives back into his banner in a short period of time, and following his orders, the ones he was looking for were naturally these commanders and captains. Once looking for the past, this is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and easy to expose.Right now, the hidden guards pretending to be the assassins left behind by Cang Yueyu in ambush, according to the orders brought by the hidden guards that Xin Moge asked to break out of the siege, naturally the first time to find these commanders and captains, immediately use Cang Yueyu Yue Yu's "token" let these commanders and captains come out.

Due to the distance, coupled with the storm, and it was night, the light brought by the lightning flashed across the night sky every time, and it was impossible to stay in a certain place for a long time. It is impossible to see whether the "token" that the hidden guard who pretended to be the killer Cang Yueyu left behind to ambush is real or not is real.

All the commanders and captains hidden in the crowd of captives didn't move immediately, but they all pushed forward cautiously, wanting to get to a place a little ahead, to find out the specific situation first.

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